def delete_bond(request): return_dict = {} try: req_ret, err = django_utils.get_request_parameter_values(request, [ 'name']) if err: raise Exception(err) if 'name' not in req_ret: raise Exception('Invalid request, please use the menus') name = req_ret['name'] return_dict["name"] = name if request.method == "GET": # Return the conf page return django.shortcuts.render_to_response("delete_bond_conf.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request)) else: result, err = networking.delete_bond(name) if not result: if not err: raise Exception("Error removing bond") else: raise Exception(err) python_scripts_path, err = config.get_python_scripts_path() if err: raise Exception(err) python_scripts_path, err = config.get_python_scripts_path() if err: raise Exception(err) status_path, err = config.get_system_status_path() if err: raise Exception(err) ret, err = command.get_command_output( "python %s/ %s" % (python_scripts_path, status_path)) if err: raise Exception(err) ret, err = command.get_command_output( "python %s/ %s" % (python_scripts_path, status_path)) if err: raise Exception(err) audit_str = "Removed network bond %s" % (name) audit.audit("remove_bond", audit_str, request) return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect('/networking/view_interfaces?ack=removed_bond') except Exception, e: return_dict['base_template'] = "networking_base.html" return_dict["page_title"] = 'Remove a network interface bond' return_dict['tab'] = 'view_interfaces_tab' return_dict["error"] = 'Error removing a network interface bond' return_dict["error_details"] = str(e) return django.shortcuts.render_to_response("logged_in_error.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
def update_manifest(request): return_dict = {} try: if request.method == "GET": from integralstor import manifest_status as iu mi, err = iu.generate_manifest_info(rescan_for_disks=True) # print mi, err if err: raise Exception(err) if not mi: raise Exception('Could not load new configuration') return_dict["mi"] = mi # Need the hostname here. return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "update_manifest.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext( request)) elif request.method == "POST": python_scripts_path, err = config.get_python_scripts_path() if err: raise Exception(err) ss_path, err = config.get_system_status_path() if err: raise Exception(err) #(ret,rc), err = command.execute_with_rc("python %s/ %s"%(python_scripts_path, ss_path)) ret, err = command.get_command_output( "python %s/ %s" % (python_scripts_path, ss_path)) # print 'mani', ret, err if err: raise Exception(err) #(ret,rc), err = command.execute_with_rc("python %s/ %s"%(config.get_python_scripts_path(),config.get_system_status_path())) ret, err = command.get_command_output( "python %s/ %s" % (python_scripts_path, ss_path)) # print 'stat', ret, err if err: raise Exception(err) audit_str = 'Reloaded system configuration after hardware scan' audit.audit('update_manifest', audit_str, request) return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect( "/system/view_system_info/") except Exception, e: return_dict['base_template'] = "system_base.html" return_dict["page_title"] = 'Reload system configuration' return_dict['tab'] = 'system_info_tab' return_dict["error"] = 'Error reloading system configuration' return_dict["error_details"] = str(e) return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "logged_in_error.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
def create_event_notification(schedule, event_type_id, event_subtype_id, subsystem_type_id, notification_type_id, severity_type_id, enc_id, reference_table_entries=None): """Create an event notification. This involves creating a trigger entry and a cron entry """ audit_str = None try: psp, err = config.get_python_scripts_path() if err: raise Exception(err) ent_id, err = create_event_notification_trigger( event_type_id, event_subtype_id, subsystem_type_id, notification_type_id, severity_type_id, enc_id, -1) if err: raise Exception(err) if event_type_id == 1: cmd = 'python %s/ %d' % ( psp, int(ent_id)) elif event_type_id == 2: cmd = 'python %s/ %d' % ( psp, int(ent_id)) elif event_type_id == 3: cmd = 'python %s/ %d' % ( psp, int(ent_id)) description, err = stringify_event_notification( event_type_id, notification_type_id, subsystem_type_id, severity_type_id, event_subtype_id, reference_table_entries=reference_table_entries) if err: delete_event_notification_trigger(ent_id) raise Exception(err) cron_task_id, err = scheduler_utils.create_cron_task( cmd, description, schedule[0], schedule[1], schedule[2], schedule[3], schedule[4], task_type_id=5) if err: delete_event_notification_trigger(ent_id) raise Exception(err) ret, err = update_event_notification_trigger_cron_id( ent_id, cron_task_id) if err: delete_event_notification_trigger(ent_id) scheduler_utils.delete_cron(cron_task_id) raise Exception(err) cron_task_list, err = scheduler_utils.get_cron_tasks(cron_task_id) if err: audit_str = 'Created event notification : %s. Scheduled for <Error while retrieving schedule>' % description else: audit_str = 'Created event notification : %s. Scheduled for %s' % ( description, cron_task_list[0]['schedule_description']) except Exception, e: return None, 'Error creating event notification : %s' % str(e)
def update_manifest(request): return_dict = {} try: if request.method == "GET": from integralstor import manifest_status as iu mi, err = iu.generate_manifest_info(rescan_for_disks=True) # print mi, err if err: raise Exception(err) if not mi: raise Exception('Could not load new configuration') return_dict["mi"] = mi # Need the hostname here. return django.shortcuts.render_to_response("update_manifest.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request)) elif request.method == "POST": python_scripts_path, err = config.get_python_scripts_path() if err: raise Exception(err) ss_path, err = config.get_system_status_path() if err: raise Exception(err) #(ret,rc), err = command.execute_with_rc("python %s/ %s"%(python_scripts_path, ss_path)) ret, err = command.get_command_output( "python %s/ %s" % (python_scripts_path, ss_path)) # print 'mani', ret, err if err: raise Exception(err) #(ret,rc), err = command.execute_with_rc("python %s/ %s"%(config.get_python_scripts_path(),config.get_system_status_path())) ret, err = command.get_command_output( "python %s/ %s" % (python_scripts_path, ss_path)) # print 'stat', ret, err if err: raise Exception(err) audit_str = 'Reloaded system configuration after hardware scan' audit.audit('update_manifest', audit_str, request) return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect("/system/view_system_info/") except Exception, e: return_dict['base_template'] = "system_base.html" return_dict["page_title"] = 'Reload system configuration' return_dict['tab'] = 'system_info_tab' return_dict["error"] = 'Error reloading system configuration' return_dict["error_details"] = str(e) return django.shortcuts.render_to_response("logged_in_error.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
def create_scheduled_notification(request): return_dict = {} try: req_params, err = django_utils.get_request_parameter_values( request, ['event_type_id', 'scheduler']) if err: raise Exception(err) reference_table_entries, err = event_notifications.get_reference_table_entries( [ 'reference_event_types', 'reference_event_subtypes', 'reference_notification_types', 'reference_severity_types', 'reference_subsystem_types' ]) if err: raise Exception(err) if 'event_type_id' not in req_params or int( req_params['event_type_id'] ) not in reference_table_entries['reference_event_types'].keys(): raise Exception('Invalid request. Please use the menus.') return_dict['event_type_id'] = req_params['event_type_id'] event_type_id = int(req_params['event_type_id']) if request.method == "GET": if event_type_id == 1: form = monitoring_forms.AlertNotificationsForm( reference_subsystem_types=reference_table_entries[ 'reference_subsystem_types'], reference_severity_types=reference_table_entries[ 'reference_severity_types'], reference_notification_types=reference_table_entries[ 'reference_notification_types']) template = 'create_alert_notification.html' elif event_type_id == 2: form = monitoring_forms.AuditNotificationsForm( reference_notification_types=reference_table_entries[ 'reference_notification_types']) template = 'create_audit_notification.html' elif event_type_id == 3: form = monitoring_forms.LogNotificationsForm( reference_notification_types=reference_table_entries[ 'reference_notification_types'], reference_event_subtypes=reference_table_entries[ 'reference_event_subtypes']) template = 'create_report_notification.html' return_dict['form'] = form return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( template, return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext( request)) elif request.method == "POST": scheduler = req_params['scheduler'] schedule = scheduler.split() if event_type_id == 1: form = monitoring_forms.AlertNotificationsForm( request.POST, reference_subsystem_types=reference_table_entries[ 'reference_subsystem_types'], reference_severity_types=reference_table_entries[ 'reference_severity_types'], reference_notification_types=reference_table_entries[ 'reference_notification_types']) template = 'create_alert_notification.html' elif event_type_id == 2: form = monitoring_forms.AuditNotificationsForm( request.POST, reference_notification_types=reference_table_entries[ 'reference_notification_types']) template = 'create_audit_notification.html' elif event_type_id == 3: form = monitoring_forms.LogNotificationsForm( request.POST, reference_notification_types=reference_table_entries[ 'reference_notification_types'], reference_event_subtypes=reference_table_entries[ 'reference_event_subtypes']) template = 'create_report_notification.html' return_dict['form'] = form if not form.is_valid(): return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( template, return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext( request)) cd = form.cleaned_data psp, err = config.get_python_scripts_path() if err: raise Exception(err) if 'subsystem_type_id' in cd: subsystem_type_id = int(cd['subsystem_type_id']) else: subsystem_type_id = -1 if 'event_subtype_id' in cd: event_subtype_id = int(cd['event_subtype_id']) else: event_subtype_id = -1 if 'severity_type_id' in cd: severity_type_id = int(cd['severity_type_id']) else: severity_type_id = -1 if int(cd['notification_type_id']) == 1: enc_id, err = mail.create_event_notification_configuration( cd['recipient_list']) if err: raise Exception(err) audit_str, err = event_notifications.create_event_notification( schedule, event_type_id, event_subtype_id, subsystem_type_id, int(cd['notification_type_id']), severity_type_id, enc_id, reference_table_entries=reference_table_entries) if err: if int(cd['notification_type_id']) == 1: mail.delete_event_notification_configuration(enc_id) raise Exception(err) if int(cd['notification_type_id']) == 1: audit_str += " Emails will be sent to %s" % cd['recipient_list'] if event_type_id == 1: audit.audit("create_alert_notification", audit_str, request) elif event_type_id == 2: audit.audit("create_audit_notification", audit_str, request) elif event_type_id == 3: audit.audit("create_report_notification", audit_str, request) return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect( '/view_scheduled_notifications?ack=created') except Exception, e: return_dict["page_title"] = 'Crete scheduled notification' return_dict['tab'] = 'scheduled_notifications_tab' return_dict["error"] = 'Error creating scheduled notification' return_dict['base_template'] = "logging_base.html" return_dict["error_details"] = str(e) return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "logged_in_error.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
def replace_disk(request): return_dict = {} try: form = None si, err = system_info.load_system_config() if err: raise Exception(err) if not si: raise Exception('Error loading system config') return_dict['system_config_list'] = si template = 'logged_in_error.html' use_salt, err = config.use_salt() if err: raise Exception(err) if request.method == "GET": raise Exception("Incorrect access method. Please use the menus") else: if 'node' in request.POST: node = request.POST["node"] else: node = si['fqdn'] serial_number = request.POST["serial_number"] if "conf" in request.POST: if "node" not in request.POST or "serial_number" not in request.POST: raise Exception( "Incorrect access method. Please use the menus") elif request.POST["node"] != si['fqdn']: raise Exception("Unknown node. Please use the menus") elif "step" not in request.POST: raise Exception("Incomplete request. Please use the menus") elif request.POST["step"] not in [ "replace_method", "select_replacement_disk", "offline_disk", "scan_for_new_disk", "online_new_disk" ]: raise Exception("Incomplete request. Please use the menus") else: step = request.POST["step"] # Which step of the replace disk are we in? if step == "offline_disk": # get the pool corresponding to the disk # zpool offline pool disk # send a screen asking them to replace the disk if 'replacement_method' not in request.POST or request.POST[ 'replacement_method'] not in [ 'use_existing_disk', 'swap_out_disk' ]: raise Exception('Invalid request') return_dict['replacement_method'] = request.POST[ 'replacement_method'] if request.POST[ 'replacement_method'] == 'use_existing_disk': # Then we should have landed here after already # selecting the new disk so get and record the new # disk details if 'new_serial_number' not in request.POST: raise Exception( 'Incomplete request. Please try again') new_serial_number = request.POST[ 'new_serial_number'] all_disks, err = disks.get_disk_info_status_all( rescan=False) if new_serial_number not in all_disks: raise Exception('Invalid disk selection') # print new_serial_number # print all_disks[new_serial_number]['id'] return_dict[ 'new_serial_number'] = new_serial_number return_dict['new_id'] = all_disks[ new_serial_number]['id'] pool = None if serial_number in si["disks"]: disk = si["disks"][serial_number] if "pool" in disk: pool = disk["pool"] disk_id = disk["id"] if not pool: raise Exception( "Could not find the storage pool on that disk. Please use the menus" ) else: cmd_to_run = 'zpool offline %s %s' % (pool, disk_id) # print 'Running %s'%cmd_to_run #assert False ret, err = command.get_command_output(cmd_to_run) if err: raise Exception(err) audit_str = "Replace disk - Disk with serial number %s brought offline" % serial_number audit.audit("replace_disk_offline_disk", audit_str, request) return_dict["serial_number"] = serial_number return_dict["node"] = node return_dict["pool"] = pool return_dict["old_id"] = disk_id template = "replace_disk_offlined_conf.html" elif step == "replace_method": return_dict["node"] = node return_dict["serial_number"] = serial_number template = "replace_disk_method.html" elif step == "select_replacement_disk": if 'replacement_method' not in request.POST or request.POST[ 'replacement_method'] not in [ 'use_existing_disk', 'swap_out_disk' ]: raise Exception('Invalid request') return_dict['replacement_method'] = request.POST[ 'replacement_method'] return_dict["node"] = node return_dict["serial_number"] = serial_number free_disks, err = zfs.get_free_disks() if err: raise Exception(err) if not free_disks: raise Exception( 'There are no unused disks presently') return_dict['free_disks'] = free_disks template = "replace_disk_choose_disk.html" elif step == "scan_for_new_disk": # they have replaced the disk so scan for the new disk # and prompt for a confirmation of the new disk serial # number pool = request.POST["pool"] old_id = request.POST["old_id"] return_dict["node"] = node return_dict["serial_number"] = serial_number return_dict["pool"] = pool return_dict["old_id"] = old_id old_disks = si["disks"].keys() result = False new_disks, err = disks.get_disk_info_status_all( rescan=True) if err: raise Exception(err) ''' rc, err = manifest_status.get_disk_info_and_status() if err: raise Exception(err) if rc: result = True new_disks = rc if result: ''' if new_disks: # print new_disks.keys() # print old_disks for disk in new_disks.keys(): # print disk if disk not in old_disks: # print 'new disk : ', disk return_dict[ "inserted_disk_serial_number"] = disk return_dict["new_id"] = new_disks[disk][ "id"] break if "inserted_disk_serial_number" not in return_dict: raise Exception( "Could not detect any new disk. Please check the new disk is inserted and give the system a few seconds to detect the drive and refresh the page to try again." ) else: template = "replace_disk_confirm_new_disk.html" else: raise Exception('No disks were found!') elif step == "online_new_disk": pool = request.POST["pool"] old_id = request.POST["old_id"] new_id = request.POST["new_id"] new_serial_number = request.POST["new_serial_number"] python_scripts_path, err = config.get_python_scripts_path( ) if err: raise Exception(err) cmd_list = [] cmd_list.append({ 'Replace old disk': 'zpool replace -f %s %s %s' % (pool, old_id, new_id) }) cmd_list.append({ 'Online the new disk': 'zpool online -e %s %s' % (pool, new_id) }) cmd_list.append({ 'Regenerate the system configuration': '%s/' % python_scripts_path }) ret, err = tasks_utils.create_task('Disk replacement', cmd_list, task_type_id=1, attempts=1) if err: raise Exception(err) if not ret: raise Exception( 'Error scheduling disk replacement tasks') audit_str = "Replace disk - Scheduled a task for replacing the old disk with serial number %s with the new disk with serial number %s" % ( serial_number, new_serial_number) audit.audit("replace_disk_replaced_disk", audit_str, request) return_dict["node"] = node return_dict["old_serial_number"] = serial_number return_dict["new_serial_number"] = new_serial_number template = "replace_disk_success.html" return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( template, return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context. RequestContext(request)) else: if "serial_number" not in request.POST: raise Exception( "Incorrect access method. Please use the menus") else: if 'node' in request.POST: return_dict["node"] = request.POST["node"] else: node = si['fqdn'] return_dict["serial_number"] = request.POST[ "serial_number"] template = "replace_disk_conf.html" return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( template, return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request)) except Exception, e: return_dict['base_template'] = "storage_base.html" return_dict["page_title"] = 'Replace a disk in a ZFS pool' return_dict['tab'] = 'view_data_disks_tab' return_dict["error"] = 'Error replacing a disk in a ZFS pool' return_dict["error_details"] = str(e) return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "logged_in_error.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
def create_scheduled_notification(request): return_dict = {} try: req_params, err = django_utils.get_request_parameter_values(request, [ 'event_type_id', 'scheduler']) if err: raise Exception(err) reference_table_entries, err = event_notifications.get_reference_table_entries( ['reference_event_types', 'reference_event_subtypes', 'reference_notification_types', 'reference_severity_types', 'reference_subsystem_types']) if err: raise Exception(err) if 'event_type_id' not in req_params or int(req_params['event_type_id']) not in reference_table_entries['reference_event_types'].keys(): raise Exception('Invalid request. Please use the menus.') return_dict['event_type_id'] = req_params['event_type_id'] event_type_id = int(req_params['event_type_id']) if request.method == "GET": if event_type_id == 1: form = system_forms.AlertNotificationsForm(reference_subsystem_types=reference_table_entries['reference_subsystem_types'], reference_severity_types=reference_table_entries[ 'reference_severity_types'], reference_notification_types=reference_table_entries['reference_notification_types']) template = 'create_alert_notification.html' elif event_type_id == 2: form = system_forms.AuditNotificationsForm( reference_notification_types=reference_table_entries['reference_notification_types']) template = 'create_audit_notification.html' elif event_type_id == 3: form = system_forms.LogNotificationsForm( reference_notification_types=reference_table_entries['reference_notification_types'], reference_event_subtypes=reference_table_entries['reference_event_subtypes']) template = 'create_report_notification.html' return_dict['form'] = form return django.shortcuts.render_to_response(template, return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request)) elif request.method == "POST": scheduler = req_params['scheduler'] schedule = scheduler.split() if event_type_id == 1: form = system_forms.AlertNotificationsForm(request.POST, reference_subsystem_types=reference_table_entries['reference_subsystem_types'], reference_severity_types=reference_table_entries[ 'reference_severity_types'], reference_notification_types=reference_table_entries['reference_notification_types']) template = 'create_alert_notification.html' elif event_type_id == 2: form = system_forms.AuditNotificationsForm( request.POST, reference_notification_types=reference_table_entries['reference_notification_types']) template = 'create_audit_notification.html' elif event_type_id == 3: form = system_forms.LogNotificationsForm(request.POST, reference_notification_types=reference_table_entries[ 'reference_notification_types'], reference_event_subtypes=reference_table_entries['reference_event_subtypes']) template = 'create_report_notification.html' return_dict['form'] = form if not form.is_valid(): return django.shortcuts.render_to_response(template, return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request)) cd = form.cleaned_data psp, err = config.get_python_scripts_path() if err: raise Exception(err) if 'subsystem_type_id' in cd: subsystem_type_id = int(cd['subsystem_type_id']) else: subsystem_type_id = -1 if 'event_subtype_id' in cd: event_subtype_id = int(cd['event_subtype_id']) else: event_subtype_id = -1 if 'severity_type_id' in cd: severity_type_id = int(cd['severity_type_id']) else: severity_type_id = -1 if int(cd['notification_type_id']) == 1: enc_id, err = mail.create_event_notification_configuration( cd['recipient_list']) if err: raise Exception(err) audit_str, err = event_notifications.create_event_notification(schedule, event_type_id, event_subtype_id, subsystem_type_id, int( cd['notification_type_id']), severity_type_id, enc_id, reference_table_entries=reference_table_entries) if err: if int(cd['notification_type_id']) == 1: mail.delete_event_notification_configuration(enc_id) raise Exception(err) if int(cd['notification_type_id']) == 1: audit_str += " Emails will be sent to %s" % cd['recipient_list'] if event_type_id == 1: audit.audit("create_alert_notification", audit_str, request) elif event_type_id == 2: audit.audit("create_audit_notification", audit_str, request) elif event_type_id == 3: audit.audit("create_report_notification", audit_str, request) return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect('/system/view_scheduled_notifications?ack=created') except Exception, e: return_dict["page_title"] = 'Crete scheduled notification' return_dict['tab'] = 'scheduled_notifications_tab' return_dict["error"] = 'Error creating scheduled notification' return_dict['base_template'] = "system_base.html" return_dict["error_details"] = str(e) return django.shortcuts.render_to_response("logged_in_error.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
def replace_disk(request): return_dict = {} try: form = None si, err = system_info.load_system_config() if err: raise Exception(err) if not si: raise Exception('Error loading system config') return_dict['system_config_list'] = si template = 'logged_in_error.html' use_salt, err = config.use_salt() if err: raise Exception(err) if request.method == "GET": raise Exception("Incorrect access method. Please use the menus") else: if 'node' in request.POST: node = request.POST["node"] else: node = si['fqdn'] serial_number = request.POST["serial_number"] if "conf" in request.POST: if "node" not in request.POST or "serial_number" not in request.POST: raise Exception( "Incorrect access method. Please use the menus") elif request.POST["node"] != si['fqdn']: raise Exception("Unknown node. Please use the menus") elif "step" not in request.POST: raise Exception("Incomplete request. Please use the menus") elif request.POST["step"] not in ["replace_method", "select_replacement_disk", "offline_disk", "scan_for_new_disk", "online_new_disk"]: raise Exception("Incomplete request. Please use the menus") else: step = request.POST["step"] # Which step of the replace disk are we in? if step == "offline_disk": # get the pool corresponding to the disk # zpool offline pool disk # send a screen asking them to replace the disk if 'replacement_method' not in request.POST or request.POST['replacement_method'] not in ['use_existing_disk', 'swap_out_disk']: raise Exception('Invalid request') return_dict['replacement_method'] = request.POST['replacement_method'] if request.POST['replacement_method'] == 'use_existing_disk': # Then we should have landed here after already # selecting the new disk so get and record the new # disk details if 'new_serial_number' not in request.POST: raise Exception( 'Incomplete request. Please try again') new_serial_number = request.POST['new_serial_number'] all_disks, err = disks.get_disk_info_status_all( rescan=False) if new_serial_number not in all_disks: raise Exception('Invalid disk selection') # print new_serial_number # print all_disks[new_serial_number]['id'] return_dict['new_serial_number'] = new_serial_number return_dict['new_id'] = all_disks[new_serial_number]['id'] pool = None if serial_number in si["disks"]: disk = si["disks"][serial_number] if "pool" in disk: pool = disk["pool"] disk_id = disk["id"] if not pool: raise Exception( "Could not find the storage pool on that disk. Please use the menus") else: cmd_to_run = 'zpool offline %s %s' % ( pool, disk_id) # print 'Running %s'%cmd_to_run #assert False ret, err = command.get_command_output(cmd_to_run) if err: raise Exception(err) audit_str = "Replace disk - Disk with serial number %s brought offline" % serial_number audit.audit("replace_disk_offline_disk", audit_str, request) return_dict["serial_number"] = serial_number return_dict["node"] = node return_dict["pool"] = pool return_dict["old_id"] = disk_id template = "replace_disk_offlined_conf.html" elif step == "replace_method": return_dict["node"] = node return_dict["serial_number"] = serial_number template = "replace_disk_method.html" elif step == "select_replacement_disk": if 'replacement_method' not in request.POST or request.POST['replacement_method'] not in ['use_existing_disk', 'swap_out_disk']: raise Exception('Invalid request') return_dict['replacement_method'] = request.POST['replacement_method'] return_dict["node"] = node return_dict["serial_number"] = serial_number free_disks, err = zfs.get_free_disks() if err: raise Exception(err) if not free_disks: raise Exception( 'There are no unused disks presently') return_dict['free_disks'] = free_disks template = "replace_disk_choose_disk.html" elif step == "scan_for_new_disk": # they have replaced the disk so scan for the new disk # and prompt for a confirmation of the new disk serial # number pool = request.POST["pool"] old_id = request.POST["old_id"] return_dict["node"] = node return_dict["serial_number"] = serial_number return_dict["pool"] = pool return_dict["old_id"] = old_id old_disks = si["disks"].keys() result = False new_disks, err = disks.get_disk_info_status_all( rescan=True) if err: raise Exception(err) ''' rc, err = manifest_status.get_disk_info_and_status() if err: raise Exception(err) if rc: result = True new_disks = rc if result: ''' if new_disks: # print new_disks.keys() # print old_disks for disk in new_disks.keys(): # print disk if disk not in old_disks: # print 'new disk : ', disk return_dict["inserted_disk_serial_number"] = disk return_dict["new_id"] = new_disks[disk]["id"] break if "inserted_disk_serial_number" not in return_dict: raise Exception( "Could not detect any new disk. Please check the new disk is inserted and give the system a few seconds to detect the drive and refresh the page to try again.") else: template = "replace_disk_confirm_new_disk.html" else: raise Exception('No disks were found!') elif step == "online_new_disk": pool = request.POST["pool"] old_id = request.POST["old_id"] new_id = request.POST["new_id"] new_serial_number = request.POST["new_serial_number"] python_scripts_path, err = config.get_python_scripts_path() if err: raise Exception(err) cmd_list = [] cmd_list.append( {'Replace old disk': 'zpool replace -f %s %s %s' % (pool, old_id, new_id)}) cmd_list.append( {'Online the new disk': 'zpool online -e %s %s' % (pool, new_id)}) cmd_list.append( {'Regenerate the system configuration': '%s/' % python_scripts_path}) ret, err = tasks_utils.create_task( 'Disk replacement', cmd_list, task_type_id=1, attempts=1) if err: raise Exception(err) if not ret: raise Exception( 'Error scheduling disk replacement tasks') audit_str = "Replace disk - Scheduled a task for replacing the old disk with serial number %s with the new disk with serial number %s" % ( serial_number, new_serial_number) audit.audit("replace_disk_replaced_disk", audit_str, request) return_dict["node"] = node return_dict["old_serial_number"] = serial_number return_dict["new_serial_number"] = new_serial_number template = "replace_disk_success.html" return django.shortcuts.render_to_response(template, return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request)) else: if "serial_number" not in request.POST: raise Exception( "Incorrect access method. Please use the menus") else: if 'node' in request.POST: return_dict["node"] = request.POST["node"] else: node = si['fqdn'] return_dict["serial_number"] = request.POST["serial_number"] template = "replace_disk_conf.html" return django.shortcuts.render_to_response(template, return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request)) except Exception, e: return_dict['base_template'] = "storage_base.html" return_dict["page_title"] = 'Replace a disk in a ZFS pool' return_dict['tab'] = 'view_data_disks_tab' return_dict["error"] = 'Error replacing a disk in a ZFS pool' return_dict["error_details"] = str(e) return django.shortcuts.render_to_response("logged_in_error.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
def remove_bond(): try: os.system('clear') interfaces, err = networking.get_interfaces() if err: raise Exception( 'Error retrieving interface information : %s' % err) if not interfaces: raise Exception('No interfaces detected') print print print 'IntegralSTOR NIC Bonding' print '---------------------------------' print print print 'Active bond(s): \n' bm, err = networking.get_bonding_masters() if err: raise Exception(err) bid, err = networking.get_bonding_info_all() if err: raise Exception(err) avail_if = [] for if_name, iface in interfaces.items(): if if_name in bm: print '\t- %s' % if_name avail_if.append(if_name) print "\n" if not avail_if: raise Exception('There is nothing to remove!') bond_name = None is_name = False while is_name is False: bond_name = raw_input('To remove a bond, provide its name: ') if bond_name not in avail_if: print "\t- Can't remove %s, no such bond exists. Please provide another one.\n" % bond_name else: is_name = True ret, err = networking.delete_bond(bond_name) if not ret: if err: raise Exception('Error removing bond: %s' % err) else: raise Exception("Couldn't remove bond") if ret: print "\n\tBond removed!\n" print print 'Regenerating manifest and status.' python_scripts_path, err = config.get_python_scripts_path() if err: raise Exception(err) python_scripts_path, err = config.get_python_scripts_path() if err: raise Exception(err) status_path, err = config.get_system_status_path() if err: raise Exception(err) ret, err = command.get_command_output( "python %s/ %s" % (python_scripts_path, status_path)) if err: raise Exception(err) ret, err = command.get_command_output( "python %s/ %s" % (python_scripts_path, status_path)) if err: raise Exception(err) print 'Regenerating manifest and status... Done' print except Exception, e: print "Error: %s" % e print return -1
def update_hostname(request): return_dict = {} try: hostname = socket.gethostname() if request.method == "GET": hostname, err = networking.get_hostname() if err: raise Exception(err) domain_name, err = networking.get_domain_name() if err: raise Exception(err) initial = {} initial['hostname'] = hostname initial['domain_name'] = domain_name form = networking_forms.EditHostnameForm(initial=initial) return_dict['form'] = form return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "update_hostname.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext( request)) else: form = networking_forms.EditHostnameForm(request.POST) return_dict['form'] = form if not form.is_valid(): return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "update_hostname.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext( request)) cd = form.cleaned_data result_str = "" domain_name = None if 'domain_name' in cd: domain_name = cd['domain_name'] result, err = networking.update_hostname(cd['hostname'], domain_name) if not result: if err: raise Exception(err) else: raise Exception('Error setting hostname') result, err = networking.update_domain_name(domain_name) if not result: if err: raise Exception(err) else: raise Exception('Error setting domain name') python_scripts_path, err = config.get_python_scripts_path() if err: raise Exception(err) python_scripts_path, err = config.get_python_scripts_path() if err: raise Exception(err) ss_path, err = config.get_system_status_path() if err: raise Exception(err) ret, err = command.get_command_output( "python %s/ %s" % (python_scripts_path, ss_path)) if err: raise Exception(err) ret, err = command.get_command_output( "python %s/ %s" % (python_scripts_path, ss_path)) audit_str = "Hostname set to %s." % cd['hostname'] if 'domain_name' in cd: audit_str += 'Domain name set to %s' % cd['domain_name'] ret, err = audit.audit("edit_hostname", audit_str, request) if err: raise Exception(err) return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect( '/view_hostname?result=saved') except Exception, e: return_dict['base_template'] = "networking_base.html" return_dict["page_title"] = 'Modify system hostname' return_dict['tab'] = 'view_hostname_tab' return_dict["error"] = 'Error modifying system hostname' return_dict["error_details"] = str(e) return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "logged_in_error.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
def create_bond(request): return_dict = {} try: interfaces, err = networking.get_interfaces() if err: raise Exception(err) if not interfaces: raise Exception( "Error loading network interface information : No interfaces found" ) bm, err = networking.get_bonding_masters() if err: raise Exception(err) bid, err = networking.get_bonding_info_all() if err: raise Exception(err) return_dict['interfaces'] = interfaces iface_list = [] existing_bonds = [] for if_name, iface in interfaces.items(): if if_name.startswith('lo') or if_name in bid['by_slave']: continue if if_name in bm: existing_bonds.append(if_name) continue iface_list.append(if_name) return_dict['is_iface_avail'] = False if iface_list: return_dict['is_iface_avail'] = True if request.method == "GET": form = networking_forms.CreateBondForm( interfaces=iface_list, existing_bonds=existing_bonds) return_dict['form'] = form return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "create_bond.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext( request)) else: form = networking_forms.CreateBondForm( request.POST, interfaces=iface_list, existing_bonds=existing_bonds) return_dict['form'] = form if not form.is_valid(): return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "create_bond.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext( request)) cd = form.cleaned_data print cd result, err = networking.create_bond(cd['name'], cd['slaves'], int(cd['mode'])) if not result: if err: raise Exception(err) else: raise Exception('Bond creation failed!') python_scripts_path, err = config.get_python_scripts_path() if err: raise Exception(err) python_scripts_path, err = config.get_python_scripts_path() if err: raise Exception(err) status_path, err = config.get_system_status_path() if err: raise Exception(err) ret, err = command.get_command_output( "python %s/ %s" % (python_scripts_path, status_path)) if err: raise Exception(err) ret, err = command.get_command_output( "python %s/ %s" % (python_scripts_path, status_path)) if err: raise Exception(err) audit_str = "Created a network bond named %s with slaves %s" % ( cd['name'], ','.join(cd['slaves'])) audit.audit("create_bond", audit_str, request) return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect( '/view_interfaces?ack=created_bond') except Exception, e: return_dict['base_template'] = "networking_base.html" return_dict["page_title"] = 'Create a network interface bond' return_dict['tab'] = 'view_interfaces_tab' return_dict["error"] = 'Error creating a network interface bond' return_dict["error_details"] = str(e) return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "logged_in_error.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))