def edit_interface_address(request): return_dict = {} try: if 'name' not in request.REQUEST: raise Exception( "Interface name not specified. Please use the menus.") name = request.REQUEST["name"] interfaces, err = networking.get_interfaces() if err: raise Exception(err) elif not interfaces or name not in interfaces: raise Exception("Specified interface not found") return_dict['nic'] = interfaces[name] if request.method == "GET": initial = {} initial['name'] = name initial['mtu'] = name if 'mtu' in interfaces[name] and interfaces[name]['mtu']: initial['mtu'] = interfaces[name]['mtu'] if 'bootproto' in interfaces[name] and interfaces[name][ 'bootproto'] == 'dhcp': initial['addr_type'] = 'dhcp' else: initial['addr_type'] = 'static' if 'addresses' in interfaces[name] and 'AF_INET' in interfaces[ name]['addresses'] and interfaces[name]['addresses'][ 'AF_INET']: initial['ip'] = interfaces[name]['addresses']['AF_INET'][ 0]['addr'] initial['netmask'] = interfaces[name]['addresses'][ 'AF_INET'][0]['netmask'] #print interfaces[name] if 'gateways' in interfaces[name] and interfaces[name]['gateways']: if interfaces[name]['gateways'][0][2]: initial['default_gateway'] = interfaces[name]['gateways'][ 0][0] #print initial form = networking_forms.NICForm(initial=initial) return_dict['form'] = form return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "edit_interface_address.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext( request)) else: form = networking_forms.NICForm(request.POST) return_dict['form'] = form if not form.is_valid(): return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "edit_interface_address.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext( request)) cd = form.cleaned_data result_str = "" success = False result, err = networking.set_interface_ip_info(cd['name'], cd) if err: raise Exception(err) result, err = networking.restart_networking() if err: raise Exception(err) ip, err = networking.get_ip_info( common.convert_unicode_to_string(cd['name'])) if err: raise Exception(err) audit_str = 'Changed the address of %s. New values are IP : %s, netmask: %s' % ( cd['name'], ip['ipaddr'], ip['netmask']) if 'default_gateway' in ip: audit_str += ', default gateway : %s' % ip['default_gateway'] audit.audit("edit_interface_address", audit_str, request.META) return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect( '/view_nic?name=%s&result=addr_changed' % (name)) except Exception, e: return_dict['base_template'] = "networking_base.html" return_dict["page_title"] = 'Modify network interface addressing' return_dict['tab'] = 'view_interfaces_tab' return_dict["error"] = 'Error modifying network interface addressing' return_dict["error_details"] = str(e) return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "logged_in_error.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
def create_bond(request): return_dict = {} try: interfaces, err = networking.get_interfaces() if err: raise Exception(err) if not interfaces: raise Exception( "Error loading network interface information : No interfaces found" ) bm, err = networking.get_bonding_masters() if err: raise Exception(err) bid, err = networking.get_bonding_info_all() if err: raise Exception(err) return_dict['interfaces'] = interfaces if_list = [] existing_bonds = [] for if_name, iface in interfaces.items(): ret, err = networking.get_ip_info(if_name) if ret: continue if if_name.startswith('lo') or if_name in bid['by_slave']: continue if if_name in bm: existing_bonds.append(if_name) continue if_list.append(if_name) if request.method == "GET": form = networking_forms.CreateBondForm( interfaces=if_list, existing_bonds=existing_bonds) return_dict['form'] = form return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "create_bond.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext( request)) else: form = networking_forms.CreateBondForm( request.POST, interfaces=if_list, existing_bonds=existing_bonds) return_dict['form'] = form if not form.is_valid(): return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "create_bond.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext( request)) cd = form.cleaned_data print cd result, err = networking.create_bond(cd['name'], cd['slaves'], int(cd['mode'])) if not result: if err: raise Exception(err) else: raise Exception('Bond creation failed!') python_scripts_path, err = common.get_python_scripts_path() if err: raise Exception(err) common_python_scripts_path, err = common.get_common_python_scripts_path( ) if err: raise Exception(err) status_path, err = common.get_system_status_path() if err: raise Exception(err) ret, err = command.get_command_output( "python %s/ %s" % (common_python_scripts_path, status_path)) if err: raise Exception(err) ret, err = command.get_command_output( "python %s/ %s" % (common_python_scripts_path, status_path)) if err: raise Exception(err) audit_str = "Created a network bond named %s with slaves %s" % ( cd['name'], ','.join(cd['slaves'])) audit.audit("create_bond", audit_str, request.META) return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect( '/view_interfaces?ack=created_bond') except Exception, e: return_dict['base_template'] = "networking_base.html" return_dict["page_title"] = 'Create a network interface bond' return_dict['tab'] = 'view_interfaces_tab' return_dict["error"] = 'Error creating a network interface bond' return_dict["error_details"] = str(e) return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "logged_in_error.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
def create_bond(): try: os.system('clear') interfaces, err = networking.get_interfaces() if err: raise Exception('Error retrieving interface information : %s' % err) if not interfaces: raise Exception('No interfaces detected') print '\n\nIntegralstor Unicell NIC Bonding' print '---------------------------------\n\n' print 'Available interfaces: \n' bm, err = networking.get_bonding_masters() if err: raise Exception(err) bid, err = networking.get_bonding_info_all() if err: raise Exception(err) avail_if = [] for if_name, iface in interfaces.items(): ret, err = networking.get_ip_info(if_name) if ret: continue if if_name.startswith( 'lo') or if_name in bm or if_name in bid['by_slave']: continue print '\t- %s' % if_name avail_if.append(if_name) print "\n" bond_name = None is_name = False while is_name is False: bond_name = raw_input('Provide bond name: ') if bond_name in interfaces or bond_name.startswith('lo'): print "\t- Can't assign %s, it's been taken already. Please provide another one.\n" % bond_name else: is_name = True print "\n" slaves = [] is_ok = False while is_ok is False: s = raw_input( "\nEnter slaves from the shown interface list, separated by comma. - " ).split(",") slaves = [inner.strip() for inner in s] for slave in slaves: if slave not in avail_if: break else: is_ok = True print("\nSelecetd slaves: %s") % slaves confirm = raw_input("\t- Confirm selected slaves (y/n)? ") if confirm.lower() in ["n"]: is_ok = False print "\n" is_ok = False while is_ok is False: mode = raw_input( "Available modes [4]802.3ad, [6]balance-alb] - 4 or 6?: ") if mode in ["4", "6"]: is_ok = True ret, err = networking.create_bond(bond_name, slaves, int(mode)) if not ret: if err: raise Exception('Error creating bond: %s' % err) else: raise Exception("Couldn't create bond") if ret: print "\nBond created!\n" except Exception, e: print "Error: %s" % e return -1
def configure_interface(): try: os.system('clear') interfaces, err = networking.get_interfaces() if err: raise Exception('Error retrieving interface information : %s' % err) if not interfaces: raise Exception('No interfaces detected') print print print 'Integralstor Unicell interface configuration' print '--------------------------------------------' print print print 'Current network interfaces : ' print for if_name, iface in interfaces.items(): if if_name.startswith('lo'): continue print '- %s' % if_name print valid_input = False while not valid_input: ifname = raw_input( 'Enter the name of the interface that you wish to configure : ' ) if ifname not in interfaces or ifname.startswith('lo'): print 'Invalid interface name' else: valid_input = True print ip_info, err = networking.get_ip_info(ifname) ''' if err: raise Exception('Error retrieving interface information : %s'%err) ''' if ip_info: ip = ip_info["ipaddr"] netmask = ip_info["netmask"] if "default_gateway" in ip_info: gateway = ip_info["default_gateway"] else: gateway = None else: ip = None netmask = None gateway = None old_boot_proto, err = networking.get_interface_bootproto(ifname) if err: raise Exception('Error retrieving interface information : %s' % err) time.sleep(5) config_changed = False str_to_print = "Configure for DHCP or static addressing (dhcp/static)? : " valid_input = False while not valid_input: input = raw_input(str_to_print) if input: if input.lower() in ['static', 'dhcp']: valid_input = True boot_proto = input.lower() if boot_proto != old_boot_proto: config_changed = True if not valid_input: print "Invalid value. Please try again." print if boot_proto == 'static': if ip: str_to_print = "Enter IP address (currently %s, press enter to retain current value) : " % ip else: str_to_print = "Enter IP address (currently not set) : " valid_input = False while not valid_input: input = raw_input(str_to_print) if input: ok, err = networking.validate_ip(input) if err: raise Exception('Error validating IP : %s' % err) if ok: valid_input = True ip = input config_changed = True elif ip: valid_input = True if not valid_input: print "Invalid value. Please try again." print if netmask: str_to_print = "Enter netmask (currently %s, press enter to retain current value) : " % netmask else: str_to_print = "Enter netmask (currently not set) : " valid_input = False while not valid_input: input = raw_input(str_to_print) if input: ok, err = networking.validate_netmask(input) if err: raise Exception('Error validating netmask : %s' % err) if ok: valid_input = True netmask = input config_changed = True elif netmask: valid_input = True if not valid_input: print "Invalid value. Please try again." print if gateway: str_to_print = "Enter gateway (currently %s, press enter to retain current value) : " % gateway else: str_to_print = "Enter gateway (currently not set) : " valid_input = False while not valid_input: input = raw_input(str_to_print) if input: ok, err = networking.validate_ip(input) if err: raise Exception('Error validating gateway : %s' % err) if ok: valid_input = True gateway = input config_changed = True elif gateway: valid_input = True if not valid_input: print "Invalid value. Please try again." print if config_changed: d = {} d['addr_type'] = boot_proto if boot_proto == 'static': d['ip'] = ip d['netmask'] = netmask d['default_gateway'] = gateway ret, err = networking.set_interface_ip_info(ifname, d) if not ret: if err: raise Exception('Error changing interface address : %s' % err) else: raise Exception('Error changing interface address') restart = False print print valid_input = False while not valid_input: str_to_print = 'Restart network services now (y/n) :' print input = raw_input(str_to_print) if input: if input.lower() in ['y', 'n']: valid_input = True if input.lower() == 'y': restart = True if not valid_input: print "Invalid value. Please try again." print if restart: ret, err = networking.restart_networking() if not ret: if err: raise Exception(err) else: raise Exception("Couldn't restart.") use_salt, err = common.use_salt() if err: raise Exception(err) if use_salt: (r, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc( 'service salt-minion restart') if err: raise Exception(err) if rc == 0: print "Salt minion service restarted succesfully." else: print "Error restarting salt minion services." raw_input('Press enter to return to the main menu') return -1 else: print print raw_input( 'No changes have been made to the configurations. Press enter to return to the main menu.' ) return 0 except Exception, e: print "Error configuring network settings : %s" % e return -1
def save_samba_server_settings(request): return_dict = {} try: if request.method != "POST": return_dict["error"] = "Invalid access method. Please try again using the menus" return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('logged_in_error.html', return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request)) if "security" not in request.POST: return_dict["error"] = "Invalid security specification. Please try again using the menus" return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('logged_in_error.html', return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request)) if request.POST["security"] == "ads": form = samba_shares_forms.AuthADSettingsForm(request.POST) elif request.POST["security"] == "users": form = samba_shares_forms.AuthUsersSettingsForm(request.POST) else: return_dict["error"] = "Invalid security specification. Please try again using the menus" return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('logged_in_error.html', return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request)) return_dict["form"] = form return_dict["action"] = "edit" if form.is_valid(): cd = form.cleaned_data try : samba_settings.save_auth_settings(cd) #print '1' ipinfo = networking.get_ip_info('bond0') if cd["security"] == "ads": # We now need to add the AD server as the forwarder in our DNS config on the primary... nsl = networking.get_name_servers() if not nsl: raise Exception("Could not detect the IP addresses of the primary and secondary GRIDCells") rc = networking.generate_default_primary_named_conf(nsl[0], ipinfo['netmask'], nsl[1], True, cd['password_server_ip'], False) if rc != 0: raise Exception("Error updating the DNS configuration on the primary GRIDCell") # ... and on the secondary client = salt.client.LocalClient() r2 = client.cmd('roles:secondary', 'cmd.run_all', ['python /opt/fractalio/scripts/python/ %s %s %s %s'%(nsl[0], nsl[1], ipinfo['netmask'], cd['password_server_ip'])], expr_form='grain') if r2: for node, ret in r2.items(): if ret["retcode"] != 0: raise Exception("Error updating the DNS configuration on the primary GRIDCell") #print '2' except Exception, e: return_dict["error"] = "Error saving authentication settings - %s" %e if not "error" in return_dict and cd["security"] == "ads": try : samba_settings.generate_krb5_conf() #print '3' except Exception, e: return_dict["error"] = "Error generating kerberos config file - %s" %e if not "error" in return_dict: try : samba_settings.generate_smb_conf() #print '4' except Exception, e: return_dict["error"] = "Error generating file share authentication config file- %s" %e
def save_samba_server_settings(request): return_dict = {} try: if request.method != "POST": return_dict[ "error"] = "Invalid access method. Please try again using the menus" return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( 'logged_in_error.html', return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext( request)) if "security" not in request.POST: return_dict[ "error"] = "Invalid security specification. Please try again using the menus" return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( 'logged_in_error.html', return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext( request)) if request.POST["security"] == "ads": form = samba_shares_forms.AuthADSettingsForm(request.POST) elif request.POST["security"] == "users": form = samba_shares_forms.AuthUsersSettingsForm(request.POST) else: return_dict[ "error"] = "Invalid security specification. Please try again using the menus" return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( 'logged_in_error.html', return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext( request)) return_dict["form"] = form return_dict["action"] = "edit" if form.is_valid(): cd = form.cleaned_data try: samba_settings.save_auth_settings(cd) #print '1' ipinfo = networking.get_ip_info('bond0') if cd["security"] == "ads": # We now need to add the AD server as the forwarder in our DNS config on the primary... nsl = networking.get_name_servers() if not nsl: raise Exception( "Could not detect the IP addresses of the primary and secondary GRIDCells" ) rc = networking.generate_default_primary_named_conf( nsl[0], ipinfo['netmask'], nsl[1], True, cd['password_server_ip'], False) if rc != 0: raise Exception( "Error updating the DNS configuration on the primary GRIDCell" ) # ... and on the secondary client = salt.client.LocalClient() r2 = client.cmd( 'roles:secondary', 'cmd.run_all', [ 'python /opt/fractalio/scripts/python/ %s %s %s %s' % (nsl[0], nsl[1], ipinfo['netmask'], cd['password_server_ip']) ], expr_form='grain') if r2: for node, ret in r2.items(): if ret["retcode"] != 0: raise Exception( "Error updating the DNS configuration on the primary GRIDCell" ) #print '2' except Exception, e: return_dict[ "error"] = "Error saving authentication settings - %s" % e if not "error" in return_dict and cd["security"] == "ads": try: samba_settings.generate_krb5_conf() #print '3' except Exception, e: return_dict[ "error"] = "Error generating kerberos config file - %s" % e if not "error" in return_dict: try: samba_settings.generate_smb_conf() #print '4' except Exception, e: return_dict[ "error"] = "Error generating file share authentication config file- %s" % e
def configure_interface(): try : os.system('clear') interfaces, err = networking.get_interfaces() if err: raise Exception('Error retrieving interface information : %s'%err) if not interfaces: raise Exception('No interfaces detected') print print print 'Integralstor Unicell interface configuration' print '--------------------------------------------' print print print 'Current network interfaces : ' print for if_name, iface in interfaces.items(): if if_name.startswith('lo'): continue print '- %s'%if_name print valid_input = False while not valid_input: ifname = raw_input('Enter the name of the interface that you wish to configure : ') if ifname not in interfaces or ifname.startswith('lo'): print 'Invalid interface name' else: valid_input = True print ip_info, err = networking.get_ip_info(ifname) ''' if err: raise Exception('Error retrieving interface information : %s'%err) ''' if ip_info: ip = ip_info["ipaddr"] netmask = ip_info["netmask"] else: ip = None netmask = None #print ip_info old_boot_proto, err = networking.get_interface_bootproto(ifname) if err: raise Exception('Error retrieving interface information : %s'%err) config_changed = False str_to_print = "Configure for DHCP or static addressing (dhcp/static)? : " valid_input = False while not valid_input : input = raw_input(str_to_print) if input: if input.lower() in ['static', 'dhcp']: valid_input = True boot_proto = input.lower() if boot_proto != old_boot_proto: config_changed = True if not valid_input: print "Invalid value. Please try again." print if boot_proto == 'static': if ip: str_to_print = "Enter IP address (currently %s, press enter to retain current value) : "%ip else: str_to_print = "Enter IP address (currently not set) : " valid_input = False while not valid_input : input = raw_input(str_to_print) if input: ok, err = networking.validate_ip(input) if err: raise Exception('Error validating IP : %s'%err) if ok: valid_input = True ip = input config_changed = True elif ip: valid_input = True if not valid_input: print "Invalid value. Please try again." print if netmask: str_to_print = "Enter netmask (currently %s, press enter to retain current value) : "%netmask else: str_to_print = "Enter netmask (currently not set) : " valid_input = False while not valid_input: input = raw_input(str_to_print) if input: ok, err = networking.validate_netmask(input) if err: raise Exception('Error validating netmask : %s'%err) if ok: valid_input = True netmask = input config_changed = True elif netmask: valid_input = True if not valid_input: print "Invalid value. Please try again." print if config_changed: d = {} d['addr_type'] = boot_proto if boot_proto == 'static': d['ip'] = ip d['netmask'] = netmask ret, err = networking.set_interface_ip_info(ifname, d) if not ret: if err: raise Exception('Error changing interface address : %s'%err) else: raise Exception('Error changing interface address') restart = False print print valid_input = False while not valid_input: str_to_print = 'Restart network services now (y/n) :' print input = raw_input(str_to_print) if input: if input.lower() in ['y', 'n']: valid_input = True if input.lower() == 'y': restart = True if not valid_input: print "Invalid value. Please try again." print if restart: (r, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc('service network restart') if err: raise Exception(err) if rc == 0: print "Network service restarted succesfully." else: print "Error restarting network services." raw_input('Press enter to return to the main menu') return -1 use_salt, err = common.use_salt() if err: raise Exception(err) if use_salt: (r, rc), err = command.execute_with_rc('service salt-minion restart') if err: raise Exception(err) if rc == 0: print "Salt minion service restarted succesfully." else: print "Error restarting salt minion services." raw_input('Press enter to return to the main menu') return -1 else: print print raw_input('No changes have been made to the configurations. Press enter to return to the main menu.') return 0 except Exception, e: print "Error configuring network settings : %s"%e return -1