예제 #1
    def interact_features(self, x, ly):
        if self.arch_interaction_op == "dot":
            if self.bf16:
                T = [x] + ly
                R = ipex.interaction(*T)
                # concatenate dense and sparse features
                (batch_size, d) = x.shape
                T = torch.cat([x] + ly, dim=1).view((batch_size, -1, d))
                # perform a dot product
                Z = torch.bmm(T, torch.transpose(T, 1, 2))
                # append dense feature with the interactions (into a row vector)
                # approach 1: all
                # Zflat = Z.view((batch_size, -1))
                # approach 2: unique
                _, ni, nj = Z.shape
                # approach 1: tril_indices
                # offset = 0 if self.arch_interaction_itself else -1
                # li, lj = torch.tril_indices(ni, nj, offset=offset)
                # approach 2: custom
                offset = 1 if self.arch_interaction_itself else 0
                li = torch.tensor(
                    [i for i in range(ni) for j in range(i + offset)])
                lj = torch.tensor(
                    [j for i in range(nj) for j in range(i + offset)])
                Zflat = Z[:, li, lj]
                # concatenate dense features and interactions
                R = torch.cat([x] + [Zflat], dim=1)
        elif self.arch_interaction_op == "cat":
            # concatenation features (into a row vector)
            R = torch.cat([x] + ly, dim=1)
            sys.exit("ERROR: --arch-interaction-op=" +
                     self.arch_interaction_op + " is not supported")

        return R
def interact_fusion(x, ly):
    A = [x] + ly
    R = ipex.interaction(*A)
    return R