def main(): """ Open a file called show_ip_int_brie.txt. Parse through interface data and create an Interface object for each one found. """ interfaces = [] INTERFACE_REGEX = '^(FastEthernet|GigabitEthernet)([0-9]+) .*(up|down)' # open the file called 'show_ip_int_brief.txt' with open('show_ip_int_brief.txt', 'r') as interface_info: for line in interface_info: # Iterate over each line and match against the string INTERFACE_REGEX m = re.match(INTERFACE_REGEX, line) if m is not None: # When the line matches the REGEX, create an Interface() object interface = Interface( +, # Append the interface to the list, so we can iterate over it interfaces.append(interface) # for each interface print the name and status for interface in interfaces: interface.prints() # call the check_down() function to print any interfaces in the down state with a warning for interface in interfaces: interface.check_down()
def __init__(self, screen, book): self.screen = screen self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() # init interface self.interface = Interface() # init books = book # init the player = Player(
def __init__(self, screen, funcs, hardware_instance, book): # declare important variables self.screen = screen # important for framerate self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() # contain all interface methods self.interface = Interface() # functions for the menu items self.funcs = funcs # cached book for last played window = book
def __init__(self, screen, library, function): # define screen variables self.screen = screen # define music folder self.library = library # important for framerate self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() # contain all interface methods self.interface = Interface() # declare functions self.function = function
def main(): """Simple main method calling our function.""" list_interfaces = [] result = get_interface_state(HOST, PORT, USER, PASS, FILE) print(xml.dom.minidom.parseString(result.xml).toprettyxml()) # get a list of interfaces by parsing for the <interface> element interfaces = xml.dom.minidom.parseString( result.xml).getElementsByTagName('interface') # iterate over each instance of the <interface> element for each in interfaces: # parse out the <name> and <oper-status> nodes when the # <name> text node contains "GigabitEthernet|FastEthernet" if re.match('(Gigabit|Fast)Ethernet', each.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].firstChild.nodeValue): # instantiate an Interface() object for each instance of an interface interface = Interface( each.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].firstChild.nodeValue, each.getElementsByTagName('oper-status') [0].firstChild.nodeValue) list_interfaces.append(interface) # call the prints() method to print the interface data for each in list_interfaces: each.prints() # call the check_down() method to print each down interface and a warning for each in list_interfaces: each.check_down()
class MainMenu(): ''' generate the start interface for accessing all other screens''' def __init__(self, screen, funcs, hardware_instance, book): # declare important variables self.screen = screen # important for framerate self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() # contain all interface methods self.interface = Interface() # functions for the menu items self.funcs = funcs # cached book for last played window = book #define function that checks for mouse location def on_click(self): click_pos = (pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0], pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1]) # select last played item if 10 <= click_pos[0] <= 310 and 120 <= click_pos[1] <= 185: self.funcs['Continue']( # go to library screen if 10 <= click_pos[0] <= 205 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 230: self.funcs['Select Book']() # exit gui if 265 <= click_pos[0] <= 315 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 230: self.interface.exit_interface(self.screen) def run(self): '''run method for drawing the screen to dispay''' mainloop = True # use infinity loop for showing the screen while mainloop: # Limit frame speed to 30 FPS self.clock.tick(30) self.interface.main_interface(self.screen, # wait for a pressed button or exit infinity loop for event in pygame.event.get(): # recognize mouse and touchscreen activity if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: pos = (pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0], pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1]), YELLOW, pos, 10, 0) self.on_click() # update the screen pygame.display.flip()
class MainMenu(): ''' generate the start interface for accessing all other screens''' def __init__(self, screen, funcs, hardware_instance, book): # declare important variables self.screen = screen # important for framerate self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() # contain all interface methods self.interface = Interface() # functions for the menu items self.funcs = funcs # cached book for last played window = book #define function that checks for mouse location def on_click(self): click_pos = (pygame.mouse.get_pos() [0], pygame.mouse.get_pos() [1]) # select last played item if 10 <= click_pos[0] <= 310 and 120 <= click_pos[1] <= 185: self.funcs['Continue']( # go to library screen if 10 <= click_pos[0] <= 205 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 230: self.funcs['Select Book']() # exit gui if 265 <= click_pos[0] <= 315 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 230: self.interface.exit_interface(self.screen) def run(self): '''run method for drawing the screen to dispay''' mainloop = True # use infinity loop for showing the screen while mainloop: # Limit frame speed to 30 FPS self.clock.tick(30) self.interface.main_interface(self.screen, # wait for a pressed button or exit infinity loop for event in pygame.event.get(): # recognize mouse and touchscreen activity if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: pos = (pygame.mouse.get_pos() [0], pygame.mouse.get_pos() [1]), YELLOW, pos, 10, 0) self.on_click() # update the screen pygame.display.flip()
def __init__(self, book): # init the mixer of pygame module self.mixer = pygame.mixer self.mixer.init() # init the interface module self.interface = Interface() # load actual audio book object = book self.chapter = # set position to position in audio book class self.position = # set playing status self.playing = False
class Library: '''generate a library screen for scrolling through the audio books''' def __init__(self, screen, library, function): # define screen variables self.screen = screen # define music folder self.library = library # important for framerate self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() # contain all interface methods self.interface = Interface() # declare functions self.function = function def on_click(self, index): '''recognize touchscreen and mouse selections to run functionalities of buttons''' # get actual position of mouse click click_pos = pressed() # go back to main screen if 10 <= click_pos[0] <= 55 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: return 999 # scroll to left if 155 <= click_pos[0] <= 200 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: index -=1 # make negative index to max index to start new round if index == -1: index = len(self.library) -1 return index # scroll to right if 210 <= click_pos[0] <= 255 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: index = index + 1 # set max index to 0 for start new round if index >= len(self.library): index = 0 return index # select a book if 265 <= click_pos[0] <= 310 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: # select actual book and go to play window self.function(self.library[index]) return index def run(self): '''run method for drawing the screen to dispay''' mainloop = True # set index of list to first item index = 0 # use infinity loop for drawing screen while mainloop: # Limit frame speed to 30 FPS self.clock.tick(30) for event in pygame.event.get(): # draw interface on screen self.interface.list_interface(self.screen, self.library[index].get_title(), self.library[index].get_artist(), self.library[index].get_total_playtime(), self.library[index].get_cover()) # wit for touchscreen event if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # draw circle for touchscreen feedback, YELLOW, pressed(), 10, 0) # update index in library index = self.on_click(index) # exit mainloop if index == 999: mainloop = False # update display pygame.display.flip()
class Library: '''generate a library screen for scrolling through the audio books''' def __init__(self, screen, library, function): # define screen variables self.screen = screen # define music folder self.library = library # important for framerate self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() # contain all interface methods self.interface = Interface() # declare functions self.function = function def on_click(self, index): '''recognize touchscreen and mouse selections to run functionalities of buttons''' # get actual position of mouse click click_pos = pressed() # go back to main screen if 10 <= click_pos[0] <= 55 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: return 999 # scroll to left if 155 <= click_pos[0] <= 200 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: index -= 1 # make negative index to max index to start new round if index == -1: index = len(self.library) - 1 return index # scroll to right if 210 <= click_pos[0] <= 255 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: index = index + 1 # set max index to 0 for start new round if index >= len(self.library): index = 0 return index # select a book if 265 <= click_pos[0] <= 310 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: # select actual book and go to play window self.function(self.library[index]) return index def run(self): '''run method for drawing the screen to dispay''' mainloop = True # set index of list to first item index = 0 # use infinity loop for drawing screen while mainloop: # Limit frame speed to 30 FPS self.clock.tick(30) for event in pygame.event.get(): # draw interface on screen self.interface.list_interface( self.screen, self.library[index].get_title(), self.library[index].get_artist(), self.library[index].get_total_playtime(), self.library[index].get_cover()) # wit for touchscreen event if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # draw circle for touchscreen feedback, YELLOW, pressed(), 10, 0) # update index in library index = self.on_click(index) # exit mainloop if index == 999: mainloop = False # update display pygame.display.flip()
class PlayerInterface: def __init__(self, screen, book): self.screen = screen self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() # init interface self.interface = Interface() # init books = book # init the player = Player( def on_click(self): ''' recognize touchscreen and mouse selections to run functionalities of buttons ''' click_pos = pressed() # stop music and return to previous screen if 10 <= click_pos[0] <= 55 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: return False # play previous chapter if 65 <= click_pos[0] <= 110 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: # play next chapter if 115 <= click_pos[0] <= 160 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: # pause/unpause the music if 165 <= click_pos[0] <= 210 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: # stop the music the music if 215 <= click_pos[0] <= 260 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: # play the music if 265 <= click_pos[0] <= 310 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: # skip to selected position on the progress bar if 10 <= click_pos[0] <= 310 and 160 <= click_pos[1] <= 185:[0]) return True def run(self): '''run method for drawing the screen to dispay''' mainloop = True while mainloop: # Limit frame speed to 30 FPS self.clock.tick(30) # draw interface to screen self.interface.player_interface(self.screen,,, + 1,,[],, for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.USEREVENT: # start playing next chapter when a song ends # wait for touchscreen pressed if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # draw touchscreen feedback to screen, YELLOW, pressed(), 10, 0) # run functionalities mainloop = self.on_click() # update display pygame.display.flip()
class PlayerInterface: def __init__(self, screen, book): self.screen = screen self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() # init interface self.interface = Interface() # init books = book # init the player = Player( def on_click(self): ''' recognize touchscreen and mouse selections to run functionalities of buttons ''' click_pos = pressed() # stop music and return to previous screen if 10 <= click_pos[0] <= 55 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: return False # play previous chapter if 65 <= click_pos[0] <= 110 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: # play next chapter if 115 <= click_pos[0] <= 160 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: # pause/unpause the music if 165 <= click_pos[0] <= 210 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: # stop the music the music if 215 <= click_pos[0] <= 260 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: # play the music if 265 <= click_pos[0] <= 310 and 190 <= click_pos[1] <= 235: # skip to selected position on the progress bar if 10 <= click_pos[0] <= 310 and 160 <= click_pos[1] <= 185:[0]) return True def run(self): '''run method for drawing the screen to dispay''' mainloop = True while mainloop: # Limit frame speed to 30 FPS self.clock.tick(30) # draw interface to screen self.interface.player_interface( self.screen,,, + 1,,[],, for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.USEREVENT: # start playing next chapter when a song ends # wait for touchscreen pressed if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # draw touchscreen feedback to screen, YELLOW, pressed(), 10, 0) # run functionalities mainloop = self.on_click() # update display pygame.display.flip()