예제 #1
def check_final_grid (grid_path):

    grid = Grid(grid_path)
    problem = False

    # Check there are no isolated bottom cells
    # Find points which are open, their neighbour below is closed (i.e. they're at the seafloor), and their horizontal neighoburs are all closed
    hfac = grid.hfac
    num_valid_neighbours = neighbours(hfac, missing_val=0)[-1]
    valid_below = neighbours_z(hfac, missing_val=0)[3]
    num_isolated = np.count_nonzero((hfac!=0)*(valid_below==0)*(num_valid_neighbours==0))
    if num_isolated > 0:
        problem = True
        print 'Problem!! There are ' + str(num_isolated) + ' locations with isolated bottom cells.'    

    # Check that every water column has at least 2 open cells (partial cells count)
    open_cells = np.ceil(grid.hfac)
    num_pinched = np.count_nonzero(np.sum(open_cells, axis=0)==1)
    if num_pinched > 0:
        problem = True
        print 'Problem!! There are ' + str(num_pinched) + ' locations with only one open cell in the water column.'

    # Check that neighbouring ocean cells have at least 2 open faces between
    open_cells_w, open_cells_e, open_cells_s, open_cells_n = neighbours(open_cells)[:4]
    open_cells_neighbours = [open_cells_w, open_cells_e, open_cells_s, open_cells_n]
    loc_strings = ['western', 'eastern', 'southern', 'northern']
    for i in range(len(loc_strings)):
        problem = check_one_direction(open_cells, open_cells_neighbours[i], loc_strings[i], problem)
    if problem:
        print 'Something went wrong with the filling or digging. Are you sure that your values of hFacMin and hFacMinDr are correct? Are you working with a version of MITgcm that calculates Ro_sfc and R_low differently?'
        print 'Everything looks good!'
예제 #2
def ice_shelf_front_points(grid,

    from interpolation import neighbours

    # Build masks
    if ice_mask is None:
        ice_mask = grid.get_ice_mask(gtype=gtype)
    open_ocean = grid.get_open_ocean_mask(gtype=gtype)

    # Set any remaining bounds
    lon, lat = grid.get_lon_lat(gtype=gtype)
    if xmin is None:
        xmin = np.amin(lon)
    if xmax is None:
        xmax = np.amax(lon)
    if ymin is None:
        ymin = np.amin(lat)
    if ymax is None:
        ymax = np.amax(lat)

    # Find number of open-ocean neighbours for each point
    num_open_ocean_neighbours = neighbours(open_ocean, missing_val=0)[-1]
    # Find all ice shelf points within bounds that have at least 1 open-ocean neighbour
    return ice_mask * (lon >= xmin) * (lon <= xmax) * (lat >= ymin) * (
        lat <= ymax) * (num_open_ocean_neighbours > 0)
예제 #3
def check_final_grid(grid_path):

    grid = Grid(grid_path)
    problem = False

    # Check that every water column has at least 2 open cells (partial cells count)
    open_cells = np.ceil(grid.hfac)
    num_pinched = np.count_nonzero(np.sum(open_cells, axis=0) == 1)
    if num_pinched > 0:
        problem = True
        print 'Problem!! There are ' + str(
        ) + ' locations with only one open cell in the water column.'

    # Check that neighbouring ocean cells have at least 2 open faces between
    open_cells_w, open_cells_e, open_cells_s, open_cells_n = neighbours(
    open_cells_neighbours = [
        open_cells_w, open_cells_e, open_cells_s, open_cells_n
    loc_strings = ['western', 'eastern', 'southern', 'northern']
    for i in range(len(loc_strings)):
        problem = check_one_direction(open_cells, open_cells_neighbours[i],
                                      loc_strings[i], problem)

    if problem:
        print 'Something went wrong with the digging. Are you sure that your values of hFacMin and hFacMinDr are correct? Are you working with a version of MITgcm that calculates Ro_sfc and R_low differently?'
        print 'Everything looks good!'
예제 #4
 def get_coast_mask(self, gtype='t', ignore_iceberg=True):
     from interpolation import neighbours
     open_ocean = self.get_open_ocean_mask(gtype=gtype)
     land_ice = 1 - open_ocean
     num_coast_neighbours = neighbours(land_ice, missing_val=0)[-1]
     coast_mask = (open_ocean * (num_coast_neighbours > 0)).astype(bool)
     if ignore_iceberg:
         # Grounded iceberg A23A should not be considered the coast
         lon, lat = self.get_lon_lat(gtype=gtype)
         [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = a23a_bounds
         index = (lon >= xmin) * (lon <= xmax) * (lat >= ymin) * (lat <=
         coast_mask[index] = False
     return coast_mask
예제 #5
def do_filling (bathy, dz, z_edges, hFacMin=0.1, hFacMinDr=20.):

    # Find the actual bathymetry as the model will see it (based on hFac constraints)
    model_bathy = single_model_bdry(bathy, dz, z_edges, option='bathy', hFacMin=hFacMin, hFacMinDr=hFacMinDr)
    # Find the depth of the z-level below each bathymetry point
    level_below = level_vars(model_bathy, dz, z_edges, include_edge='bottom')[2]
    # Also find this value at the deepest horizontal neighbour for every point
    level_below_w, level_below_e, level_below_s, level_below_n = neighbours(level_below)[:4]
    level_below_neighbours = np.stack((level_below_w, level_below_e, level_below_s, level_below_n))
    level_below_deepest_neighbour = np.amin(level_below_neighbours, axis=0)
    # Find cells which are in a deeper vertical layer than all their neighbours, and build them up by the minimum amount necessary
    print '...' + str(np.count_nonzero(bathy < level_below_deepest_neighbour)) + ' cells to fill'
    bathy = np.maximum(bathy, level_below_deepest_neighbour)

    return bathy
예제 #6
def do_digging (bathy, draft, dz, z_edges, hFacMin=0.1, hFacMinDr=20., dig_option='bathy'):

    # Figure out which field will be modified, which the other field is, which edge should be included in call to level_vars, and whether we are making the field deeper (-1) or shallower (1).
    if dig_option == 'bathy':
        field = bathy
        other_option = 'draft'
        other_field = draft
        include_edge = 'top'
        direction_flag = -1
    elif dig_option == 'draft':
        field = draft
        other_option = 'bathy'
        other_field = bathy
        include_edge = 'bottom'
        direction_flag = 1
        print 'Error (do_digging): invalid dig_option ' + dig_option

    # Find the other field as the model will see it (based on hFac constraints)
    model_other_field = single_model_bdry(other_field, dz, z_edges, option=other_option, hFacMin=hFacMin, hFacMinDr=hFacMinDr)
    # Get some variables about the vertical grid
    layer_number, level_above, level_below, dz_layer, dz_layer_above, dz_layer_below = level_vars(model_other_field, dz, z_edges, include_edge=include_edge)
    # Figure out which ones we care about
    if dig_option == 'bathy':
        level_next = level_below  # Depth of the z-level below the draft
        dz_next = dz_layer_below  # Thickness of the layer below that
    elif dig_option == 'draft':
        level_next = level_above  # Depth of the z-level above the bathymetry
        dz_next = dz_layer_above  # Thickness of the layer above that
        # Also make sure the bathymetry itself is deep enough
        if (layer_number == 1).any():
            print "Error (do_digging): some bathymetry points are within the first vertical layer. If this is a coupled simulation, you need to set up the initial domain using bathymetry digging. If this is not a coupled simulation, use dig_option='bathy'."
    # Figure out the shallowest acceptable bathymetry OR the deepest acceptable ice shelf draft of each point and its neighbours. We want 2 (at least partially) open cells.
    # The first open cell is between the draft and the z-level below it, OR the bathymetry and the z-level above it.
    limit = level_next
    # The second open cell digs into the layer below OR above that by the minimum amount (based on hFac constraints).
    hfac_limit = np.maximum(hFacMin, np.minimum(hFacMinDr/dz_next, 1))
    limit += direction_flag*dz_next*hfac_limit
    # In the land mask, there is no limit.
    if dig_option == 'bathy':
        # Shallowest acceptable bathymetry is zero
        limit[bathy==0] = 0
    elif dig_option == 'draft':
        # Deepest acceptable ice shelf draft is the bottom of the grid
        limit[bathy==0] = z_edges[-1]
    # Get limit at each point's 4 neighbours
    limit_w, limit_e, limit_s, limit_n = neighbours(limit)[:4]

    # Inner function to apply limits to the field (based on each point itself, or each point's neighbour in a single direction eg. west).
    def dig_one_direction (limit):
        # Mask out the land either way
        if dig_option == 'bathy':
            # Find bathymetry that's too shallow
            index = (bathy != 0)*(field > limit)
        elif dig_option == 'draft':
            # Find ice shelf draft that's too deep
            index = (bathy != 0)*(field < limit)
        print '...' + str(np.count_nonzero(index)) + ' cells to dig'
        field[index] = limit[index]
        return field

    field = dig_one_direction(limit)
    limit_neighbours = [limit_w, limit_e, limit_s, limit_n]
    loc_strings = ['west', 'east', 'south', 'north']
    for i in range(len(loc_strings)):
        print 'Digging based on field to ' + loc_strings[i]
        field = dig_one_direction(limit_neighbours[i])

    # Error checking
    if (dig_option == 'bathy' and (field < z_edges[-1]).any()) or (dig_option == 'draft' and (field > 0).any()):
        print 'Error (do_digging): we have dug off the edge of the grid!!'

    return field
예제 #7
def edit_mask (nc_in, nc_out, key='WSK'):

    # Read all the variables
    lon_2d, lat_2d, bathy, draft, omask, imask = read_nc_grid(nc_in)

    # Edit the ocean mask based on the domain type
    if key == 'WSK':
        # Big Weddell Sea domain
        # Block out everything west of the peninsula, and extend the peninsula north to 61S
        # First, close a big box
        omask = mask_box(omask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmax=-66, ymin=-74)
        # Now close everything north of a piecewise line defined by these points
        points = [[-66, -67], [-62, -65], [-60, -64.5], [-52, -61]]
        for i in range(len(points)-1):
            omask = mask_above_line(omask, lon_2d, lat_2d, points[i], points[i+1])
        # Now close a couple of little channels near the peninsula, with a few more boxes defined by [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
        boxes = [[-59, -58, -64.3, -63.6], [-58.5, -57, -63.8, -63.4], [-57, -56.3, -63.4, -63]]
        for box in boxes:
            omask = mask_box(omask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmin=box[0], xmax=box[1], ymin=box[2], ymax=box[3])
        # Close a disconnected region near Foundation Ice Stream
        omask = mask_box(omask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmin=-65.5, xmax=-63.5, ymin=-81.8, ymax=-81.6) 
        # Turn the Baudouin Ice Shelf into land so there are no ice shelves on the open boundaries
        omask = mask_iceshelf_box(omask, imask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmin=24)
    elif key == 'SO-WISE-GYRE':
        # SO-WISE (gyre configuration)
        # Block out everything west of South America
        omask = mask_box(omask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmin=-85.0, xmax=-70.0, ymin=-50.0, ymax=-30.0)
        # Close a disconnected region in the Falkland Islands
        omask = mask_box(omask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmin=-60.4, xmax=-58.9, ymin=-52.1, ymax=-51.2)
        # Close disconnected regions in South America
        boxes = [[-65.1, -63.9, -43.0, -42.3],[-65.6, -64.6, -40.8, -39.9],[-72.4, -68.6, -54.5, -51.8]] 
        for box in boxes:
            omask = mask_box(omask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmin=box[0], xmax=box[1], ymin=box[2], ymax=box[3])
        # Turn a few small, isolated ice shelves into land, fill a few other small shelves
        omask = mask_iceshelf_box(omask, imask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmax=-80, ymin=-75)
        omask = mask_iceshelf_box(omask, imask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmin=-65.1, xmax=-63.4, ymin=-81.8, ymax=-81.7)
        omask = mask_iceshelf_box(omask, imask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmin=-36.0, xmax=-34.0, ymin=-78.2, ymax=-77.4)
        omask = mask_iceshelf_box(omask, imask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmin=45.0, xmax=60.0, ymin=-69.0, ymax=-66.0)
        omask = mask_iceshelf_box(omask, imask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmin=80.0, xmax=90.0, ymin=-68.0, ymax=-66.0)
        # Fill in everything deeper than 6000 m (e.g. South Sandwich Trench)
        bathy[bathy<-6000] = -6000
    elif key == 'WSS':
        # Small Weddell Sea domain used for coupling
        # Block out everything west of the peninsula
        omask = mask_box(omask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmax=-65, ymin=-75)
        # Fill all non-FRIS ice shelves with land
        omask = mask_iceshelf_box(omask, imask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmax=-55, ymin=-74.5)
        omask = mask_iceshelf_box(omask, imask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmin=-40, ymin=-78)
        # Also a few 1-cell ocean points surrounded by ice shelf draft. Fill them with the ice shelf draft of their neighbours.
        draft_w, draft_e, draft_s, draft_n = neighbours(draft)[:4]
        imask_w, imask_e, imask_s, imask_n, valid_w, valid_e, valid_s, valid_n, num_valid_neighbours = neighbours(imask, missing_val=0)
        index = (imask==0)*(num_valid_neighbours==4)
        imask[index] = 1
        draft[index] = 0.25*(draft_w+draft_e+draft_s+draft_n)[index]
    elif key == 'WSFRIS':
        # Big Weddell Sea domain used for coupling
        # Similar to WSK
        # Block out everything west of the peninsula, and extend the peninsula north to 61S
        omask = mask_box(omask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmax=-66, ymin=-74)
        points = [[-66, -67], [-62, -65], [-60, -64.5], [-52, -61]]
        for i in range(len(points)-1):
            omask = mask_above_line(omask, lon_2d, lat_2d, points[i], points[i+1])
        boxes = [[-59, -58, -64.3, -63.6], [-58.5, -57, -63.8, -63.4], [-57, -56.3, -63.4, -63]]
        for box in boxes:
            omask = mask_box(omask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmin=box[0], xmax=box[1], ymin=box[2], ymax=box[3])
            # Turn the Baudouin Ice Shelf into land so there are no ice shelves on the open boundaries
        omask = mask_iceshelf_box(omask, imask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmin=24)
        # Also a few 1-cell ocean points surrounded by ice shelf draft. Fill them with the ice shelf draft of their neighbours.
        draft_w, draft_e, draft_s, draft_n = neighbours(draft)[:4]
        num_valid_neighbours = neighbours(imask, missing_val=0)[-1]
        index = (imask==0)*(num_valid_neighbours==4)
        imask[index] = 1
        draft[index] = 0.25*(draft_w+draft_e+draft_s+draft_n)[index]
        # There is one 1-cell open-ocean ocean point surrounded by ice shelf and land. Fill it with land.
        oomask = omask-imask
        num_valid_neighbours = neighbours(oomask, missing_val=0)[-1]
        index = (oomask==1)*(num_valid_neighbours==0)
        omask[index] = 0
        bathy[index] = 0
    elif key == 'WSS_old_smaller':
        # Small Weddell Sea domain - temporary before coupling      
        # Block out everything west of the peninsula
        omask = mask_box(omask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmax=-65, ymin=-75)
        # Remove Larsen D which intersects the open boundary
        omask = mask_iceshelf_box(omask, imask, lon_2d, lat_2d, ymin=-73)
        # There are a few 1-cell islands; fill them with the bathymetry and ice shelf draft of their neighbours
        omask_w, omask_e, omask_s, omask_n, valid_w, valid_e, valid_s, valid_n, num_valid_neighbours = neighbours(omask, missing_val=0)
        index = (omask==0)*(num_valid_neighbours==4)
        omask[index] = 1
        bathy_w, bathy_e, bathy_s, bathy_n = neighbours(bathy)[:4]
        bathy[index] = 0.25*(bathy_w+bathy_e+bathy_s+bathy_n)[index]
        imask_w, imask_e, imask_s, imask_n = neighbours(imask)[:4]
        imask[index] = np.ceil(0.25*(imask_w+imask_e+imask_s+imask_n))[index]
        draft_w, draft_e, draft_s, draft_n = neighbours(draft)[:4]
        draft[index] = 0.25*(draft_w+draft_e+draft_s+draft_n)[index]
        # Also a few 1-cell ocean points surrounded by ice shelf draft. Fill them with the ice shelf draft of their neighbours.
        imask_w, imask_e, imask_s, imask_n, valid_w, valid_e, valid_s, valid_n, num_valid_neighbours = neighbours(imask, missing_val=0)
        index = (imask==0)*(num_valid_neighbours==4)
        imask[index] = 1
        draft[index] = 0.25*(draft_w+draft_e+draft_s+draft_n)[index]
        raise Exception("Key not found. No edits have been applied") 
    # Make the other fields consistent with this new mask
    index = omask == 0
    bathy[index] = 0
    draft[index] = 0
    imask[index] = 0

    # Copy the NetCDF file to a new name
    shutil.copyfile(nc_in, nc_out)
    # Update the variables
    update_nc_grid(nc_out, bathy, draft, omask, imask)

    print "Fields updated successfully. The deepest bathymetry is now " + str(abs(np.amin(bathy))) + " m."
예제 #8
def edit_mask(nc_in, nc_out, key='WSK'):

    # Read all the variables
    lon_2d, lat_2d, bathy, draft, omask, imask = read_nc_grid(nc_in)

    # Edit the ocean mask based on the domain type
    if key == 'WSK':
        # Big Weddell Sea domain
        # Block out everything west of the peninsula, and extend the peninsula north to 61S
        # First, close a big box
        omask = mask_box(omask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmax=-66, ymin=-74)
        # Now close everything north of a piecewise line defined by these points
        points = [[-66, -67], [-62, -65], [-60, -64.5], [-52, -61]]
        for i in range(len(points) - 1):
            omask = mask_above_line(omask, lon_2d, lat_2d, points[i],
                                    points[i + 1])
        # Now close a couple of little channels near the peninsula, with a few more boxes defined by [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
        boxes = [[-59, -58, -64.3, -63.6], [-58.5, -57, -63.8, -63.4],
                 [-57, -56.3, -63.4, -63]]
        for box in boxes:
            omask = mask_box(omask,
        # Close a disconnected region near Foundation Ice Stream
        omask = mask_box(omask,
        # Turn the Baudouin Ice Shelf into land so there are no ice shelves on the open boundaries
        omask = mask_iceshelf_box(omask, imask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmin=24)
    elif key == 'WSS':
        # Small Weddell Sea domain used for coupling
        # Block out everything west of the peninsula
        omask = mask_box(omask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmax=-65, ymin=-75)
        # Fill all non-FRIS ice shelves with land
        omask = mask_iceshelf_box(omask,
        omask = mask_iceshelf_box(omask,
    elif key == 'WSS_old_smaller':
        # Small Weddell Sea domain - temporary before coupling
        # Block out everything west of the peninsula
        omask = mask_box(omask, lon_2d, lat_2d, xmax=-65, ymin=-75)
        # Remove Larsen D which intersects the open boundary
        omask = mask_iceshelf_box(omask, imask, lon_2d, lat_2d, ymin=-73)
        # There are a few 1-cell islands; fill them with the bathymetry and ice shelf draft of their neighbours
        omask_w, omask_e, omask_s, omask_n, valid_w, valid_e, valid_s, valid_n, num_valid_neighbours = neighbours(
            omask, missing_val=0)
        index = (omask == 0) * (num_valid_neighbours == 4)
        omask[index] = 1
        bathy_w, bathy_e, bathy_s, bathy_n = neighbours(bathy)[:4]
        bathy[index] = 0.25 * (bathy_w + bathy_e + bathy_s + bathy_n)[index]
        imask_w, imask_e, imask_s, imask_n = neighbours(imask)[:4]
        imask[index] = np.ceil(0.25 *
                               (imask_w + imask_e + imask_s + imask_n))[index]
        draft_w, draft_e, draft_s, draft_n = neighbours(draft)[:4]
        draft[index] = 0.25 * (draft_w + draft_e + draft_s + draft_n)[index]
        # Also a few 1-cell ocean points surrounded by ice shelf draft. Fill them with the ice shelf draft of their neighbours.
        imask_w, imask_e, imask_s, imask_n, valid_w, valid_e, valid_s, valid_n, num_valid_neighbours = neighbours(
            imask, missing_val=0)
        index = (imask == 0) * (num_valid_neighbours == 4)
        imask[index] = 1
        draft[index] = 0.25 * (draft_w + draft_e + draft_s + draft_n)[index]

    # Make the other fields consistent with this new mask
    index = omask == 0
    bathy[index] = 0
    draft[index] = 0
    imask[index] = 0

    # Copy the NetCDF file to a new name
    shutil.copyfile(nc_in, nc_out)
    # Update the variables
    update_nc_grid(nc_out, bathy, draft, omask, imask)

    print "Fields updated successfully. The deepest bathymetry is now " + str(
        abs(np.amin(bathy))) + " m."
예제 #9
def remove_grid_problems(nc_in, nc_out, dz_file, hFacMin=0.1, hFacMinDr=20.):

    # Read all the variables
    lon_2d, lat_2d, bathy, draft, omask, imask = read_nc_grid(nc_in)
    # Generate the vertical grid
    dz, z_edges = vertical_layers(dz_file)
    if z_edges[-1] > np.amin(bathy):
        print 'Error (remove_grid_problems): deepest bathymetry is ' + str(
        ) + ' m, but your vertical levels only go down to ' + str(
        ) + ' m. Adjust your vertical layer thicknesses and try again.'

    # Find the actual draft as the model will see it (based on hFac constraints)
    model_draft = np.copy(draft)
    # Get some intermediate variables
    level_below_draft, dz_at_draft = draft_level_vars(draft, dz, z_edges)[:2]
    # Calculate the hFac of the partial cell below the draft
    hfac_below_draft = (draft - level_below_draft) / dz_at_draft
    # Now, modify the draft based on hFac constraints
    hfac_limit = np.maximum(hFacMin, np.minimum(hFacMinDr / dz_at_draft, 1))
    # Find cells which should be fully closed
    index = hfac_below_draft < hfac_limit / 2
    model_draft[index] = level_below_draft[index]
    # Find cells which should be fully open
    index = (hfac_below_draft < hfac_limit) * (hfac_below_draft >=
                                               hfac_limit / 2)
    model_draft[index] = level_below_draft[index] + dz_at_draft[index]
    # Update the intermediate variables (as the layers might have changed now), and also get dz of the layer below the draft
    level_below_draft, dz_at_draft, dz_below_draft = draft_level_vars(
        model_draft, dz, z_edges)

    # Figure out the shallowest acceptable depth of each point and its neighbours, based on the ice shelf draft. We want 2 (at least partially) open cells.
    # The first open cell is between the draft and the z-level below it.
    bathy_limit = level_below_draft
    # The second open cell digs into the level below that by the minimum amount (based on hFac constraints).
    hfac_limit = np.maximum(hFacMin, np.minimum(hFacMinDr / dz_below_draft, 1))
    bathy_limit -= dz_below_draft * hfac_limit
    # Get bathy_limit at each point's 4 neighbours
    bathy_limit_w, bathy_limit_e, bathy_limit_s, bathy_limit_n = neighbours(
    # Make a copy of the original bathymetry for comparison later
    bathy_orig = np.copy(bathy)

    print 'Digging based on local ice shelf draft'
    bathy = dig_one_direction(bathy, bathy_limit)
    bathy_limit_neighbours = [
        bathy_limit_w, bathy_limit_e, bathy_limit_s, bathy_limit_n
    loc_strings = ['west', 'east', 'south', 'north']
    for i in range(len(loc_strings)):
        print 'Digging based on ice shelf draft to ' + loc_strings[i]
        bathy = dig_one_direction(bathy, bathy_limit_neighbours[i])

    # Plot how the results have changed
                    np.ma.masked_where(omask == 0, bathy),
                    title='Bathymetry (m) after digging')
                    np.ma.masked_where(omask == 0, bathy - bathy_orig),
                    title='Change in bathymetry (m)\ndue to digging')

    if hFacMinDr >= dz[0]:
        print 'Zapping ice shelf drafts which are too shallow'
        # Find any points which are less than half the depth of the surface layer
        index = (draft != 0) * (abs(draft) < 0.5 * dz[0])
        print '...' + str(np.count_nonzero(index)) + ' cells to zap'
        draft[index] = 0
        imask[index] = 0
        # Plot how the results have changed
                        np.ma.masked_where(omask == 0, index.astype(int)),
                        title='Ice shelf points which were zapped')

    # Copy the NetCDF file to a new name
    shutil.copyfile(nc_in, nc_out)
    # Update the variables
    update_nc_grid(nc_out, bathy, draft, omask, imask)

    print "The updated grid has been written into " + nc_out + ". Take a look and make sure everything looks okay. If you're happy, run write_topo_files to generate the binary files for MITgcm input."
예제 #10
 def get_boundary(condition_mask):
     num_neighbours_violate = neighbours(condition_mask,
     return mask * (num_neighbours_violate > 0)