def extract_name(s):
    Returns the first name of the person in e-mail address s.
    We assume (see the precondition below) that the e-mail address is in one of
    two forms:
        [email protected]
        [email protected]
    where first and last correspond to the person's first and last name.  Names
    are not empty, and contain only letters. Everything after the @ is guaranteed 
    to be exactly as shown.
    The function preserves the capitalization of the e-mail address.
        extract_name('*****@*****.**') returns 'john'
        extract_name('*****@*****.**') returns 'maggie'
        extract_name('*****@*****.**') returns 'Bob'
    Parameter s: The e-mail address to extract from
    Precondition: s is in one of the two address formats described above
    # You must use an if-else statement in this function.
    if 'com' in s:
        idx = introcs.find_str(s, '.')
        idx_ = introcs.find_str(s, '@')
        first_name = s[idx + 1:idx_]
        idx = introcs.find_str(s, '.')
        first_name = s[:idx]
    return first_name
예제 #2
def first_vowel(s):
    Returns the position of the first vowel in s; it returns -1 if there are no vowels.

    We define the vowels to be the letters 'a','e','i','o', and 'u'.  The letter
    'y' counts as a vowel only if it is not the first letter in the string.

        first_vowel('hat') returns 1
        first_vowel('grrm') returns -1
        first_vowel('sky') returns 2
        first_vowel('year') returns 1

    Parameter s: the string to search
    Precondition: s is a nonempty string with only lowercase letters

    result = len(s)
    vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
    for x in vowels:
        if x in s:
            result = min(result, introcs.find_str(s, x))
        if not x in s and "y" in s and introcs.rfind_str(s, "y") != 0:
            result = introcs.rfind_str(s, "y")
    return result if result != len(s) else -1
예제 #3
def get_src(json):
    Returns the src value in the response to a currency query.

    Given a JSON string provided by the web service, this function returns the string
    inside string quotes (") immediately following the substring '"src"'. For example,
    if the json is
    '{"success": true, "src": "2 United States Dollars", "dst": "1.772814 Euros", "error": ""}'

    then this function returns '2 United States Dollars' (not '"2 United States Dollars"'). 
    On the other hand if the json is 
    '{"success":false,"src":"","dst":"","error":"Source currency code is invalid."}'

    then this function returns the empty string.

    The web server does NOT specify the number of spaces after the colons. The JSON
    '{"success":true, "src":"2 United States Dollars", "dst":"1.772814 Euros", "error":""}'
    is also valid (in addition to the examples above).

    Parameter json: a json string to parse
    Precondition: json a string provided by the web service (ONLY enforce the type)

    assert type(json) == str, 'Precondition violation'

    idx = introcs.find_str(json, "src")
    src = first_inside_quotes(json[idx + 5:])
    return src
예제 #4
def exchange(src, dst, amt):
    Returns the amount of currency received in the given exchange.

    In this exchange, the user is changing amt money in currency src to the currency 
    dst. The value returned represents the amount in currency currency_to.

    The value returned has type float.

    Parameter src: the currency on hand
    Precondition src is a string for a valid currency code

    Parameter dst: the currency to convert to
    Precondition dst is a string for a valid currency code

    Parameter amt: amount of currency to convert
    Precondition amt is a float or int

    assert type(src) == str and len(src) == 3, 'Precondition violation'
    assert introcs.count_str(src, " ") == 0, 'Precondition violation'
    assert type(dst) == str and len(dst) == 3, 'Precondition violation'
    assert introcs.count_str(dst, " ") == 0, 'Precondition violation'
    assert type(amt) == float or type(amt) == int, 'Precondition violation'

    response = service_response(src, dst, amt)
    idx = introcs.find_str(response, "dst")
    convert_to = first_inside_quotes(response[idx + len("dst") + 1:])
    amt_received = before_space(convert_to)
    value = float(amt_received)
    return value
예제 #5
def valid_format(s):
    Returns True if s is a string in 12-format <hours>:<min> AM/PM

        valid_format('2:45 PM') returns True
        valid_format('2:45PM') returns False
        valid_format('14:45') returns False
        valid_format('14:45 AM') returns False
        valid_format(245) returns False

    Parameter s: the candidate time to format
    Precondition: NONE (s can be any value)
    if type(s) != str:
        return False

    colon = introcs.find_str(s, ':')
    if colon == -1:
        return False
    elif not introcs.isdigit(s[:colon]) or not introcs.isdigit(
            s[colon + 1:colon + 3]):
        return False

    hrs = int(s[:colon])
    mins = int(s[colon + 1:colon + 3])
    if hrs < 1 or hrs > 12 or mins >= 60:
        return False

    return s[colon + 3:] == ' AM' or s[colon + 3:] == ' PM'
예제 #6
def has_error(json):
    Returns True if the response to a currency query encountered an error.

    Given a JSON string provided by the web service, this function returns True if the
    query failed and there is an error message. For example, if the json is
        '{"success":false,"src":"","dst":"","error":"Source currency code is invalid."}'

    then this function returns True (It does NOT return the error message 
    'Source currency code is invalid'). On the other hand if the json is 
        '{"success": true, "src": "2 United States Dollars", "dst": "1.772814 Euros", "error": ""}'

    then this function returns False.

    The web server does NOT specify the number of spaces after the colons. The JSON
        '{"success":true, "src":"2 United States Dollars", "dst":"1.772814 Euros", "error":""}'
    is also valid (in addition to the examples above).

    Parameter json: a json string to parse
    Precondition: json a string provided by the web service (ONLY enforce the type)

    assert type(json) == str, 'Precondition violation'

    idx = introcs.find_str(json, "error")
    error = first_inside_quotes(json[idx + 6:])
    result = bool(error)
    return result
예제 #7
def time_to_minutes(s):
    Returns the number of minutes since midnight

       time_to_minutes('2:45 PM') returns 885
       time_to_minutes('9:05 AM') returns 545
       time_to_minutes('12:00 AM') returns 0

    Parameter s: string representation of the time
    Precondition: s is a string in 12-format '<hours>:<min> AM/PM'

    assert valid_format(s) == True
    #find the positions
    pos1 = introcs.find_str(s, ":")
    pos2 = introcs.find_str(s, " ")

    hour = str(s[:pos1])
    time = s[pos2 + 1:]
    currMin = int(s[pos1 + 1:pos2])

    #     assert type(s) == str
    #     assert 7 <= len(s) <= 8
    #     assert currMin <= 60
    #     assert 1 <= int(hour) <= 12
    #     assert introcs.find_str(s,":") != -1
    #     assert introcs.find_str(s," ") != -1

    # convert hour to minutes

    hour = str(s[:pos1])
    time = s[pos2 + 1:]
    currMin = int(s[pos1 + 1:pos2])
    if time == 'PM' and hour != '12':
        hour = int(hour)
        hour += 12
        min = int(hour) * 60
        currMin += min
    elif time == 'AM' and hour == '12':
        hour = 0
        min = int(hour) * 60
        currMin += min
        min = int(hour) * 60
        currMin += min
    return currMin
def first_vowel(s):
    Returns the position of the first vowel in s; it returns -1 if there are no vowels.
    We define the vowels to be the letters 'a','e','i','o', and 'u'.  The letter
    'y' counts as a vowel only if it is not the first letter in the string.
        first_vowel('hat') returns 1
        first_vowel('grrm') returns -1
        first_vowel('sky') returns 2
        first_vowel('year') returns 1
    Parameter s: the string to search
    Precondition: s is a nonempty string with only lowercase letters
    result = len(s)  # In case there is no 'a'

    if 'a' in s:
        result = introcs.find_str(s, 'a')
    if 'e' in s[:result]:
        result = introcs.find_str(s, 'e')
    if 'i' in s[:result]:
        result = introcs.find_str(s, 'i')
    if 'o' in s[:result]:
        result = introcs.find_str(s, 'o')
    if 'u' in s[:result]:
        result = introcs.find_str(s, 'u')
    if 'y' in s[1:result]:
        result = introcs.find_str(s, 'y')

    return -1 if (result == len(s) and 'y' not in s[1:]) else result
def get_dst(json):
	Returns the dst value in the response to a currency query.

	Given a JSON string provided by the web service, this function returns the string
	inside string quotes (") immediately following the substring '"dst"'. For example,
	if the json is

		'{"success": true, "src": "2 United States Dollars", "dst": "1.772814 Euros", "error": ""}'

	then this function returns '1.772814 Euros' (not '"1.772814 Euros"'). On the other
	hand if the json is

		'{"success":false,"src":"","dst":"","error":"Source currency code is invalid."}'

	then this function returns the empty string.

	The web server does NOT specify the number of spaces after the colons. The JSON

		'{"success":true, "src":"2 United States Dollars", "dst":"1.772814 Euros", "error":""}'

	is also valid (in addition to the examples above).

	Parameter json: a json string to parse
	Precondition: json a string provided by the web service (ONLY enforce the type)

    pos1 = introcs.find_str(json, '"')
    pos2 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos1 + 1)
    pos3 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos2 + 1)
    pos4 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos3 + 1)
    pos5 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos4 + 1)
    pos6 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos5 + 1)
    pos7 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos6 + 1)
    pos8 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos7 + 1)
    pos9 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos8 + 1)
    pos10 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos9 + 1)

    return json[pos9 + 1:pos10]
예제 #10
def first_inside_quotes(s):
	Returns the first substring of s between two (double) quote characters

	Note that the double quotes must be part of the string.  So "Hello World" is a
	precondition violation, since there are no double quotes inside the string.

	Example: first_inside_quotes('A "B C" D') returns 'B C'
	Example: first_inside_quotes('A "B C" D "E F" G') returns 'B C', because it only
	picks the first such substring.

	Parameter s: a string to search
	Precondition: s is a string with at least two (double) quote characters inside
    assert type(s) == str

    pos1 = introcs.find_str(s, '"')
    assert pos1 >= 0

    pos2 = introcs.find_str(s, '"', pos1 + 1)
    assert pos2 >= pos1 + 1

    return s[pos1 + 1:pos2]
예제 #11
def after_space(s):
	Returns the substring of s after the first space

	Example: after_space('Hello World') returns 'World'

	Parameter s: the string to slice
	Precondition: s is a string with at least one space in it
    assert type(s) == str, "Invalide type"
    # 	assert introcs.find_str(s, ' ') == True
    index = introcs.find_str(s, ' ')
    assert index >= 0
    after = s[index + 1:]
    return after
예제 #12
def before_space(s):
    Returns the substring of s up to, but not including, the first space.

    Example: before_space('Hello World') returns 'Hello'

    Parameter s: the string to slice
    Precondition: s is a string with at least one space in it

    assert introcs.count_str(s, " ") != 0, 'Precondition violation'

    idx = introcs.find_str(s, ' ')
    sub = s[:idx]
    return sub
예제 #13
def after_space(s):
    Returns the substring of s after the first space

    Example: after_space('Hello World') returns 'World'

    Parameter s: the string to slice
    Precondition: s is a string with at least one space in it

    assert introcs.count_str(s, " ") != 0, 'Precondition violation'

    idx = introcs.find_str(s, ' ')
    sub = s[idx + 1:]
    return sub
예제 #14
def before_space(s):
	Returns the substring of s up to, but not including, the first space.

	Example: before_space('Hello World') returns 'Hello'

	Parameter s: the string to slice
	Precondition: s is a string with at least one space in it
    assert type(s) == str, "Input must be a string"
    # 	assert introcs.find_str(s, ' ') == True
    index = introcs.find_str(s, ' ')
    assert index >= 0
    before = s[0:index]
    return before
예제 #15
def iscurrency(currency):
    Returns True if currency is a valid (3 letter code for a) currency.

    It returns False otherwise.

    Parameter currency: the currency code to verify
    Precondition: currency is a nonempty string with only letters

    assert type(currency) == str and len(
        currency) == 3, 'Precondition violation'

    response = service_response(currency, currency, 1)
    idx = introcs.find_str(response, "error")
    errormessage = first_inside_quotes(response[idx + len("error") + 1:])
    result = not bool(errormessage)
    return result
예제 #16
def iseurofloat(s):
    Returns True if s is a float in European format.  Returns False otherwise.

    In European format, a comma is used in place of a decimal point.  So '12,5' stands
    for 12.5, '0,12' stands for 0.12 and so.  Formally, a string is in European format
    if it is of the form <d1>,<d2> where d1 and d2 are ints (and d2 >= 0).  See

    for more information.

    This function does not recognize floats in scientific notation (e.g. '1e-2').

        iseurofloat('12,5') returns True
        iseurofloat('-12,5') returns True
        iseurofloat('12') returns False
        iseurofloat('12,-5') returns False
        iseurofloat(',5') returns False
        iseurofloat('apple') returns False
        iseurofloat('12,5.3') returns False
        iseurofloat('12,5,3') returns False
        iseurofloat('1e-2') returns False

    Parameter s: The string to check
    Precondition: s is a string
    # You MAY NOT use conditionals anywhere in this function.

    result = False
    pos1 = introcs.find_str(s, ",")

        assert pos1 != -1
        before_comma = s[:pos1]
        after_comma = s[pos1 + 1:]
        assert int(after_comma) >= 0
        0 > int(before_comma) > 0 and int(after_comma) > 0
        result = True

        result = False
    return result
예제 #17
def has_error(json):
	Returns True if the response to a currency query encountered an error.

	Given a JSON string provided by the web service, this function returns True if the
	query failed and there is an error message. For example, if the json is

		'{"success":false,"src":"","dst":"","error":"Source currency code is invalid."}'

	then this function returns True (It does NOT return the error message
	'Source currency code is invalid'). On the other hand if the json is

		'{"success": true, "src": "2 United States Dollars", "dst": "1.772814 Euros", "error": ""}'

	then this function returns False.

	The web server does NOT specify the number of spaces after the colons. The JSON

		'{"success":true, "src":"2 United States Dollars", "dst":"1.772814 Euros", "error":""}'

	is also valid (in addition to the examples above).

	Parameter json: a json string to parse
	Precondition: json a string provided by the web service (ONLY enforce the type)

    pos1 = introcs.find_str(json, '"')
    pos2 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos1 + 1)
    pos3 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos2 + 1)
    pos4 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos3 + 1)
    pos5 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos4 + 1)
    pos6 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos5 + 1)
    pos7 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos6 + 1)
    pos8 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos7 + 1)
    pos9 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos8 + 1)
    pos10 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos9 + 1)
    pos11 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos10 + 1)
    pos12 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos11 + 1)
    pos13 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos12 + 1)
    pos14 = introcs.find_str(json, '"', pos13 + 1)

    finalVal = len(json[pos13 + 1:pos14])
    return finalVal > 0