def test_bibauthority_get_dependent_records_for_control_no(self):
     """bibauthority - test get_dependent_records_for_control_no()"""
     control_nos = get_fieldvalues(118, control_no_field)
     count = 0
     for control_no in control_nos:
         count += len(get_dependent_records_for_control_no(control_no))
 def test_bibauthority_get_dependent_records_for_control_no(self):
     """bibauthority - test get_dependent_records_for_control_no()"""
     control_nos = get_fieldvalues(118, control_no_field)
     count = 0
     for control_no in control_nos:
         count += len(get_dependent_records_for_control_no(control_no))
def format_element(bfo):
    """ Prints the control number of an author authority record in HTML.
    By default prints brief version.

    @param brief: whether the 'brief' rather than the 'detailed' format
    @type brief: 'yes' or 'no'

    from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language
    _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang)    # load the right message language

    control_nos = [d['a'] for d in bfo.fields('035__') if d['a']]
    previous_recIDs = []
    parameters = []
    count = None
    publications_formatted = []
    ## for every control number that this author has, find all the connected records for each one
    for control_no in control_nos:
        for ctrl_number_field_numbers in CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_RECORD_AUTHOR_CONTROL_NUMBER_FIELDS:
            parameters.append(ctrl_number_field_numbers + ":" + control_no.replace(" ",""))
        recIDs = [x for x in get_dependent_records_for_control_no(control_no) if x not in previous_recIDs]
        count = len(recIDs)
        count_string = str(count) + " dependent records"
        from urllib import quote
        # if we have dependent records, provide a link to them
        if count:
            prefix_pattern = "<a href='" + CFG_SITE_URL + "%s" + "'>"
            postfix = "</a>"
            url_str = ''
            # print as many of the author's publications as the CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_PUBLICATION_VIEW_LIMIT allows
                    title = get_fieldvalues(recIDs[i],"245__a")
                    if title:
                        url_str = "/record/"+ str(recIDs[i])
                        prefix = prefix_pattern % url_str
                        publications_formatted.append(prefix + title[0] + postfix)

    title = "<strong>" + _("Publication(s)") + "</strong>"
    if publications_formatted:
        content = "<ul><li>" + "</li><li> ".join(publications_formatted) + "</li></ul>"
        content = "<strong style='color:red'>Missing !</strong>"

    p_val = quote(" or ".join(parameters))
        # include "&c=" parameter for bibliographic records
        # and one "&c=" parameter for authority records
    url_str = \
    "/search" + \
    "?p=" + p_val + \
    "&c=" + quote(CFG_SITE_NAME) + \
    "&sc=1" + \
    "&ln=" + bfo.lang
    prefix = prefix_pattern % url_str
    content += prefix + "See all " + str(count) + " publications..." + postfix

    return "<p>" + title + ": " + content + "</p>"
예제 #4
def format_element(bfo):
    """ Prints the control number of an author authority record in HTML.
    By default prints brief version.

    @param brief: whether the 'brief' rather than the 'detailed' format
    @type brief: 'yes' or 'no'

    from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language
    _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang)    # load the right message language

    control_nos = [d['a'] for d in bfo.fields('035__') if d['a']]
    previous_recIDs = []
    parameters = []
    count = None
    publications_formatted = []
    ## for every control number that this author has, find all the connected records for each one
    for control_no in control_nos:
        for ctrl_number_field_numbers in CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_RECORD_AUTHOR_CONTROL_NUMBER_FIELDS:
            parameters.append(ctrl_number_field_numbers + ":" + control_no.replace(" ",""))
        recIDs = [x for x in get_dependent_records_for_control_no(control_no) if x not in previous_recIDs]
        count = len(recIDs)
        count_string = str(count) + " dependent records"
        from urllib import quote
        # if we have dependent records, provide a link to them
        if count:
            prefix_pattern = "<a href='" + CFG_SITE_URL + "%s" + "'>"
            postfix = "</a>"
            url_str = ''
            # print as many of the author's publications as the CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_PUBLICATION_VIEW_LIMIT allows
                    title = get_fieldvalues(recIDs[i],"245__a")
                    if title:
                        url_str = "/record/"+ str(recIDs[i])
                        prefix = prefix_pattern % url_str
                        publications_formatted.append(prefix + title[0] + postfix)

    title = "<strong>" + _("Publication(s)") + "</strong>"
    if publications_formatted:
        content = "<ul><li>" + "</li><li> ".join(publications_formatted) + "</li></ul>"
        content = "<strong style='color:red'>Missing !</strong>"

    p_val = quote(" or ".join(parameters))
        # include "&c=" parameter for bibliographic records
        # and one "&c=" parameter for authority records
    url_str = \
    "/search" + \
    "?p=" + p_val + \
    "&c=" + quote(CFG_SITE_NAME) + \
    "&sc=1" + \
    "&ln=" + bfo.lang
    prefix = prefix_pattern % url_str
    content += prefix + "See all " + str(count) + " publications..." + postfix

    return "<p>" + title + ": " + content + "</p>"
예제 #5
def format_element(bfo):
    """ Prints the control number of an author authority record in HTML.
    By default prints brief version.

    @param brief: whether the 'brief' rather than the 'detailed' format
    @type brief: 'yes' or 'no'

    from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language
    _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang)    # load the right message language

    control_nos = [d['a'] for d in bfo.fields('035__') if d.get('a')]
    control_nos.extend([d['a'] for d in bfo.fields('970__') if d.get('a')])

    authority_type = [d.get('a') for d in bfo.fields('980__') if d.get('a') and d.get('a')!=authority_identifier]
    if authority_type and type(authority_type) is list:
        authority_type = authority_type[0]

    related_control_number_fields = ['510','970']
    control_nos_formatted = []
    for control_no in control_nos:
        recIDs = get_dependent_records_for_control_no(control_no)
        count = len(recIDs)
        count_string = str(count) + " dependent records"
        from urllib import quote
        # if we have dependent records, provide a link to them
        if count:
            prefix_pattern = "<a href='" + CFG_SITE_URL + "%s" + "'>"
            postfix = "</a>"
            url_str = ''
            # we have multiple dependent records
            if count > 1:
                # joining control_nos might be more helpful for the user
                # than joining recIDs... or maybe not...
                parameters = []
                for control_number_field in related_control_number_fields:
                    parameters.append(control_number_field + ":" + control_no )
                p_val = quote(" or ".join(parameters))
                # include "&c=" parameter for bibliographic records
                # and one "&c=" parameter for authority records
                url_str = \
                    "/search" + \
                    "?p=" + p_val + \
                    "&c=" + quote(CFG_SITE_NAME) + \
                    "&sc=1" + \
                    "&ln=" + bfo.lang
            # we have exactly one dependent record
            elif count == 1:
                url_str = "/record/" + str(recIDs[0])

            prefix = prefix_pattern % (url_str)
            count_string = prefix + count_string + postfix
        #assemble the html and append to list
        html_str = control_no + " (" + count_string + ")"

        # check if there are more than one authority record with the same
        # control number. If so, warn the user about this inconsistency.
        # TODO: hide this warning from unauthorized users
        my_recIDs = get_low_level_recIDs_from_control_no(control_no)
        if len(my_recIDs) > 1:
            url_str = \
                    "/search" + \
                    "?p=" + CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_RECORD_CONTROL_NUMBER_FIELD + ":" + control_no + \
                    "&c=" + quote(CFG_SITE_NAME) + \
                    "&sc=1" + \
                    "&ln=" + bfo.lang
            html_str += \
                ' <span style="color:red">' + \
                '(Warning, there is currently ' + \
                '<a href="' + url_str + '">more than one authority record</a> ' + \
                'with this Control Number)' + \


    title = "<strong>" + _("Control Number(s)") + "</strong>"
    if control_nos_formatted:
        content = "<ul><li>" + "</li><li> ".join(control_nos_formatted) + "</li></ul>"
        content = "<strong style='color:red'>Missing !</strong>"

    return "<p>" + title + ": " + content + "</p>"
def format_element(bfo):
    """ Prints the control number of an author authority record in HTML. 
    By default prints brief version.

    @param brief: whether the 'brief' rather than the 'detailed' format
    @type brief: 'yes' or 'no'

    from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language
    _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang)  # load the right message language

    control_nos = [d['a'] for d in bfo.fields('035__')]
    control_nos = filter(None, control_nos)  # fastest way to remove empty ""s

    control_nos_formatted = []
    for control_no in control_nos:
        #        recIDs = []
        #        types = guess_authority_types(bfo.recID)
        #        # control_no example: AUTHOR:(CERN)aaa0005"
        #        control_nos = [(type + CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_PREFIX_SEP + control_no) for type in types]
        #        for control_no in control_nos:
        #            recIDs.extend(list(search_pattern(p='"' + control_no + '"')))
        recIDs = get_dependent_records_for_control_no(control_no)
        count = len(recIDs)
        count_string = str(count) + " dependent records"

        # if we have dependent records, provide a link to them
        if count:
            prefix_pattern = "<a href='" + CFG_SITE_URL + "%s" + "'>"
            postfix = "</a>"
            url_str = ''
            # we have multiple dependent records
            if count > 1:
                # joining control_nos might be more helpful for the user
                # than joining recIDs... or maybe not...
                #                p_val = '"' + '" or "'.join(control_nos) + '"' # more understandable for the user
                p_val = "recid:" + ' or recid:'.join(
                    [str(recID) for recID in recIDs])  # more efficient
                # include "&c=" parameter for bibliographic records
                # and one "&c=" parameter for authority records
                url_str = \
                    "/search" + \
                    "?p=" + p_val + \
                    "&c=" + CFG_SITE_NAME + \
                    "&sc=1" + \
                    "&ln=" + bfo.lang
            # we have exactly one dependent record
            elif count == 1:
                url_str = "/record/" + str(recIDs[0])

            prefix = prefix_pattern % (url_str)
            count_string = prefix + count_string + postfix
        #assemble the html and append to list
        html_str = control_no + " (" + count_string + ")"

        # check if there are more than one authority record with the same
        # control number. If so, warn the user about this inconsistency.
        # TODO: hide this warning from unauthorized users
        my_recIDs = get_low_level_recIDs_from_control_no(control_no)
        if len(my_recIDs) > 1:
            url_str = \
                    "/search" + \
                    "?p=" + "recid:" + 'or recid:'.join([str(_id) for _id in my_recIDs]) + \
                    "&c=" + CFG_SITE_NAME + \
                    "&sc=1" + \
                    "&ln=" + bfo.lang
            html_str += \
                ' <span style="color:red">' + \
                '(Warning, there is currently ' + \
                '<a href="' + url_str + '">more than one authority record</a> ' + \
                'with this Control Number)' + \


    title = "<strong>" + _("Control Number(s)") + "</strong>"
    content = ", ".join(control_nos_formatted) \
        or "<strong style='color:red'>Missing !</strong>"

    return "<p>" + title + ": " + content + "</p>"
def format_element(bfo):
    """ Prints the control number of an author authority record in HTML. 
    By default prints brief version.

    @param brief: whether the 'brief' rather than the 'detailed' format
    @type brief: 'yes' or 'no'

    from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language
    _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang)    # load the right message language

    control_nos = [d['a'] for d in bfo.fields('035__')]
    control_nos = filter(None, control_nos) # fastest way to remove empty ""s
    control_nos_formatted = []
    for control_no in control_nos:
#        recIDs = []
#        types = guess_authority_types(bfo.recID)
#        # control_no example: AUTHOR:(CERN)aaa0005"
#        control_nos = [(type + CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_PREFIX_SEP + control_no) for type in types]
#        for control_no in control_nos:
#            recIDs.extend(list(search_pattern(p='"' + control_no + '"')))
        recIDs = get_dependent_records_for_control_no(control_no)
        count = len(recIDs)
        count_string = str(count) + " dependent records"
        # if we have dependent records, provide a link to them
        if count:
            prefix_pattern = "<a href='" + CFG_SITE_URL + "%s" + "'>"
            postfix = "</a>"
            url_str = ''
            # we have multiple dependent records
            if count > 1:
                # joining control_nos might be more helpful for the user 
                # than joining recIDs... or maybe not...
#                p_val = '"' + '" or "'.join(control_nos) + '"' # more understandable for the user
                p_val = "recid:" + ' or recid:'.join([str(recID) for recID in recIDs]) # more efficient
                # include "&c=" parameter for bibliographic records 
                # and one "&c=" parameter for authority records
                url_str = \
                    "/search" + \
                    "?p=" + p_val + \
                    "&c=" + CFG_SITE_NAME + \
                    "&sc=1" + \
                    "&ln=" + bfo.lang
            # we have exactly one dependent record
            elif count == 1:
                url_str = "/record/" + str(recIDs[0])
            prefix = prefix_pattern % (url_str)
            count_string = prefix + count_string + postfix
        #assemble the html and append to list
        html_str = control_no + " (" + count_string + ")"
        # check if there are more than one authority record with the same
        # control number. If so, warn the user about this inconsistency. 
        # TODO: hide this warning from unauthorized users
        my_recIDs = get_low_level_recIDs_from_control_no(control_no)
        if len(my_recIDs) > 1:
            url_str = \
                    "/search" + \
                    "?p=" + "recid:" + 'or recid:'.join([str(_id) for _id in my_recIDs]) + \
                    "&c=" + CFG_SITE_NAME + \
                    "&sc=1" + \
                    "&ln=" + bfo.lang
            html_str += \
                ' <span style="color:red">' + \
                '(Warning, there is currently ' + \
                '<a href="' + url_str + '">more than one authority record</a> ' + \
                'with this Control Number)' + \
    title = "<strong>" + _("Control Number(s)") + "</strong>"
    content = ", ".join(control_nos_formatted) \
        or "<strong style='color:red'>Missing !</strong>"
    return "<p>" + title + ": " + content + "</p>"
예제 #8
def format_element(bfo):
    """ Prints the control number of an author authority record in HTML.
    By default prints brief version.

    @param brief: whether the 'brief' rather than the 'detailed' format
    @type brief: 'yes' or 'no'

    from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language
    _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang)  # load the right message language

    control_nos = [d['a'] for d in bfo.fields('035__') if d.get('a')]
    control_nos.extend([d['a'] for d in bfo.fields('970__') if d.get('a')])

    authority_type = [
        d.get('a') for d in bfo.fields('980__')
        if d.get('a') and d.get('a') != authority_identifier
    if authority_type and type(authority_type) is list:
        authority_type = authority_type[0]

    related_control_number_fields = ['510', '970']
        control_number_fields.get(authority_type, []))
    control_nos_formatted = []
    for control_no in control_nos:
        recIDs = get_dependent_records_for_control_no(control_no)
        count = len(recIDs)
        count_string = str(count) + " dependent records"
        from urllib import quote
        # if we have dependent records, provide a link to them
        if count:
            prefix_pattern = "<a href='" + CFG_SITE_URL + "%s" + "'>"
            postfix = "</a>"
            url_str = ''
            # we have multiple dependent records
            if count > 1:
                # joining control_nos might be more helpful for the user
                # than joining recIDs... or maybe not...
                parameters = []
                for control_number_field in related_control_number_fields:
                    parameters.append(control_number_field + ":" + control_no)
                p_val = quote(" or ".join(parameters))
                # include "&c=" parameter for bibliographic records
                # and one "&c=" parameter for authority records
                url_str = \
                    "/search" + \
                    "?p=" + p_val + \
                    "&c=" + quote(CFG_SITE_NAME) + \
                    "&sc=1" + \
                    "&ln=" + bfo.lang
            # we have exactly one dependent record
            elif count == 1:
                url_str = "/record/" + str(recIDs[0])

            prefix = prefix_pattern % (url_str)
            count_string = prefix + count_string + postfix
        #assemble the html and append to list
        html_str = control_no + " (" + count_string + ")"

        # check if there are more than one authority record with the same
        # control number. If so, warn the user about this inconsistency.
        # TODO: hide this warning from unauthorized users
        my_recIDs = get_low_level_recIDs_from_control_no(control_no)
        if len(my_recIDs) > 1:
            url_str = \
                    "/search" + \
                    "?p=" + CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_RECORD_CONTROL_NUMBER_FIELD + ":" + control_no + \
                    "&c=" + quote(CFG_SITE_NAME) + \
                    "&sc=1" + \
                    "&ln=" + bfo.lang
            html_str += \
                ' <span style="color:red">' + \
                '(Warning, there is currently ' + \
                '<a href="' + url_str + '">more than one authority record</a> ' + \
                'with this Control Number)' + \


    title = "<strong>" + _("Control Number(s)") + "</strong>"
    if control_nos_formatted:
        content = "<ul><li>" + "</li><li> ".join(
            control_nos_formatted) + "</li></ul>"
        content = "<strong style='color:red'>Missing !</strong>"

    return "<p>" + title + ": " + content + "</p>"