예제 #1
def get_record_revision_ids(recid):
    """Return list of all record revision IDs.
    Return revision IDs in chronologically decreasing order (latest first).
    res = []
    tmp_res = get_record_revisions(recid)
    for row in tmp_res:
        res.append('%s.%s' % (row[0], row[1]))
    return res
예제 #2
def get_record_revision_ids(recid):
    """Return list of all record revision IDs.
    Return revision IDs in chronologically decreasing order (latest first).
    res = []
    tmp_res = get_record_revisions(recid)
    for row in tmp_res:
        res.append("%s.%s" % (row[0], row[1]))
    return res
예제 #3
def record_revision_exists(recid, revid):
    results = get_record_revisions(recid)
    for res in results:
        if res[1] == revid:
            return True
    return False
예제 #4
def record_revision_exists(recid, revid):
    results = get_record_revisions(recid)
    for res in results:
        if res[1] == revid:
            return True
    return False
    def verify_revision(self, verify_record, original_record, opt_mode=None):
        Compares the upload record with the same 005 record from archive.

        Once the changes are identified, The latest revision of the record is fetched
        from the system and the identified changes are applied over the latest.

        Returns record patch in case of non-conflicting addition/modification/deletion
        Conflicting records raise Error and stops the bibupload process

        upload_rev = ''
        original_rev = ''
        r_date = ''
        record_patch = {}

        # No need for revision check for other operations
        if opt_mode not in ['replace', 'correct']:

        if '001' in verify_record:
            self.rec_id = record_get_field_value(verify_record, '001')

        # Retrieving Revision tags for comparison
        if '005' in verify_record:
            upload_rev = record_get_field_value(verify_record, '005')
            r_date = upload_rev.split('.')[0]

            if r_date not in [k[1] for k in get_record_revisions(self.rec_id)]:
                raise InvenioBibUploadInvalidRevisionError(self.rec_id, r_date)
            raise InvenioBibUploadMissing005Error(self.rec_id)

        if '005' in original_record:
            original_rev = record_get_field_value(original_record, '005')
            raise InvenioBibUploadMissing005Error(self.rec_id)

        # Retrieving the archived version
        marc_xml = get_marcxml_of_record_revision(self.rec_id, r_date)
        res = create_record(zlib.decompress(marc_xml[0][0]))
        archived_record = res[0]

        # Comparing Upload and Archive record
        curr_patch = self.compare_records(verify_record, archived_record, opt_mode)

        # No changes in Upload Record compared to Archived Revision
        # Raising Error to skip the bibupload for the record
        if not curr_patch:
            raise InvenioBibUploadUnchangedRecordError(self.rec_id, upload_rev)

        if original_rev == upload_rev:
            # Upload, Archive and Original Records have same Revisions.
            affected_tags = self.retrieve_affected_tags_with_ind(curr_patch)
            return ('correct', self.generate_final_patch(curr_patch, self.rec_id), affected_tags)

        # Comparing Original and Archive record
        orig_patch = self.compare_records(original_record, archived_record, opt_mode)

        # Checking for conflicts
        # If no original patch - Original Record same as Archived Record
        if orig_patch:
            curr_patch = self.detect_conflict(verify_record, curr_patch, upload_rev, \
                                                original_record, orig_patch, original_rev)

        record_patch = self.generate_final_patch(curr_patch, self.rec_id)
        affected_tags = self.retrieve_affected_tags_with_ind(curr_patch)

        # Returning patch in case of no conflicting fields
        return ('correct', record_patch, affected_tags)
예제 #6
def perform_request_record(req, request_type, recid, uid, data):
    """Handle 'major' record related requests like fetching, submitting or
    deleting a record, cancel editing or preparing a record for merging.

    response = {}

    if request_type == 'newRecord':
        # Create a new record.
        new_recid = reserve_record_id()
        new_type = data['newType']
        if new_type == 'empty':
            # Create a new empty record.
            create_cache_file(recid, uid)
            response['resultCode'], response['newRecID'] = 6, new_recid

        elif new_type == 'template':
            # Create a new record from XML record template.
            template_filename = data['templateFilename']
            template = get_record_template(template_filename)
            if not template:
                response['resultCode']  = 108
                record = create_record(template)[0]
                if not record:
                    response['resultCode']  = 109
                    record_add_field(record, '001',
                    create_cache_file(new_recid, uid, record, True)
                    response['resultCode'], response['newRecID']  = 7, new_recid

        elif new_type == 'clone':
            # Clone an existing record (from the users cache).
            existing_cache = cache_exists(recid, uid)
            if existing_cache:
                    record = get_cache_file_contents(recid, uid)[2]
                    # if, for example, the cache format was wrong (outdated)
                    record = get_bibrecord(recid)
                # Cache missing. Fall back to using original version.
                record = get_bibrecord(recid)
            record_delete_field(record, '001')
            record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=str(new_recid))
            create_cache_file(new_recid, uid, record, True)
            response['resultCode'], response['newRecID'] = 8, new_recid
    elif request_type == 'getRecord':
        # Fetch the record. Possible error situations:
        # - Non-existing record
        # - Deleted record
        # - Record locked by other user
        # - Record locked by queue
        # A cache file will be created if it does not exist.
        # If the cache is outdated (i.e., not based on the latest DB revision),
        # cacheOutdated will be set to True in the response.
        record_status = record_exists(recid)
        existing_cache = cache_exists(recid, uid)
        read_only_mode = False
        if data.has_key("inReadOnlyMode"):
            read_only_mode = data['inReadOnlyMode']

        if record_status == 0:
            response['resultCode'] = 102
        elif record_status == -1:
            response['resultCode'] = 103
        elif not read_only_mode and not existing_cache and \
                record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response['resultCode'] = 104
        elif not read_only_mode and existing_cache and \
                cache_expired(recid, uid) and \
                record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response['resultCode'] = 104
        elif not read_only_mode and record_locked_by_queue(recid):
            response['resultCode'] = 105
            if data.get('deleteRecordCache'):
                delete_cache_file(recid, uid)
                existing_cache = False
                pending_changes = []
                disabled_hp_changes = {}
            if read_only_mode:
                if data.has_key('recordRevision'):
                    record_revision_ts = data['recordRevision']
                    record_xml = get_marcxml_of_revision(recid, \
                    record = create_record(record_xml)[0]
                    record_revision = timestamp_to_revision(record_revision_ts)
                    pending_changes = []
                    disabled_hp_changes = {}
                    # a normal cacheless retrieval of a record
                    record = get_bibrecord(recid)
                    record_revision = get_record_last_modification_date(recid)
                    pending_changes = []
                    disabled_hp_changes = {}
                cache_dirty = False
                mtime = 0
                undo_list = []
                redo_list = []
            elif not existing_cache:
                record_revision, record = create_cache_file(recid, uid)
                mtime = get_cache_mtime(recid, uid)
                pending_changes = []
                disabled_hp_changes = {}
                undo_list = []
                redo_list = []
                cache_dirty = False
                #TODO: This try except should be replaced with something nicer,
                #      like an argument indicating if a new cache file is to
                #      be created
                    cache_dirty, record_revision, record, pending_changes, \
                        disabled_hp_changes, undo_list, redo_list = \
                        get_cache_file_contents(recid, uid)
                    touch_cache_file(recid, uid)
                    mtime = get_cache_mtime(recid, uid)
                    if not latest_record_revision(recid, record_revision) and \
                            get_record_revisions(recid) != ():
                        # This sould prevent from using old cache in case of
                        # viewing old version. If there are no revisions,
                        # it means we should skip this step because this
                        # is a new record
                        response['cacheOutdated'] = True

                    record_revision, record = create_cache_file(recid, uid)
                    mtime = get_cache_mtime(recid, uid)
                    pending_changes = []
                    disabled_hp_changes = {}
                    cache_dirty = False
                    undo_list = []
                    redo_list = []
            if data['clonedRecord']:
                response['resultCode'] = 9
                response['resultCode'] = 3
            revision_author = get_record_revision_author(recid, record_revision)
            last_revision_ts = revision_to_timestamp( \
            revisions_history = get_record_revision_timestamps(recid)

            response['cacheDirty'], response['record'], \
                response['cacheMTime'], response['recordRevision'], \
                response['revisionAuthor'], response['lastRevision'], \
                response['revisionsHistory'], response['inReadOnlyMode'], \
                response['pendingHpChanges'], response['disabledHpChanges'], \
                response['undoList'], response['redoList'] = cache_dirty, \
                record, mtime, revision_to_timestamp(record_revision), \
                revision_author, last_revision_ts, revisions_history, \
                read_only_mode, pending_changes, disabled_hp_changes, \
                undo_list, redo_list
            # Set tag format from user's session settings.
                tagformat_settings = session_param_get(req, 'bibedit_tagformat')
                tagformat = tagformat_settings[recid]
            except KeyError:
                tagformat = CFG_BIBEDIT_TAG_FORMAT
            response['tagFormat'] = tagformat

    elif request_type == 'submit':
        # Submit the record. Possible error situations:
        # - Missing cache file
        # - Cache file modified in other editor
        # - Record locked by other user
        # - Record locked by queue
        # - Invalid XML characters
        # If the cache is outdated cacheOutdated will be set to True in the
        # response.
        if not cache_exists(recid, uid):
            response['resultCode'] = 106
        elif not get_cache_mtime(recid, uid) == data['cacheMTime']:
            response['resultCode'] = 107
        elif cache_expired(recid, uid) and \
                record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response['resultCode'] = 104
        elif record_locked_by_queue(recid):
            response['resultCode'] = 105
                tmp_result = get_cache_file_contents(recid, uid)
                record_revision = tmp_result[1]
                record = tmp_result[2]
                pending_changes = tmp_result[3]
#                disabled_changes = tmp_result[4]

                xml_record = print_rec(record)
                record, status_code, list_of_errors = create_record(xml_record)
                if status_code == 0:
                    response['resultCode'], response['errors'] = 110, \
                elif not data['force'] and \
                        not latest_record_revision(recid, record_revision):
                    response['cacheOutdated'] = True
                    save_xml_record(recid, uid)
                    response['resultCode'] = 4
                response['resultCode'] = CFG_BIBEDIT_AJAX_RESULT_CODES_REV[ \
    elif request_type == 'revert':
        revId = data['revId']
        job_date = "%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s" % re_revdate_split.search(revId).groups()
        revision_xml = get_marcxml_of_revision(recid, job_date)
        save_xml_record(recid, uid, revision_xml)
        if (cache_exists(recid, uid)):
            delete_cache_file(recid, uid)
        response['resultCode'] = 4

    elif request_type == 'cancel':
        # Cancel editing by deleting the cache file. Possible error situations:
        # - Cache file modified in other editor
        if cache_exists(recid, uid):
            if get_cache_mtime(recid, uid) == data['cacheMTime']:
                delete_cache_file(recid, uid)
                response['resultCode'] = 5
                response['resultCode'] = 107
            response['resultCode'] = 5

    elif request_type == 'deleteRecord':
        # Submit the record. Possible error situations:
        # - Record locked by other user
        # - Record locked by queue
        # As the user is requesting deletion we proceed even if the cache file
        # is missing and we don't check if the cache is outdated or has
        # been modified in another editor.
        existing_cache = cache_exists(recid, uid)
        pending_changes = []
        if existing_cache and cache_expired(recid, uid) and \
                record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response['resultCode'] = 104
        elif record_locked_by_queue(recid):
            response['resultCode'] = 105
            if not existing_cache:
                record_revision, record, pending_changes, \
                    deactivated_hp_changes, undo_list, redo_list = \
                    create_cache_file(recid, uid)
                    record_revision, record, pending_changes, \
                        deactivated_hp_changes, undo_list, redo_list = \
                        get_cache_file_contents(recid, uid)[1:]
                    record_revision, record, pending_changes, \
                        deactivated_hp_changes = create_cache_file(recid, uid)
            record_add_field(record, '980', ' ', ' ', '', [('c', 'DELETED')])
            undo_list = []
            redo_list = []
            update_cache_file_contents(recid, uid, record_revision, record, \
                                       pending_changes, \
                                       deactivated_hp_changes, undo_list, \
            save_xml_record(recid, uid)
            delete_related_holdingpen_changes(recid) # we don't need any changes
                                                   # related to a deleted record
            response['resultCode'] = 10

    elif request_type == 'deleteRecordCache':
        # Delete the cache file. Ignore the request if the cache has been
        # modified in another editor.
        if cache_exists(recid, uid) and get_cache_mtime(recid, uid) == \
            delete_cache_file(recid, uid)
        response['resultCode'] = 11

    elif request_type == 'prepareRecordMerge':
        # We want to merge the cache with the current DB version of the record,
        # so prepare an XML file from the file cache, to be used by BibMerge.
        # Possible error situations:
        # - Missing cache file
        # - Record locked by other user
        # - Record locked by queue
        # We don't check if cache is outdated (a likely scenario for this
        # request) or if it has been modified in another editor.
        if not cache_exists(recid, uid):
            response['resultCode'] = 106
        elif cache_expired(recid, uid) and \
                record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response['resultCode'] = 104
        elif record_locked_by_queue(recid):
            response['resultCode'] = 105
            save_xml_record(recid, uid, to_upload=False, to_merge=True)
            response['resultCode'] = 12

    return response
예제 #7
    def verify_revision(self, verify_record, original_record, opt_mode=None):
        Compares the upload record with the same 005 record from archive.

        Once the changes are identified, The latest revision of the record is fetched
        from the system and the identified changes are applied over the latest.

        Returns record patch in case of non-conflicting addition/modification/deletion
        Conflicting records raise Error and stops the bibupload process

        upload_rev = ''
        original_rev = ''
        r_date = ''
        record_patch = {}

        # No need for revision check for other operations
        if opt_mode not in ['replace', 'correct']:

        if '001' in verify_record:
            self.rec_id = record_get_field_value(verify_record, '001')

        # Retrieving Revision tags for comparison
        if '005' in verify_record:
            upload_rev = record_get_field_value(verify_record, '005')
            r_date = upload_rev.split('.')[0]

            if r_date not in [k[1] for k in get_record_revisions(self.rec_id)]:
                raise InvenioBibUploadInvalidRevisionError(self.rec_id, r_date)
            raise InvenioBibUploadMissing005Error(self.rec_id)

        if '005' in original_record:
            original_rev = record_get_field_value(original_record, '005')
            raise InvenioBibUploadMissing005Error(self.rec_id)

        # Retrieving the archived version
        marc_xml = get_marcxml_of_record_revision(self.rec_id, r_date)
        res = create_record(zlib.decompress(marc_xml[0][0]))
        archived_record = res[0]

        # Comparing Upload and Archive record
        curr_patch = self.compare_records(verify_record, archived_record,

        # No changes in Upload Record compared to Archived Revision
        # Raising Error to skip the bibupload for the record
        if not curr_patch:
            raise InvenioBibUploadUnchangedRecordError(self.rec_id, upload_rev)

        if original_rev == upload_rev:
            # Upload, Archive and Original Records have same Revisions.
            affected_tags = self.retrieve_affected_tags_with_ind(curr_patch)
            return ('correct',
                                              self.rec_id), affected_tags)

        # Comparing Original and Archive record
        orig_patch = self.compare_records(original_record, archived_record,

        # Checking for conflicts
        # If no original patch - Original Record same as Archived Record
        if orig_patch:
            curr_patch = self.detect_conflict(curr_patch, upload_rev, \
                                                orig_patch, original_rev)

        record_patch = self.generate_final_patch(curr_patch, self.rec_id)
        affected_tags = self.retrieve_affected_tags_with_ind(curr_patch)

        # Returning patch in case of no conflicting fields
        return ('correct', record_patch, affected_tags)
예제 #8
def perform_request_record(req, request_type, recid, uid, data, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
    """Handle 'major' record related requests like fetching, submitting or
    deleting a record, cancel editing or preparing a record for merging.

    response = {}

    if request_type == "newRecord":
        # Create a new record.
        new_recid = reserve_record_id()
        new_type = data["newType"]
        if new_type == "empty":
            # Create a new empty record.
            create_cache_file(recid, uid)
            response["resultCode"], response["newRecID"] = 6, new_recid

        elif new_type == "template":
            # Create a new record from XML record template.
            template_filename = data["templateFilename"]
            template = get_record_template(template_filename)
            if not template:
                response["resultCode"] = 108
                record = create_record(template)[0]
                if not record:
                    response["resultCode"] = 109
                    record_add_field(record, "001", controlfield_value=str(new_recid))
                    create_cache_file(new_recid, uid, record, True)
                    response["resultCode"], response["newRecID"] = 7, new_recid

        elif new_type == "clone":
            # Clone an existing record (from the users cache).
            existing_cache = cache_exists(recid, uid)
            if existing_cache:
                    record = get_cache_file_contents(recid, uid)[2]
                    # if, for example, the cache format was wrong (outdated)
                    record = get_bibrecord(recid)
                # Cache missing. Fall back to using original version.
                record = get_bibrecord(recid)
            record_delete_field(record, "001")
            record_add_field(record, "001", controlfield_value=str(new_recid))
            create_cache_file(new_recid, uid, record, True)
            response["resultCode"], response["newRecID"] = 8, new_recid
    elif request_type == "getRecord":
        # Fetch the record. Possible error situations:
        # - Non-existing record
        # - Deleted record
        # - Record locked by other user
        # - Record locked by queue
        # A cache file will be created if it does not exist.
        # If the cache is outdated (i.e., not based on the latest DB revision),
        # cacheOutdated will be set to True in the response.
        record_status = record_exists(recid)
        existing_cache = cache_exists(recid, uid)
        read_only_mode = False

        if data.has_key("inReadOnlyMode"):
            read_only_mode = data["inReadOnlyMode"]

        if record_status == 0:
            response["resultCode"] = 102
        elif record_status == -1:
            response["resultCode"] = 103
        elif not read_only_mode and not existing_cache and record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response["resultCode"] = 104
        elif (
            not read_only_mode
            and existing_cache
            and cache_expired(recid, uid)
            and record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid)
            response["resultCode"] = 104
        elif not read_only_mode and record_locked_by_queue(recid):
            response["resultCode"] = 105
            if data.get("deleteRecordCache"):
                delete_cache_file(recid, uid)
                existing_cache = False
                pending_changes = []
                disabled_hp_changes = {}
            if read_only_mode:
                if data.has_key("recordRevision"):
                    record_revision_ts = data["recordRevision"]
                    record_xml = get_marcxml_of_revision(recid, record_revision_ts)
                    record = create_record(record_xml)[0]
                    record_revision = timestamp_to_revision(record_revision_ts)
                    pending_changes = []
                    disabled_hp_changes = {}
                    # a normal cacheless retrieval of a record
                    record = get_bibrecord(recid)
                    record_revision = get_record_last_modification_date(recid)
                    pending_changes = []
                    disabled_hp_changes = {}
                cache_dirty = False
                mtime = 0
                undo_list = []
                redo_list = []
            elif not existing_cache:
                record_revision, record = create_cache_file(recid, uid)
                mtime = get_cache_mtime(recid, uid)
                pending_changes = []
                disabled_hp_changes = {}
                undo_list = []
                redo_list = []
                cache_dirty = False
                # TODO: This try except should be replaced with something nicer,
                #      like an argument indicating if a new cache file is to
                #      be created
                    cache_dirty, record_revision, record, pending_changes, disabled_hp_changes, undo_list, redo_list = get_cache_file_contents(
                        recid, uid
                    touch_cache_file(recid, uid)
                    mtime = get_cache_mtime(recid, uid)
                    if not latest_record_revision(recid, record_revision) and get_record_revisions(recid) != ():
                        # This sould prevent from using old cache in case of
                        # viewing old version. If there are no revisions,
                        # it means we should skip this step because this
                        # is a new record
                        response["cacheOutdated"] = True

                    record_revision, record = create_cache_file(recid, uid)
                    mtime = get_cache_mtime(recid, uid)
                    pending_changes = []
                    disabled_hp_changes = {}
                    cache_dirty = False
                    undo_list = []
                    redo_list = []
            if data["clonedRecord"]:
                response["resultCode"] = 9
                response["resultCode"] = 3
            revision_author = get_record_revision_author(recid, record_revision)
            last_revision_ts = revision_to_timestamp(get_record_last_modification_date(recid))
            revisions_history = get_record_revision_timestamps(recid)
            number_of_physical_copies = get_number_copies(recid)
            bibcirc_details_URL = create_item_details_url(recid, ln)
            can_have_copies = can_record_have_physical_copies(recid)

            response["cacheDirty"], response["record"], response["cacheMTime"], response["recordRevision"], response[
            ], response["lastRevision"], response["revisionsHistory"], response["inReadOnlyMode"], response[
            ], response[
            ], response[
            ], response[
            ] = (
            response["numberOfCopies"] = number_of_physical_copies
            response["bibCirculationUrl"] = bibcirc_details_URL
            response["canRecordHavePhysicalCopies"] = can_have_copies
            # Set tag format from user's session settings.
                tagformat_settings = session_param_get(req, "bibedit_tagformat")
                tagformat = tagformat_settings[recid]
            except KeyError:
                tagformat = CFG_BIBEDIT_TAG_FORMAT
            response["tagFormat"] = tagformat

    elif request_type == "submit":
        # Submit the record. Possible error situations:
        # - Missing cache file
        # - Cache file modified in other editor
        # - Record locked by other user
        # - Record locked by queue
        # - Invalid XML characters
        # If the cache is outdated cacheOutdated will be set to True in the
        # response.
        if not cache_exists(recid, uid):
            response["resultCode"] = 106
        elif not get_cache_mtime(recid, uid) == data["cacheMTime"]:
            response["resultCode"] = 107
        elif cache_expired(recid, uid) and record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response["resultCode"] = 104
        elif record_locked_by_queue(recid):
            response["resultCode"] = 105
                tmp_result = get_cache_file_contents(recid, uid)
                record_revision = tmp_result[1]
                record = tmp_result[2]
                pending_changes = tmp_result[3]
                #                disabled_changes = tmp_result[4]

                xml_record = print_rec(record)
                record, status_code, list_of_errors = create_record(xml_record)
                if status_code == 0:
                    response["resultCode"], response["errors"] = 110, list_of_errors
                elif not data["force"] and not latest_record_revision(recid, record_revision):
                    response["cacheOutdated"] = True
                    save_xml_record(recid, uid)
                    response["resultCode"] = 4
                response["resultCode"] = CFG_BIBEDIT_AJAX_RESULT_CODES_REV["error_wrong_cache_file_format"]
    elif request_type == "revert":
        revId = data["revId"]
        job_date = "%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s" % re_revdate_split.search(revId).groups()
        revision_xml = get_marcxml_of_revision(recid, job_date)
        save_xml_record(recid, uid, revision_xml)
        if cache_exists(recid, uid):
            delete_cache_file(recid, uid)
        response["resultCode"] = 4

    elif request_type == "cancel":
        # Cancel editing by deleting the cache file. Possible error situations:
        # - Cache file modified in other editor
        if cache_exists(recid, uid):
            if get_cache_mtime(recid, uid) == data["cacheMTime"]:
                delete_cache_file(recid, uid)
                response["resultCode"] = 5
                response["resultCode"] = 107
            response["resultCode"] = 5

    elif request_type == "deleteRecord":
        # Submit the record. Possible error situations:
        # - Record locked by other user
        # - Record locked by queue
        # As the user is requesting deletion we proceed even if the cache file
        # is missing and we don't check if the cache is outdated or has
        # been modified in another editor.
        existing_cache = cache_exists(recid, uid)
        pending_changes = []

        if has_copies(recid):
            response["resultCode"] = CFG_BIBEDIT_AJAX_RESULT_CODES_REV["error_physical_copies_exist"]
        elif existing_cache and cache_expired(recid, uid) and record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response["resultCode"] = CFG_BIBEDIT_AJAX_RESULT_CODES_REV["error_rec_locked_by_user"]
        elif record_locked_by_queue(recid):
            response["resultCode"] = CFG_BIBEDIT_AJAX_RESULT_CODES_REV["error_rec_locked_by_queue"]
            if not existing_cache:
                record_revision, record, pending_changes, deactivated_hp_changes, undo_list, redo_list = create_cache_file(
                    recid, uid
                    record_revision, record, pending_changes, deactivated_hp_changes, undo_list, redo_list = get_cache_file_contents(
                        recid, uid
                    record_revision, record, pending_changes, deactivated_hp_changes = create_cache_file(recid, uid)
            record_add_field(record, "980", " ", " ", "", [("c", "DELETED")])
            undo_list = []
            redo_list = []
                recid, uid, record_revision, record, pending_changes, deactivated_hp_changes, undo_list, redo_list
            save_xml_record(recid, uid)
            delete_related_holdingpen_changes(recid)  # we don't need any changes
            # related to a deleted record
            response["resultCode"] = 10

    elif request_type == "deleteRecordCache":
        # Delete the cache file. Ignore the request if the cache has been
        # modified in another editor.
        if cache_exists(recid, uid) and get_cache_mtime(recid, uid) == data["cacheMTime"]:
            delete_cache_file(recid, uid)
        response["resultCode"] = 11

    elif request_type == "prepareRecordMerge":
        # We want to merge the cache with the current DB version of the record,
        # so prepare an XML file from the file cache, to be used by BibMerge.
        # Possible error situations:
        # - Missing cache file
        # - Record locked by other user
        # - Record locked by queue
        # We don't check if cache is outdated (a likely scenario for this
        # request) or if it has been modified in another editor.
        if not cache_exists(recid, uid):
            response["resultCode"] = 106
        elif cache_expired(recid, uid) and record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
            response["resultCode"] = 104
        elif record_locked_by_queue(recid):
            response["resultCode"] = 105
            save_xml_record(recid, uid, to_upload=False, to_merge=True)
            response["resultCode"] = 12

    return response