def test_Archive(db): """Test the Archive model class.""" assert Archive.query.count() == 0 # we create an SIP, it will automatically create an Archive via signals user = create_test_user('*****@*****.**') sip = SIP.create(True,, agent={'test': 'test'}) db.session.commit() assert Archive.query.count() == 1 ark = Archive.get_from_sip( assert == assert ark.status == ArchiveStatus.NEW assert ark.accession_id is None assert ark.archivematica_id is None # let's change the object ark.status = ArchiveStatus.REGISTERED ark.accession_id = '08' ark.archivematica_id = db.session.commit() ark = Archive.get_from_accession_id('08') assert Archive.query.count() == 1 assert ark.status == ArchiveStatus.REGISTERED assert ark.archivematica_id == # we try to get a non existing record assert Archive.get_from_sip(uuid.uuid4()) is None
def oais_start_transfer(uuid, accession_id='', archivematica_id=None): """Archive a sip. This function should be called to start a transfer to archive a sip. Once the transfer is finished, you should call :py:func:`invenio_archivematica.tasks.oais_finish_transfer`. The signal :py:data:`invenio_archivematica.signals.oais_transfer_started` is called with the sip as function parameter. :param str uuid: the UUID of the sip to archive :param str accession_id: the AIP accession ID. You can generate one from :py:func:`invenio_archivematica.factories.create_accession_id` """ # we get the sip sip = SIP.get_sip(uuid) # we register the sip as being processed ark = Archive.get_from_sip(uuid) if not ark: ark = Archive.create(sip.model) ark.accession_id = accession_id ark.status = ArchiveStatus.WAITING # we start the transfer imp = current_app.config['ARCHIVEMATICA_TRANSFER_FACTORY'] transfer = import_string(imp) ret = transfer(, current_app.config['ARCHIVEMATICA_TRANSFER_FOLDER']) if ret == 0: db.session.commit() oais_transfer_started.send(sip) return oais_fail_transfer(uuid, accession_id)
def transfer_demo(uuid, config): """Transfer the files contained in the sip to the destination. Very similar to the rsync transfer. However, because of time, I use the VERY UNSECURE sshpass package for rsync authentication. DO NOT USE IN PROD!!! :param str uuid: the id of the sip containing files to transfer :param dict config: here config must be a dict with the following keys: - user - the SSH user - password_file - a path where the password is stored - remote - the URL or IP of the remote - remote_path - where to store files on the remote - args - the args for rsync """ # we retrieve the archive and the SIP associated sip = SIP.get_sip(uuid) ark = Archive.get_from_sip(uuid) # we export it to the temp folder archiver = BaseArchiver(sip) archiver.write_all_files() # we rsync it to the remote src_path = archiver.get_fullpath('') dest_path = join(config['remote_path'], ark.accession_id) dest_path = '{}:{}'.format(config['remote'], dest_path) ssh_command = 'sshpass -f {filename} ssh -l {user}'.format( filename=config['password_file'], user=config['user']) return call([ 'rsync', config['args'], '--rsh={}'.format(ssh_command), src_path, dest_path ])
def test_oais_fail_transfer(db): """Test the oais_fail_transfer function.""" # let's create a SIP sip = SIP.create() Archive.create(sip) db.session.commit() # we fail the transfer oais_fail_transfer( assert Archive.query.count() == 1 ark = Archive.get_from_sip( assert ark.status == ArchiveStatus.FAILED
def test_oais_process_transfer(db): """Test the oais_process_transfer function.""" # let's create a SIP sip = SIP.create() Archive.create(sip) db.session.commit() aipid = uuid.uuid4() oais_process_transfer(, archivematica_id=aipid) assert Archive.query.count() == 1 ark = Archive.get_from_sip( assert ark.status == ArchiveStatus.PROCESSING_TRANSFER assert ark.archivematica_id == aipid
def test_oais_finish_transfer(db): """Test the oais_finish_transfer function.""" # let's create a SIP sip = SIP.create() Archive.create(sip) aipid = uuid.uuid4() db.session.commit() # we finish the transfer oais_finish_transfer(, archivematica_id=aipid) assert Archive.query.count() == 1 ark = Archive.get_from_sip( assert ark.status == ArchiveStatus.REGISTERED assert ark.archivematica_id == aipid assert ark.sip.archived is True
def archive_directory_builder(sip): """Build a directory structure for the archived SIP. Creates a structure that is based on the Archive object linked to the SIP. It takes its accession_id. In case no Archive object exists, it returns the ID of the SIP. :param sip: SIP which is to be archived :type SIP: invenio_sipstore.models.SIP :returns: list of str """ ark = Archive.get_from_sip( if not ark and not ark.accession_id: return [str(] return [ark.accession_id]
def test_oais_start_transfer(app, db, location): """Test the oais_start_transfer function.""" assert Archive.query.count() == 0 # let's create a SIP sip = SIP.create() Archive.create(sip) db.session.commit() assert Archive.query.count() == 1 # we start the transfer oais_start_transfer(, '1991') ark = Archive.get_from_sip( assert ark.status == ArchiveStatus.WAITING assert ark.accession_id == '1991' # we try the case where no archive exist and transfer fails db.session.delete(ark) db.session.commit() app.config['ARCHIVEMATICA_TRANSFER_FACTORY'] = 'helpers:transfer_fail' assert Archive.query.count() == 0 oais_start_transfer(, '1991') ark = Archive.get_from_sip( assert Archive.query.count() == 1 assert ark.status == ArchiveStatus.FAILED assert ark.accession_id == '1991' assert ark.sip.archived is False
def test_listeners(conf, expected_status, app, db): """Test listener_sip_created and listener_record_updated functions.""" # first we change the is_archivable function app.config['ARCHIVEMATICA_ISARCHIVABLE_FACTORY'] = conf assert Archive.query.count() == 0 # let's create an SIP user = create_test_user('*****@*****.**') sip = SIP.create(True,, agent={'test': 'test'}) db.session.commit() assert Archive.query.count() == 1 ark = Archive.get_from_sip( assert == assert ark.status == expected_status
def oais_fail_transfer(uuid, accession_id='', archivematica_id=None): """Mark the transfer as failed. This function should be called if the transfer failed. See :py:func:`invenio_archivematica.tasks.oais_start_transfer`. The signal :py:data:`invenio_archivematica.signals.oais_transfer_failed` is called with the sip as function parameter. :param str uuid: the UUID of the sip """ ark = Archive.get_from_sip(uuid) ark.status = ArchiveStatus.FAILED ark.sip.archived = False db.session.commit() oais_transfer_failed.send(SIP(ark.sip))
def oais_process_aip(uuid, accession_id='', archivematica_id=None): """Mark the aip in progress. This function should be called if the aip is processing. See :py:func:`invenio_archivematica.tasks.oais_start_transfer`. The signal :py:data:`invenio_archivematica.signals.oais_transfer_processing` is called with the sip as function parameter. :param str uuid: the UUID of the sip :param str archivematica_id: the ID of the AIP in Archivematica """ ark = Archive.get_from_sip(uuid) ark.status = ArchiveStatus.PROCESSING_AIP ark.archivematica_id = archivematica_id db.session.commit() oais_transfer_processing.send(SIP(ark.sip))
def oais_finish_transfer(uuid, accession_id='', archivematica_id=None): """Finalize the transfer of a sip. This function should be called once the transfer has been finished, to mark the sip as correctly archived. See :py:func:`invenio_archivematica.tasks.oais_start_transfer`. The signal :py:data:`invenio_archivematica.signals.oais_transfer_finished` is called with the sip as function parameter. :param str uuid: the UUID of the sip :param str archivematica_id: the ID in Archivematica of the created AIP (should be an UUID) """ ark = Archive.get_from_sip(uuid) ark.status = ArchiveStatus.REGISTERED ark.archivematica_id = archivematica_id ark.sip.archived = True db.session.commit() oais_transfer_finished.send(SIP(ark.sip))