예제 #1
def splinePoints(cvs, num_points=100):
    from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
    spl = UnivariateSpline(cvs[:, 0], cvs[:, 1])
    bb = BoundingBox(cvs)
    x_new = np.linspace(bb.min()[0], bb.max()[0], num_points)
    y_new = spl(x_new)

    ps = np.zeros((num_points, 2))
    ps[:, 0] = x_new
    ps[:, 1] = y_new
    return ps
예제 #2
파일: line.py 프로젝트: tody411/InverseToon
    def __init__(self, p, q):
        self._p = np.array(p)
        self._q = np.array(q)
        peq = np.array([p[0], p[1], 1])
        qeq = np.array([q[0], q[1], 1])
        self._n = np.cross(peq, qeq)
        self._n = normalizeVector(self._n)

        self._e = self._q - self._p
        self._e = normalizeVector(self._e)
        self._bb = BoundingBox([p, q])
예제 #3
파일: line.py 프로젝트: tody411/InverseToon
class Line:
    ## Constructor
    #  @param p start point
    #  @param q end point
    #  Line representation: (a, b, c) = (x1, y1, 1) $\times$ (x2, y2, 1)
    #  - points on line: (a, b, c) $\cdot$ (x, y , 1) = 0
    #  - line intersection: (x, y, w) = (a1, b1, c1) $\times$ (a2, b2, c2)
    def __init__(self, p, q):
        self._p = np.array(p)
        self._q = np.array(q)
        peq = np.array([p[0], p[1], 1])
        qeq = np.array([q[0], q[1], 1])
        self._n = np.cross(peq, qeq)
        self._n = normalizeVector(self._n)

        self._e = self._q - self._p
        self._e = normalizeVector(self._e)
        self._bb = BoundingBox([p, q])

    ## Return the positions of the line.
    def points(self):
        return np.array([self._p, self._q])

    ## Return the position of the parameter [0, 1].
    def pointAt(self, t):
        return self._p + t * self.length() * self._e

    ## Return the length of the line.
    def length(self):
        return np.linalg.norm(self._q - self._p)

    ## Find an intersected point with the given line.
    def intersect(self, l):
        ipeq = np.cross(self._n, l._n)
        if np.abs(ipeq[2]) < 0.000:
            return None

        ipeq *= 1.0 / ipeq[2]
        ip = np.array([ipeq[0], ipeq[1]])

        if self._bb.contains(ip) and l._bb.contains(ip):
            return ip

        return None

    ## Returns the closest point on this line to the given point.
    def closestPoint(self, p):
        return self._closestPointVec(p)

    ## Returns the closest point on this line to the given point.
    def _closestPointEq(self, p):
        a, b, c = self._n
        x0, y0 = p

        x = (b * (b * x0 - a * y0) - a * c) / (a * a + b * b)
        y = (a * (-b * x0 + a * y0) - b * c) / (a * a + b * b)
        return np.array([x, y])

    ## Returns the closest point on this line to the given point.
    def _closestPointVec(self, p):
        v = p - self._p
        return np.dot(v, self._e) * self._e + self._p

    ## Return the parameter of the closest point.
    def closestParam(self, p):
        v = p - self._p
        t = np.dot(v, self._e)
        return t / self.length()

    ## Return the distance from the given point to closest point on the line.
    def distanceToPoint(self, p):
        a, b, c = self._n
        x0, y0 = p

        return np.abs((a * x0 + b * y0 + c) / np.sqrt(a ** 2 + b ** 2))

    ## Plot line with matplot.
    def plotLine(self, plt):
        ps = self.points()
        plt.plot(ps[:, 0], ps[:, 1], "-")

    def plotVector(self, plt):
        hl = 0.02
        v = self._q - self._p
        v *= 1.0 - 2.0 * hl
        plt.arrow(self._p[0], self._p[1], v[0], v[1], head_width=0.5 * hl, head_length=hl)

    ## Plot closest point.
    def plotClosetPoint(self, plt, p):
        p = np.array(p)
        cp = self.closestPoint(p)
        plt.plot(cp[0], cp[1], "o")
        plt.annotate('closest point: %s' % cp, xy=cp)

        Line(p, cp).plotLine(plt)
        Line(self._p, p).plotVector(plt)
예제 #4
 def __init__(self, points, params, level=0):
     self._level = level
     self._bb = BoundingBox(points)
     self._children = []
     self._line = None
     self._createChildren(points, params)
예제 #5
class BVH:
    ## Constructor
    def __init__(self, points, params, level=0):
        self._level = level
        self._bb = BoundingBox(points)
        self._children = []
        self._line = None
        self._createChildren(points, params)

    ## Return if the node is leaf.
    def isLeaf(self):
        return len(self._children) == 0

    ## Return the points in the node.
    def points(self):
        return self._points

    ## Return the children in the node.
    def children(self):
        if self.isLeaf():
            return [self]

        return self._children

    ## Return true if the given point is included in the node.
    def contains(self, p):
        return self._bb.contains(p)

    ## Find intersections with the given BVH structure.
    def intersect(self, bvh):
        if self._bb.intersects(bvh._bb):
            if bvh.isLeaf() and self.isLeaf():
                ip = self._line.intersect(bvh._line)

                if ip is not None:
                    ilt = self._line.closestParam(ip)
                    t_min, t_max = self._param_range

                    it = (1.0 - ilt) * t_min + ilt * t_max
                    return [(self, bvh, ip, it)]

                ibvhs = []
                for self_ch in self.children():
                    for bvh_ch in bvh.children():
                        ibvh = self_ch.intersect(bvh_ch)
                        if ibvh is not None:

                return ibvhs
            return None
        return None

    ## Plot BVH.
    def plotBVH(self, plt, color="b", alpha=0.05):
        self._bb.plotBoundingBox(plt, color=color, alpha=alpha)
        if self.isLeaf():

        for bvh in self.children():
            bvh.plotBVH(plt, color)

    def _createChildren(self, points, params):
        if len(points) < 5:
            self._points = points
            self._params = params
            self._param_range = [np.min(params), np.max(params)]
            self._line = Line(self._points[0], self._points[-1])

        points_left = points[:len(points) / 2 + 1]
        points_right = points[len(points) / 2:]

        params_left = params[:len(points) / 2 + 1]
        params_right = params[len(points) / 2:]

        self._children = [BVH(points_left, params_left, self._level + 1),
                          BVH(points_right, params_right, self._level + 1)]