예제 #1
                  help="Output path",

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()


filename = options.FILEN
twiss = io.TFSReader(options.MODEL)
twissfile = twiss2(options.MODEL)
sbunch = options.BUNCH  #this is index of list of bunches in lbunches (-->bunch id array)

#ex: lbunches=['3','4','5','6'], sbunch=3 --> bunch_id=6

#load sdds data
def getdata(plane):

    print 'data list has ', len(a.data), ' elements'
    d = a.data[0]
    names = d['bpmNames']
    nbpms = len(names)
    print "Number of bpms ", nbpms
예제 #2
#-maybe adjust space with .rjust,.ljust for better layout of tfs output
#-once there is data, verify we have enough digits on position data printed out in tfs
#-could setup:
#---- read input info from argv
#---- read a list of bunches insteda of a single one for run
#---- could change input sbunch to
#     'bunch_id' (now it's just index of the list of available bunches)

import sddsdataFED as sdds
import io
from numpy import *

#input, should be set up with argv from the command line?

filename = "LHCBPM2-Mon_Jun_29_16-26-00_CEST_2009.sdds"
twiss = io.TFSReader('../../LHCB2/twiss.dat')

#select the plane
plane = 'hor'

#select bunches for which you want to print out the orbit
sbunch = 3  #this is index of list of bunches in lbunches (-->bunch id array)

#ex: lbunches=['3','4','5','6'], sbunch=3 --> bunch_id=6

#load sdds data

a = sdds.sddsdata(filename, 'big')