예제 #1
def subset_image_by_shapefile(imagefile, shapefile, bkeepmidfile):
    subset an image by polygons contained in the shapefile
        imagefile:input image file path
        shapefile:input shapefile contains polygon
        bkeepmidfile:indicate whether keep middle file

    Returns:output file name if succussful, False Otherwise

    if io_function.is_file_exist(imagefile) is False:
        return False
    if io_function.is_file_exist(shapefile) is False:
        return False

    Outfilename = io_function.get_name_by_adding_tail(imagefile, 'vsub')

    # ds = ogr.Open(shapefile)
    # lyr = ds.GetLayer(0)
    # lyr.ResetReading()
    # ft = lyr.GetNextFeature()

    # subprocess.call(['gdalwarp', imagefile, Outfilename, '-cutline', shapefile,\
    #                       '-crop_to_cutline'])

    orgimg_obj = RSImageclass()
    if orgimg_obj.open(imagefile) is False:
        return False
    x_res = abs(orgimg_obj.GetXresolution())
    y_res = abs(orgimg_obj.GetYresolution())

    CommandString = 'gdalwarp ' + ' -tr ' + str(x_res) + '  ' + str(
    ) + ' ' + imagefile + ' ' + Outfilename + ' -cutline ' + shapefile + ' -crop_to_cutline ' + ' -overwrite '
    if basic.exec_command_string_one_file(CommandString, Outfilename) is False:
        return False

    # while ft:
    #     country_name = ft.GetFieldAsString('admin')
    #     outraster = imagefile.replace('.tif', '_%s.tif' % country_name.replace(' ', '_'))
    #     subprocess.call(['gdalwarp', imagefile, Outfilename, '-cutline', shapefile,
    #                      '-crop_to_cutline', '-cwhere', "'admin'='%s'" % country_name])
    #     ft = lyr.GetNextFeature()

    if not bkeepmidfile:

    if io_function.is_file_exist(Outfilename):
        return Outfilename
        # basic.outputlogMessage(result)
            'The version of GDAL must be great than 2.0 in order to use the r option '
        return False
예제 #2
def mosaics_images(raster_files, outputfile, nodata):
    mosaic a set of images. All the images must be in the same coordinate system and have a matching number of bands,
        raster_files:a set of images with same coordinate system and have a matching number of bands, list type
        outputfile: the mosaic result file

    Returns: the result path if successful, False otherwise

    if isinstance(raster_files, list) is False:
        basic.outputlogMessage('the type of raster_files must be list')
        return False
    if len(raster_files) < 2:
        basic.outputlogMessage('file count less than 2')
        return False

    inputfile = ''
    for i in range(0, len(raster_files)):
        if io_function.is_file_exist(raster_files[i]) is False:
            return False
        inputfile = inputfile + ' ' + raster_files[i]
    CommandString = 'gdal_merge.py ' + inputfile + ' -o ' + outputfile + ' -n ' + str(
    return basic.exec_command_string_one_file(CommandString, outputfile)
예제 #3
def transforms_raster_srs(rasterfile,t_srs,t_file,x_res,y_res,resample_m='bilinear',
                          o_format='GTiff',compress=None, tiled=None, bigtiff=None):
    convert raster file to target SRS(Spatial Reference System)
        rasterfile:input raster file
        t_srs: target SRS(Spatial Reference System)
        t_file:the output target file
        x_res:set output file x-resolution (in target georeferenced units),assigning this value to make sure the resolution would not change in target file
        y_res:set output file y-resolution (in target georeferenced units),assigning this value to make sure the resolution would not change in target file

    Returns:the output file path is successful, False Otherwise

    if io_function.is_file_exist(rasterfile) is False:
        return False
    x_res  = abs(x_res)
    y_res = abs(y_res)
    CommandString = 'gdalwarp  -r %s  -t_srs '%resample_m + t_srs  +' -tr ' +str(x_res)+ ' ' + str(y_res)

    if compress != None:
        CommandString += ' -co ' + 'compress=%s'%compress       # lzw
    if tiled != None:
        CommandString += ' -co ' + 'TILED=%s'%tiled     # yes
    if bigtiff != None:
        CommandString += ' -co ' + 'bigtiff=%s' % bigtiff  # IF_SAFER

    CommandString += ' ' + rasterfile + ' ' + t_file

    return basic.exec_command_string_one_file(CommandString,t_file)
예제 #4
 def Read_Image_band_data_to_numpy_array_all_pixel(self,bandindex,image_path):
     if io_function.is_file_exist(image_path) is False:
         return False
     self.img__obj =  RSImageclass()
     if self.img__obj.open(image_path) is False:
         return False
     width = self.img__obj.GetWidth()
     height = self.img__obj.GetHeight()
     return self.__Read_band_data_to_numpy_array(bandindex,0,0,width,height,self.img__obj)
예제 #5
def convert_image_to_gray(output_image,input_image,src_min,src_max,dst_min,dst_max):
    if io_function.is_file_exist(input_image) is False:
        return False
    src_min = str(src_min)
    src_max = str(src_max)
    dst_min = str(dst_min)
    dst_max = str(dst_max)
    CommandString = 'gdal_translate  -r bilinear -ot Byte -scale ' + ' ' + src_min + ' ' + src_max + ' ' + dst_min + ' ' + dst_max \
                    + ' ' + input_image + ' ' + output_image
    return basic.exec_command_string_one_file(CommandString,output_image)
예제 #6
def resample_image(input_img,output_img,target_resolutionX,target_resolutionY,method):
    resample the input image with specific resolution and resample method
    :param input_img: path of input image
    :param output_img: path of the output image
    :param target_resolutionX: the X resolution of output image
    :param target_resolutionY: the Y resolution of output image
    :param method:  resample method(same as gdal) : nearest,bilinear,cubic,cubicspline,lanczos,average,mode
    :return:True if successful, False Otherwise
    if io_function.is_file_exist(input_img) is False:
        return False
    args_list = ['gdalwarp','-r',method,'-tr',str(target_resolutionX),str(target_resolutionY),input_img,output_img]
    return basic.exec_command_args_list_one_file(args_list,output_img)
예제 #7
 def Read_Image_data_to_numpy_array_all_band_pixel(self,image_path):
     if io_function.is_file_exist(image_path) is False:
         return False
     self.img__obj =  RSImageclass()
     if self.img__obj.open(image_path) is False:
         return False
     width = self.img__obj.GetWidth()
     height = self.img__obj.GetHeight()
     bandcount = self.img__obj.GetBandCount()
     images = numpy.zeros((width, height, bandcount))
     for band in range(0,bandcount):
         band_img = self.__Read_band_data_to_numpy_array(band+1,0,0,width,height,self.img__obj)
         if band_img is False:
             return False
         images[:,:,band] = band_img
     return images
예제 #8
def get_raster_or_vector_srs_info(spatial_data, format):
    get SRS(Spatial Reference System) information from raster or vector data
        spatial_data: the path of raster or vector data
        format: Any of the usual GDAL/OGR forms(complete WKT, PROJ.4, EPSG:n or a file containing the SRS)

    Returns:the string of srs info in special format, False otherwise

    if io_function.is_file_exist(spatial_data) is False:
        return False
    CommandString = 'gdalsrsinfo -o  ' + format + ' ' + spatial_data
    result = basic.exec_command_string_output_string(CommandString)
    if result.find('ERROR') >= 0:
        return False
    return result
예제 #9
def transforms_vector_srs(shapefile, t_srs, t_file):
    convert vector file to target SRS(Spatial Reference System)
        shapefile:input vector file
        t_srs:target SRS(Spatial Reference System)
        t_file:the output target file

    Returns:the output file path is successful, False Otherwise

    if io_function.is_file_exist(shapefile) is False:
        return False
    CommandString = 'ogr2ogr  -t_srs  ' + t_srs + ' ' + t_file + ' ' + shapefile
    # if result.find('ERROR') >=0 or result.find('FAILURE'):
    #     return False
    return basic.exec_command_string_one_file(CommandString, t_file)
예제 #10
def transforms_raster_srs_to_base_image(rasterfile,baseimage,target_file,x_res,y_res):
    convert raster file to target SRS(Spatial Reference System) of base image
        rasterfile:input raster file
        baseimage:a image contains target srs info
        target_file:the output target file
        x_res:set output file x-resolution (in target georeferenced units)
        y_res:set output file y-resolution (in target georeferenced units)

    Returns:the output file path is successful, False Otherwise

    if io_function.is_file_exist(baseimage) is False:
        return False
    target_srs = get_raster_or_vector_srs_info_proj4(baseimage)
    if target_srs is False:
        return False
    return transforms_raster_srs(rasterfile,target_srs,target_file,x_res,y_res)
예제 #11
def transforms_raster_srs(rasterfile, t_srs, t_file, x_res, y_res):
    convert raster file to target SRS(Spatial Reference System)
        rasterfile:input raster file
        t_srs: target SRS(Spatial Reference System)
        t_file:the output target file
        x_res:set output file x-resolution (in target georeferenced units),assigning this value to make sure the resolution would not change in target file
        y_res:set output file y-resolution (in target georeferenced units),assigning this value to make sure the resolution would not change in target file

    Returns:the output file path is successful, False Otherwise

    if io_function.is_file_exist(rasterfile) is False:
        return False
    x_res = abs(x_res)
    y_res = abs(y_res)
    CommandString = 'gdalwarp  -r bilinear  -t_srs ' + t_srs  +' -tr ' +str(x_res)+ ' ' + str(y_res) \
                    +' '+ rasterfile +' '+ t_file
    return basic.exec_command_string_one_file(CommandString, t_file)
예제 #12
    def phrase_xml(self):
        phrase xml file
        Returns:True if successful, False Otherwise


        meta_path = self.meta_path
        if io_function.is_file_exist(meta_path) is False:
            assert False
            self.tree = ET.parse(meta_path)
            self.root = self.tree.getroot()
        except ParseError:
            basic.outputlogMessage('open %s failed' % meta_path)
            assert False

        if self.tree is None or self.root is None:
            basic.outputlogMessage('parse %s failed' % meta_path)
            assert False
예제 #13
def mosaics_images(raster_files,
    mosaic a set of images. All the images must be in the same coordinate system and have a matching number of bands,
        raster_files:a set of images with same coordinate system and have a matching number of bands, list type
        outputfile: the mosaic result file

    Returns: the result path if successful, False otherwise

    if isinstance(raster_files, list) is False:
        basic.outputlogMessage('the type of raster_files must be list')
        return False
    if len(raster_files) < 2:
        basic.outputlogMessage('file count less than 2')
        return False

    inputfile = ''
    for i in range(0, len(raster_files)):
        if io_function.is_file_exist(raster_files[i]) is False:
            return False
        inputfile = inputfile + ' ' + raster_files[i]
    CommandString = 'gdal_merge.py ' + inputfile + ' -o ' + outputfile
    if nodata is not None:
        CommandString += ' -n ' + str(nodata)
        CommandString += ' -a_nodata ' + str(nodata)

    if compress != None:
        CommandString += ' -co ' + 'compress=%s' % compress  # lzw
    if tiled != None:
        CommandString += ' -co ' + 'TILED=%s' % tiled  # yes
    if bigtiff != None:
        CommandString += ' -co ' + 'bigtiff=%s' % bigtiff  # IF_SAFER

    return basic.exec_command_string_one_file(CommandString, outputfile)
예제 #14
def main(options, args):

    input_path = args[0]
    if io_function.is_folder_exist(input_path) is True:
        if options.ext is None:
            basic.outputlogMessage('image file extenstion is need, type help for more information')
            return False

        file_list = io_function.get_file_list_by_ext(options.ext, input_path, bsub_folder=True)
        f_obj = open('images_list.txt','w')
        f_obj.writelines(["%s\n" % item for item in file_list])
    elif io_function.is_file_exist(input_path):
        f_obj = open(input_path,'r')
        file_list = f_obj.readlines()
        basic.outputlogMessage('input error:  %s'%input_path)
        return False

    for i in range(0,len(file_list)):
        file_list[i] = file_list[i].strip()

    return calculate_mean_of_images(file_list)
예제 #15
    def compose_two_image(self, main_image, second_image, nodata):

        if io_function.is_file_exist(main_image) is False:
            return False
        if io_function.is_file_exist(second_image) is False:
            return False
        main_img = RSImageclass()
        if main_img.open(main_image) is False:
            return False
        width_main = main_img.GetWidth()
        height_main = main_img.GetHeight()
        bandcount_main = main_img.GetBandCount()

        sec_img = RSImageclass()
        if sec_img.open(second_image) is False:
            return False
        width_sec = sec_img.GetWidth()
        height_sec = sec_img.GetHeight()
        bandcount_sec = sec_img.GetBandCount()

        if width_main != width_sec or height_main != height_sec or bandcount_main != bandcount_sec:
                'Error: The dimension of two composed images is different')
            return False
        if main_img.GetGDALDataType() != sec_img.GetGDALDataType(
        ) or main_img.GetGDALDataType() != 6:
                'Error: The Data type of two composed imagaes is different or is not float'
            return False

        outputfile = io_function.get_name_by_adding_tail(main_image, 'comp')
        imagenew = RSImageclass()
        width = width_main
        height = height_main
        if not imagenew.New(outputfile, width, height, bandcount_main,
            return False
        for i in range(0, bandcount_main):
            bandindex = i + 1
            band_main_str = main_img.ReadbandData(bandindex, 0, 0, width,
            band_sec_str = sec_img.ReadbandData(bandindex, 0, 0, width, height,

            band_main_data = struct.unpack('f' * width * height, band_main_str)
            band_main_numpy = numpy.asarray(band_main_data)

            band_sec_data = struct.unpack('f' * width * height, band_sec_str)
            band_sec_numpy = numpy.asarray(band_sec_data)

            compose_loc = numpy.where(
                (numpy.fabs(band_main_numpy - nodata) < 0.0001)
                & (numpy.fabs(band_sec_numpy - nodata) > 0.0001))
            band_main_numpy[compose_loc] = band_sec_numpy[compose_loc]
            basic.outputlogMessage('outputfortest2: compose_loc_num = %d' %

            templist = band_main_numpy.tolist()
            band_composed_str = struct.pack('%sf' % width * height, *templist)
            if imagenew.WritebandData(bandindex, 0, 0, width, height,
                                      imagenew.GetGDALDataType()) is False:
                return False
            imagenew.SetBandNoDataValue(bandindex, nodata)


        main_img = None
        sec_img = None
        imagenew = None

        return outputfile
예제 #16
def subset_image_by_shapefile(imagefile,
    subset an image by polygons contained in the shapefile
    the shapefile and imagefile may have different projections, the gdalwarp can handle
        imagefile:input image file path
        shapefile:input shapefile contains polygon
        bkeepmidfile:indicate whether keep middle file
        format: output format,  default is GTiff, GeoTIFF File Format. Use "VRT": GDAL Virtual Format to save disk storage

    Returns:output file name if succussful, False Otherwise

    if io_function.is_file_exist(imagefile) is False:
        return False
    if io_function.is_file_exist(shapefile) is False:
        return False

    if save_path is None:
        Outfilename = io_function.get_name_by_adding_tail(imagefile, 'vsub')
        Outfilename = save_path

    # ds = ogr.Open(shapefile)
    # lyr = ds.GetLayer(0)
    # lyr.ResetReading()
    # ft = lyr.GetNextFeature()

    # subprocess.call(['gdalwarp', imagefile, Outfilename, '-cutline', shapefile,\
    #                       '-crop_to_cutline'])

    if overwrite is False and os.path.isfile(Outfilename):
        basic.outputlogMessage('warning, crop file: %s already exist, skip' %
        return Outfilename

    orgimg_obj = RSImageclass()
    if orgimg_obj.open(imagefile) is False:
        return False
    if xres is None or yres is None:
        x_res = abs(orgimg_obj.GetXresolution())
        y_res = abs(orgimg_obj.GetYresolution())
        x_res = xres
        y_res = yres

    CommandString = 'gdalwarp -r %s '% resample_m+' -tr ' + str(x_res) + '  '+ str(y_res)+ ' -of ' + format + ' ' + \
                    imagefile +' ' + Outfilename +' -cutline ' +shapefile +' -crop_to_cutline ' + ' -overwrite '

    if src_nodata != None:
        CommandString += ' -srcnodata %d ' % src_nodata
    if dst_nondata != None:
        CommandString += ' -dstnodata %d ' % dst_nondata

    if compress != None:
        CommandString += ' -co ' + 'compress=%s' % compress  # lzw
    if tiled != None:
        CommandString += ' -co ' + 'TILED=%s' % tiled  # yes
    if bigtiff != None:
        CommandString += ' -co ' + 'bigtiff=%s' % bigtiff  # IF_SAFER

    if thread_num != None:
        CommandString += ' -multi -wo NUM_THREADS=%d ' % thread_num

    if basic.exec_command_string_one_file(CommandString, Outfilename) is False:
        return False

    # while ft:
    #     country_name = ft.GetFieldAsString('admin')
    #     outraster = imagefile.replace('.tif', '_%s.tif' % country_name.replace(' ', '_'))
    #     subprocess.call(['gdalwarp', imagefile, Outfilename, '-cutline', shapefile,
    #                      '-crop_to_cutline', '-cwhere', "'admin'='%s'" % country_name])
    #     ft = lyr.GetNextFeature()

    if not bkeepmidfile:

    if io_function.is_file_exist(Outfilename):
        return Outfilename
        # basic.outputlogMessage(result)
            'The version of GDAL must be great than 2.0 in order to use the r option '
        return False
예제 #17
def convert_orthometricH_to_elliopsoidalH(output, orthometricH_file,
    if io_function.is_file_exist(
            orthometricH_file) is False or io_function.is_file_exist(
                geoidHfile) is False:
        return False

    orthom_obj = RSImageclass()
    if orthom_obj.open(orthometricH_file) is False:
        return False
    geoidH_obj = RSImageclass()
    if geoidH_obj.open(geoidHfile) is False:
        return False

    Nodata = parameters.get_nodata_value()

    x_res = orthom_obj.GetXresolution()
    y_res = orthom_obj.GetYresolution()
    x_res_geoid = geoidH_obj.GetXresolution()
    y_res_geoid = geoidH_obj.GetYresolution()

    orthom_prj = orthom_obj.GetProjection()
    geoid_prj = geoidH_obj.GetProjection()

    #check projection and resolution, and convert it if need
    #use orthometricH_file as base image
    if x_res != x_res_geoid or y_res != y_res_geoid or orthom_prj != geoid_prj:
        geoid_convertfile = io_function.get_name_by_adding_tail(
            geoidHfile, 'tran')
        if os.path.isfile(geoid_convertfile) is False:
            if RSImageProcess.transforms_raster_srs(
                    geoidHfile, orthom_prj, geoid_convertfile, abs(x_res),
                    abs(y_res)) is False:
                return False
            basic.outputlogMessage(geoid_convertfile + ' already exist')

    #sub geoidHfile base on the small one
    (ulx, uly, lrx,
     lry) = RSImageProcess.get_image_proj_extent(orthometricH_file)
    if ulx is False:
        return False
    geoid_convertfile_sub = io_function.get_name_by_adding_tail(
        geoid_convertfile, 'sub')
    if os.path.isfile(geoid_convertfile_sub) is False:
        result = RSImageProcess.subset_image_projwin(geoid_convertfile_sub,
                                                     geoid_convertfile, ulx,
                                                     uly, lrx, lry)
        if result is False:
            return False
        basic.outputlogMessage(geoid_convertfile_sub + ' already exist')

    ##caculate elliopsoidal height
    # orthometricH_data = img_pro.Read_Image_band_data_to_numpy_array_all_pixel(1,orthometricH_file)
    # img_pro = None
    # img_pro = RSImgProclass(syslog)
    # geoidH_data = img_pro.Read_Image_band_data_to_numpy_array_all_pixel(1,geoid_convertfile_sub)
    # img_pro = None
    # if orthometricH_data.shape != geoidH_data.shape:
    #     syslog.outputlogMessage("the shape of orthometricH_data and geoidH_data is different")
    #     return False
    # nodata = parameters.get_nodata_value(syslog)
    # width  = orthom_obj.GetWidth()
    # height = orthom_obj.GetHeight()
    # orthometricH_data = orthometricH_data.astype(numpy.float32)
    # geoidH_data = geoidH_data.astype(numpy.float32)
    # elliopsoidalH = orthometricH_data + geoidH_data
    # elliopsoidalH = elliopsoidalH.reshape(height,width)
    # RSImageProcess.save_numpy_2d_array_to_image_tif(output,elliopsoidalH,6,\
    #             orthom_obj.GetGeoTransform(),orthom_obj.GetProjection(),nodata,syslog)
    # orthom_obj = None
    # geoidH_obj = None

    CommandString = 'gdal_calc.py  -A '+orthometricH_file + ' -B ' + geoid_convertfile_sub +\
      ' --NoDataValue='+str(Nodata)  +' --outfile='+output +  ' --calc="A+B"'
    if RSImageProcess.exec_commond_string_one_file(CommandString,
                                                   output) is False:
        return False
            "converting orthometric Height to elliopsoidal Height is completed"

    return True
예제 #18
def calculate_terrain_offset(output, dem_file, image_file, exec_dir,
    if io_function.is_file_exist(
            image_file) is False or io_function.is_file_exist(
                dem_file, ) is False:
        return False
    exefile = os.path.join(exec_dir, 'geometry_pro')
    nodata = parameters.get_nodata_value()

    (centre_lat, centre_lon) = RSImage.get_image_latlon_centre(image_file)
    if centre_lat is False or centre_lon is False:
        return False

    image_obj = RSImageclass()
    if image_obj.open(image_file) is False:
        return False
    dem_obj = RSImageclass()
    if dem_obj.open(dem_file) is False:
        return False

    x_res = image_obj.GetXresolution()
    y_res = image_obj.GetYresolution()
    x_res_dem = dem_obj.GetXresolution()
    y_res_dem = dem_obj.GetYresolution()

    image_prj = image_obj.GetProjection()
    dem_prj = dem_obj.GetProjection()

    #check projection and resolution, and convert it if need
    #use orthometricH_file as base image
    dem_convertedfile = io_function.get_name_by_adding_tail(dem_file, 'tran')
    if x_res != x_res_dem or y_res != y_res_dem or image_prj != dem_prj:
        if os.path.isfile(dem_convertedfile) is False:
            if map_projection.transforms_raster_srs(
                    dem_file, image_prj, dem_convertedfile, abs(x_res),
                    abs(y_res)) is False:
                return False
    if os.path.isfile(dem_convertedfile):
        dem_file = dem_convertedfile

    #sub  dem file
    (ulx, uly, lrx, lry) = RSImage.get_image_proj_extent(image_file)
    if ulx is False:
        return False
    tail = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_file))[0]
    dem_file_sub = io_function.get_name_by_adding_tail(dem_file, tail)
    if os.path.isfile(dem_file_sub) is False:
        if RSImageProcess.subset_image_projwin(dem_file_sub, dem_file, ulx,
                                               uly, lrx, lry) is False:
            return False

    #calculateing terrain contains a lot of I/O operations, the parallel computing will slow down it
    nblockwidth = 8000
    nblcckheight = 8000
    njobs = 1

    logfile = 'cal_terrain_offset_log.txt'

    CommandString = exefile \
                    + ' -i ' + image_file + ' -d ' + dem_file_sub \
                    + ' -o '  + output  + ' -n ' + str(nodata)\
                    + ' -w ' + str(nblockwidth) + ' -h ' + str(nblcckheight) + ' -j ' +str(njobs) \
                    + ' --centre_lat=' + str(centre_lat)  \
                    + ' --logfile=' + logfile

    (status, result) = commands.getstatusoutput(CommandString)

    if bkeepmidfile is False:
        # if os.path.isfile(dem_convertedfile):
        #     io_function.delete_file_or_dir(dem_convertedfile)
        if os.path.isfile(dem_file_sub):

    if os.path.isfile(output):
        if os.path.getsize(output) > 0:
            return output
            basic.outputlogMessage('error: the size of file %s is 0' %
            return False
        return False