예제 #1
def bad_reader():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        yield from iofree.read_more(-1)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        yield from iofree.peek(-1)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        yield from iofree.read_int(-1)

    yield from iofree.wait()
    yield "bad"
예제 #2
def http_response():
    response = yield from HTTPResponse
    assert response.ver == b"HTTP/1.1"
    assert response.code == b"200"
    assert response.status == b"OK"
    yield from iofree.read_until(b"\n", return_tail=True)
    data = yield from iofree.read(4)
    assert data == b"haha"
    (number, ) = yield from iofree.read_struct("!H")
    assert number == 8 * 256 + 8
    number = yield from iofree.read_int(3)
    assert number == int.from_bytes(b"\x11\x11\x11", "big")
    assert (yield from iofree.peek(2)) == b"co"
    assert (yield from iofree.read(7)) == b"content"
    yield from iofree.wait()
    assert len((yield from iofree.read_more(5))) >= 5
    yield from iofree.read()
    yield from iofree.wait_event()
    return b"\r\n".join(response.header_lines)
예제 #3
def tls1_2_response(plugin):
    tls_version = plugin.tls_version
    with memoryview((yield from iofree.read(5))) as tls_plaintext_head:
        assert (tls_plaintext_head[:3] == b"\x16\x03\x03"
                ), "invalid tls head: handshake(22) protocol_version(3.1)"
        length = int.from_bytes(tls_plaintext_head[-2:], "big")
    assert length == length & 0x3FFF, f"{length} is over 2^14"
    with memoryview((yield from iofree.read(length))) as fragment:
        assert fragment[
            0] == 2, f"expect server_hello(2), bug got: {fragment[0]}"
        handshake_length = int.from_bytes(fragment[1:4], "big")
        server_hello = fragment[4:handshake_length + 4]
    assert server_hello[:2] == tls_version, "expect: server_version(3.3)"
    verify_id = server_hello[2:34]
    sha1 = hmac.new(
        plugin.client.ns.cipher.master_key + plugin.session_id,
    assert sha1 == verify_id[-10:], "hmac verify failed"
    assert server_hello[34] == 32, f"expect 32, but got {server_hello[34]}"
    # verify_id = server_hello[35:67]
    # sha1 = hmac.new(
    #     plugin.client.ns.cipher.master_key + plugin.session_id,
    #     fragment[:-10],
    #     hashlib.sha1,
    # ).digest()[:10]
    # assert sha1 == fragment[-10:], "hmac verify failed"
    while True:
        x = yield from iofree.peek(1)
        if x[0] != 22:
        with memoryview((yield from iofree.read(5))) as ticket_head:
            length = int.from_bytes(ticket_head[-2:], "big")
        assert length == length & 0x3FFF, f"{length} is over 2^14"
        yield from iofree.read(length)
    yield from ChangeCipherReader(plugin, plugin.client.ns.cipher.master_key,
    yield from application_data(plugin)