예제 #1
 def testInterpolate(self):
     f = open('testfile', 'w')
     f.write('* \n')
     for i in range(10):
         for j in range(10):
             f.write('%d\t' % (i * 10 + j))
     dataobj = iof.ProcFile('testfile')
     locs = np.zeros(3)
     datavec = np.zeros(4)
     dataobj.interpolate(['C', 'D', 'J'], locs, datavec, interpval=63)
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(datavec, [64, 65, 66, 72])
                       dataobj.interpolate, ['C', 'D', 'J'],
                       dataobj.interpolate, ['C', 'D', 'J'],
                       dataobj.interpolate, ['C', 'Q', 'J'],
예제 #2
 def testGetTitles(self):
     f = open('testfile', 'w')
     f.write('* \n')
     strings = [
         'dojkfr', 'jkn   vsnkl', 'afkjaf', 'ajknnjv   nsv',
         '99"|} {{{}}#^&$'
     for i in strings:
     dataobj = iof.ProcFile('testfile')
     titles = dataobj.gettitles()
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(strings, titles)
예제 #3
def findC(datafiles, testspecies, bestC, options):

    # Interpolate each datafile, generate a matrix from interpolated data
    nofiles = len(datafiles)
    nocols = len(testspecies) + 1
    locs = np.zeros(nocols - 1)
    interpdata = np.zeros((nofiles, nocols))
    filesmatrix = np.zeros((nofiles, 3))
    for ii in range(nofiles):  # interpolate for each file
        dataobj = iof.ProcFile(datafiles[ii])
        if ii == 0:
            titles = dataobj.gettitles()
            titles1 = dataobj.gettitles()
                titles1, titles
            )  # Verify that all data files have the same column headers
                            interpdata[ii, :],
    filesmatrix[:, 0] = interpdata[:, 0]
                2] = interpdata[:,
                                0]  # filesmatrix stores (row1) stoich prog var (row2) file indices (row3) stoich Temps
    filesmatrix[:, 1] = range(nofiles)
    filesmatC = matrix.Matrix(nofiles, 3)
    for i in range(nofiles):
        for j in range(3):
            filesmatC.SetVal(i, j, filesmatrix[i, j])

    # Generate combinations matrix - skip this step if user input says to
    skip = options["SkipProgVar"][0]
    assert (
        (skip == 'yes') | (skip == 'no')
    ), "must select input <yes> or <no> for <skip progress variable optimization:>"
    if skip == 'no':
        combosmatrix = np.zeros((nocols, cs.totnumcoms(nocols - 1) + 1))
        cs.combination_mat(combosmatrix[1:, 1:])
        print "Skipping progress variable optimization, using user input"
        options["PlotAllC"][0] = 'no'
        combosmatrix = np.zeros((nocols, 2))
        for i in range(nocols - 1):
            combosmatrix[i + 1, 1] = 1
    combosmatrix[0, 0] = 1

    # Calculate progress variables
    progvars = np.dot(interpdata, combosmatrix)
    length = progvars.shape[1]

    # Generate progress variable matrix
    progVar = matrix.Matrix(nofiles, length)
    for i in range(nofiles):
        for j in range(length):
            progVar.SetVal(i, j, progvars[i, j])

    # Sort PROGVARS and FILESMATRIX by temperature
    sortmethod = options["sort method"][0]
    print "Sorting PROGVARS by temperature using %s sort" % sortmethod
    for i in [progVar, filesmatC]:
        if sortmethod == 'bubble':
            sorter = sorting.BubbleSort(i)
        elif sortmethod == 'standard':
            sorter = sorting.StandardSort(i)
        elif sortmethod == 'brute':
            sorter = sorting.BruteSort(i)
            raise IOError(
                "invalid sorting method (%s) specified, instead use <bubble> sort"
                % sortmethod)
    print "Sorting FILESMATRIX by temperature"

    # Test monotonicity of PROGVARS
    print "Testing monotonicity \n"
    monoAry = np.zeros(length, dtype=np.int32)

    checker = monocheck.MonoCheck(progVar)  # Create MonoCheck object
    assert checker.CheckStrictMonoticity(
        monoAry, 0) == 0, "CheckStrictMonoticity ran unsuccessfully.\n"
    # ^ Check which columns of progVar are strictly increasing or strictly decreasing and store result in monoAry

    # Test for maximum slope if multiple monotonic progress variables are returned
    checksum = np.sum(monoAry)
    if checksum % 3 != 0:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Incorrect values in monoAry vector, check monotonicity function.\n"
    if checksum > 3:
        maxslopetest = options["MaxSlopeTest"][0]
        print "Testing max slope using %s" % maxslopetest
        if maxslopetest == 'linear regression':
            maxchecker = maxslope.LinRegression(progVar)
        elif maxslopetest == 'end point slope':
            maxchecker = maxslope.EndPointSlope(progVar)
            raise IOError(
                "invalid maximum slope test (%s) specified, instead use <linear regression>"
                % maxslopetest)
        assert maxchecker.MostMonotonic(
            monoAry, 0) == 0, "MostMonotonic ran unsuccessfully.\n"
        # ^ Distinguish the best monotonic progress variables
    elif checksum == 0:
        # Least non-monotonic tests to be implemented in beta version
        lnmoption = options["lnmcheck"][0]
        print "Finding least non-monotonic progress variable using %s nonmono check" % lnmoption
        if lnmoption == 'simple':
            lnm_check = leastnonmono.SimpleLNM(progVar)
        elif lnmoption == 'advanced':
            lnm_check = leastnonmono.AdvancedLNM(progVar)
            raise IOError(
                "invalid lnm test (%s) specified, instead use <simple> or <advanced>"
                % maxslopetest)
        assert lnm_check.LeastNonMonotonic(
            monoAry, 0) == 0, "LeastNonMonotonic ran unsuccessfully.\n"

    # Print results
    monoAryflag = 0
    for i in range(length):
        if monoAry[
                i] == 3.0:  # Print best monotonic progress variable if it exists
            if monoAryflag != 0:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Error in contents of monoAry vector: multiple best selected.\n"
            monoAryflag = 2
            bestC[:] = iof.get_progvar(combosmatrix[1:, i], testspecies, locs,
            print 'The chosen progress variable is C = %s' % bestC[1][0],
            for j in bestC[1][1:]:
                print "+ %s" % j,
            print '\nThe column numbers of these species are ', bestC[
                0], ', respectively.\n'
        elif monoAry[
                i] == 1.0:  # Otherwise print least non-monotonic progress variable
            if monoAryflag != 0:
                raise RuntimeError("Error in contents of monoAry vector.\n")
            monoAryflag = 1
            bestC[:] = iof.get_progvar(combosmatrix[1:, i], testspecies, locs,
            print 'WARNING: no monotonic progress variables found, but proceeding with best alternative.\n'
            print 'The least non-monotonic progress variable is C = %s' % bestC[
            for j in bestC[1][1:]:
                print "+ %s" % j,
            print '\nThe column numbers of these species are', bestC[
                0], ', respectively.\n'

    for i in range(
            length):  # Print/identify other monotonic progress variables
        if monoAry[i] == 2.0:
            if monoAryflag < 2:
                raise RuntimeError("Error in contents of monoAry vector.\n")
            elif monoAryflag == 2:
                print "Other candidate monotonic progress variables are:"
            otherC = iof.get_progvar(combosmatrix[1:, i], testspecies, locs, i)
            print 'C = %s' % otherC[1][0],
            for j in otherC[1][1:]:
                print "+ %s" % j,
            print "\n",
            monoAryflag = 3

    if monoAryflag < 1:  # Give error if no best progress variable is found
        raise RuntimeError("Error: no best progress variable selected.")

    # Write results
    for i in range(nofiles):
        filesmatC.SetVal(i, 0, progVar.GetVal(i, bestC[2]))

    # Plot results
    Cst = np.zeros(nofiles)
    Tst = np.zeros(nofiles)
    for ii in range(nofiles):
        Tst[ii] = progVar.GetVal(ii, 0)
    if options["PlotAllC"][0] == 'yes':
        for jj in range(length - 1):
            for ii in range(nofiles):
                Cst[ii] = progVar.GetVal(ii, jj + 1)
            Cst = Cst / Cst.max()
            otherplt, = plt.plot(Tst, Cst, color='r')
    for ii in range(nofiles):
        Cst[ii] = filesmatC.GetVal(ii, 0)
    Cst = Cst / Cst.max()
    bestplt, = plt.plot(Tst,
    if options["PlotAllC"][0] == 'yes':
            [bestplt, otherplt],
            ['Best progress variable', 'Other candidate progress variables'],
            loc='lower right')
    plt.xlabel("T (K)")
    plt.ylabel("Normalized Progress Variable (C/Cmax)")
    plt.title("Best Progress Variable")
    if skip == 'yes':
        plt.title("User-selected progress variable")
    plt.savefig("output/%s.pdf" % 'CvsTemp')

    return filesmatC
예제 #4
def findC(datafiles, testspecies, bestC):

    # Interpolate each datafile, generate a matrix from interpolated data
    nofiles = len(datafiles)
    nocols = len(testspecies) + 1
    locs = np.zeros(nocols - 1)
    interpdata = np.zeros((nofiles, nocols))
    filesmatrix = np.zeros((nofiles, 2))
    for ii in range(nofiles):  # interpolate for each file
        dataobj = iof.ProcFile(datafiles[ii])
        if ii == 0:
            titles = dataobj.gettitles()
            titles1 = dataobj.gettitles()
                titles1, titles
            )  # Verify that all data files have the same column headers
        dataobj.interpolate(testspecies, locs, interpdata[ii, :])
                0] = interpdata[:,
                                0]  # filesmatrix stores file indices in order and interpolated Temps
    filesmatrix[:, 1] = range(nofiles)
    filesmatC = matrix.Matrix(nofiles, 2)
    for i in range(nofiles):
        for j in range(2):
            filesmatC.SetVal(i, j, filesmatrix[i, j])

    # Generate combinations matrix
    combosmatrix = np.zeros((nocols, cs.totnumcoms(nocols - 1) + 1))
    combosmatrix[0, 0] = 1
    cs.combination_mat(combosmatrix[1:, 1:])

    # Calculate progress variables
    progvars = np.dot(interpdata, combosmatrix)

    # Generate progress variable matrix
    progVar = matrix.Matrix(nofiles, cs.totnumcoms(nocols - 1) + 1)
    for i in range(nofiles):
        for j in range(cs.totnumcoms(nocols - 1) + 1):
            progVar.SetVal(i, j, progvars[i, j])

    # Sort PROGVARS and FILESMATRIX by temperature
    print "Sorting PROGVARS by temperature"
    sortmethod = 'bubble'
    if "".join(sortmethod) == 'bubble':
        sorter = bubble_sort.bubble_sort(progVar)

    print "Sorting FILESMATRIX by temperature"
    sortmethod = 'bubble'
    if "".join(sortmethod) == 'bubble':
        sorter = bubble_sort.bubble_sort(filesmatC)

    # Test monotonicity of PROGVARS
    print "Testing monotonicity \n"
    length = progvars.shape[1]
    monoAryPy = np.zeros(length)
    monoAry = vector.Vector(length)
    helper.copy_py_to_vector(monoAryPy, monoAry)

    checker = monocheck.MonoCheck(progVar)  # Create MonoCheck object
    assert checker.CheckStrictMonoticity(
        0, monoAry) == 0, "CheckStrictMonoticity ran unsuccessfully.\n"
    # ^ Check which columns of progVar are strictly increasing or strictly decreasing and store result in monoAry

    # Test for maximum slope if multiple monotonic progress variables are returned
    checksum = 0
    for i in range(length):
        checksum += monoAry.GetVal(i)
    if checksum % 3 != 0:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Incorrect values in monoAry vector, check monotonicity function.\n"
    if checksum > 3:
        print "Testing max slope:"
        maxchecker = linregression.LinRegression(progVar)
        #maxchecker = endpointslope.EndPointSlope(progVar)
        assert maxchecker.MostMonotonic(
            0, monoAry) == 0, "MostMonotonic ran unsuccessfully.\n"
        # ^ Distinguish the best monotonic progress variables
    elif checksum == 0:
        # Least non-monotonic tests to be implemented in beta version
        print "Finding least non-monotonic:"
        monoAry[0] = 1

    # Print results
    monoAryflag = 0
    for i in range(length):
        if monoAry.GetVal(
        ) == 3.0:  # Print best monotonic progress variable if it exists
            if monoAryflag != 0:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Error in contents of monoAry vector: multiple best selected.\n"
            monoAryflag = 2
            bestC[:] = iof.get_progvar(combosmatrix[1:, i], testspecies, locs,
            print 'The best strictly monotonic progress variable is C = %s' % bestC[
            for j in bestC[1][1:]:
                print "+ %s" % j,
            print '\nThe column numbers of these species are ', bestC[
                0], ', respectively.\n'
        elif monoAry.GetVal(
        ) == 1.0:  # Otherwise print least non-monotonic progress variable
            if monoAryflag != 0:
                raise RuntimeError("Error in contents of monoAry vector.\n")
            monoAryflag = 1
            bestC[:] = iof.get_progvar(combosmatrix[1:, i], testspecies, locs,
            print 'WARNING: no monotonic progress variables found, but proceeding with best alternative.\n'
            print 'The least non-monotonic progress variable is C = %s' % bestC[
            for j in bestC[1][1:]:
                print "+ %s" % j,
            print '\nThe column numbers of these species are', bestC[
                0], ', respectively.\n'

    for i in range(
            length):  # Print/identify other monotonic progress variables
        if monoAry.GetVal(i) == 2.0:
            if monoAryflag < 2:
                raise RuntimeError("Error in contents of monoAry vector.\n")
            elif monoAryflag == 2:
                print "Other candidate monotonic progress variables are:"
            otherC = iof.get_progvar(combosmatrix[1:, i], testspecies, locs, i)
            print 'C = %s' % otherC[1][0],
            for j in otherC[1][1:]:
                print "+ %s" % j,
            print "\n",
            monoAryflag = 3

    if monoAryflag < 1:  # Give error if no best progress variable is found
        raise RuntimeError("Error: no best progress variable selected.")

    # Plot results
    iof.plotCvT(progvars[:, 0], progvars[:, bestC[2]])

    # Write results
    for i in range(nofiles):
        filesmatC.SetVal(i, 0, progvars[i, bestC[2]])
    return filesmatC
예제 #5
def findC(datafiles, testspecies, bestC, filesmatrix): 

    # interpolate each datafile, generate a matrix from interpolated data
    nofiles = len(datafiles)
    nocols = len(testspecies)+1
    locs = np.zeros(nocols-1)
    interpdata = np.zeros((nofiles,nocols))

    for ii in range(nofiles):
        dataobj = iof.ProcFile(datafiles[ii])
        if ii == 0:
            titles = dataobj.gettitles() 
            titles1 = dataobj.gettitles()
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(titles1,titles) # verify that all data files have the same column headers
        dataobj.interpolate(testspecies, locs, interpdata[ii,:])
    filesmatrix[:,0] = interpdata[:,0]
    filesmatrix[:,1] = range(nofiles)

    # generate combinations matrix
    combosmatrix = np.zeros((nocols,cs.totnumcoms(nocols-1)+1))
    combosmatrix[0,0] = 1

    # calculate progress variables
    progvars = np.dot(interpdata,combosmatrix)

    # sort PROGVARS and FILESMATRIX by temperature
    # will add connectivity to C++ sort later
    print "sorting PROGVARS by temperature"
    print "sorting FILESMATRIX by temperature"

    # test monotonicity of PROGVARS
    # will add connectivity to C++ monotonicity check later
    print "testing monotonicity"
    length = progvars.shape[1]
    monocheck = np.zeros(length)
    monocheck[3] = 3 ###
    monocheck[4] = 3 ###
    checksum = monocheck.sum()
    if checksum % 3 != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("incorrect values in monocheck vector, check monotonicity function")
    if checksum > 3:
        # max slop tests in C++ to be connected
        print "testing max slope"
        monocheck[3] = 2 ###
    elif checksum == 0:
        # non monotonicity check in C++ to be connected
        print "finding least non-monotonic"
        monocheck[-1] = 1 ###

    # print results
    monocheckflag = 0

    for i in range(length): 
        if monocheck[i] == 3: # Find best monotonic progress variable if it exists
            if monocheckflag != 0:
                raise RuntimeError("error in contents of monocheck vector: multiple best selected")
            monocheckflag = 2
            bestC[:] = iof.get_progvar(combosmatrix[1:,i], testspecies, locs, i)
            print '\nThe best monotonically increasing progress variable is C = %s' % bestC[1][0], 
            for j in bestC[1][1:]:
                print "+ %s" % j
            print '\nThe column numbers of these species are', bestC[0],', respectively'

        elif monocheck[i] == 1: # otherwise find least non-monotonic progress variable
            if monocheckflag != 0:
                raise RuntimeError("error in contents of monocheck vector")
            monocheckflag = 1
            bestC[:] = iof.get_progvar(combosmatrix[1:,i], testspecies, locs, i)
            print '\nWARNING: no monotonic  progress variables found, but proceeding with best alternative'
            print 'The least non-monotonic progress variable is C = %s' % bestC[1][0], 
            for j in bestC[1][1:]: 
                print "+ %s" % j
            print '\nThe column numbers of these species are', bestC[0],', respectively'

    for i in range(length): # identify other monotonic progress variables 
        if monocheck[i] == 2:
            if monocheckflag < 2:
                raise RuntimeError("error in contents of monocheck vector")
                print "\nOther candidate monotonic progress variables are:"
            otherC = iof.get_progvar(combosmatrix[1:,i], testspecies, locs, i)
            print 'C = %s' % otherC[1][0], 
            for j in otherC[1][1:]: 
                print "+ %s" % j
            print "\n"
            monocheckflag = 3

    if monocheckflag < 1: # give error if no best progress variable is found
        raise RuntimeError("error: no best progress variable selected")

    # plot results

    # write results
    filesmatrix[:,0] = progvars[:,bestC[2]]
예제 #6
print "Generating PDF matrix with", Zpdf[0], "PDF"
pdfValM = matrix3d.Matrix3D(ZvarPoints, ZmeanPoints, ZPoints)
for i in range(ZvarPoints):
    for j in range(ZmeanPoints):
        for k in range(ZPoints):
            pdfValM.SetVal(i, j, k, 0)
if Zpdf[0] == "delta":
    import deltaPDF
    d = deltaPDF.DeltaPDF(Z, ZPoints)
elif Zpdf[0] == "beta":  # beta PDF support still in progress
    import betaPDF
    d = betaPDF.BetaPDF(Z, ZPoints)
pdfValReturn = d.pdfVal(Zvar, Zmean, pdfValM)

# Find locations of columns of reaction rate data for species in the best progress variable
dataobj = iof.ProcFile(datafiles[0])
titles = dataobj.gettitles()
rxn_rate_locs = range(len(bestC[0]))
for ii in range(len(rxn_rate_locs)):
    locflag = 0
    species = list(bestC[1][ii])
    speciesprodrate = species[2:]
    speciesprodrate = "".join(speciesprodrate)
    speciesprodrate = "".join(["ProdRate", speciesprodrate, " [kg/m^3s]"])
    for jj in range(len(titles)):
        if titles[jj] == speciesprodrate:
            rxn_rate_locs[ii] = jj
            locflag = 1
    if locflag == 0:
        raise IOError("Production rate data for %s is missing" %