예제 #1
#!/usr/bin/env python

@package ion.agents.platform.rsn.test.oms_test_mixin
@file    ion/agents/platform/rsn/test/oms_test_mixin.py
@author  Carlos Rueda
@brief   A mixin to facilitate test cases for OMS objects following the
         OMS-CI interface.

__author__ = 'Carlos Rueda'
__license__ = 'Apache 2.0'

from ion.agents.platform.rsn.simulator.logger import Logger
log = Logger.get_logger()

from ion.agents.platform.test.helper import HelperTestMixin

from ion.agents.platform.responses import NormalResponse, InvalidResponse

import time
import ntplib
from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer
import socket
import yaml

# some bogus IDs
BOGUS_PLATFORM_ID = 'bogus_plat_id'
BOGUS_ATTR_NAMES = ['bogus_attr1', 'bogus_attr2']
예제 #2
#!/usr/bin/env python

@package ion.agents.platform.rsn.test.oms_test_mixin
@file    ion/agents/platform/rsn/test/oms_test_mixin.py
@author  Carlos Rueda
@brief   A mixin to facilitate test cases for OMS objects following the
         OMS-CI interface.

__author__ = 'Carlos Rueda'

from ion.agents.platform.rsn.simulator.logger import Logger
log = Logger.get_logger()

from ion.agents.platform.test.helper import HelperTestMixin

from ion.agents.platform.responses import NormalResponse

import time
import ntplib
from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer
import socket
import yaml

# some bogus IDs
BOGUS_PLATFORM_ID = 'bogus_plat_id'
BOGUS_ATTR_NAMES = ['bogus_attr1', 'bogus_attr2']