예제 #1
파일: base.py 프로젝트: kes1smmn/TS
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        super_new = super(IonPluginMeta, cls).__new__
        parents = [b for b in bases if isinstance(b, IonPluginMeta)]
        if not parents:
            # If this isn't a subclass of Modules/Plugins, don't do anything special.
            return super_new(cls, name, bases, attrs)

        # Nothing special for these abstract base classes
        if name == 'IonPlugin' or name == 'IonLaunchPlugin':
            return super_new(cls, name, bases, attrs)

        # Create the class.
        module = attrs.pop('__module__', None)
        new_class = super_new(cls, name, bases, {'__module__': module})

        # Bail out early if we have already created this class.
        add_to_store = attrs.get('add_to_store', True)
        m = cache.get_module(name, seed_cache=False,
                             only_installed=False) if add_to_store else None
        if m is not None:
            return m

        # Enhance the class attrs
        attr = attrs.pop('', None)

        # These are class level attributes. (so we can inspect without instantiating)
        attrs.setdefault('name', name)

        # Add all attributes to the class.
        for obj_name, obj in attrs.items():
            setattr(new_class, obj_name, obj)

        # module_label = sys.modules[new_class.__module__].__name__

        cache.register_plugin(name, new_class)

        # return cache.get_instance(name)
        return new_class
예제 #2
파일: base.py 프로젝트: iontorrent/TS
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        super_new = super(IonPluginMeta, cls).__new__
        parents = [b for b in bases if isinstance(b, IonPluginMeta)]
        if not parents:
            # If this isn't a subclass of Modules/Plugins, don't do anything special.
            return super_new(cls, name, bases, attrs)

        # Nothing special for these abstract base classes
        if name == 'IonPlugin' or name == 'IonLaunchPlugin':
            return super_new(cls, name, bases, attrs)

        # Create the class.
        module = attrs.pop('__module__', None)
        new_class = super_new(cls, name, bases, {'__module__': module})

        # Bail out early if we have already created this class.
        add_to_store = attrs.get('add_to_store', True)
        m = cache.get_module(name, seed_cache=False, only_installed=False) if add_to_store else None
        if m is not None:
            return m

        # Enhance the class attrs
        attr = attrs.pop('', None)

        # These are class level attributes. (so we can inspect without instantiating)
        attrs.setdefault('name', name)

        # Add all attributes to the class.
        for obj_name, obj in attrs.items():
            setattr(new_class, obj_name, obj)

        # module_label = sys.modules[new_class.__module__].__name__

        cache.register_plugin(name, new_class)

        # return cache.get_instance(name)
        return new_class