예제 #1
class IdentityRegistryService(BaseRegistryService):

    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='identity_service',

    op_clear_identity_registry = BaseRegistryService.base_clear_registry
    op_register_user = BaseRegistryService.base_register_resource
    op_update_user = BaseRegistryService.base_register_resource
    op_get_user = BaseRegistryService.base_get_resource
    op_set_identity_lcstate = BaseRegistryService.base_set_resource_lcstate
    op_find_users = BaseRegistryService.base_find_resource
예제 #2
class RegistryService(BaseRegistryService):
    @Brief Example Registry Service implementation using the base class
     # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='registry_service', version='0.1.0', dependencies=[])

    op_clear_registry = BaseRegistryService.base_clear_registry
    op_register_resource = BaseRegistryService.base_register_resource
    op_get_resource = BaseRegistryService.base_get_resource
    op_get_resource_by_id = BaseRegistryService.base_get_resource_by_id
    op_set_resource_lcstate = BaseRegistryService.base_set_resource_lcstate
    op_find_resource = BaseRegistryService.base_find_resource
예제 #3
class ServiceRegistryService(registry.BaseRegistryService):
    Service registry service interface
    @todo a service is a resource and should also be living in the resource registry
    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='service_registry',

    op_clear_registry = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_clear_registry

    op_register_service_definition = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_register_resource
    Service operation: Register a service definition with the registry.
    op_get_service_definition = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_get_resource
    Service operation: Get a service definition.

    op_register_service_instance = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_register_resource
    Service operation: Register a service instance with the registry.
    op_get_service_instance = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_get_resource
    Service operation: Get a service instance.

    op_set_service_lcstate = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_set_resource_lcstate
    Service operation: Set a service life cycle state

    op_find_registered_service_definition_from_service = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_find_resource
    Service operation: Find the definition of a service
    op_find_registered_service_definition_from_description = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_find_resource
    Service operation: Find service definitions which meet a description

    op_find_registered_service_instance_from_service = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_find_resource
    Service operation: Find the registered instance that matches the service instance
    op_find_registered_service_instance_from_description = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_find_resource
예제 #4
class DataStoreService(BaseService):
    Example service interface
    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='DataStoreService',

    def __init__(self, receiver, spawnArgs=None):
        @brief Init method for the DataStore Frontend service
        @param frontend - an instance of a CAStore Frontend
        # Service class initializer. Basic config, but no yields allowed.
        self.frontend = spawnArgs['MyFrontend']
        BaseService.__init__(self, receiver, spawnArgs)

#    @defer.inlineCallbacks

    def slc_init(self):

    def op_push(self, content, headers, msg):
        logging.info('op_push: ' + str(content) + ', Remote Frontend:' +

        # The following line shows how to reply to a message
        yield self.reply_ok(msg)

    def op_pull(self, content, headers, msg):
        logging.info('op_pull: ' + str(content) + ', Remote Frontend:' +

        # The following line shows how to reply to a message
        yield self.reply_ok(msg)

    def op_clone(self, content, headers, msg):
        logging.info('op_clone: ' + str(content) + ', Remote Frontend:' +

        # The following line shows how to reply to a message
        yield self.reply_ok(msg)
class InstrumentRegistryService(registry.BaseRegistryService):
    Service that provides a registry for instrument devices, types etc.
    Based on the BaseRegistryService.

    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='instrument_registry',

    op_clear_instrument_registry = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_clear_registry
    Service operation: Clears all records from the instrument registry.

    op_register_instrument_instance = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_register_resource
    Service operation: Create or update an instrument instance with the registry.

    op_register_instrument_type = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_register_resource
    Service operation: Create or update an instrument type with the registry.

    op_get_instrument_instance = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_get_resource
    Service operation: Get a instrument instance.

    op_get_instrument_by_id = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_get_resource_by_id

    op_get_instrument_type = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_get_resource  #changed
    Service operation: Get a instrument type.

    op_find_instrument_instance = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_find_resource
    Service operation: find instrument instances by characteristics

    op_find_instrument_type = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_find_resource
예제 #6
class PreservationRegistryService(registry.BaseRegistryService):
    @Brief Preservation registry service interface
     # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='preservation_registry', version='0.1.0', dependencies=[])

    op_define_archive = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_register_resource
    Service operation: Create or update a archive resource.
    op_get_archive = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_get_resource
    Service operation: Get an archive resource
    op_find_archive = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_find_resource
예제 #7
class IngestionRegistryService(registry.BaseRegistryService):
    @Brief Ingestion registry service interface
     # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='ingestion_registry', version='0.1.0', dependencies=[])

    op_define_ingestion_stream = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_register_resource
    Service operation: Create or update a ingestion_stream resource.
    op_get_ingestion_stream = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_get_resource
    Service operation: Get an ingestion_stream resource
    op_find_ingestion_stream = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_find_resource
예제 #8
class CoordinatorService(BaseService):
    Refactor this into a BaseService that provides dap data on a looping call
    Make the url a parameter of the process - one per url...
    Brains behind preservation, and also the primary interface.
    # Define ourselves for the CC
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='coordinator',

    def slc_init(self):
        Service life cycle state. Initialize service here. Can use yields.
        @todo Create instances of clients here for later - fetcher, attr store, etc
        logging.debug('Preservation coordinator SLC init')
        self.fc = FetcherClient(proc=self)

    def op_get_url(self, content, headers, msg):
        @brief Method for proxy - request a (DAP) URL
        @param content URL to fetch
        @param headers conv-id and reply-to should point to proxy/requester
        @param msg Not used
        @todo Cache logic - right now just trapdoors all reqs to fetcher
        logging.debug('Coordinator forwarding URL request to fetcher')
        yield self.fc.forward_get_url(content, headers)

    def op_get_dap_dataset(self, content, headers, msg):
        @brief Similar to op_get_url. Fetches an entire DAP dataset.
        @param content URL to fetch
        @param headers conv-id and reply-to should point to proxy/requester
        @param msg Not used
        @todo Cache logic - right now just trapdoors all reqs to fetcher
        yield self.fc.forward_get_dap_dataset(content, headers)
예제 #9
class ComputationPlannerService(BaseService):
    """Provisioner service interface

    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='computation_planner',

    def op_request_computation(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Request computation resources 

    def op_schedule_computation(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Request computation with given schedule

    def op_set_policy(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Sets the policy that influences the planning of
예제 #10
class DataRegistryService(registry.BaseRegistryService):
    @Brief Dataset registry service interface

    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='data_registry',

    op_define_data = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_register_resource
    Service operation: Create or update a data resource.
    op_get_data = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_get_resource
    Service operation: Get data description
    op_find_data = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_find_resource
예제 #11
class HostStatusService(BaseService):
    Host status interface

    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='host_status',

    def slc_init(self):
        self.INTERVAL = 1  # seconds
        self.COUNT = 1

        self.count = self.COUNT
        self.client = xmlrpc.Proxy('http://localhost:9010')
        self.lc = task.LoopingCall(self.report)

    def report(self):
        self.count -= 1
        if self.count < 0:
            logging.debug('Shutting down host status looping call')

        logging.debug('Starting report query')
        status = yield self.client.callRemote("getStatusString", "all")
        logging.debug('Received report')
        print status

    def isRunning(self):
        return self.lc.running

    def op_config(self, content, headers, msg):

    def op_sendstatus(self, content, headers, msg):
        yield self.reply_ok(msg)
예제 #12
class ResponseService(BaseService):
    """Example service implementation
    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='responder',

    def slc_init(self):

    def op_respond(self, content, headers, msg):
        logging.info('op_respond: ' + str(content))

        obj = dataobject.DataObject.decode(content)
        response = obj.encode()

        # The following line shows how to reply to a message
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, response)
예제 #13
class AttributeStoreService(store_service.StoreService):
    Service to store and retrieve key/value pairs.
    The Implementation is in ion.data.backends.store_service
    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='attributestore',

    def __init__(self, receiver, spawnArgs=None):
        # Service class initializer. Basic config, but no yields allowed.
        BaseService.__init__(self, receiver, spawnArgs)

        self.spawn_args['backend_class'] = self.spawn_args.get(
            CONF.getValue('backend_class', default='ion.data.store.Store'))
        self.spawn_args['backend_args'] = self.spawn_args.get(
            'backend_args', CONF.getValue('backend_args', default={}))

예제 #14
class StateRepositoryService(BaseService):
    """Repository for service state service interface. Service state is 
    information shared between many processes.

    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='state_repository',

    def op_define_state(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Create a new state object (session) or update
        an existing one by replacing

    def op_update_state(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Provide an incremental update to the service state.

    def op_retrieve_state(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: TBD
예제 #15
class LoggerService(BaseService):
    """Logger service interface

    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(

    def slc_init(self):
        logging.info("LoggingService initialized")

    def op_config(self, content, headers, msg):

    def op_logmsg(self, content, headers, msg):
        level = content.get('level','info')
        logmsg = content.get('msg','#NO MESSAGE#')

        # need to do something reasonable with these soon
        # lfrom = headers.get('sender','')
        # ltime = content.get('logtime')

        if level == 'debug':
        elif level == 'info':
        elif level == 'warn':
        elif level == 'error':
        elif level == 'critical':
            logging.error('Invalid log level: '+str(level))
        yield self.reply_ok(msg)
예제 #16
class WorkerProcess(BaseService):
    """Worker process
    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='worker',

    def slc_init(self):
        msg_name = self.spawn_args['service-name']
        scope = self.spawn_args['scope']
        logging.info("slc_init name received:" + msg_name)
        msg_name1 = self.get_scoped_name(scope, msg_name)
        logging.info("slc_init name used:" + msg_name1)
        workReceiver = Receiver(__name__, msg_name1)
        self.workReceiver = workReceiver

        logging.info("slc_init worker receiver spawning")
        id = yield spawn(workReceiver)
        logging.info("slc_init worker receiver spawned:" + str(id))

    def op_work(self, content, headers, msg):
        yield self._work(content)
        yield self.reply(msg, 'result', {'work-id': content['work-id']}, {})

    def _work(self, content):
        myid = self.proc_name + ":" + self.receiver.spawned.id.local
        workid = str(content['work-id'])
        waittime = float(content['work'])
        logging.info("worker=" + myid + " job=" + workid + " work=" +
        yield pu.asleep(waittime)
        logging.info("worker=" + myid + " job=" + workid + " done at=" +
예제 #17
class TaskableResourceRegistryService(BaseService):
    """Taskable resource registry and definition repository service interface

    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='taskable_resource_registry',

    def op_define_resource(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Create or update taskable resource description

    def op_find_resource(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Create or update taskable resource description

    def op_store_resource(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Store the definition of a taskable resource, e.g.
        source code, virtual machine image (or a pointer to it)

    def op_retrieve_resource(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Retrieve the definition of a taskable resource
예제 #18
class ConversationRepositoryService(BaseService):
    """Conversation repository service interface

    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='conversation_repository',

    def slc_init(self):

    def op_define_conv_type(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Define a new conversation type (aka protocol,
        interaction pattern)

    def op_get_conv_type(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Returns the description of the conversation type
        including the specification

    def op_define_conversation(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Create a new conversation (instance) definition

    def op_bind_conversation(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Add oneself to the conversation role binding

    def op_log_message(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Log an occurred message with the repository
        logmsg = content['msg']
        logserv.info("-----------------------------------------------\n" +
예제 #19
class HelloService(BaseService):
    Example service interface
    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='hello',

    def __init__(self, receiver, spawnArgs=None):
        # Service class initializer. Basic config, but no yields allowed.
        BaseService.__init__(self, receiver, spawnArgs)

    def slc_init(self):
        # Service life cycle state. Initialize service here. Can use yields.

    def op_hello(self, content, headers, msg):
        logging.info('op_hello: ' + str(content))

        # The following line shows how to reply to a message
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, {'value': 'Hello there, ' + str(content)}, {})
예제 #20
class FetcherService(BaseService):
    Fetcher, implemented as a service.

    Service declaration - seems similar to the Zope methods
    @todo Dependencies - perhaps pub-sub?
    @todo refactor to use dap_tools
    @note These are not class methods!
    #logging.info('Declaring fetcher...')
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='fetcher',
    @todo Declare fetcher name into dns-equivalent...
    def _reassemble_headers(self, result):
        @brief Convert an array of tuples into http headers
        @param result HTTP result
        @retval Multiline string with trailing empty line
        @todo check for library routine to do this.
        @note output has an blank line at the end (\r\n)
        hstr = 'HTTP/1.0 %d %s\r\n' % (result.status, result.reason)
        for x in result.getheaders():
            hstr = hstr + '%s: %s\r\n' % (x[0], x[1])

        return hstr

    def _http_op(self, operation, src_url, msg):
        @brief Inner method for GET and HEAD, does fetch and reply
        @param operation 'GET' or 'HEAD'
        @param src_url Source URL
        @retval send_ok or send_err as required
        @note This routine sends the reply back to the caller!
        @note called by derived class ion.services.dm.cache.RetrieverService
        @todo Better propagation of HTTP result codes back to callers (eg 404)
        assert (operation in ['GET', 'HEAD'])

        logging.debug('Fetcher: %s %s' % (operation, src_url))

        src = urlparse.urlsplit(src_url)
            conn = http.HTTPConnection(src.netloc)
            # @bug Need to merge path with query, no canned fn in urlparse lib
            conn.request(operation, src.path)
            res = conn.getresponse()
        except gaierror, ge:
            yield self.reply_err(msg, content=str(ge))

        hstr = self._reassemble_headers(res)

        # Did it succeed?
        if res.status == 200:
            # @note read on HEAD returns no data
            hstr = hstr + '\n' + res.read()
            # Uncomment this to see the completed result
            # logging.debug(hstr)
            # @note base64-encoded page returned!
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, content=base64.b64encode(hstr))
            logging.info('fetch error %s %s %s %s' %
                         (operation, src_url, res.status, res.reason))
            yield self.reply_err(msg, content=hstr)

        logging.debug('fetch completed %s' % res.status)
예제 #21
class StoreService(BaseService):
    Service to store and retrieve key/value pairs.
    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='store',

    def slc_init(self):
        # use spawn args to determine backend class, second config file
        backendcls = self.spawn_args.get(
            CONF.getValue('backend_class', default='ion.data.store.Store'))
        backendargs = self.spawn_args.get(
            'backend_args', CONF.getValue('backend_args', default={}))

        self.backend = None
        # self.backend holds the class which is instantiated to provide the Store
        if backendcls:
            self.backend = pu.get_class(backendcls)
            self.backend = Store
        assert issubclass(self.backend, IStore)

        # Now create an instance of the backend class
        # Provide rest of the spawnArgs to init the store
        self.store = yield self.backend.create_store(**backendargs)

        name = self.__class__.__name__
        logging.info(name + " initialized")
        logging.info(name + " backend:" + str(backendcls))
        logging.info(name + " backend args:" + str(backendargs))

    def op_put(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Puts a value into the store identified by key.
        Replies with a result of this operation
        logging.info("op_put: " + str(content))
        key = str(content['key'])
        val = content['value']
        res = yield self.store.put(key, val)
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, {'result': res})

    def op_get(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Gets a value from the store identified by key.
        logging.info("op_get: " + str(content))
        key = str(content['key'])
        val = yield self.store.get(key)
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, {'value': val})

    def op_query(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Look for multiple values based on a regex on key
        regex = str(content['regex'])
        res = yield self.store.query(regex)
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, {'result': res})

    def op_remove(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Delete a value.
        key = str(content['key'])
        res = yield self.store.remove(key)
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, {'result': res})

    def op_clear_store(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Delete a value.
        res = yield self.store.clear_store()
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, {'result': res})
예제 #22
class InstrumentManagementService(BaseService):
    Instrument management service interface.
    This service provides overall coordination for instrument management within
    an observatory context. In particular it coordinates the access to the
    instrument and data product registries and the interaction with instrument

    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='instrument_management',

    def slc_init(self):
        self.irc = InstrumentRegistryClient(proc=self)
        self.dprc = DataProductRegistryClient(proc=self)
        self.arc = AgentRegistryClient(proc=self)
        self.dpsc = DataPubsubClient(proc=self)

    def op_create_new_instrument(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Accepts a dictionary containing user inputs.
        Updates the instrument registry.
        userInput = content['userInput']

        newinstrument = InstrumentResource.create_new_resource()

        if 'name' in userInput:
            newinstrument.name = str(userInput['name'])

        if 'description' in userInput:
            newinstrument.description = str(userInput['description'])

        if 'manufacturer' in userInput:
            newinstrument.manufacturer = str(userInput['manufacturer'])

        if 'model' in userInput:
            newinstrument.model = str(userInput['model'])

        if 'serial_num' in userInput:
            newinstrument.serial_num = str(userInput['serial_num'])

        if 'fw_version' in userInput:
            newinstrument.fw_version = str(userInput['fw_version'])

        instrument_res = yield self.irc.register_instrument_instance(

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, instrument_res.encode())

    def op_create_new_data_product(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Accepts a dictionary containing user inputs.
        Updates the data product registry. Also sets up an ingestion pipeline
        for an instrument
        dataProductInput = content['dataProductInput']

        newdp = DataProductResource.create_new_resource()
        if 'instrumentID' in dataProductInput:
            inst_id = str(dataProductInput['instrumentID'])
            int_ref = ResourceReference(RegistryIdentity=inst_id,
            newdp.instrument_ref = int_ref

        if 'name' in dataProductInput:
            newdp.name = str(dataProductInput['name'])

        if 'description' in dataProductInput:
            newdp.description = str(dataProductInput['description'])

        if 'dataformat' in dataProductInput:
            newdp.dataformat = str(dataProductInput['dataformat'])

        # Step: Create a data stream
        ## Instantiate a pubsubclient
        #self.dpsc = DataPubsubClient(proc=self)
        ## Create and Register a topic
        #self.topic = PubSubTopicResource.create('SBE49 Topic',"oceans, oil spill")
        #self.topic = yield self.dpsc.define_topic(self.topic)
        #logging.debug('DHE: Defined Topic')
        #self.publisher = PublisherResource.create('Test Publisher', self, self.topic, 'DataObject')
        #self.publisher = yield self.dpsc.define_publisher(self.publisher)

        res = yield self.dprc.register_data_product(newdp)
        ref = res.reference(head=True)

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, res.encode())

    def op_execute_command(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Execute a command on an instrument.

        # Step 1: Extract the arguments from the UI generated message content
        commandInput = content['commandInput']

        if 'instrumentID' in commandInput:
            inst_id = str(commandInput['instrumentID'])
            raise ValueError("Input for instrumentID not present")

        command = []
        if 'command' in commandInput:
            command_op = str(commandInput['command'])
            raise ValueError("Input for command not present")


        arg_idx = 0
        while True:
            argname = 'cmdArg' + str(arg_idx)
            arg_idx += 1
            if argname in commandInput:

        # Step 2: Find the agent id for the given instrument id
        agent_pid = yield self.get_agent_pid_for_instrument(inst_id)
        if not agent_pid:
            yield self.reply_err(
                msg, "No agent found for instrument " + str(inst_id))

        # Step 3: Interact with the agent to execute the command
        iaclient = InstrumentAgentClient(proc=self, target=agent_pid)
        commandlist = [
        logging.info("Sending command to IA: " + str(commandlist))
        cmd_result = yield iaclient.execute_instrument(commandlist)

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, cmd_result)

    def op_get_instrument_state(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: .
        # Step 1: Extract the arguments from the UI generated message content
        commandInput = content['commandInput']

        if 'instrumentID' in commandInput:
            inst_id = str(commandInput['instrumentID'])
            raise ValueError("Input for instrumentID not present")

        agent_pid = yield self.get_agent_pid_for_instrument(inst_id)
        if not agent_pid:
            raise StandardError("No agent found for instrument " +

        iaclient = InstrumentAgentClient(proc=self, target=agent_pid)
        inst_cap = yield iaclient.get_capabilities()
        if not inst_cap:
            raise StandardError("No capabilities available for instrument " +

        ci_commands = inst_cap['ci_commands']
        instrument_commands = inst_cap['instrument_commands']
        instrument_parameters = inst_cap['instrument_parameters']
        ci_parameters = inst_cap['ci_parameters']

        values = yield iaclient.get_from_instrument(instrument_parameters)
        resvalues = {}
        if values:
            resvalues = values

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, resvalues)

    def op_start_instrument_agent(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Starts an instrument agent for a type of
        if 'instrumentID' in content:
            inst_id = str(content['instrumentID'])
            raise ValueError("Input for instrumentID not present")

        if 'model' in content:
            model = str(content['model'])
            raise ValueError("Input for model not present")

        if model != 'SBE49':
            raise ValueError("Only SBE49 supported!")

        agent_pid = yield self.get_agent_pid_for_instrument(inst_id)
        if agent_pid:
            raise StandardError("Agent already started for instrument " +

        simulator = Simulator(inst_id)

        topicname = "Inst/RAW/" + inst_id
        topic = PubSubTopicResource.create(topicname, "")

        # Use the service to create a queue and register the topic
        topic = yield self.dpsc.define_topic(topic)

        iagent_args = {}
        iagent_args['instrument-id'] = inst_id
        driver_args = {}
        driver_args['port'] = simulator.port
        driver_args['publish-to'] = topic.RegistryIdentity
        iagent_args['driver-args'] = driver_args

        iapd = ProcessDesc(
                'name': 'SBE49IA',
                'module': 'ion.agents.instrumentagents.SBE49_IA',
                'class': 'SBE49InstrumentAgent',
                'spawnargs': iagent_args

        iagent_id = yield self.spawn_child(iapd)
        iaclient = InstrumentAgentClient(proc=self, target=iagent_id)
        yield iaclient.register_resource(inst_id)

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, "OK")

    def op_stop_instrument_agent(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Starts direct access mode.
        yield self.reply_err(msg, "Not yet implemented")

    def op_start_direct_access(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Starts direct access mode.
        yield self.reply_err(msg, "Not yet implemented")

    def op_stop_direct_access(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Stops direct access mode.
        yield self.reply_err(msg, "Not yet implemented")

    def get_agent_desc_for_instrument(self, instrument_id):
        logging.info("get_agent_desc_for_instrument() instrumentID=" +
        int_ref = ResourceReference(RegistryIdentity=instrument_id,
        agent_query = InstrumentAgentResourceInstance()
        agent_query.instrument_ref = int_ref

        if not agent_res:
        agent_pid = agent_res.proc_id
        logging.info("Agent process id for instrument id %s is: %s" %
                     (instrument_id, agent_pid))

    def get_agent_for_instrument(self, instrument_id):
        logging.info("get_agent_for_instrument() instrumentID=" +
        int_ref = ResourceReference(RegistryIdentity=instrument_id,
        agent_query = InstrumentAgentResourceInstance()
        agent_query.instrument_ref = int_ref
        # @todo Need to list the LC state here. WHY???
        agent_query.lifecycle = LCStates.developed
        agents = yield self.arc.find_registered_agent_instance_from_description(
            agent_query, regex=False)
        logging.info("Found %s agent instances for instrument id %s" %
                     (len(agents), instrument_id))
        agent_res = None
        if len(agents) > 0:
            agent_res = agents[0]

    def get_agent_pid_for_instrument(self, instrument_id):
        agent_res = yield self.get_agent_for_instrument(instrument_id)
        if not agent_res:
        agent_pid = agent_res.proc_id
        logging.info("Agent process id for instrument id %s is: %s" %
                     (instrument_id, agent_pid))
예제 #23
class IngestionService(BaseService):
    """Ingestion service interface
    @Note Needs work - Should create a subscription to ingest a data source
    What should the service interface look like for this?
    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='ingestion_service',

    def slc_init(self):
        self.reg = yield ingestion_registry.IngestionRegistryClient(proc=self)
        self.pubsub = yield pubsub_service.DataPubsubClient(proc=self)
        self.preserv = yield preservation_service.PreservationClient(proc=self)
        self.datareg = yield data_registry.DataRegistryClient(proc=self)
    def op_create_ingestion_datastream(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: declare new named datastream for ingestion
        0) Decode content to Igestion Stream Resource   
        1) create inbound topic
        2) create ingested topic
        3) Register new data 
        3) start preservation of ingested
        4) start preservation of inbound
        5) start ingestion workflow
        Register progress and set lcstate along the way
        return the ingestiondatastream resource
        logging.debug(self.__class__.__name__ +', op_'+ headers['op'] +' Received: ' +  str(headers))
        isr = dataobject.DataObject.decode(content)
        logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ + ' recieved: op_'+ headers['op'] +', Ingestion Stream: \n' + str(publisher))
        # Register the intended feed...
        isr = yield self.reg.define_ingestion_stream(isr)
        inbnd = irs.name + '.inbound'
        topic = PubSubTopicResource.create(name=inbnd,keywords='input') # Place holder - what to put, NOT RAW!
        topic = yield self.pubsub.define_topic(topic)
        isr.input_topic = topic.reference(heat=True)
        ingested = irs.name + '.ingested'
        topic = PubSubTopicResource.create(name=ingested,keywords='ingested') 
        topic = yield self.pubsub.define_topic(topic)
        isr.ingested_topic = topic.reference(heat=True)
        # Register the feed topics...
        isr = yield self.reg.define_ingestion_stream(isr)
        #Create a DM Data Resource for this new feed.
        dmdr = DMDataResource.create_new_resource()
        dmdr.input_topic = isr.input_topic
        dmdr.ingested_topic = isr.ingested_topic
        # Register the data
        dmdr = yield self.datareg.define_data(dmdr)
        #Call the preservation service for the input stream
        arc = ArchiveResource.create_new_resource()
        arc.dmdataresource = dmdr.reference(head=true)
        arc.topic = isr.input_topic
        yield self.preserv.create_archive(arc)
        yield self.preserv.activate_persister
        # Register the data
        dmdr.input_archive = arc.reference(head=True)
        dmdr = yield self.datareg.define_data(dmdr)
        #Call the preservation service for the ingested stream
        arc = ArchiveResource.create_new_resource()
        arc.dmdataresource = dmdr.reference(head=true)
        arc.topic = isr.ingested_topic
        yield self.preserv.create_archive(arc)
        yield self.preserv.activate_persister
        # Register the data
        dmdr.ingested_archive = arc.reference(head=True)
        dmdr = yield self.datareg.define_data(dmdr)
        # Register the persisters
        isr.persisting_inout = True
        isr.persisting_ingested = True
        isr = yield self.reg.define_ingestion_stream(isr)
        #activate ingestion
        isr = yield self._activate_ingestion(isr, dmdr)
        isr = yield self.reg.define_ingestion_stream(isr)
        yield self.reply_ok(isr.encode())
    def _activate_ingestion(isr, data_resource):
        subscription = SubscriptionResource()
        subscription.topic1 = t_search
        # More to do - tell the ingester what to do with results - what dmdr to update etc...
        subscription.workflow = {'consumer1':{'module':'path.to.module','consumerclass':'<ConsumerClassName>',\
            'process parameters':{'param1':'my parameter'}}}

        #subscription = yield self.pubsub.create_consumer_args(subscription)
        isr.ingesting = True
예제 #24
class JavaIntegrationService(BaseService):
    Example service interface
    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='javaint',

    def __init__(self, receiver, spawnArgs=None):
        # Service class initializer. Basic config, but no yields allowed.
        BaseService.__init__(self, receiver, spawnArgs)

    def slc_init(self):
        # Service life cycle state. Initialize service here. Can use yields.
        #self.instruments = ["SBE49_1","SBE49_2"]
        #self.instruments = {'Instrument1':{'a':'1','b':'2','c':'3'},'Instrument2':{'e':'1','f':'2','g':'e'}}
        #self.instruments = [{'id':343,'name':'Instrument3','manufacturer':'Sony','modelNumber':'1.3','instrumentType':'aquatic','versionNumber':'232'},{'id':938,'name':'Instrument1','manufacturer':'2','modelNumber':'3','instrumentType':'a2','versionNumber':'za'},{'id':1029,'name':'Instrument2','manufacturer':'242','modelNumber':'333','instrumentType':'a2asd','versionNumber':'asdf'}]
        self.instruments = [{'name':'Instrument3','manufacturer':'Sony','modelNumber':'1.3','instrumentType':'aquatic','versionNumber':'232'},{'name':'Instrument1','manufacturer':'2','modelNumber':'3','instrumentType':'a2','versionNumber':'za'},{'name':'Instrument2','manufacturer':'242','modelNumber':'333','instrumentType':'a2asd','versionNumber':'asdf'}]
        self.datasets = [{'name':'Data product 1','instrumentType':'Atomic'},{'name':'Data product 2','instrumentType':'Nuclear'},{'name':'Data product 3','instrumentType':'Data Collection'}]
        self.services = [{'name':'Instrument Registry Service','status':'active'},{'name':'Data Product Service','status':'active'},{'name':'Service X','status':'active'}]

    def op_hello(self, content, headers, msg):
        logging.info('op_hello: '+str(content))

        # The following line shows how to reply to a message
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, {'value':'Hello there, '+str(content)}, {})

    def op_list_all_instruments(self, content, headers, msg):
        logging.info('op_list_all_instruments: '+str(content))

        # The following line shows how to reply to a message
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, {'value':self.instruments})

    def op_register_instrument(self, content, headers, msg):
        logging.info('op_register_instrument: '+ str(content))

        newInstrument = ast.literal_eval(str(content))

        # get instrument name
        # The following line shows how to reply to a message
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, {'value':self.instruments})

    def op_list_all_datasets(self, content, headers, msg):
        logging.info('op_list_all_datasets: '+str(content))

        # The following line shows how to reply to a message
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, {'value':self.datasets}    )

    def op_register_dataset(self, content, headers, msg):
        logging.info('op_register_dataset: '+ str(content))

        newDataset = ast.literal_eval(str(content))


        # The following line shows how to reply to a message
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, {'value':self.datasets})

    def op_list_all_services(self, content, headers, msg):
        logging.info('op_list_all_services: '+str(content))

        # The following line shows how to reply to a message
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, {'value':self.services})
    def op_register_service(self, content, headers, msg):
        logging.info('op_register_service: '+ str(content))

        newService = ast.literal_eval(str(content))


        # The following line shows how to reply to a message
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, {'value':self.services})    
class PreservationService(BaseService):
    """Preservation Service interface

    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='preservation_service',

    def slc_init(self):
        self.reg = yield preservation_registry.PreservationRegistryClient(

    def op_create_archive(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: define a new archive object
        #arc = dm_resource_descriptions.ArchiveResource.create_new_resource()

        # Set stuff in arc...
        #Content is a topic + metadata
        # Pick a file name
        # set default policy
        # touch the file
        # Allocate storage?
        # Register new Archive

        arc = yield self.reg.define_archive(arc)

    def op_activate_archive_persister(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: create process to archive a data stream
        # Spawn persister to topic/file name
        persister = {
            'name': 'persister 1',  # Give it a new name?
            'module': 'ion.services.dm.preservation.persister',
            'procclass': 'Persister',
            'spawnargs': {
                'attach': [topic.queue.name],
                'process parameters': {
                    'fname': arc.name

        child1 = base_consumer.ConsumerDesc(**pd1)

        child1_id = yield self.test_sup.spawn_child(child1)

    def op_deactivate_archive_persister(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: kill data stream archive process
        # kill persister - Not before LCA

    def op_archive_data(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: archive an single dataset
        # Spawn persister to topic/file name

    def op_set_archive_cache_policy(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: set the cache policy for an archive

    def op_set_archive_backup_policy(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: set backup policy for an archive

    def op_set_archive_long_term_policy(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: set the long term policy for an archive
예제 #26
class DataPubsubService(BaseService):
    @Brief Service for Publicaiton and Subscription to topics

    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='data_pubsub',

    def slc_init(self):

        # Is this the proper way to start a client in a service?
        self.reg = yield pubsub_registry.DataPubsubRegistryClient(proc=self)

    def op_define_topic(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Register a "topic" that can be published on and
        that can be subscribed to. Note: this has no direct connection to any
        AMQP topic notion. A topic is basically a data stream.

        logging.debug(self.__class__.__name__ + ', op_' + headers['op'] +
                      ' Received: ' + str(headers))
        topic = dataobject.Resource.decode(content)

        if topic.RegistryIdentity:
            yield self.update_topic_registration(topic)
            # it is a new topic and must be declared
            topic = yield self.create_and_register_topic(topic)

        logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ + ' recieved: op_' +
                     headers['op'] + ', topic: \n' + str(topic))

        #@todo call some process to update all the subscriptions? Or only on interval?
        if topic:
            logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ + ': op_' + headers['op'] +
                         ' Success!')
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, topic.encode())
            logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ + ': op_' + headers['op'] +
                         ' Failed!')
            yield self.reply_err(msg, None)

    #@defer.inlineCallback # call back not needed
    def update_topic_registration(self, topic):
        #topic = yield self.reg.register(topic)
        return self.reg.register(topic)

    def create_and_register_topic(self, topic):
        Create a messaging name and set the queue properties to create it.
        @TODO fix the hack - This should come from the exchange registry!
        logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ +
                     '; Declaring new Topic & Creating Queue.')
        # Give the topic anidentity

        # Declare the queue - this should be done in the exchange registry
        # Create a new queue object
        queue = yield self.create_queue()

        topic.queue = queue

        topic = yield self.reg.register(topic)


    def create_queue(self):
        Create a queue
        @TODO fix the hack - This should come from the exchange registry!

        queue = dm_resource_descriptions.Queue()
        queue.name = dataobject.create_unique_identity()
        queue.type = 'fanout'
        queue.args = {'scope': 'global'}

        queue_properties = {
            queue.name: {
                'name_type': queue.type,
                'args': queue.args
        # This should come from the COI Exchange registry
        yield bootstrap.declare_messaging(queue_properties)


    def op_define_publisher(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Register a publisher that subsequently is
        authorized to publish on a topic.
        logging.debug(self.__class__.__name__ + ', op_' + headers['op'] +
                      ' Received: ' + str(headers))
        publisher = dataobject.Resource.decode(content)
        logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ + ' recieved: op_' +
                     headers['op'] + ', publisher: \n' + str(publisher))

        publisher = yield self.reg.register(publisher)
        if publisher:
            logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ + ': op_' + headers['op'] +
                         ' Success!')
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, publisher.encode())
            logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ + ': op_' + headers['op'] +
                         ' Failed!')
            yield self.reply_err(msg, None)

    def op_define_subscription(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Register a subscriber's intent to receive
        subscriptions on a topic, with the workflow described to produce the
        desired result
        # Subscribe should decouple the exchange point where data is published
        # and the subscription exchange point where a process receives it.
        # That allows for an intermediary process to filter it.

        logging.debug(self.__class__.__name__ + ', op_' + headers['op'] +
                      ' Received: ' + str(headers))
        subscription = dataobject.Resource.decode(content)
        logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ + ' recieved: op_' +
                     headers['op'] + ', subscription: \n' + str(subscription))

        if subscription.RegistryIdentity:
            # it is an existing topic and must be updated
            subscription = yield self.update_subscription(subscription)
            subscription = yield self.create_subscription(subscription)

        subscription = yield self.reg.register(subscription)
        if subscription:
            logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ + ': op_' + headers['op'] +
                         ' Success!')
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, subscription.encode())
            logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ + ': op_' + headers['op'] +
                         ' Failed!')
            yield self.reply_err(msg, None)

    Subscription Object:
    Name - inherited    
    # hack for now to allow naming one-three more topic descriptions
    topic1 = TypedAttribute(PubSubTopicResource)
    topic2 = TypedAttribute(PubSubTopicResource) 
    topic3 = TypedAttribute(PubSubTopicResource)
    workflow = TypedAttribute(dict)
    <consumer name>:{'module':'path.to.module','cosumeclass':'<ConsumerClassName>',\
        'attach':(<topicX>) or (<consumer name>, <consumer queue keyword>) or <list of consumers and topics>,\
        'Process Parameters':{<conumser property keyword arg>: <property value>}}

    def create_subscription(self, subscription):

        subscription = yield self.create_consumer_args(subscription)

        consumer_args = subscription.consumer_args

        for name, args in consumer_args.items():
            child = base_consumer.ConsumerDesc(**args)
            child_id = yield self.spawn_child(child)

        subscription = yield self.reg.register(subscription)


    def create_consumer_args(self, subscription):
        @Brief Turn the workflow argument into the arguments used to create a
        new consumer. This includes spawning the queues needed to deliver the
        product of one consumer to the attachment point of another!
        @Note This is probably too complex - it should be refactored into seperate
        methods where possible.

        logging.info('Processing Subscription Workflow:' +

        #A for each topic1, topic2, topic3 get the list of queues

        topics = {'topic1': [], 'topic2': [], 'topic3': []}

        if subscription.topic1.name or subscription.topic1.keywords:
            topics['topic1'] = yield self.find_topics(subscription.topic1)

        if subscription.topic2.name or subscription.topic2.keywords:
            topics['topic2'] = yield self.find_topics(subscription.topic2)

        if subscription.topic3.name or subscription.topic3.keywords:
            topics['topic3'] = yield self.find_topics(subscription.topic3)

        #B process the workflow dictionary,

        #0) Check for valid workflow
        # how can I check whether the workflow is a loop ? difficult!

        # 1) create new queues for workflow
        # 2) create ConsumerDesc for each consumer

        # create place holders for each consumers spawn args
        subscription_queues = []
        consumers = {}
        consumer_names = subscription.workflow.keys()
        for consumer, args in subscription.workflow.items():

            spargs = {
                'attach': [],
                'process parameters': args.get('process parameters', {}),
                'delivery interval': args.get('delivery interval', None),
                'delivery queues': args.get('delivery queues', {})

            for k, v in spargs['delivery queues']:
                topic = topics.get(v, None)
                if not topic:
                    raise RuntimeError('Invalid delivery queue specified ')
                spargs['delivery queues'][k] = topic.queue.name

            cd = {}
            cd['name'] = str(consumer)
            cd['module'] = str(args.get('module'))
            cd['procclass'] = str(args.get('consumerclass'))
            cd['spawnargs'] = spargs

            consumers[consumer] = cd

        #logging.info('CONSUMERS:' + str(consumers))

        # for each consumer and add its attachements and create delivery queues
        for consumer, args in subscription.workflow.items():

            # list of queues to attach to for this consumer
            attach = []

            # Get the attach to topic or consumer - make it a list and iterate
            attach_to = args['attach']
            if not hasattr(attach_to, '__iter__'):
                attach_to = [attach_to]

            for item in attach_to:

                #Each item may be a topic or a consumer/keyword pair - make it a list
                # and extract the contents
                if not hasattr(item, '__iter__'):
                    item = [item]

                if len(item) == 1:
                    name = item[0]
                    keyword = None
                elif len(item) == 2:
                    name = item[0]
                    keyword = item[1]
                    raise RuntimeError('Invalid attach argument!')

                # is it a topic?
                if name in topics.keys():
                    topic_list = topics[name]  # get the list of topics
                    # add each queue to the list of attach_to
                    for topic in topic_list:
                        # Add it to the list for this consumer
                        # Add it to the list for this subscription
                            '''Consumer '%s' attaches to topic name '%s' ''' %
                            (consumer, topic.name))

                # See if it is consuming another resultant
                elif name in consumer_names:  # Could fail badly!

                    # Does this producer already have a queue?
                    # This is not 'safe' - lots of ways to get a key error!
                    q = consumers[name]['spawnargs']['delivery queues'].get(
                        keyword, None)
                    if q:
                            '''Consumer '%s' attaches to existing queue for producer/keyword: '%s'/'%s' '''
                            % (consumer, name, keyword))
                        # Create the queue!
                        #@TODO - replace with call to exchange registry service
                        queue = yield self.create_queue()
                        # Add it to the list for this consumer
                        # Add it to the list for this subscription

                        # Add to the delivery list for the producer...
                        consumers[name]['spawnargs']['delivery queues'][
                            keyword] = str(queue.name)
                            '''Consumer '%s' attaches to new queue for producer/keyword: '%s'/'%s' '''
                            % (consumer, name, keyword))
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        '''Can not determine how to attach consumer '%s' \
                                       to topic or consumer '%s' ''' %
                        (consumer, item))


        logging.info('CONSUMERS:' + str(consumers))

        subscription.queues = subscription_queues
        subscription.consumer_args = consumers


    def update_subscription(subscription):
        # Determine the difference between the current and existing subscription

        # act accordingly - but very difficult to figure out what to do!
        raise RuntimeError('Update Subscription is not yet implemented')

    def op_unsubscribe(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Stop one's existing subscription to a topic.
            And remove the Queue if no one else is listening...

    def op_publish(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Publish data message on a topic
        logging.debug(self.__class__.__name__ + ', op_' + headers['op'] +
                      ' Received: ' + str(headers))
        publication = dataobject.Resource.decode(content)
        logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ + ' recieved: op_' +
                     headers['op'] + ', publication')
        #logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ + ' recieved: op_'+ headers['op'] +', publication: \n' + str(publication))

        #Get the data
        data = publication.data

        # Get the Topic
        topic_ref = publication.topic_ref
        topic = yield self.reg.get(topic_ref.reference(head=True))
        if not topic:
            logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ + ' recieved: op_' +
                         headers['op'] + ', topic invalid!')
            yield self.reply_err(msg, 'Topic does not exist')

        #Check publisher is valid!
        publisher = dm_resource_descriptions.PublisherResource()
        publisher.publisher = publication.publisher

        # Get the publications which this process is registered fro
        reg_pubs = yield self.reg.find(publisher,

        valid = False
        for pub in reg_pubs:

            if topic.reference(head=True) in pub.topics:
                valid = True
                logging.debug(self.__class__.__name__ +
                              '; Publishing to topic: \n' + str(topic))

        if not valid:
            logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ + ' recieved: op_' +
                         headers['op'] +
                         ', publisher not registered for topic!')
            yield self.reply_err(msg, 'Publisher not registered for topic!')

        if not data.notification:
            data.notification = 'Data topic: ' + topic.name

        data.timestamp = pu.currenttime()

        # Todo: impersonate message as from sender -
        #@Todo - Move the actual publish command back to the client side!
        yield self.send(topic.queue.name, 'data', data.encode(), {})

        logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ + ': op_' + headers['op'] +
                     ' Success!')
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, '')

    def find_topics(self, topic_description):
        """Service operation: For a given resource, find the topic that contains
        updates to the resource or resource description.
        @Notes - should this create a topic if none yet exist?

        #Note - AOI does not do anything yet and keyword needs to be improved...
        #topic_list = yield self.reg.find(topic_description,regex=True, attnames=['name','keywords','aoi'])
        return self.reg.find(topic_description,
                             attnames=['name', 'keywords', 'aoi'])