예제 #1
class InstrumentModelImpl(ResourceSimpleImpl):
    @brief resource management for InstrumentModel resources

    def on_simpl_init(self):
        self.instrument_agent = InstrumentAgentImpl(self.clients)
        self.instrument_device = InstrumentDeviceImpl(self.clients)

        self.add_lcs_precondition(LCS.RETIRED, self.lcs_precondition_retired)

    def _primary_object_name(self):
        return RT.InstrumentModel

    def _primary_object_label(self):
        return "instrument_model"

    def lcs_precondition_retired(self, instrument_model_id):
        can't retire if any devices or agents are using this model
        found, _ = self.instrument_agent.find_having(instrument_model_id)
        if 0 < len(found):
            return False
        found, _ = self.instrument_device.find_having(instrument_model_id)
        if 0 < len(found):
            return False

        return True
    def override_clients(self, new_clients):
        Replaces the service clients with a new set of them... and makes sure they go to the right places

        #shortcut names for the import sub-services
        # we hide these behind checks even though we expect them so that
        # the resource_impl_metatests will work
        if hasattr(self.clients, "resource_registry"):
            self.RR    = self.clients.resource_registry
        if hasattr(self.clients, "data_acquisition_management"):
            self.DAMS  = self.clients.data_acquisition_management

        if hasattr(self.clients, "data_product_management"):
            self.DPMS  = self.clients.data_product_management

        #farm everything out to the impls

        self.instrument_agent           = InstrumentAgentImpl(self.clients)
        self.instrument_agent_instance  = InstrumentAgentInstanceImpl(self.clients)
        self.instrument_model           = InstrumentModelImpl(self.clients)
        self.instrument_device          = InstrumentDeviceImpl(self.clients)

        self.platform_agent           = PlatformAgentImpl(self.clients)
        self.platform_agent_instance  = PlatformAgentInstanceImpl(self.clients)
        self.platform_model           = PlatformModelImpl(self.clients)
        self.platform_device          = PlatformDeviceImpl(self.clients)

        self.sensor_model    = SensorModelImpl(self.clients)
        self.sensor_device   = SensorDeviceImpl(self.clients)

        #TODO: may not belong in this service
        self.data_product        = DataProductImpl(self.clients)
        self.data_producer       = DataProducerImpl(self.clients)
        self.logical_instrument  = LogicalInstrumentImpl(self.clients)
class InstrumentManagementService(BaseInstrumentManagementService):
    @brief Service to manage instrument, platform, and sensor resources, their relationships, and direct access

    def on_init(self):
        #suppress a few "variable declared but not used" annoying pyflakes errors


    def override_clients(self, new_clients):
        Replaces the service clients with a new set of them... and makes sure they go to the right places

        #shortcut names for the import sub-services
        # we hide these behind checks even though we expect them so that
        # the resource_impl_metatests will work
        if hasattr(self.clients, "resource_registry"):
            self.RR    = self.clients.resource_registry
        if hasattr(self.clients, "data_acquisition_management"):
            self.DAMS  = self.clients.data_acquisition_management

        if hasattr(self.clients, "data_product_management"):
            self.DPMS  = self.clients.data_product_management

        #farm everything out to the impls

        self.instrument_agent           = InstrumentAgentImpl(self.clients)
        self.instrument_agent_instance  = InstrumentAgentInstanceImpl(self.clients)
        self.instrument_model           = InstrumentModelImpl(self.clients)
        self.instrument_device          = InstrumentDeviceImpl(self.clients)

        self.platform_agent           = PlatformAgentImpl(self.clients)
        self.platform_agent_instance  = PlatformAgentInstanceImpl(self.clients)
        self.platform_model           = PlatformModelImpl(self.clients)
        self.platform_device          = PlatformDeviceImpl(self.clients)

        self.sensor_model    = SensorModelImpl(self.clients)
        self.sensor_device   = SensorDeviceImpl(self.clients)

        #TODO: may not belong in this service
        self.data_product        = DataProductImpl(self.clients)
        self.data_producer       = DataProducerImpl(self.clients)
        self.logical_instrument  = LogicalInstrumentImpl(self.clients)


    def create_instrument_agent_instance(self, instrument_agent_instance=None):
        create a new instance
        @param instrument_agent_instance the object to be created as a resource
        @retval instrument_agent_instance_id the id of the new object
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.instrument_agent_instance.create_one(instrument_agent_instance)

    def update_instrument_agent_instance(self, instrument_agent_instance=None):
        update an existing instance
        @param instrument_agent_instance the object to be created as a resource
        @retval success whether we succeeded
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is not set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.instrument_agent_instance.update_one(instrument_agent_instance)

    def read_instrument_agent_instance(self, instrument_agent_instance_id=''):
        fetch a resource by ID
        @param instrument_agent_instance_id the id of the object to be fetched
        @retval InstrumentAgentInstance resource
        return self.instrument_agent_instance.read_one(instrument_agent_instance_id)

    def delete_instrument_agent_instance(self, instrument_agent_instance_id=''):
        delete a resource, including its history (for less ominous deletion, use retire)
        @param instrument_agent_instance_id the id of the object to be deleted
        @retval success whether it succeeded

        return self.instrument_agent_instance.delete_one(instrument_agent_instance_id)

    def find_instrument_agent_instances(self, filters=None):

        return self.instrument_agent_instance.find_some(filters)


    def create_instrument_agent(self, instrument_agent=None):
        create a new instance
        @param instrument_agent the object to be created as a resource
        @retval instrument_agent_id the id of the new object
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.instrument_agent.create_one(instrument_agent)

    def update_instrument_agent(self, instrument_agent=None):
        update an existing instance
        @param instrument_agent the object to be created as a resource
        @retval success whether we succeeded
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is not set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.instrument_agent.update_one(instrument_agent)

    def read_instrument_agent(self, instrument_agent_id=''):
        fetch a resource by ID
        @param instrument_agent_id the id of the object to be fetched
        @retval InstrumentAgent resource
        return self.instrument_agent.read_one(instrument_agent_id)

    def delete_instrument_agent(self, instrument_agent_id=''):
        delete a resource, including its history (for less ominous deletion, use retire)
        @param instrument_agent_id the id of the object to be deleted
        @retval success whether it succeeded

        return self.instrument_agent.delete_one(instrument_agent_id)

    def find_instrument_agents(self, filters=None):

        return self.instrument_agent.find_some(filters)


    def create_instrument_model(self, instrument_model=None):
        create a new instance
        @param instrument_model the object to be created as a resource
        @retval instrument_model_id the id of the new object
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.instrument_model.create_one(instrument_model)

    def update_instrument_model(self, instrument_model=None):
        update an existing instance
        @param instrument_model the object to be created as a resource
        @retval success whether we succeeded
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is not set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.instrument_model.update_one(instrument_model)

    def read_instrument_model(self, instrument_model_id=''):
        fetch a resource by ID
        @param instrument_model_id the id of the object to be fetched
        @retval InstrumentModel resource
        return self.instrument_model.read_one(instrument_model_id)

    def delete_instrument_model(self, instrument_model_id=''):
        delete a resource, including its history (for less ominous deletion, use retire)
        @param instrument_model_id the id of the object to be deleted
        @retval success whether it succeeded

        return self.instrument_model.delete_one(instrument_model_id)

    def find_instrument_models(self, filters=None):

        return self.instrument_model.find_some(filters)


    def setup_data_production_chain(self, instrument_device_id=''):
        create a data product (L0) for the instrument, and establish provenance
        between the corresponding data producers

        #get instrument object and instrument's data producer
        inst_obj = self.instrument_device.read_one(instrument_device_id)
        inst_pducers = self.instrument_device.find_stemming_data_producer(instrument_device_id)
        inst_pducer_id = inst_pducers[0]
        log.debug("instrument data producer id='%s'" % inst_pducer_id)

        #create a new data product
        dpms_pduct_obj = IonObject(RT.DataProduct,
                                   name=str(inst_obj.name + " L0 Product"),
                                   description=str("L0 DataProduct for " + inst_obj.name))

        pduct_id = self.DPMS.create_data_product(dpms_pduct_obj)

        #TODO: DPMS isn't creating a data producer for new data products. not sure why.
        prod_pducer_id = self.data_producer.create_one(IonObject(RT.DataProducer,
                                                                 name=str(inst_obj.name + " L0 Producer"),
                                                                 description=str("L0 DataProducer for " + inst_obj.name)))
        self.data_product.link_data_producer(pduct_id, prod_pducer_id)

        # get data product's data producer (via association)
        #TODO: this belongs in DPMS
        prod_pducers = self.data_product.find_stemming_data_producer(pduct_id)
        # (TODO: there should only be one assoc_id.  what error to raise?)
        # TODO: what error to raise if there are no assoc ids?
        prod_pducer_id = prod_pducers[0]

        # instrument data producer is the parent of the data product producer
        #TODO: this belongs in DAMS
        self.data_producer.link_input_data_producer(prod_pducer_id, inst_pducer_id)

        #TODO: error checking

    def create_instrument_device(self, instrument_device=None):
        create a new instance
        @param instrument_device the object to be created as a resource
        @retval instrument_device_id the id of the new object
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        instrument_device_id = self.instrument_device.create_one(instrument_device)
        #TODO: create data producer and product

        return instrument_device_id

    def update_instrument_device(self, instrument_device=None):
        update an existing instance
        @param instrument_device the object to be created as a resource
        @retval success whether we succeeded
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is not set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.instrument_device.update_one(instrument_device)

    def read_instrument_device(self, instrument_device_id=''):
        fetch a resource by ID
        @param instrument_device_id the id of the object to be fetched
        @retval InstrumentDevice resource

        return self.instrument_device.read_one(instrument_device_id)

    def delete_instrument_device(self, instrument_device_id=''):
        delete a resource, including its history (for less ominous deletion, use retire)
        @param instrument_device_id the id of the object to be deleted
        @retval success whether it succeeded

        return self.instrument_device.delete_one(instrument_device_id)

    def find_instrument_devices(self, filters=None):

        return self.instrument_device.find_some(filters)


    def request_direct_access(self, instrument_device_id=''):


        # determine whether id is for physical or logical instrument
        # look up instrument if not

        # Validate request; current instrument state, policy, and other

        # Retrieve and save current instrument settings

        # Request DA channel, save reference

        # Return direct access channel
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def stop_direct_access(self, instrument_device_id=''):

        # Return Value
        # ------------
        # {success: true}
        raise NotImplementedError()


    def create_platform_agent_instance(self, platform_agent_instance=None):
        create a new instance
        @param platform_agent_instance the object to be created as a resource
        @retval platform_agent_instance_id the id of the new object
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.platform_agent_instance.create_one(platform_agent_instance)

    def update_platform_agent_instance(self, platform_agent_instance=None):
        update an existing instance
        @param platform_agent_instance the object to be created as a resource
        @retval success whether we succeeded
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is not set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.platform_agent_instance.update_one(platform_agent_instance)

    def read_platform_agent_instance(self, platform_agent_instance_id=''):
        fetch a resource by ID
        @param platform_agent_instance_id the id of the object to be fetched
        @retval PlatformAgentInstance resource
        return self.platform_agent_instance.read_one(platform_agent_instance_id)

    def delete_platform_agent_instance(self, platform_agent_instance_id=''):
        delete a resource, including its history (for less ominous deletion, use retire)
        @param platform_agent_instance_id the id of the object to be deleted
        @retval success whether it succeeded

        return self.platform_agent_instance.delete_one(platform_agent_instance_id)

    def find_platform_agent_instances(self, filters=None):

        return self.platform_agent_instance.find_some(filters)


    def create_platform_agent(self, platform_agent=None):
        create a new instance
        @param platform_agent the object to be created as a resource
        @retval platform_agent_id the id of the new object
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.platform_agent.create_one(platform_agent)

    def update_platform_agent(self, platform_agent=None):
        update an existing instance
        @param platform_agent the object to be created as a resource
        @retval success whether we succeeded
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is not set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists

        return self.platform_agent.update_one(platform_agent)

    def read_platform_agent(self, platform_agent_id=''):
        fetch a resource by ID
        @param platform_agent_id the id of the object to be fetched
        @retval PlatformAgent resource

        return self.platform_agent.read_one(platform_agent_id)

    def delete_platform_agent(self, platform_agent_id=''):
        delete a resource, including its history (for less ominous deletion, use retire)
        @param platform_agent_id the id of the object to be deleted
        @retval success whether it succeeded

        return self.platform_agent.delete_one(platform_agent_id)

    def find_platform_agents(self, filters=None):

        return self.platform_agent.find_some(filters)


    def create_platform_model(self, platform_model=None):
        create a new instance
        @param platform_model the object to be created as a resource
        @retval platform_model_id the id of the new object
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.platform_model.create_one(platform_model)

    def update_platform_model(self, platform_model=None):
        update an existing instance
        @param platform_model the object to be created as a resource
        @retval success whether we succeeded
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is not set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.platform_model.update_one(platform_model)

    def read_platform_model(self, platform_model_id=''):
        fetch a resource by ID
        @param platform_model_id the id of the object to be fetched
        @retval PlatformModel resource

        return self.platform_model.read_one(platform_model_id)

    def delete_platform_model(self, platform_model_id=''):
        delete a resource, including its history (for less ominous deletion, use retire)
        @param platform_model_id the id of the object to be deleted
        @retval success whether it succeeded

        return self.platform_model.delete_one(platform_model_id)

    def find_platform_models(self, filters=None):

        return self.platform_model.find_some(filters)


    def create_platform_device(self, platform_device=None):
        create a new instance
        @param platform_device the object to be created as a resource
        @retval platform_device_id the id of the new object
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.platform_device.create_one(platform_device)

    def update_platform_device(self, platform_device=None):
        update an existing instance
        @param platform_device the object to be created as a resource
        @retval success whether we succeeded
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is not set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists

        return self.platform_device.update_one(platform_device)

    def read_platform_device(self, platform_device_id=''):
        fetch a resource by ID
        @param platform_device_id the id of the object to be fetched
        @retval PlatformDevice resource

        return self.platform_device.read_one(platform_device_id)

    def delete_platform_device(self, platform_device_id=''):
        delete a resource, including its history (for less ominous deletion, use retire)
        @param platform_device_id the id of the object to be deleted
        @retval success whether it succeeded

        return self.platform_device.delete_one(platform_device_id)

    def find_platform_devices(self, filters=None):

        return self.platform_device.find_some(filters)


    def create_sensor_model(self, sensor_model=None):
        create a new instance
        @param sensor_model the object to be created as a resource
        @retval sensor_model_id the id of the new object
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.sensor_model.create_one(sensor_model)

    def update_sensor_model(self, sensor_model=None):
        update an existing instance
        @param sensor_model the object to be created as a resource
        @retval success whether we succeeded
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is not set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists

        return self.sensor_model.update_one(sensor_model)

    def read_sensor_model(self, sensor_model_id=''):
        fetch a resource by ID
        @param sensor_model_id the id of the object to be fetched
        @retval SensorModel resource

        return self.sensor_model.read_one(sensor_model_id)

    def delete_sensor_model(self, sensor_model_id=''):
        delete a resource, including its history (for less ominous deletion, use retire)
        @param sensor_model_id the id of the object to be deleted
        @retval success whether it succeeded

        return self.sensor_model.delete_one(sensor_model_id)

    def find_sensor_models(self, filters=None):

        return self.sensor_model.find_some(filters)


    def create_sensor_device(self, sensor_device=None):
        create a new instance
        @param sensor_device the object to be created as a resource
        @retval sensor_device_id the id of the new object
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists
        return self.sensor_device.create_one(sensor_device)

    def update_sensor_device(self, sensor_device=None):
        update an existing instance
        @param sensor_device the object to be created as a resource
        @retval success whether we succeeded
        @throws BadRequest if the incoming _id field is not set
        @throws BadReqeust if the incoming name already exists

        return self.sensor_device.update_one(sensor_device)

    def read_sensor_device(self, sensor_device_id=''):
        fetch a resource by ID
        @param sensor_device_id the id of the object to be fetched
        @retval SensorDevice resource

        return self.sensor_device.read_one(sensor_device_id)

    def delete_sensor_device(self, sensor_device_id=''):
        delete a resource, including its history (for less ominous deletion, use retire)
        @param sensor_device_id the id of the object to be deleted
        @retval success whether it succeeded

        return self.sensor_device.delete_one(sensor_device_id)

    def find_sensor_devices(self, filters=None):

        return self.sensor_device.find_some(filters)


    def assign_instrument_model_to_instrument_device(self, instrument_model_id='', instrument_device_id=''):
        self.instrument_device.link_model(instrument_device_id, instrument_model_id)

    def unassign_instrument_model_from_instrument_device(self, instrument_model_id='', instrument_device_id=''):
        self.instrument_device.unlink_model(instrument_device_id, instrument_model_id)

    def assign_instrument_model_to_instrument_agent(self, instrument_model_id='', instrument_agent_id=''):
        self.instrument_agent.link_model(instrument_agent_id, instrument_model_id)

    def unassign_instrument_model_from_instrument_agent(self, instrument_model_id='', instrument_agent_id=''):
        self.instrument_agent.unlink_model(instrument_agent_id, instrument_model_id)

    def assign_sensor_model_to_sensor_device(self, sensor_model_id='', sensor_device_id=''):
        self.sensor_device.link_model(sensor_device_id, sensor_model_id)

    def unassign_sensor_model_from_sensor_device(self, sensor_model_id='', sensor_device_id=''):
        self.sensor_device.unlink_model(sensor_device_id, sensor_model_id)

    def assign_platform_model_to_platform_device(self, platform_model_id='', platform_device_id=''):
        self.platform_device.link_model(platform_device_id, platform_model_id)

    def unassign_platform_model_from_platform_device(self, platform_model_id='', platform_device_id=''):
        self.platform_device.unlink_model(platform_device_id, platform_model_id)

    def assign_instrument_device_to_platform_device(self, instrument_device_id='', platform_device_id=''):
        self.platform_device.link_instrument(platform_device_id, instrument_device_id)

    def unassign_instrument_device_from_platform_device(self, instrument_device_id='', platform_device_id=''):
        self.platform_device.unlink_instrument(platform_device_id, instrument_device_id)

    def assign_logical_instrument_to_instrument_device(self, logical_instrument_id='', instrument_device_id=''):
        self.instrument_device.link_assignment(instrument_device_id, logical_instrument_id)

    def unassign_logical_instrument_from_instrument_device(self, logical_instrument_id='', instrument_device_id=''):
        self.instrument_device.unlink_assignment(instrument_device_id, logical_instrument_id)

    def assign_logical_platform_to_platform_device(self, logical_platform_id='', platform_device_id=''):
        self.platform_device.link_assignment(platform_device_id, logical_platform_id)

    def unassign_logical_platform_from_platform_device(self, logical_platform_id='', platform_device_id=''):
        self.platform_device.unlink_assignment(platform_device_id, logical_platform_id)

    def assign_platform_agent_instance_to_platform_agent(self, platform_agent_instance_id='', platform_agent_id=''):
        self.platform_agent.link_instance(platform_agent_id, platform_agent_instance_id)

    def unassign_platform_agent_instance_from_platform_agent(self, platform_agent_instance_id='', platform_agent_id=''):
        self.platform_agent.unlink_instance(platform_agent_id, platform_agent_instance_id)

    def assign_instrument_agent_instance_to_instrument_agent(self, instrument_agent_instance_id='', instrument_agent_id=''):
        self.instrument_agent.link_instance(instrument_agent_id, instrument_agent_instance_id)

    def unassign_instrument_agent_instance_from_instrument_agent(self, instrument_agent_instance_id='', instrument_agent_id=''):
        self.instrument_agent.unlink_instance(instrument_agent_id, instrument_agent_instance_id)

    # reassigning a logical instrument to an instrument device is a little bit special
    # TODO: someday we may be able to dig up the correct data products automatically,
    #       but once we have them this is the function that does all the work.
    def reassign_logical_instrument_to_instrument_device(self, logical_instrument_id='', 
        associate a logical instrument with a physical one.  this involves linking the
        physical instrument's data product(s) to the logical one(s).
        the 2 lists of data products must be of equal length, and will map 1-1

        @param logical_instrument_id
        @param instrument_device_id
        @param logical_data_product_ids a list of data products associated to a logical instrument
        @param instrument_data_product_ids a list of data products coming from an instrument device
        def verify_dp_origin(supplied_dps, assigned_dps, instrument_id, instrument_label):
            check that the supplied dps (data products) are in the set of what's actually assigned
            @param supplied_dps list of data product ids
            @param assigned_dps list of data product ids
            @param instrument_id a logical or instrument device id
            badones = []
            for p in supplied_dps:
                if not p in assigned_dps:
                    if 0 < len(badones):
                        raise BadRequest("want to assign %s's data products, but the following were supplied " +
                                         "that don't seem to come from %s '%s': [%s]" %
                                         (instrument_label, instrument_label, instrument_id, ", ".join(badones)))

        log.info("Checking consistency of existing logical/instrument assignments")
        existing_assignments = self.instrument_device.find_having_assignment(logical_instrument_id)
        if 1 < len(existing_assignments):
            raise Inconsistent("There is more than 1 instrument device associated with logical instrument '%s'" %

        log.info("Checking whether supplied logical/instrument arguments are proper")
        if 0 < len(existing_assignments):
            if not old_instrument_device_id:
                raise BadRequest(("Tried to assign logical instrument '%s' for the first time, but it is already " + 
                                  "assigned to instrument device '%s'") % (logical_instrument_id, existing_assignments[0]))
            elif old_instrument_device_id != existing_assignments[0]:
                raise BadRequest(("Tried to reassign logical instrument '%s' from instrument device '%s' but it is " +
                                  "actually associated to instrument device '%s'") % 
                                 (logical_instrument_id, old_instrument_device_id, existing_assignments[0]))

        # log.info("Checking whether supplied data products are proper")
        #  existing_logical_data_products = self.logical_instrument.find_stemming_data_product(logical_instrument_id)
        #TODO: need a check that all the logical data products are being provided for
        # log.info("Checking whether all logical data products are provided")
        # if len(logical_data_product_ids) != len(existing_logical_data_products):
        #     raise BadRequest("tried to assign logical instrument but only provided %d of %d " +
        #                      "data products" % (len(logical_data_product_ids), len(existing_logical_data_products)))
        # log.info("Checking that supplied logical data products are properly rooted")
        # verify_dp_origin(logical_data_product_ids,
        #                  existing_logical_data_products,
        #                  logical_instrument_id,
        #                  "logical_instrument")

        if old_instrument_device_id:
            log.info("Checking that the data product to be dissociated are properly rooted")

            log.info("Checking that all data products to be dissociated have been supplied")
            if len(logical_data_product_ids) != len(old_instrument_data_product_ids):
                raise BadRequest("Can't unmap %d instrument data products from %d logical products" %
                                 (len(old_instrument_data_product_ids), len(logical_data_product_ids)))

        log.info("Checking that supplied instrument data products are properly rooted")

        log.info("Checking that all data products to be associated have been supplied")
        if len(logical_data_product_ids) != len(new_instrument_data_product_ids):
            raise BadRequest("Can't map %d instrument data products to %d logical products" %
                             (len(new_instrument_data_product_ids), len(logical_data_product_ids)))

        log.info("Assigning the instruments themselves")
        if "" != old_instrument_device_id:
            self.instrument_device.unlink_assignment(old_instrument_device_id, logical_instrument_id)
        self.instrument_device.link_assignment(new_instrument_device_id, logical_instrument_id)

        # functions to link and unlink data products as appropriate

        def link_logical_dp_to_instrument_dp(logical_dp_id, inst_dp_id):
            # TODO: this should be a function call, probably to DPMS,
            #       which sets up inst_dp to copy its data stream
            #       directly into the logical_dp

        def unlink_logical_dp_from_instrument_dp(logical_dp_id, inst_dp_id):
            #TODO: undo the above

        if old_instrument_device_id:
            log.info("Unlinking existing instrument data product(s) from logical instrument's product(s)")
            map(unlink_logical_dp_from_instrument_dp, logical_data_product_ids, old_instrument_data_product_ids)

        log.info("Linking new instrument data products with logical instrument's product(s)")
        map(link_logical_dp_to_instrument_dp, logical_data_product_ids, new_instrument_data_product_ids)


    def find_instrument_model_by_instrument_device(self, instrument_device_id=''):
        return self.instrument_device.find_stemming_model(instrument_device_id)

    def find_instrument_device_by_instrument_model(self, instrument_model_id=''):
        return self.instrument_device.find_having_model(instrument_model_id)

    def find_platform_model_by_platform_device(self, platform_device_id=''):
        return self.platform_device.find_stemming_model(platform_device_id)

    def find_platform_device_by_platform_model(self, platform_model_id=''):
        return self.platform_device.find_having_model(platform_model_id)

    def find_instrument_model_by_instrument_agent(self, instrument_agent_id=''):
        return self.instrument_agent.find_stemming_model(instrument_agent_id)

    def find_instrument_agent_by_instrument_model(self, instrument_model_id=''):
        return self.instrument_agent.find_having_model(instrument_model_id)

    def find_instrument_device_by_platform_device(self, platform_device_id=''):
        return self.platform_device.find_stemming_instrument(platform_device_id)

    def find_platform_device_by_instrument_device(self, instrument_device_id=''):
        return self.platform_device.find_having_instrument(instrument_device_id)

    def find_instrument_device_by_logical_instrument(self, logical_instrument_id=''):
        return self.instrument_device.find_having_assignment(logical_instrument_id)

    def find_logical_instrument_by_instrument_device(self, instrument_device_id=''):
        return self.instrument_device.find_stemming_assignment(instrument_device_id)

    def find_platform_device_by_logical_platform(self, logical_platform_id=''):
        return self.platform_device.find_having_assignment(logical_platform_id)

    def find_logical_platform_by_platform_device(self, platform_device_id=''):
        return self.platform_device.find_stemming_assignment(platform_device_id)


    def find_data_product_by_instrument_device(self, instrument_device_id=''):
        #init return value, a list of data products
        data_products = []
        seen_data_producers = []

        #init working set of data producers to walk
        data_producers = []
        pducers = self.instrument_device.find_stemming_data_producer(instrument_device_id)
        data_producers += pducers

        #iterate through all un-processed data producers (could also do recursively)
        while 0 < len(data_producers):
           producer_id = data_producers.pop()
           if producer_id in seen_data_producers:
               raise Inconsistent("There is a cycle in data producers that includes '%s'" % producer_id)

           log.debug("Analyzing data producer '%s'" % producer_id)
           #get any products that are associated with this data producer and return them
           #TODO: this belongs in DPMS
           new_data_products = self.data_product.find_having_data_producer(producer_id)
           #get any producers that receive input from this data producer
           #TODO: this belongs in DAMS
           new_data_producers = self.data_producer.find_having_input_data_producer(producer_id)

           log.debug("Got %d new products, %d new producers" % (len(new_data_products), 

           data_products  += new_data_products
           data_producers += new_data_producers

        return data_products

    def find_instrument_device_by_data_product(self, data_product_id=''):
        #init return value, a list of instrument devices
        instrument_devices = []
        seen_data_producers = []

        #init working set of data producers to walk
        data_producers = []
        #TODO: this belongs in DPMS
        pducers = self.data_product.find_stemming_data_producer(data_product_id)
        data_producers += pducers

        #iterate through all un-processed data producers (could also do recursively)
        while 0 < len(data_producers):
           producer_id = data_producers.pop()
           if producer_id in seen_data_producers:
               raise Inconsistent("There is a cycle in data producers that includes '%s'" % producer_id)

           log.debug("Analyzing data producer '%s'" % producer_id)
           #get any devices that are associated with this data producer and return them
           new_instrument_devices = self.instrument_device.find_having_data_producer(producer_id)
           #get any producers that give input to this data producer
           #TODO: this belongs in DPMS
           new_data_producers = self.data_producer.find_stemming_input_data_producer(producer_id)

           log.debug("Got %d new devices, %d new producers" % (len(new_instrument_devices), 

           instrument_devices  += new_instrument_devices
           data_producers      += new_data_producers

        return instrument_devices

    def find_data_product_by_platform_device(self, platform_device_id=''):
        ret = []
        for i in self.find_instrument_device_by_platform_device(platform_device_id):
            data_products = self.find_data_product_by_instrument_device(i)
            for d in data_products:
                if not d in ret:

        return ret


    def set_instrument_agent_lifecycle(self, instrument_agent_id="", lifecycle_state=""):
       declare a instrument_agent to be in a given state
       @param instrument_agent_id the resource id
       return self.instrument_agent.advance_lcs(instrument_agent_id, lifecycle_state)

    def set_instrument_agent_instance_lifecycle(self, instrument_agent_instance_id="", lifecycle_state=""):
       declare a instrument_agent_instance to be in a given state
       @param instrument_agent_instance_id the resource id
       return self.instrument_agent_instance.advance_lcs(instrument_agent_instance_id, lifecycle_state)

    def set_instrument_model_lifecycle(self, instrument_model_id="", lifecycle_state=""):
       declare a instrument_model to be in a given state
       @param instrument_model_id the resource id
       return self.instrument_model.advance_lcs(instrument_model_id, lifecycle_state)

    def set_instrument_device_lifecycle(self, instrument_device_id="", lifecycle_state=""):
       declare an instrument_device to be in a given state
       @param instrument_device_id the resource id
       return self.instrument_device.advance_lcs(instrument_device_id, lifecycle_state)

    def set_platform_agent_lifecycle(self, platform_agent_id="", lifecycle_state=""):
       declare a platform_agent to be in a given state
       @param platform_agent_id the resource id
       return self.platform_agent.advance_lcs(platform_agent_id, lifecycle_state)

    def set_platform_agent_instance_lifecycle(self, platform_agent_instance_id="", lifecycle_state=""):
       declare a platform_agent_instance to be in a given state
       @param platform_agent_instance_id the resource id
       return self.platform_agent_instance.advance_lcs(platform_agent_instance_id, lifecycle_state)

    def set_platform_model_lifecycle(self, platform_model_id="", lifecycle_state=""):
       declare a platform_model to be in a given state
       @param platform_model_id the resource id
       return self.platform_model.advance_lcs(platform_model_id, lifecycle_state)

    def set_platform_device_lifecycle(self, platform_device_id="", lifecycle_state=""):
       declare a platform_device to be in a given state
       @param platform_device_id the resource id
       return self.platform_device.advance_lcs(platform_device_id, lifecycle_state)

    def set_sensor_model_lifecycle(self, sensor_model_id="", lifecycle_state=""):
       declare a sensor_model to be in a given state
       @param sensor_model_id the resource id
       return self.sensor_model.advance_lcs(sensor_model_id, lifecycle_state)

    def set_sensor_device_lifecycle(self, sensor_device_id="", lifecycle_state=""):
       declare a sensor_device to be in a given state
       @param sensor_device_id the resource id
       return self.sensor_device.advance_lcs(sensor_device_id, lifecycle_state)
예제 #4
    def on_simpl_init(self):
        self.instrument_agent = InstrumentAgentImpl(self.clients)
        self.instrument_device = InstrumentDeviceImpl(self.clients)

        self.add_lcs_precondition(LCS.RETIRED, self.lcs_precondition_retired)