예제 #1
    def plc_init(self):
        # Init self and container
        annName = 'cc_announce'
        self.ann_name = self.get_scoped_name('system', annName)
        self.start_time = pu.currenttime_ms()
        self.containers = {}
        self.contalive = {}
        self.last_identify = 0

        # Declare CC announcement name
        messaging = {'name_type':'fanout', 'args':{'scope':'system'}}
        yield Container.configure_messaging(self.ann_name, messaging)
        logging.info("Declared CC anounce name: "+str(self.ann_name))

        # Attach to CC announcement name
        annReceiver = Receiver(annName+'.'+self.receiver.label, self.ann_name)
        annReceiver.group = self.receiver.group
        self.ann_receiver = annReceiver
        annid = yield spawn(self.ann_receiver)
        logging.info("Listening to CC anouncements: "+str(annid))

        # Start with an identify request. Will lead to an announce by myself
        #@TODO - Can not send a message to a base process which is not initialized!
        yield self.send(self.ann_name, 'identify', 'started', {'quiet':True})

        # Convenience HACK: Add a few functions to container shell
예제 #2
 def _work(self,content):
     myid = self.proc_name + ":" + self.receiver.spawned.id.local
     workid = str(content['work-id'])
     waittime = float(content['work'])
     logging.info("worker="+myid+" job="+workid+" work="+str(waittime))
     yield pu.asleep(waittime)
     logging.info("worker="+myid+" job="+workid+" done at="+str(pu.currenttime_ms()))
예제 #3
    def plc_init(self):
        # Init self and container
        annName = 'cc_announce'
        self.ann_name = self.get_scoped_name('system', annName)
        self.start_time = pu.currenttime_ms()
        self.containers = {}
        self.contalive = {}
        self.last_identify = 0

        # Declare CC announcement name
        messaging = {'name_type': 'fanout', 'args': {'scope': 'system'}}
        yield Container.configure_messaging(self.ann_name, messaging)
        logging.info("Declared CC anounce name: " + str(self.ann_name))

        # Attach to CC announcement name
        annReceiver = Receiver(annName + '.' + self.receiver.label,
        annReceiver.group = self.receiver.group
        self.ann_receiver = annReceiver
        annid = yield spawn(self.ann_receiver)
        logging.info("Listening to CC anouncements: " + str(annid))

        # Start with an identify request. Will lead to an announce by myself
        #@TODO - Can not send a message to a base process which is not initialized!
        yield self.send(self.ann_name, 'identify', 'started', {'quiet': True})

        # Convenience HACK: Add a few functions to container shell
예제 #4
 def _work(self, content):
     myid = self.proc_name + ":" + self.receiver.spawned.id.local
     workid = str(content['work-id'])
     waittime = float(content['work'])
     logging.info("worker=" + myid + " job=" + workid + " work=" +
     yield pu.asleep(waittime)
     logging.info("worker=" + myid + " job=" + workid + " done at=" +
예제 #5
 def op_result(self, content, headers, msg):
     ts = pu.currenttime_ms()
     logging.info("Work result received " + str(content) + " at " + str(ts))
     workid = content['work-id']
     worker = headers['sender']
     self.workresult[workid] = ts
     if worker in self.worker:
         wcnt = self.worker[worker] + 1
         wcnt = 1
     self.worker[worker] = wcnt
예제 #6
 def op_result(self, content, headers, msg):
     ts = pu.currenttime_ms()
     logging.info("Work result received "+str(content)+" at "+str(ts))
     workid = content['work-id']
     worker = headers['sender']
     self.workresult[workid] = ts
     if worker in self.worker:
         wcnt = self.worker[worker] + 1
         wcnt = 1
     self.worker[worker] = wcnt
예제 #7
    def op_identify(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: ask for identification; respond with announcement
        logging.info("op_identify(). Sending announcement")

        # Set the new reference. All alive containers will respond afterwards
        self.last_identify = int(pu.currenttime_ms())

        reactor.callLater(3, self._check_alive)
        yield self._send_announcement('identify')
예제 #8
    def op_identify(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: ask for identification; respond with announcement
        logging.info("op_identify(). Sending announcement")

        # Set the new reference. All alive containers will respond afterwards
        self.last_identify = int(pu.currenttime_ms())

        reactor.callLater(3, self._check_alive)
        yield self._send_announcement('identify')
예제 #9
    def put(self, key, value, parents=None, **kwargs):
        Puts a structured object (called entity) into the object store.
        Equivalent to a git-commit, with a given working tree. Distringuishes
        different types of values.
        @param key the identity of a structured object (mutable entity)
        @param value  a value, which can be a DataObject instance or a
                ValueObject instance or an arbitrary value
        @param kwargs arbitrary keyword arguments for commit attributes
        @retvalue ValueRef of a commit value
        roottreeref = None
        if isinstance(value, DataObject):
            # Got DataObject. Treat it as value, make tree
            vref = yield self.vs.put_value(value.encode())
            roottreeref = yield self.vs.put_tree(vref)
        elif isinstance(value, CommitValue):
            # Got CommitValue. Take the root tree for new commit
            roottreeref = value.value['roottree']
        elif isinstance(value, TreeValue):
            # Got TreeValue. Take as root tree for new commit
            roottreeref = value
        elif isinstance(value, ValueObject):
            # Got ValueObject. Make tree with value
            roottreeref = yield self.vs.put_tree(value)
            # Got any other value. Make it a value, create a tree
            # Note: of this is an iterator, multiple values will be created
            roottreeref = yield self.vs.put_tree(value)

        key = _reftostr(key)
        # Look into repo and get most recent entity commit. If no parent was
        # specified, set as parent (note some concurrent process might do the same)
        # @todo: is this the intended behavior? what if a client does not care?
        cref = yield self.get_entity(key)
        if cref:
            logging.info("Previous commit exists: "+str(cref))
            if parents == None:
                # No parents were specified but previous exists: set as parent
                parents = [cref]

        # Create commit and put in store
        cref = yield self.vs.put_commit(roottreeref, parents, ts=pu.currenttime_ms(), **kwargs)

        # Update HEAD ref for entity to new commit
        yield self.put_entity(key, cref)

        logging.debug("ObjStore put commit=%s, #entities=%s, #values=%s" % (cref.identity, self._num_entities(), self._num_values()))
        #logging.debug("ObjStore state: EI="+str(self.entityidx.kvs)+", OS="+str(self.objstore.kvs))

        # Return the new commit as ValueRef
예제 #10
 def _send_announcement(self, event):
     Send announce message to CC broadcast name
     cdesc = {'node':str(os.uname()[1]),
     yield self.send(self.ann_name, 'announce', cdesc)
예제 #11
    def op_announce(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: announce a capability container
        logging.info("op_announce(): Received CC announcement: " + repr(content))
        contid = content['container-id']
        event = content['event']
        if event == 'started' or event == 'identify':
            self.containers[contid] = content
            self.contalive[contid] = int(pu.currenttime_ms())
        elif event == 'terminate':
            del self.containers[contid]
            del self.contalive[contid]

        logging.info("op_announce(): Know about %s containers!" % (len(self.containers)))
예제 #12
 def _send_announcement(self, event):
     Send announce message to CC broadcast name
     cdesc = {
         'node': str(os.uname()[1]),
         'container-id': str(Container.id),
         'agent': str(self.receiver.spawned.id.full),
         'version': ionconst.VERSION,
         'magnet': magnet.__version__,
         'start-time': self.start_time,
         'current-time': pu.currenttime_ms(),
         'event': event
     yield self.send(self.ann_name, 'announce', cdesc)
예제 #13
    def op_announce(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: announce a capability container
        logging.info("op_announce(): Received CC announcement: " +
        contid = content['container-id']
        event = content['event']
        if event == 'started' or event == 'identify':
            self.containers[contid] = content
            self.contalive[contid] = int(pu.currenttime_ms())
        elif event == 'terminate':
            del self.containers[contid]
            del self.contalive[contid]

        logging.info("op_announce(): Know about %s containers!" %
예제 #14
    def __init__(self, receiver=None, spawnArgs=None):
        Initialize process using an optional receiver and optional spawn args
        @param receiver  instance of a Receiver for process control
        @param spawnArgs  standard and additional spawn arguments
        self.procState = "UNINITIALIZED"
        spawnArgs = spawnArgs.copy() if spawnArgs else {}
        self.spawnArgs = spawnArgs
        self.init_time = pu.currenttime_ms()

        # Name (human readable label) of this process.
        self.procName = self.spawnArgs.get('proc-name', __name__)

        # The system unique ID; propagates from root supv to all child procs
        sysname = ioninit.cont_args.get('sysname', Container.id)
        self.sysName = self.spawnArgs.get('sys-name', sysname)

        # The process ID of the supervisor process
        self.procSupId = pu.get_process_id(self.spawnArgs.get('sup-id', None))

        if not receiver:
            receiver = Receiver(self.procName)
        self.receiver = receiver

        # Dict of all receivers of this process. Key is the name
        self.receivers = {}

        # Dict of converations.
        # @todo: make sure this is garbage collected once in a while
        self.conversations = {}
        # Conversations by conv-id for currently outstanding RPCs
        self.rpc_conv = {}

        # List of ProcessDesc instances of defined and spawned child processes
        self.child_procs = []

        logging.info("Process init'd: proc-name=%s, sup-id=%s, sys-name=%s" % (
                self.procName, self.procSupId, self.sysName))