예제 #1
    def test_adcp_ins2earth_orientation(self):
        Test the adcp worker routine adcp_inst2earth when the vertical orientation
        toggle switch codes for downward-looking (orient = 0).

        The instrument to earth coordinate transformation was coded in matlab using
        the January 2010 version of the Teledyne RD Instruments "ADCP Coordinate
        Transformation" manual. This matlab code was then used to generate the check
         values for the downward looking case.

        Implemented by:

            2014-07-02: Russell Desiderio. Initial code.
        # input values: these are the output of adcp_beam2inst in test_vadcp_beam
        # (velocities are in instrument coordinates)
        u = np.array([[-749.95582864]])
        v = np.array([[-739.72251324]])
        w = np.array([[-81.67564404]])
        heading = np.array([3200])  # units of centidegrees
        pitch = np.array([300])  # units of centidegrees
        roll = np.array([400])  # units of centidegrees

        # check test: upwards looking case
        orient_1 = np.array([1])

        # expected outputs, earth coordinates, upwards case, from test_vadcp_beam which
        # agrees with the test matlab code values to (much) better than single precision.
        vle = np.array([[247.015599]])
        vln = np.array([[-1027.223026]])
        vlu = np.array([[-9.497397]])
        xpctd = np.hstack((vle, vln, vlu))

        # calculated upwards looking case
        uu, vv, ww = af.adcp_ins2earth(u, v, w, heading, pitch, roll, orient_1)
        calc = np.hstack((uu, vv, ww))

        # test results
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(calc, xpctd, 6)

        # primary test: downwards looking case.
        orient_0 = np.array([0])

        # expected outputs, earth coordinates, downwards case, from matlab test code
        vle = np.array([[-1029.9328104]])
        vln = np.array([[-225.7064203]])
        vlu = np.array([[-67.7426771]])
        xpctd = np.hstack((vle, vln, vlu))

        # calculated downwards looking case
        uu, vv, ww = af.adcp_ins2earth(u, v, w, heading, pitch, roll, orient_0)
        calc = np.hstack((uu, vv, ww))

        # test results
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(calc, xpctd, 6)
    def test_adcp_earth(self):
        Tests magnetic_correction function for ADCPs set to output data in the
        Earth Coordinate system.

        Values were not defined in DPS, were recreated using test values above:

        OOI (2012). Data Product Specification for Velocity Profile and Echo
            Intensity. Document Control Number 1341-00750.
            https://alfresco.oceanobservatories.org/ (See: Company Home >> OOI
            >> Controlled >> 1000 System Level >>

        Implemented by Christopher Wingard, 2014-02-06

        # set the test data
        u, v, w, e = af.adcp_beam2ins(self.b1, self.b2, self.b3, self.b4)

        ### old adcp_ins2earth returned 3 variables
        uu, vv, ww = af.adcp_ins2earth(u, v, w, self.heading / 100.,
                                       self.pitch / 100., self.roll / 100., self.orient)

        # test the magnetic variation correction
        got_uu_cor = af.adcp_earth_eastward(uu, vv, self.depth, self.lat, self.lon, self.ntp)
        got_vv_cor = af.adcp_earth_northward(uu, vv, self.depth, self.lat, self.lon, self.ntp)

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(got_uu_cor, np.atleast_2d(self.uu_cor), 4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(got_vv_cor, np.atleast_2d(self.vv_cor), 4)

        # reset the test inputs for multiple records
        uu = np.tile(uu, (24, 1))
        vv = np.tile(vv, (24, 1))
        depth = np.ones(24) * self.depth
        lat = np.ones(24) * self.lat
        lon = np.ones(24) * self.lon
        ntp = np.ones(24) * self.ntp

        # reset expected results for multiple records
        uu_cor = np.tile(self.uu_cor, (24, 1))
        vv_cor = np.tile(self.vv_cor, (24, 1))

        # compute the results for multiple records
        got_uu_cor = af.adcp_earth_eastward(uu, vv, depth, lat, lon, ntp)
        got_vv_cor = af.adcp_earth_northward(uu, vv, depth, lat, lon, ntp)

        # test the magnetic variation correction
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(got_uu_cor, uu_cor, 4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(got_vv_cor, vv_cor, 4)
    def test_adcp_beam2earth(self):
        Test adcp_beam2ins and adcp_ins2earth functions.
        Values based on those defined in DPS:
        OOI (2012). Data Product Specification for Velocity Profile and Echo
            Intensity. Document Control Number 1341-00750.
            https://alfresco.oceanobservatories.org/ (See: Company Home >> OOI
            >> Controlled >> 1000 System Level >>
        Implemented by Christopher Wingard, April 2013
        # set test inputs
        b1 = np.array([-0.0300, -0.2950, -0.5140, -0.2340, -0.1880,
                        0.2030, -0.3250,  0.3050])
        b2 = np.array([ 0.1800, -0.1320,  0.2130,  0.3090,  0.2910,
                        0.0490,  0.1880,  0.3730])
        b3 = np.array([-0.3980, -0.4360, -0.1310, -0.4730, -0.4430,
                        0.1880, -0.1680,  0.2910])
        b4 = np.array([-0.2160, -0.6050, -0.0920, -0.0580,  0.4840,
                       -0.0050,  0.3380,  0.1750])
        heading = 98.4100
        pitch = 0.6900
        roll = -2.5400
        orient = 1

        # compute beam to instrument transform
        u, v, w, e = adcpfunc.adcp_beam2ins(b1, b2, b3, b4)

        # compute instrument to Earth transform        
        got_uu, got_vv, got_ww = adcpfunc.adcp_ins2earth(u, v, w, heading, 
                                              pitch, roll, orient)
        # set expected results
        uu = np.array([ 0.2175, -0.2814, -0.1002,  0.4831,  1.2380,
                       -0.2455,  0.6218, -0.1807])
        vv = np.array([-0.3367, -0.1815, -1.0522, -0.8676, -0.8919,
                        0.2585, -0.8497, -0.0873])
        ww = np.array([ 0.1401,  0.3977,  0.1870,  0.1637,  0.0091,
                       -0.1290,  0.0334, -0.3017])
        # test the transform
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(got_uu, uu, rtol=1e4, atol=0))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(got_vv, vv, rtol=1e4, atol=0))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(got_ww, ww, rtol=1e4, atol=0))
    def test_vadcp_beam(self):
        Tests vadcp_beam_eastward, vadcp_beam_northward,
        vadcp_beam_vertical_est and vadcp_beam_vertical_true functions (which
        call adcp_beam2ins and adcp_ins2earth) for the specialized 5-beam ADCP.
        Application of the magnetic correction and conversion from mm/s to m/s
        is not applied.

        Values based on those defined in DPS:

        OOI (2012). Data Product Specification for Turbulent Velocity Profile
            and Echo Intensity. Document Control Number 1341-00760.
            https://alfresco.oceanobservatories.org/ (See: Company Home >> OOI
            >> Controlled >> 1000 System Level >>

        Implemented by:

            2014-07-24: Christopher Wingard. Initial code.
        # test inputs
        b1 = np.ones((10, 10)) * -325
        b2 = np.ones((10, 10)) * 188
        b3 = np.ones((10, 10)) * 168
        b4 = np.ones((10, 10)) * -338
        b5 = np.ones((10, 10)) * -70

        heading = np.array([30, 30, 30, 30, 30,
                            32, 32, 32, 32, 32])
        pitch = np.array([0, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1])
        roll = np.array([0, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3])
        orient = np.ones(10)

        # expected outputs
        vle = np.array([279.6195, 282.6881, 281.8311, 282.7147,
                        282.1188, 246.2155, 246.9874, 246.1226,
                        247.0156, 246.4276]).reshape(-1, 1)
        vle = np.reshape(np.tile(vle, 10), (10, 10))

        vln = np.array([-1015.5964, -1018.0226, -1018.2595, -1017.9765,
                        -1017.7612, -1027.3264, -1027.2681, -1027.4749,
                        -1027.2230, -1026.9870]).reshape(-1, 1)
        vln = np.reshape(np.tile(vln, 10), (10, 10))

        vlu = np.array([81.6756, 3.3916, 3.5950, -9.4974,
                        29.4154, 16.5077, 3.3916, 3.5950,
                        -9.4974, 29.4154]).reshape(-1, 1)
        vlu = np.reshape(np.tile(vlu, 10), (10, 10))

        evl = np.array([34.1128, 34.1128, 34.1128, 34.1128,
                        34.1128, 34.1128, 34.1128, 34.1128,
                        34.1128, 34.1128]).reshape(-1, 1)
        evl = np.reshape(np.tile(evl, 10), (10, 10))

        w5 = np.array([70.0000, -8.2485, -8.0487, -21.1287,
                       17.7575, 4.8552, -8.2485, -8.0487,
                       -21.1287, 17.7575]).reshape(-1, 1)
        w5 = np.reshape(np.tile(w5, 10), (10, 10))

        # test the transformations
        u, v, w_est, e = af.adcp_beam2ins(b1, b2, b3, b4)
        uu, vv, ww_est = af.adcp_ins2earth(u, v, w_est, heading, pitch, roll, orient)
        _, _, ww_true = af.adcp_ins2earth(u, v, b5, heading, pitch, roll, orient)

        # compare the results
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(uu, vle, 4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(vv, vln, 4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ww_est, vlu, 4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(e, evl, 4)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ww_true, w5, 4)