예제 #1
def thermCond_norm(z, rho, kT):
    ''' Traslational thermal conductivity (for hydrogen gas) as in Devoto, "Transport properties of ionized
        monatomic gases"(1966) (see eq. (17))
    ne = iz.elec_dens(rho, z)
    Q = makeQ(kT, ne)
    # Total number density of free particles in gas (ne + nH+ + nH), assuming
    # complete dissociation:
    n_p = rho / (gau.me + gau.mp)
    n = np.array([ne, ne, n_p - ne])
    m = np.array([gau.me, gau.mp, gau.me + gau.mp])

    lprime = lambdaPrime(kT, n, m, Q)

    D = diffu(kT, rho, n, m, Q)
    E = Eij(D, m)
    DT = thermDiffu(kT, n, m, Q)

    addend = 0
    idx = np.arange(len(n))
    for ii, jj in it.product(idx, idx):
        addend += E[ii, jj] * DT[ii] * DT[jj] / (n[ii] * m[ii] * m[jj])
    addend *= rho * gau.kB / n.sum()

    return addend + lprime
예제 #2
def thermCond_h_norm(z, rho, kT, corr=True, B=0.0):
    ''' Translational thermal conductivity (for H,H+ mixture gas (equilibrium hydrogen,
        but forgetting the free electrons)) as in Devoto,
        "Transport properties of ionized monatomic gases"(1966) (see eq. (17))
    ne = iz.elec_dens(rho, z)
    # I cannot keep all the collision integrals, as I have no e-
    Q = makeQ(kT, ne)[:, :, 1:, 1:]
    # Total number density of free particles in gas (ne + nH+ + nH), assuming
    # complete dissociation:
    n_p = rho / (gau.me + gau.mp)
    # number densities of gas components (H, H+)
    n = np.array([ne, n_p - ne])
    # masses of gas components (H, H+)
    m = np.array([gau.mp, gau.me + gau.mp])

    lprime = lambdaPrime(kT, n, m, Q)

    D = diffu(kT, rho, n, m, Q)
    E = Eij(D, m)
    DT = thermDiffu(kT, n, m, Q)

    addend = 0
    idx = np.arange(len(n))
    for ii, jj in it.product(idx, idx):
        addend += E[ii, jj] * DT[ii] * DT[jj] / (n[ii] * m[ii] * m[jj])
    addend *= rho * gau.kB / n.sum()

    return addend + lprime
예제 #3
def thermCond_r_norm(z, rho, kT):
    ''' Reactive thermal conductivity (for hydrogen gas) as in Jesper Janssen's PhD Thesis, pag 97,98.
        For now I assume complete dissociation (not accurate at low T, around 3000,4000K)
    T = kT / gau.kB
    ne = iz.elec_dens(rho, z)
    Q = makeQ(kT, ne)
    # Total number density of free particles in gas (ne + nH+ + nH), assuming
    # complete dissociation:
    n_p = rho / (gau.me + gau.mp)
    n = np.array([ne, ne, n_p - ne])
    m = np.array([gau.me, gau.mp, gau.me + gau.mp])

    # Omega_i,j^(l,s)
    Om, mu = Q2Om(Q, kT, m, ret_redmass=True)

    p = n.sum() * kT
    Dkl = 3 / 16 * (kT**2) / (p * mu * Om[0, 0, :, :])

    # Stochiometric coefficients
    R = np.array([+1, +1, -1])

    # I build the A quantity (it's just one real number, instead, if I had considered
    # also the dissociation reaction, it would have been a 2x2 matrix)
    A = 0
    # Molar fractions
    x = n / n.sum()
    for kk in range(0,
                    len(R) - 1):  # species are 3, so 3-1=2 (last kk will be 1)
        for ll in range(kk + 1, len(R)):  # Species are 3 (last ll will be 2)
            A += kT / (Dkl[kk, ll] * p) * x[kk] * x[ll] * (R[kk] / x[kk] -
                                                           R[ll] / x[ll])**2

    # Entalpy difference (in reaction e- + H+ <-> H) per particle, in erg
    # Original
    DH = 13.6 * 1.6e-12
    # Test, I am not sure it is ok!
    DH += 5 / 2 * kT  # See the reason for this at page 50 of Ema's INFN book (Q3)
    # print("WARNING: I did a test, I computed DH using ionization energy + 5/2*kB*T")
    # test, multiply by factor (delete later)
    #    DH = DH * 1.25

    lambda_r = 1 / (kT * T) * DH**2 / A

    return lambda_r
예제 #4
def elRes_norm_2(z, rho, kT):
    ''' El. resistivity of hydrogen as in paper "Transport coeff...",Devoto(1966),
        excluding ion current contribution.
        See eq. (29)
    ne = iz.elec_dens(rho, z)
    Q = makeQ(kT, ne)
    # Total number density of free particles in gas (ne + nH+ + nH), assuming
    # complete dissociation:
    n_p = rho / (gau.me + gau.mp)
    n = np.array([ne, ne, n_p - ne])
    m = np.array([gau.me, gau.mp, gau.mp + gau.me])

    D = diffu(kT, rho, n, m, Q)
    Zi = np.array([-1.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    sigma = gau.qe**2 * n.sum() / (rho * kT) * np.sum(
        n[1:] * m[1:] * Zi[1:] * D[0, 1:])
    return 1 / sigma
예제 #5
def thermCond_e_norm(z, rho, kT, corr=True, B=0.0):
    ''' Translational thermal conductivity of electrons, as computed by Devoto in "Simplified expressions
        for the transport properties of ionized monatomic gases"(1967).
        See eq. 21.
    ne = iz.elec_dens(rho, z)
    Q = makeQ(kT, ne)
    # Total number density of free particles in gas (ne + nH+ + nH), assuming
    # complete dissociation:
    n_p = rho / (gau.me + gau.mp)
    n = np.array([ne, ne, n_p - ne])

    q11 = q_mp_simple(1, 1, n, Q)
    q12 = q_mp_simple(1, 2, n, Q)
    q22 = q_mp_simple(2, 2, n, Q)

    k = 75 * ne**2 * gau.kB / 8 * np.sqrt(
        2 * np.pi * kT / gau.me) * (q11 - (q12**2) / q22)**-1

    return k
예제 #6
def elRes_norm(z, rho, kT, ne=0):
    ''' Electrical resistivity of hydrogen as computed by Devoto in "Simplified expressions
        for the transport properties of ionized monatomic gases"(1967).
        See eq. 16, and take the 3rd approximation for D11.
    # This should be fixed later!
    if ne == 0:
        ne = iz.elec_dens(rho, z)
    else:  # Just a reminder
        print("Fix this crap!")

    n_p = rho / (gau.me + gau.mp)
    n = np.array([ne, ne, n_p - ne])
    Q = makeQ(kT, ne)
    # Total number density of free particles in gas (ne + nH+ + nH), assuming
    # complete dissociation:
    # Ordinary diff coefficient, 3rd approx.
    D = diffu_ee(kT, rho, n, Q)
    eta = rho * kT / (gau.qe**2 * ne * n.sum() * gau.me * D)
    return eta
예제 #7
    return Sigma2OmegaStar * np.pi

# <codecell>
# For testing purposes
if __name__ == "__main__":
    #    rho = 3.16116e-7
    kT = 20000 * gau.kB
    rho = 3.16116e-7
    #    rho = 3.28e-5
    #    kT = 24000*gau.kB
    z = iz.ionizationSaha(rho, kT)
    prs = (1 + z) * rho / (gau.mp + gau.me) * kT

    ne = iz.elec_dens(rho, z)
    n_i = np.array([ne, ne, rho / (gau.mp + gau.me) - ne])
    m_i = np.array([gau.me, gau.mp, gau.mp + gau.me])

    Q = makeQ(kT, ne)
    #    q00_h = q_mp_complete(0, 0, n_i[1:], m_i[1:], Qh[:,:,1:,1:])
    #    q01_h = q_mp_complete(0, 1, n_i[1:], m_i[1:], Qh[:,:,1:,1:])
    #    q10_h = q_mp_complete(1, 0, n_i[1:], m_i[1:], Qh[:,:,1:,1:])
    #    q11_h = q_mp_complete(1, 1, n_i[1:], m_i[1:], Qh[:,:,1:,1:])
    #    q12_h = q_mp_complete(1, 2, n_i[1:], m_i[1:], Qh[:,:,1:,1:])
    #    q21_h = q_mp_complete(2, 1, n_i[1:], m_i[1:], Qh[:,:,1:,1:])
    #    q22_h = q_mp_complete(2, 2, n_i[1:], m_i[1:], Qh[:,:,1:,1:])
    #    q20_h = q_mp_complete(2, 0, n_i[1:], m_i[1:], Qh[:,:,1:,1:])
    #    q02_h = q_mp_complete(0, 2, n_i[1:], m_i[1:], Qh[:,:,1:,1:])
    q00 = q_mp_simple(0, 0, n_i, Q)