def _processPOSTRequest(self, content): try: o = self._getJSONContent(content) except Exception as ex: self._logRefused('BAD REQUEST, %s' % ex) self._sendHTTPResponse(400, '400 : Bad Request (%s)' % ex) return try: uid = IoTSocketStruct.UIDToBin128(o['UID']) timeout = int(o.get('Timeout', self._maxSecWaitResponse)) fmt, data = IoTSocketStruct.EncodeJSONPayload( o['Payload'], o['Format']) if uid and timeout > 0 and fmt is not None and data is not None: if timeout > self._maxSecWaitResponse: timeout = self._maxSecWaitResponse exp = time() + timeout self._trackingNbr = self._router.AddCentralHTTPRequest( self, exp) strUID = ('{%s}' % IoTSocketStruct.UIDFromBin128(uid)) self._log('REQUEST TO %s RECEIVED (#%s)' % (strUID, self._trackingNbr)) if not self._router.RouteRequest( fromUID=None, toUID=uid, trackingNbr=self._trackingNbr, dataFormat=fmt, formatOpt=IoTSocketStruct.PLDATA_FMT_OPT_NONE, data=data): self._router.RemoveCentralHTTPRequest(self) self.SendResponseErrNoDest() return except: pass self._logRefused('BAD REQUEST, INCORRECT JSON DATA') self._sendHTTPResponse(400, '400 : Bad Request (incorrect json data)')
def _processPOSTACL(self, content): try: o = self._getJSONContent(content) except Exception as ex: self._logRefused('BAD REQUEST, %s' % ex) self._sendHTTPResponse(400, '400 : Bad Request (%s)' % ex) return try: acl = [] ok = True for ac in o: groupID = IoTSocketStruct.GroupNameToBin128(ac['GroupName']) uid = IoTSocketStruct.UIDToBin128(ac['UID']) authKey = unhexlify(ac['AuthKey']) if groupID and uid and authKey and len(authKey) == 16: acl.append((groupID, uid, authKey)) else: ok = False break if ok: self._router.ClearACL() for ac in acl: self._router.AddACLAccess(*ac) self._router.SaveACL() self._log('%s ACL SETUP RECEIVED' % len(acl)) self._sendHTTPResponse(200) return except: pass self._logRefused('BAD REQUEST, INCORRECT JSON DATA') self._sendHTTPResponse(400, '400 : Bad Request (incorrect json data)')
def _onChallengeRecv(self, xAsyncTCPClient, data, arg) : #uid = IoTSocketStruct.CENTRAL_EMPTY_UID #key = b'\x00\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77\x88\x99\xAA\xBB\xCC\xDD\xEE\xFF' uid = IoTSocketStruct.UIDToBin128("ObjTest") authKey = b'CCCCCCCCDDDDDDDD' hmac256 =, data, hashlib.sha256).digest() self._send(uid + hmac256) self._recv(1, self._onAuthValidationRecv)
def LoadACL(self): try: with open(self._aclFilename, 'r') as file: o = json.load(file) acl = {} for strUID in o: uid = IoTSocketStruct.UIDToBin128(strUID) groupID = IoTSocketStruct.GroupNameToBin128( o[strUID]["GroupName"]) authKey = unhexlify(o[strUID]["AuthKey"]) if not uid or not groupID or len(authKey) != 16 or \ not groupID in self._groups : return False acl[uid] = (groupID, authKey) with self._lock: self._acl = acl return True except: return False