def print_params(): """ Print out master parameters for IOTA """ help_out = convert_phil_to_text(master_phil, att_level=1) txt_out = convert_phil_to_text(master_phil) return help_out, txt_out
def onOutputScript(self, e): # Determine param filepath save_dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Save IOTA Script", defaultDir=os.curdir, defaultFile="*.param", wildcard="*", style=wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) if save_dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: script_filepath = save_dlg.GetPath() # Finalize settings self.init_settings() self.gparams = self.iota_phil.extract() # Save target PHIL file, if a PHIL script exists if self.target_phil is not None: if self.gparams.advanced.processing_backend == 'ha14': phil_filepath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(script_filepath), 'cctbx_ha14.phil') = phil_filepath if self.gparams.advanced.processing_backend == 'cctbx.xfel': phil_filepath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(script_filepath), 'cctbx_xfel.phil') = phil_filepath # Generate text of params final_phil = self.iota_phil.format(python_object=self.gparams) final_phil_txt = util.convert_phil_to_text(final_phil, script_filepath) if self.target_phil is not None: with open(phil_filepath, 'w') as phil_file: phil_file.write(self.target_phil)
def initialize_main_log(self): """ Initialize main log (iota.log) and record starting parameters :return: True if successful, False if fails """ try: # Generate text of params self.iota_phil_string = util.convert_phil_to_text(self.iota_phil) # Initialize main log self.logfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.int_base, 'iota.log')) # Log starting info util.main_log(self.logfile, '{:*^80} \n'.format(' IOTA MAIN LOG ')) util.main_log(self.logfile, '{:-^80} \n'.format(' SETTINGS FOR THIS RUN ')) util.main_log(self.logfile, self.iota_phil_string) # Log cctbx.xfel / DIALS settings util.main_log(self.logfile, '{:-^80} \n'.format('BACKEND SETTINGS')) util.main_log(self.logfile, self.target_phil) return True, 'IOTA_INIT: MAIN LOG INITIALIZED' except Exception as e: return False, 'IOTA_INIT_ERROR: MAIN LOG NOT INITIALIZED, {}'.format(e)
def make_prime_input(self, filename='prime.phil', run_zero=False): """ Imports default PRIME input parameters, modifies correct entries and prints out a starting PHIL file to be used with PRIME """ pixel_size = self.final_objects[0].final['pixel_size'] try: sg = str(self.cons_pg).replace(" ", "") except AttributeError as e: print ('PRIME INPUT ERROR, SPACE GROUP: ', e) sg = 'P1' sym = crystal.symmetry(space_group_symbol=sg) crystal_system = str(sym.space_group().crystal_system()) # Determine number of images for indexing ambiguity resolution # My default: 1/2 of images or 300, whichever is smaller if len(self.final_objects) >= 600: idx_ambiguity_sample = 300 idx_ambiguity_selected = 100 else: idx_ambiguity_sample = int(round(len(self.final_objects) / 2)) idx_ambiguity_selected = int(round(idx_ambiguity_sample / 3)) prime_params = mod_input.master_phil.extract() if run_zero: run_no = '000' else: run_no = '001' # Populate pertinent data parameters prime_params.run_no = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.prime_data_path), 'prime/{}'.format(run_no)) = [self.prime_data_path] prime_params.title = 'Auto-generated by IOTA v{} on {}'.format(self.ver, prime_params.scale.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.scale.d_max = 8 prime_params.postref.scale.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.postref.scale.d_max = np.max(self.lres) prime_params.postref.crystal_orientation.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.postref.crystal_orientation.d_max = np.max(self.lres) prime_params.postref.reflecting_range.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.postref.reflecting_range.d_max = np.max(self.lres) prime_params.postref.unit_cell.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.postref.unit_cell.d_max = np.max(self.lres) prime_params.postref.allparams.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.postref.allparams.d_max = np.max(self.lres) prime_params.merge.d_min = np.mean(self.hres) prime_params.merge.d_max = np.max(self.lres) prime_params.target_unit_cell = uctbx.unit_cell(self.cons_uc) prime_params.target_space_group = sg prime_params.target_crystal_system = crystal_system prime_params.pixel_size_mm = pixel_size prime_params.n_residues = 500 prime_params.indexing_ambiguity.n_sample_frames = idx_ambiguity_sample prime_params.indexing_ambiguity.n_selected_frames = idx_ambiguity_selected # Determine which queue to run on (i.e. match IOTA queue) # Modify specific options based in IOTA settings # Queue options if ( == 'lsf' and is not None ): prime_params.queue.mode = 'bsub' prime_params.queue.qname = # Number of processors (automatically, 1/2 of IOTA procs) prime_params.n_processors = int( / 2) # Generate PRIME param PHIL prime_phil = mod_input.master_phil.format(python_object=prime_params) prime_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, filename) prime_phil_txt = util.convert_phil_to_text(prime_phil, prime_file) return prime_phil
params.cctbx_ha14.image_conversion.rename_pickle_prefix = args.prefix #Check -s option to bypass grid search and run selection/integration only if params.cctbx_ha14.selection.select_only.flag_on = True # Check if grid search is turned off; if so, set everything to zero if str(params.cctbx_ha14.grid_search.type).lower() == 'none': params.cctbx_ha14.grid_search.area_range = 0 params.cctbx_ha14.grid_search.height_range = 0 params.cctbx_ha14.grid_search.sig_height_search = False final_phil = master_phil.format(python_object=params) if mode == 'auto': txt_out = convert_phil_to_text(final_phil) write_defaults(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), txt_out, params.advanced.processing_backend) return final_phil def write_defaults(current_path=None, txt_out=None, method='current', write_target_file=True, write_param_file=True): """ Generates list of default parameters for a reasonable target file: - old cctbx.xfel (HA14) now deprecated, but can still be used - also writes out the IOTA parameter file. :param current_path: path to current output folder :param txt_out: text of IOTA parameters :param method: which backend is used (default = cctbx.xfel AB18)