예제 #1
def run (args=(), params=None, out=sys.stdout) :
  assert (params.convert.file_name is not None)
  file_name = params.convert.file_name
  error_message = 'Unable to parse %s. ' % file_name
  error_message += 'Please make sure that the file exists and is a valid model in PDB or CIF format.'
  if (not os.path.exists(file_name)):
    raise Sorry(error_message)
    model = pdb_input_from_any(file_name=file_name)
  except Exception:
    raise Sorry(error_message)
  output_file = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_name))[0]
  if (model.file_format == "pdb"):
    print >> out, "Converting %s to mmCIF format." % file_name
    output_file += '.cif'
  elif (model.file_format == 'cif'):
    print >> out, "Converting %s to PDB format." % file_name
    output_file += '.pdb'
    raise Sorry(error_message)
  if (not os.path.exists(output_file)):
    raise Sorry('Could not find output file. Please check that %s exists'
                % output_file)
  return output_file
예제 #2
def exercise_02():
    from iotbx.command_line import pdb_as_cif
    if (os.path.isfile("tst_pdb_as_cif_2.cif")):
    open("tst_pdb_as_cif_2.pdb", "w").write("""\
CRYST1  209.050  447.220  608.960  90.00  90.00  90.00 P 21 21 21
ATOM  99999  N3    U   367     -23.562  29.366 106.688  1.00135.52      A16S N
ANISOU99999  N3    U   367    20423  14326  16741  -1922  -2828  -1650  A16S N
ATOM  A0000  C4    U   367     -23.357  30.626 106.161  1.00133.22      A16S C
ANISOUA0000  C4    U   367    20015  14160  16442  -1873  -2801  -1645  A16S C
    pdb_as_cif.run(["tst_pdb_as_cif_2.pdb"], out=null_out())
    assert os.path.isfile("tst_pdb_as_cif_2.cif")
    inp = open("tst_pdb_as_cif_2.cif", "r")
    cntr = 0
    for l in inp.readlines():
        l = l.strip()
        # These are for align_columns=True in iotbx.cif.write_whole_cif_file()
        # if(l.startswith("ATOM   99999  N3  .  U  .  367  ?")): cntr+=1
        # if(l.startswith("ATOM  100000  C4  .  U  .  367  ?")): cntr+=1
        # if(l.startswith("99999  N3  .  U  .  367  ?")): cntr+=1
        # if(l.startswith("100000  C4  .  U  .  367  ?")): cntr+=1

        # These are for align_columns=False in iotbx.cif.write_whole_cif_file()
        if (l.startswith("ATOM 1 N3 . U A16S 367 ? ")): cntr += 1
        if (l.startswith("ATOM 2 C4 . U A16S 367 ?")): cntr += 1
        if (l.startswith("1 N3 . U A16S 367 ? ")): cntr += 1
        if (l.startswith("2 C4 . U A16S 367 ?")): cntr += 1
    assert cntr == 4, cntr
예제 #3
def exercise_01():
    from iotbx.command_line import pdb_as_cif
    from iotbx.file_reader import any_file
    if (os.path.isfile("tst_pdb_as_cif_1.cif")):
    open("tst_pdb_as_cif_1.pdb", "w").write("""\
CRYST1   97.470  113.870  196.190  90.00  90.00  90.00 P 21 21 21   16
SCALE1      0.010260  0.000000  0.000000        0.00000
SCALE2      0.000000  0.008782  0.000000        0.00000
SCALE3      0.000000  0.000000  0.005097        0.00000
ATOM      1  N   MET A  43       8.153  31.407  59.548  1.00182.68           N
ATOM      2  CA  MET A  43       8.561  30.228  58.722  1.00182.68           C
ATOM      3  C   MET A  43       9.997  29.817  59.022  1.00182.68           C
ATOM      4  O   MET A  43      10.910  30.123  58.254  1.00182.68           O
ATOM      5  CB  MET A  43       8.435  30.557  57.229  1.00182.68           C
ATOM      6  CG  MET A  43       7.111  30.162  56.605  1.00182.68           C
ATOM      7  SD  MET A  43       6.779  28.394  56.836  1.00182.68           S
ATOM      8  CE  MET A  43       7.824  27.649  55.560  1.00182.68           C
ATOM      9  N   LEU A  44      10.187  29.092  60.119  1.00182.68           N
ATOM     10  CA  LEU A  44      11.515  28.652  60.526  1.00182.68           C
ATOM     11  C   LEU A  44      12.314  27.929  59.481  1.00182.68           C
ATOM     12  O   LEU A  44      11.991  26.807  59.098  1.00182.68           O
ATOM     13  CB  LEU A  44      11.428  27.808  61.775  1.00182.68           C
ATOM     14  CG  LEU A  44      11.367  28.820  62.893  1.00182.68           C
ATOM     15  CD1 LEU A  44      10.820  28.175  64.124  1.00182.68           C
ATOM     16  CD2 LEU A  44      12.755  29.420  63.073  1.00182.68           C
    pdb_as_cif.run(["tst_pdb_as_cif_1.pdb"], out=null_out())
    assert os.path.isfile("tst_pdb_as_cif_1.cif")
    cif_in = any_file("tst_pdb_as_cif_1.cif")
    hierarchy = cif_in.file_object.construct_hierarchy()
    open("tst_pdb_as_cif_2.pdb", "w").write("""\
CRYST1    1.000    1.000    1.000  90.00  90.00  90.00 P 1
SCALE1      1.000000  0.000000  0.000000        0.00000
SCALE2      0.000000  1.000000  0.000000        0.00000
SCALE3      0.000000  0.000000  1.000000        0.00000
ATOM      1 N    ALA     1      26.216  26.069  22.329  1.00  4.70
ATOM      2 CA   ALA     1      25.368  26.545  21.218  1.00  6.09
ATOM      3 C    ALA     1      26.005  26.154  19.885  1.00 11.13
ATOM      4 O    ALA     1      27.207  25.902  19.835  1.00 16.15
ATOM      5 CB   ALA     1      25.434  28.079  21.272  1.00  4.53
ATOM      6 N    GLY     2      25.198  26.203  18.856  1.00  8.14
ATOM      7 CA   GLY     2      25.677  25.977  17.535  1.00 10.65
ATOM      8 C    GLY     2      26.113  24.580  17.267  1.00  9.83
ATOM      9 O    GLY     2      26.154  23.705  18.108  1.00  9.22
    out = StringIO()
    pdb_as_cif.run(["tst_pdb_as_cif_2.pdb"], out=out)
    assert (out.getvalue() == """\
Converting tst_pdb_as_cif_2.pdb to mmCIF format.
Error converting tst_pdb_as_cif_2.pdb to mmCIF format:
  Missing element symbol for 7 atoms.
    assert not os.path.isfile("tst_pdb_as_cif_2.cif")
예제 #4
def exercise_01():
  from iotbx.command_line import pdb_as_cif
  from iotbx.file_reader import any_file
  if (os.path.isfile("tst_pdb_as_cif_1.cif")) :
  open("tst_pdb_as_cif_1.pdb", "w").write("""\
CRYST1   97.470  113.870  196.190  90.00  90.00  90.00 P 21 21 21   16
SCALE1      0.010260  0.000000  0.000000        0.00000
SCALE2      0.000000  0.008782  0.000000        0.00000
SCALE3      0.000000  0.000000  0.005097        0.00000
ATOM      1  N   MET A  43       8.153  31.407  59.548  1.00182.68           N
ATOM      2  CA  MET A  43       8.561  30.228  58.722  1.00182.68           C
ATOM      3  C   MET A  43       9.997  29.817  59.022  1.00182.68           C
ATOM      4  O   MET A  43      10.910  30.123  58.254  1.00182.68           O
ATOM      5  CB  MET A  43       8.435  30.557  57.229  1.00182.68           C
ATOM      6  CG  MET A  43       7.111  30.162  56.605  1.00182.68           C
ATOM      7  SD  MET A  43       6.779  28.394  56.836  1.00182.68           S
ATOM      8  CE  MET A  43       7.824  27.649  55.560  1.00182.68           C
ATOM      9  N   LEU A  44      10.187  29.092  60.119  1.00182.68           N
ATOM     10  CA  LEU A  44      11.515  28.652  60.526  1.00182.68           C
ATOM     11  C   LEU A  44      12.314  27.929  59.481  1.00182.68           C
ATOM     12  O   LEU A  44      11.991  26.807  59.098  1.00182.68           O
ATOM     13  CB  LEU A  44      11.428  27.808  61.775  1.00182.68           C
ATOM     14  CG  LEU A  44      11.367  28.820  62.893  1.00182.68           C
ATOM     15  CD1 LEU A  44      10.820  28.175  64.124  1.00182.68           C
ATOM     16  CD2 LEU A  44      12.755  29.420  63.073  1.00182.68           C
  pdb_as_cif.run(["tst_pdb_as_cif_1.pdb"], out=null_out())
  assert os.path.isfile("tst_pdb_as_cif_1.cif")
  cif_in = any_file("tst_pdb_as_cif_1.cif")
  hierarchy = cif_in.file_object.construct_hierarchy()
  open("tst_pdb_as_cif_2.pdb", "w").write("""\
CRYST1    1.000    1.000    1.000  90.00  90.00  90.00 P 1
SCALE1      1.000000  0.000000  0.000000        0.00000
SCALE2      0.000000  1.000000  0.000000        0.00000
SCALE3      0.000000  0.000000  1.000000        0.00000
ATOM      1 N    ALA     1      26.216  26.069  22.329  1.00  4.70
ATOM      2 CA   ALA     1      25.368  26.545  21.218  1.00  6.09
ATOM      3 C    ALA     1      26.005  26.154  19.885  1.00 11.13
ATOM      4 O    ALA     1      27.207  25.902  19.835  1.00 16.15
ATOM      5 CB   ALA     1      25.434  28.079  21.272  1.00  4.53
ATOM      6 N    GLY     2      25.198  26.203  18.856  1.00  8.14
ATOM      7 CA   GLY     2      25.677  25.977  17.535  1.00 10.65
ATOM      8 C    GLY     2      26.113  24.580  17.267  1.00  9.83
ATOM      9 O    GLY     2      26.154  23.705  18.108  1.00  9.22
  out = StringIO()
  pdb_as_cif.run(["tst_pdb_as_cif_2.pdb"], out=out)
  assert (out.getvalue() == """\
Converting tst_pdb_as_cif_2.pdb to mmCIF format.
Error converting tst_pdb_as_cif_2.pdb to mmCIF format:
  Missing element symbol for 7 atoms.
  assert not os.path.isfile("tst_pdb_as_cif_2.cif")
예제 #5
def exercise_02():
  from iotbx.command_line import pdb_as_cif
  from iotbx.file_reader import any_file
  if (os.path.isfile("tst_pdb_as_cif_2.cif")) :
  open("tst_pdb_as_cif_2.pdb", "w").write("""\
CRYST1  209.050  447.220  608.960  90.00  90.00  90.00 P 21 21 21
ATOM  99999  N3    U   367     -23.562  29.366 106.688  1.00135.52      A16S N
ANISOU99999  N3    U   367    20423  14326  16741  -1922  -2828  -1650  A16S N
ATOM  A0000  C4    U   367     -23.357  30.626 106.161  1.00133.22      A16S C
ANISOUA0000  C4    U   367    20015  14160  16442  -1873  -2801  -1645  A16S C
  pdb_as_cif.run(["tst_pdb_as_cif_2.pdb"], out=null_out())
  assert os.path.isfile("tst_pdb_as_cif_2.cif")
  inp = open("tst_pdb_as_cif_2.cif", "r")
  cntr = 0
  for l in inp.readlines():
    l = l.strip()
    if(l.startswith("ATOM   99999  N3  .  U  .  367  ?")): cntr+=1
    if(l.startswith("ATOM  100000  C4  .  U  .  367  ?")): cntr+=1
    if(l.startswith("99999  N3  .  U  .  367  ?")): cntr+=1
    if(l.startswith("100000  C4  .  U  .  367  ?")): cntr+=1
  assert cntr == 4