def main(host, user, pw, m, n): print "* connecting to", host print "* connect to iotdm and clear tree" z = iotdm.connect(host, auth=(user, pw)) r = z.kill() print "* delete complete... delaying 2 seconds for iotdm to settle" time.sleep(2) z = iotdm.connect(host, auth=(user, pw)) t1 = time.time() print "* start %d processes with %d CRUDs each @ %8.8f" % (m, n, t1) procs = [] q = Queue() for i in range(0,m): p = Process(target=test, args=(q, host, (user,pw), n,)) procs.append(p) p.start() for i in range(0,m): procs[i].join() if mp.active_children() < 1: print i break while True: if q.empty(): break r = q.get() print r t2 = time.time() print " end @ %8.8f (%8.8f sec)" % (t2, t2-t1)
def test(queue, host, a, n): cerr = 0 cttl = 0 rerr = 0 rttl = 0 uerr = 0 uttl = 0 derr = 0 dttl = 0 resid = None tid = os.getpid() c = iotdm.connect(host, auth=a) if c is None: print "- can't connect :", c.error return queue.put([tid, "start", time.time()]) for i in range(0, n): # create an AE q = c.create("InCSE1", iotdm.application) if fail(q): cerr += 1 continue else: resid = iotdm.resid(q) cttl += 1 if resid is None: continue # retrieve the contentInstance we just created q = c.retrieve(resid) if fail(q): rerr += 1 else: rttl += 1 # update the container with a new label "b" q = c.update(resid, attr={"lbl":["b"]}) if fail(q): uerr += 1 else: uttl += 1 # delete the contentInstance q = c.delete(resid) if fail(q): derr += 1 else: dttl += 1 queue.put([tid, "end", time.time(), n, cttl, cerr, rttl, rerr, uttl, uerr, dttl, derr])
def test(queue, index, imported, host, a, trans_count): tid = os.getpid() conn = iotdm.connect(host, auth=a) if conn is None: print "- can't connect :", conn.error return t0 = time.time() conn.tron() argv = None if 'args' in imported: argv = imported['args'] if 'per' in imported: imported['per'](tid, index, conn, trans_count, args=argv) if 'run' in imported: imported['run'](tid, index, conn, trans_count, args=argv) t1 = time.time() file = "%s-%d.pickle" % (script, tid) pickle.dump([tid, "end", t0, t1, conn.troff()], open(file, "wb")) queue.put([tid, "end", file])
pw = sys.argv[i] elif i == 4: n = int(sys.argv[i]) elif i == 5: m = int(sys.argv[i]) def fail(r): try: if r.status_code < 200 or r.status_code > 299: return True except: return True return None print "* connect to iotdm and clear tree" c = iotdm.connect(host, auth=(user, pw)) c.kill() print "* delete complete... delaying 2 seconds for iotdm to settle" time.sleep(2) t1 = time.time() print "* start @ %8.8f" % (t1) print "* make top AE *" x = c.create("InCSE1", iotdm.application) if fail(x): print "* can't create top AE" exit() ae = iotdm.resid(x) print "* top AE ID", ae
def connect_to_iotdm(host, user, pw, p): return iotdm.connect(host, base="InCSE1", auth=(user, pw), protocol=p)
def main(script, host, user, pw, process_count, trans_count, argv): print "* validating environment" imported = {} try: imported['top'] = getattr(__import__(script, fromlist=["top"]), "top") except: pass try: imported['per'] = getattr(__import__(script, fromlist=["per"]), "per") except: pass try: imported['fin'] = getattr(__import__(script, fromlist=["fin"]), "fin") except: pass try: imported['run'] = getattr(__import__(script, fromlist=["run"]), "run") except: print "! can't find a 'run' method in %s" % (script) exit(1) print "* connecting to", host try: conn = iotdm.connect(host, auth=(user, pw)) except: print "! can't connect" exit(0) t0 = time.time() print "* run '%s' with %d processes and %d iterations @ %8.8f" % (script, process_count, trans_count, t0) procs = [] q = Queue() if 'top' in imported: imported['args'] = imported['top'](conn, argv) else: print "* no 'top' function so clearing tree" conn.kill() print "* delete complete... delaying 2 seconds for iotdm to settle" time.sleep(2) if not 'args' in imported: imported['args'] = argv print "* starting processes", for i in range(0, process_count): p = Process(target=test, args=(q, i, imported, host, (user,pw), trans_count,)) p.daemon = True procs.append(p) p.start() print "%d" % (, print "[done]" print "# monitoring" while True: dead = 0 for i in range(0, process_count): print "%f" % (time.time()), print psutil.cpu_percent(interval=.25, percpu=True), " \r", sys.stdout.flush() # put cpu sampling info here if not procs[i].is_alive(): dead += 1 if dead == process_count: break print "" print "# joining" for i in range(0, process_count): procs[i].join() if mp.active_children() < 1: print i break print "# joined" trace = {} trace['create'] = [] trace['retrieve'] = [] trace['update'] = [] trace['delete'] = [] pc = 0 while True: if q.empty(): break try: r = q.get(block=True, timeout=.25) except: print "timeout?" continue if r[1] == "end": file = r[2] r = pickle.load(open(file, "rb")) #os.remove(file) trace['create'] += r[4]['create'] trace['retrieve'] += r[4]['retrieve'] trace['update'] += r[4]['update'] trace['delete'] += r[4]['delete'] else: print "timeout?" continue t1 = time.time() # [tid, "end", t0, t1, {['create']=[], ..}] # 0 1 2 3 4 # make flags for zero length arrays verb_list = ['create', 'retrieve', 'update', 'delete'] cf = True rf = True uf = True df = True af = True attempts = {} attempts['combined'] = 0 errors = {} errors['combined'] = 0 ts = {} rt = {} for verb in verb_list: attempts[verb] = len(trace[verb]) errors[verb] = 0 ts[verb] = [] rt[verb] = [] for (status_code, time_stamp, round_trip) in trace[verb]: if fail(status_code): errors[verb] += 1 ts[verb].append(time_stamp) rt[verb].append(round_trip) attempts['combined'] += attempts[verb] errors['combined'] += errors[verb] create_attempts = len(trace['create']) retrieve_attempts = len(trace['retrieve']) update_attempts = len(trace['update']) delete_attempts = len(trace['delete']) if create_attempts == 0: cf = None if retrieve_attempts == 0: rf = None if update_attempts == 0: uf = None if delete_attempts == 0: df = None verb_attempts = create_attempts + retrieve_attempts + update_attempts + delete_attempts if verb_attempts == 0: af = None # unwind tuples into individual arrays cts = [] rts = [] uts = [] dts = [] crtt = [] rrtt = [] urtt = [] drtt = [] create_errors = 0 retrieve_errors = 0 update_errors = 0 delete_errors = 0 for n in trace['create']: (status_code, time_stamp, round_trip) = n if fail(status_code): create_errors += 1 cts.append(time_stamp) crtt.append(round_trip) for n in trace['retrieve']: (status_code, time_stamp, round_trip) = n if fail(status_code): retrieve_errors += 1 rts.append(time_stamp) rrtt.append(round_trip) for n in trace['update']: (status_code, time_stamp, round_trip) = n if fail(status_code): update_errors += 1 uts.append(time_stamp) urtt.append(round_trip) for n in trace['delete']: (status_code, time_stamp, round_trip) = n if fail(status_code): delete_errors += 1 dts.append(time_stamp) drtt.append(round_trip) verb_errors = create_errors + retrieve_errors + update_errors + delete_errors print "* attempted verbs : %d" % (verb_attempts) print "* performed verbs : %d" % (verb_attempts - verb_errors) for verb in verb_list: if attempts[verb] > 0: print " total %8ss : %-6d errors : %-6d mean : %f" % (verb, attempts[verb], errors[verb], numpy.mean(rt[verb])) print "* per transaction timing" for verb in verb_list: if attempts[verb] > 0: print " %8s %f per second" % (verb, attempts[verb] / numpy.sum(rt[verb])) ''' print "* throughput timing (individual stats are likely the same, unless errors occured)" if cf: print " create", create_attempts/(t1-t0) if rf: print "retrieve", retrieve_attempts/(t1-t0) if uf: print " update", update_attempts/(t1-t0) if df: print " delete", delete_attempts/(t1-t0) if af: print "combined", create_attempts + retrieve_attempts + update_attempts + delete_attempts / (t1-t0) ''' symbol = {"create":"*", "retrieve":"o", "update":"v", "delete":"d"} if attempts['combined'] > 0: print "* plotting round-trip graph" for verb in verb_list: if attempts[verb] > 0: plt.plot(ts[verb], rt[verb], symbol[verb], label=verb) plt.title("%s round-trip : %d processes, %d total verbs" % (script, process_count, attempts['combined'])) plt.ylabel('API round-trip time (sec)') plt.xlabel('Elapsed time') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.grid(True) plt.savefig("%s-rtt.png" % (script)) #plt.savefig("%s-rtt.pdf" % (script)) plt.close() print "* creating quantized tables" quant = {} for verb in verb_list: if attempts[verb] > 0: quant[verb] = quantize(ts[verb]) if not 'combined' in quant: quant['combined'] = [] for n in quant[verb]: quant['combined'].append(n) else: for i in range(0, len(quant[verb])): quant['combined'][i] += quant[verb][i] print "* transactions per second quantized to a whole second" for verb in verb_list: if attempts[verb] > 0: print "%8s" % verb, quant[verb], numpy.sum(quant[verb]) print "combined", quant['combined'], numpy.sum(quant['combined']) print "* plotting transactions per second graph" plt.grid(True) #fig = plt.figure() #ax = plt.subplots() n_groups = 0 for verb in verb_list: if attempts[verb] > 0: n_groups += len(quant[verb]) break index = numpy.arange(n_groups) bar_width = 0.15 bar_color = {"create":"b", "retrieve":"g", "update":"r", "delete":"c"} bc = 0 for verb in verb_list: if attempts[verb] > 0: + bar_width * bc, tuple(quant[verb]), bar_width, color=bar_color[verb], label=verb) bc += 1 if attempts['combined'] > 0: + bar_width * bc, tuple(quant['combined']), bar_width, color='m', label="combined") #box = ax.get_position() #ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.1, box.width, box.height * 0.9]) plt.title("%s TPS : %d processes, %d total verbs" % (script, process_count, attempts['combined'])) plt.ylabel('Transactions per second') plt.xlabel('Elapsed time') plt.legend(loc='best') # plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("%s-tps.png" % (script)) #plt.savefig("%s-tps.pdf" % (script)) plt.close() else: print "* nothing to plot" ''' if af: print "* plotting round-trip graph" if cf: plt.plot(cts, crtt, '*', label='create') if rf: plt.plot(rts, rrtt, 'o', label='retrieve') if uf: plt.plot(uts, urtt, 'v', label='update') if df: plt.plot(dts, drtt, 'd', label='delete') plt.title("%s round-trip : %d processes, %d total verbs" % (script, process_count, verb_attempts)) plt.ylabel('API round-trip time (sec)') plt.xlabel('Elapsed time') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.grid(True) plt.savefig("%s-rtt.png" % (script)) #plt.savefig("%s-rtt.pdf" % (script)) plt.close() print "* creating quantized tables" if cf: ncts = quantize(cts) if rf: nrts = quantize(rts) if uf: nuts = quantize(uts) if df: ndts = quantize(dts) if af: nall = quantize(cts + rts + uts + dts) print "* transactions per second quantized to a whole second" if cf: print " create", ncts, numpy.sum(ncts) if rf: print "retrieve", nrts, numpy.sum(nrts) if uf: print " update", nuts, numpy.sum(nuts) if df: print " delete", ndts, numpy.sum(ndts) if af: print "combined", nall, numpy.sum(nall) print "* plotting transactions per second graph" plt.grid(True) #fig = plt.figure() #ax = plt.subplots() n_groups = 0 if cf: n_groups = len(ncts) elif rf: n_groups = len(nrts) elif uf: n_groups = len(nuts) elif df: n_groups = len(ndts) index = numpy.arange(n_groups) bar_width = 0.15 if cf: + bar_width * 0, tuple(ncts), bar_width, color='b', label="create") if rf: + bar_width * 1, tuple(nrts), bar_width, color='g', label="retrieve") if uf: + bar_width * 2, tuple(nuts), bar_width, color='r', label="update") if df: + bar_width * 3, tuple(ndts), bar_width, color='c', label="delete") if af: + bar_width * 4, tuple(nall), bar_width, color='m', label="combined") #box = ax.get_position() #ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.1, box.width, box.height * 0.9]) plt.title("%s TPS : %d processes, %d total verbs" % (script, process_count, verb_attempts)) plt.ylabel('Transactions per second') plt.xlabel('Elapsed time') plt.legend(loc='best') # plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("%s-tps.png" % (script)) #plt.savefig("%s-tps.pdf" % (script)) plt.close() else: print "* nothing to plot" ''' if 'fin' in imported: imported['fin'](conn, args=imported['args']) print "'%s' ends @ %8.8f (%8.8f sec)" % (script, t1, t1-t0)
#!/usr/bin/env python import iotdm c = iotdm.connect() r = c.tree() print r if r == None: print c.error
def test(queue, base_time, host, a, trans_count): tid = os.getpid() queue.put([tid, "start"]) ce = True re = True ue = True de = True if os.environ.get("CRUD"): tmp = str.upper(os.environ.get("CRUD")) if "C" not in tmp: ce = None if "R" not in tmp: re = None if "U" not in tmp: ue = None if "D" not in tmp: de = None name = "" if ce: name += "C" if re: name += "R" if ue: name += "U" if de: name += "D" crtt = [] rrtt = [] urtt = [] drtt = [] cts = [] rts = [] uts = [] dts = [] resid = None conn = iotdm.connect(host, auth=a) if conn is None: print "- can't connect :", conn.error return # make a resource in case create is disabled resid = "InCSE1/tid%d" % (tid) if not ce: conn.create("InCSE1", iotdm.application, str(tid)) t0 = time.time() for i in range(0, trans_count): if ce: # create an AE nt = btime() resp = conn.create("InCSE1", iotdm.application) if fail(resp): continue resid = iotdm.resid(resp) if elap(resp): crtt.append(elap(resp)) cts.append(nt - base_time) if resid is None: continue if re: # retrieve the resource we just created nt = btime() resp = conn.retrieve(resid) if elap(resp): rrtt.append(elap(resp)) rts.append(nt - base_time) if ue: # update the resource with a new label "b" nt = btime() resp = conn.update(resid, attr={"lbl": ["b"]}) if elap(resp): urtt.append(elap(resp)) uts.append(nt - base_time) if de: # delete the resource nt = btime() resp = conn.delete(resid) if elap(resp): drtt.append(elap(resp)) dts.append(nt - base_time) t1 = time.time() file = "b1-save.%d" % (tid) pickle.dump([tid, "end", t0, t1, crtt, cts, rrtt, rts, urtt, uts, drtt, dts], open(file, "wb")) queue.put([tid, "end", file])
def main(host, user, pw, thread_count, trans_count): print "* connecting to", host print "* connect to iotdm and clear tree" conn = iotdm.connect(host, auth=(user, pw)) conn.kill() print "* delete complete... delaying 2 seconds for iotdm to settle" time.sleep(2) t0 = time.time() print "* start %d processes with %d verbs each @ %8.8f" % (thread_count, trans_count, t0) procs = [] q = Queue() base_time = btime() for i in range(0, thread_count): p = Process(target=test, args=(q, base_time, host, (user, pw), trans_count)) procs.append(p) p.start() for i in range(0, thread_count): procs[i].join() if mp.active_children() < 1: print i break crtt = [] rrtt = [] urtt = [] drtt = [] cts = [] rts = [] uts = [] dts = [] pc = 0 print ("* starting processes"), while True: if q.empty(): break r = q.get() if r[1] == "start": print (r[0]), pc = pc + 1 if pc == thread_count: print "[done]" else: file = r[2] r = pickle.load(open(file, "rb")) os.remove(file) crtt += r[4] rrtt += r[6] urtt += r[8] drtt += r[10] cts += r[5] rts += r[7] uts += r[9] dts += r[11] t1 = time.time() # [tid, "end", t0, t1, crtt, cts, rrtt, rts, urtt, uts, drtt, dts] # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 # make flags for zero length arrays cf = True rf = True uf = True df = True af = True tmp = 4 if len(crtt) == 0 or len(cts) == 0: cf = None tmp -= 1 if len(rrtt) == 0 or len(rts) == 0: rf = None tmp -= 1 if len(urtt) == 0 or len(uts) == 0: uf = None tmp -= 1 if len(drtt) == 0 or len(dts) == 0: df = None tmp -= 1 if tmp <= 1: af = None trans_count = trans_count * thread_count print "* attempted verbs : %d" % (trans_count * 4) if cf: print " total creates : %-6d errors : %-6d avg : %f mean : %f time :%f " % ( len(crtt), trans_count - len(crtt), numpy.average(crtt), numpy.mean(crtt), numpy.sum(crtt), ) if rf: print "total retrieves : %-6d errors : %-6d avg : %f mean : %f time :%f " % ( len(rrtt), trans_count - len(crtt), numpy.average(rrtt), numpy.mean(rrtt), numpy.sum(rrtt), ) if uf: print " total updates : %-6d errors : %-6d avg : %f mean : %f time :%f " % ( len(urtt), trans_count - len(urtt), numpy.average(urtt), numpy.mean(urtt), numpy.sum(urtt), ) if df: print " total deletes : %-6d errors : %-6d avg : %f mean : %f time :%f " % ( len(drtt), trans_count - len(drtt), numpy.average(drtt), numpy.mean(drtt), numpy.sum(drtt), ) print "* per transaction timing" if cf: print " create", len(crtt) / numpy.sum(crtt), "per second" if rf: print "retrieve", len(rrtt) / numpy.sum(rrtt), "per second" if uf: print " update", len(urtt) / numpy.sum(urtt), "per second" if df: print " delete", len(drtt) / numpy.sum(drtt), "per second" # print "combined", len(crtt + rrtt + urtt +drtt)/numpy.sum(crtt + rrtt + urtt +drtt), "per second" print "* throughput timing (individual stats are likely the same, unless errors occured)" if cf: print " create", len(crtt) / (t1 - t0) if rf: print "retrieve", len(rrtt) / (t1 - t0) if uf: print " update", len(urtt) / (t1 - t0) if df: print " delete", len(drtt) / (t1 - t0) if af: print "combined", len(crtt + rrtt + urtt + drtt) / (t1 - t0) print "* plotting round-trip graphs" for i in range(1, 5): if cf and i == 1 or i == 2: plt.plot(cts, crtt, "*", label="create") if rf and i == 1 or i == 3: plt.plot(rts, rrtt, "o", label="retrieve") if uf and i == 1 or i == 4: plt.plot(uts, urtt, "v", label="update") if df and i == 1 or i == 5: plt.plot(dts, drtt, "d", label="delete") plt.title( "Baseline round-trip : %d processes, %d transactions/verb" % (thread_count, trans_count / thread_count) ) plt.ylabel("API round-trip time (sec)") plt.xlabel("Elapsed time") plt.legend(loc="best") plt.grid(True) plt.savefig("b1-%d.png" % (i)) plt.savefig("b1-%d.pdf" % (i)) plt.close() print "* creating quantized tables" if cf: ncts = quantize(cts) if rf: nrts = quantize(rts) if uf: nuts = quantize(uts) if df: ndts = quantize(dts) if af: nall = quantize(cts + rts + uts + dts) print "* transactions per second quantized to a whole second" if cf: print " create", ncts, numpy.sum(ncts) if rf: print "retrieve", nrts, numpy.sum(nrts) if uf: print " update", nuts, numpy.sum(nuts) if df: print " delete", ndts, numpy.sum(ndts) if af: print "combined", nall, numpy.sum(nall) print "* plotting transactions per second graph" plt.grid(True) # fig = plt.figure() # ax = plt.subplots() n_groups = 0 if cf: n_groups = len(ncts) elif rf: n_groups = len(nrts) elif uf: n_groups = len(nuts) elif df: n_groups = len(ndts) index = numpy.arange(n_groups) bar_width = 0.15 if cf: + bar_width * 0, tuple(ncts), bar_width, color="b", label="create") if rf: + bar_width * 1, tuple(nrts), bar_width, color="g", label="retrieve") if uf: + bar_width * 2, tuple(nuts), bar_width, color="r", label="update") if df: + bar_width * 3, tuple(ndts), bar_width, color="c", label="delete") if af: + bar_width * 4, tuple(nall), bar_width, color="m", label="combined") # box = ax.get_position() # ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.1, box.width, box.height * 0.9]) plt.title("Baseline TPS : %d processes, %d transactions/verb" % (thread_count, trans_count / thread_count)) plt.ylabel("Transactions per second") plt.xlabel("Elapsed time") plt.legend(loc="best") # plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("b1-6.png") plt.savefig("b1-6.pdf") plt.close() print " end @ %8.8f (%8.8f sec)" % (t1, t1 - t0)