예제 #1
    def scan(self, wait=None, sort=None, reverse=False, limit=None):
        """Scan for available devices and print a dictionary of information about them.

        If wait is specified as a floating point number in seconds, then the default wait times
        configured inside of the stream or device adapter used to find IOTile devices is overriden
        with the value specified.

            wait (float): An optional override time to wait for results to accumulate before returning

        devices = self.stream.scan(wait=wait)

        for device in devices:
            # Add a Device Slug for user convenience
            if 'uuid' in device:
                device['slug'] = uuid_to_slug(device['uuid'])

        if sort is not None:
            devices.sort(key=lambda x: x[sort], reverse=reverse)

        if limit is not None:
            devices = devices[:limit]

        # FIXME: Use dictionary format in bled112stream to document information returned about devices
        return devices
예제 #2
    def test_uuid_to_slug(self):
        """Test UUID to DeviceSlug."""

        with pytest.raises(ArgumentError):

        with pytest.raises(ArgumentError):

        with pytest.raises(ArgumentError):

        assert uuid_to_slug(1) == 'd--0000-0000-0000-0001'
        assert uuid_to_slug(0x9c400) == 'd--0000-0000-0009-c400'
        assert uuid_to_slug(0x0fffffff) == 'd--0000-0000-0fff-ffff'