def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Intialize the varible that are used in establishing connection to the ACS and\ Intialize an HTTP SOAP client which will authenticate with the ACS server. :param ``*args``: the arguments to be used if any :type ``*args``: tuple :param ``**kwargs``: extra args to be used if any (mainly contains username, password, ipadress and port) :type ``**kwargs``: dict """ self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.username = self.kwargs['username'] self.password = self.kwargs['password'] self.ipaddr = self.kwargs['ipaddr'] self.port = self.kwargs.get('port', None) self.cli_port = self.kwargs.pop('cli_port', '22') self.cli_username = self.kwargs.pop('cli_username', None) self.cli_password = self.kwargs.pop('cli_password', None) self.color = self.kwargs.pop('color', None) self.options = self.kwargs.pop('options', None) AxirosACS.CPE_wait_time = self.kwargs.pop('wait_time', AxirosACS.CPE_wait_time) if self.options: options = [x.strip() for x in self.options.split(',')] for opt in options: if opt.startswith('wan-static-ipv6:'): ipv6_address = opt.replace('wan-static-ipv6:', '').strip() if "/" not in opt: ipv6_address += "/64" self.ipv6_interface = ipaddress.IPv6Interface(ipv6_address) self.gwv6 = self.ipv6_interface.ip if self.port is not None: target = self.ipaddr + ":" + self.port else: target = self.ipaddr self.wsdl = "http://" + target + "/live/CPEManager/DMInterfaces/soap/getWSDL" session = Session() session.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(self.username, self.password) self.client = Client( wsdl=self.wsdl, transport=Transport(session=session, cache=InMemoryCache(timeout=3600 * 3)), wsse=UsernameToken(self.username, self.password), ) # to spawn pexpect on cli if all([self.ipaddr, self.cli_username, self.cli_password]): bft_pexpect_helper.spawn.__init__( self, command="ssh", args=[ '%s@%s' % (self.cli_username, self.ipaddr), '-p', self.cli_port, '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=60', '-o', 'ServerAliveCountMax=5' ]) self.check_connection(self.cli_username,, self.cli_password) self.print_connected_console_msg(self.ipaddr, self.cli_port, self.color, # this should be populater ONLY when using __main__ self.cpeid = self.kwargs.pop('cpeid', None)
def unformat_api_address_with_prefix_t(o): if == 1: return ipaddress.IPv6Interface((o.address.un.ip6, o.len)) if == 0: return ipaddress.IPv4Interface((o.address.un.ip4, o.len)) raise ValueError('Unknown address family {}'.format(o))
f'{network["ovs_bridge"]} is not a valid ovs_bridge') validated['ovs_bridge'] = network['ovs_bridge'] if 'ovs_vlan' in network: if (not isinstance(network['ovs_vlan'], bool) and isinstance(network['ovs_vlan'], int) and MIN_VLAN <= network['ovs_vlan'] <= MAX_VLAN): validated['ovs_vlan'] = network['ovs_vlan'] else: raise ValueError( f'{network["ovs_vlan"]} is not a valid ovs_vlan') validated['address4'] = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(network['address4']) if 'address6' in network: validated['address6'] = ipaddress.IPv6Interface( network['address6']) validated['gateway4'] = ipaddress.IPv4Address(network['gateway4']) if 'gateway6' in network: validated['gateway6'] = ipaddress.IPv6Address(network['gateway6']) if not isinstance(network['nameservers'], list): raise ValueError( f'{network["nameservers"]} is not a valid list of nameservers') validated['nameservers'] = [ ipaddress.IPv4Address(nameserver) for nameserver in network['nameservers'] ] return {'network': validated}
def unformat_api_address_with_prefix_t(o): if == 1: return ipaddress.IPv6Interface((o.address.un.ip6, o.len)) if == 0: return ipaddress.IPv4Interface((o.address.un.ip4, o.len)) return None
(Pri(10, 'foo', 100.0, True), Pri), # dataclass (Pri(10, 'foo', 100.0, True), Optional[Pri]), (None, Optional[Pri]), (pathlib.Path('/tmp/foo'), pathlib.Path), # Extended types (pathlib.Path('/tmp/foo'), Optional[pathlib.Path]), (None, Optional[pathlib.Path]), (pathlib.PurePath('/tmp/foo'), pathlib.PurePath), (pathlib.PurePosixPath('/tmp/foo'), pathlib.PurePosixPath), (pathlib.PureWindowsPath('C:\\tmp'), pathlib.PureWindowsPath), (uuid.UUID("8f85b32c-a0be-466c-87eb-b7bbf7a01683"), uuid.UUID), (ipaddress.IPv4Address(""), ipaddress.IPv4Address), (ipaddress.IPv6Address("::1"), ipaddress.IPv6Address), (ipaddress.IPv4Network(""), ipaddress.IPv4Network), (ipaddress.IPv6Network("::/128"), ipaddress.IPv6Network), (ipaddress.IPv4Interface(""), ipaddress.IPv4Interface), (ipaddress.IPv6Interface("::1/128"), ipaddress.IPv6Interface), (decimal.Decimal(10), decimal.Decimal), (, datetime), (, date), ] # these types can only be instantiated on their corresponding system if == "posix": types.append((pathlib.PosixPath('/tmp/foo'), pathlib.PosixPath)) if == "nt": types.append((pathlib.WindowsPath('C:\\tmp'), pathlib.WindowsPath)) if sys.version_info[:3] >= (3, 9, 0): types.extend([([1, 2], list[int]), ({'a': 1}, dict[str, int]), ((1, 1), tuple[int, int])]) types_combinations: List = list(map(lambda c: list(more_itertools.flatten(c)), itertools.combinations(types, 2)))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs name = kwargs.pop('name', None) ipaddr = kwargs.pop('ipaddr', None) color = kwargs.pop('color', 'black') username = kwargs.pop('username', 'root') password = kwargs.pop('password', 'bigfoot1') port = kwargs.pop('port', '22') output = kwargs.pop('output', sys.stdout) reboot = kwargs.pop('reboot', False) location = kwargs.pop('location', None) pre_cmd_host = kwargs.pop('pre_cmd_host', None) cmd = kwargs.pop('cmd', None) post_cmd_host = kwargs.pop('post_cmd_host', None) post_cmd = kwargs.pop('post_cmd', None) cleanup_cmd = kwargs.pop('cleanup_cmd', None) env = kwargs.pop('env', None) lan_network = kwargs.pop('lan_network', ipaddress.IPv4Network(u"")) lan_gateway = kwargs.pop('lan_gateway', ipaddress.IPv4Address(u"")) self.http_proxy = kwargs.pop('http_proxy', None) if pre_cmd_host is not None: sys.stdout.write("\tRunning pre_cmd_host.... ") sys.stdout.flush() phc = pexpect.spawn(command='bash', args=['-c', pre_cmd_host], env=env) phc.expect(pexpect.EOF, timeout=120) print("\tpre_cmd_host done") if ipaddr is not None: pexpect.spawn.__init__(self, command="ssh", args=[ '%s@%s' % (username, ipaddr), '-p', port, '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=60', '-o', 'ServerAliveCountMax=5' ]) self.ipaddr = ipaddr if cleanup_cmd is not None: self.cleanup_cmd = cleanup_cmd atexit.register(self.run_cleanup_cmd) if cmd is not None: sys.stdout.write("\tRunning cmd.... ") sys.stdout.flush() pexpect.spawn.__init__(self, command="bash", args=['-c', cmd], env=env) self.ipaddr = None print("\tcmd done") = name self.color = color self.output = output self.username = username if username != "root": self.prompt.append('%s\\@.*:.*$' % username) self.password = password self.port = port self.location = location self.env = env self.lan_network = lan_network self.lan_gateway = lan_gateway self.tftp_device = self # we need to pick a non-conflicting private network here # also we want it to be consistant and not random for a particular # board if is None: if (lan_gateway - lan_network.num_addresses).is_private: = lan_gateway - lan_network.num_addresses else: = lan_gateway + lan_network.num_addresses self.gw_ng = ipaddress.IPv4Interface( str('utf-8') + '/' + str(lan_network.netmask)) self.nw = self.gw_prefixlen = self.nw.prefixlen # override above values if set in wan options if 'options' in kwargs: options = [x.strip() for x in kwargs['options'].split(',')] for opt in options: if opt.startswith('wan-static-ip:'): value = opt.replace('wan-static-ip:', '') = ipaddress.IPv4Address(value.split('/')[0]) if '/' not in value: value = value + (u'/24') # TODO: use IPv4 and IPv6 interface object everywhere in this class self.gw_ng = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(value) self.nw = self.gw_prefixlen = self.nw.prefixlen self.static_ip = True if opt.startswith('wan-static-ipv6:'): if "/" in opt: ipv6_interface = ipaddress.IPv6Interface( opt.replace('wan-static-ipv6:', '')) self.gwv6 = ipv6_interface.ip self.ipv6_prefix = ipv6_interface._prefixlen else: self.gwv6 = ipaddress.IPv6Address( opt.replace('wan-static-ipv6:', '')) if opt.startswith('wan-static-route:'): self.static_route = opt.replace('wan-static-route:', '').replace('-', ' via ') # TODO: remove wan-static-route at some point above if opt.startswith('static-route:'): self.static_route = opt.replace('static-route:', '').replace('-', ' via ') if opt == 'wan-dhcp-client': self.wan_dhcp = True if opt == 'wan-no-eth0': self.wan_no_eth0 = True if opt == 'wan-no-dhcp-sever': self.wan_dhcp_server = False if opt == 'wan-dhcp-client-v6': self.wan_dhcpv6 = True if opt.startswith('mgmt-dns:'): value = opt.replace('mgmt-dns:', '') self.mgmt_dns = ipaddress.IPv4Address(value.split('/')[0]) try: i = self.expect([ "yes/no", "assword:", "Last login", username + ".*'s password:"******"Unable to connect to %s." % name) except pexpect.EOF as e: if hasattr(self, "before"): print(self.before) raise Exception("Unable to connect to %s." % name) if i == 0: self.sendline("yes") i = self.expect(["Last login", "assword:"]) if i == 1 or i == 3: self.sendline(password) else: pass # if we did initially get a prompt wait for one here if i < 4: self.expect(self.prompt) if ipaddr is None: self.sendline('hostname') self.expect('hostname') self.expect(self.prompt) ipaddr = self.ipaddr = self.before.strip() self.sendline('alias mgmt') idx = self.expect(['alias mgmt=', pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=10) if idx == 0: self.expect(self.prompt) self.sendline('alias apt="mgmt apt"; alias apt-get="mgmt apt-get"') self.expect_exact( 'alias apt="mgmt apt"; alias apt-get="mgmt apt-get"') self.expect(self.prompt) if self.port != 22: cprint("%s port %s device console = %s" % (ipaddr, port, colored(color, color)), None, attrs=['bold']) else: cprint("%s device console = %s" % (ipaddr, colored(color, color)), None, attrs=['bold']) if post_cmd_host is not None: sys.stdout.write("\tRunning post_cmd_host.... ") sys.stdout.flush() phc = pexpect.spawn(command='bash', args=['-c', post_cmd_host], env=env) i = phc.expect([pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT, 'password']) if i > 0: print("\tpost_cmd_host did not complete, it likely failed\n") else: print("\tpost_cmd_host done") if post_cmd is not None: sys.stdout.write("\tRunning post_cmd.... ") sys.stdout.flush() env_prefix = "" for k, v in env.iteritems(): env_prefix += "export %s=%s; " % (k, v) self.sendline(env_prefix + post_cmd) self.expect(self.prompt) print("\tpost_cmd done") if reboot: self.reset() self.logfile_read = output
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs name = kwargs.pop('name', None) ipaddr = kwargs.pop('ipaddr', None) color = kwargs.pop('color', 'black') username = kwargs.pop('username', 'root') password = kwargs.pop('password', 'bigfoot1') port = kwargs.pop('port', '22') output = kwargs.pop('output', sys.stdout) reboot = kwargs.pop('reboot', False) location = kwargs.pop('location', None) self.dev_array = kwargs.pop('dev_array', None) pre_cmd_host = kwargs.pop('pre_cmd_host', None) cmd = kwargs.pop('cmd', None) post_cmd_host = kwargs.pop('post_cmd_host', None) post_cmd = kwargs.pop('post_cmd', None) cleanup_cmd = kwargs.pop('cleanup_cmd', None) lan_network = ipaddress.IPv4Interface( six.text_type(kwargs.pop('lan_network', ""))).network lan_gateway = ipaddress.IPv4Interface( six.text_type(kwargs.pop('lan_gateway', ""))).ip self.http_proxy = kwargs.pop('http_proxy', None) if pre_cmd_host is not None: sys.stdout.write("\tRunning pre_cmd_host.... ") sys.stdout.flush() phc = bft_pexpect_helper.spawn(command='bash', args=['-c', pre_cmd_host], phc.expect(pexpect.EOF, timeout=120) print("\tpre_cmd_host done") if ipaddr is not None: bft_pexpect_helper.spawn.__init__( self, command="ssh", args=[ '%s@%s' % (username, ipaddr), '-p', port, '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=60', '-o', 'ServerAliveCountMax=5' ]) self.ipaddr = ipaddr if cleanup_cmd is not None: self.cleanup_cmd = cleanup_cmd atexit.register(self.run_cleanup_cmd) if cmd is not None: sys.stdout.write("\tRunning cmd.... ") sys.stdout.flush() bft_pexpect_helper.spawn.__init__(self, command="bash", args=['-c', cmd], self.ipaddr = None print("\tcmd done") = name self.color = color self.output = output self.username = username if username != "root": self.prompt.append('%s\\@.*:.*$' % username) self.password = password self.port = port self.location = location self.lan_network = lan_network self.lan_gateway = lan_gateway self.tftp_device = self self.check_connection(username, name, password) # attempts to fix the cli colums size self.set_cli_size(200) # we need to pick a non-conflicting private network here # also we want it to be consistant and not random for a particular # board if is None: if (lan_gateway - lan_network.num_addresses).is_private: = lan_gateway - lan_network.num_addresses else: = lan_gateway + lan_network.num_addresses self.gw_ng = ipaddress.IPv4Interface( six.text_type(str( + '/' + str(lan_network.prefixlen))) self.nw = self.gw_prefixlen = self.nw.prefixlen # override above values if set in wan options if 'options' in kwargs: options = [x.strip() for x in kwargs['options'].split(',')] for opt in options: if opt.startswith('wan-static-ip:'): value = six.text_type(opt.replace('wan-static-ip:', '')) if '/' not in value: value = value + (u'/24') self.gw_ng = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(value) self.nw = self.gw_prefixlen = self.nw._prefixlen = self.gw_ng.ip self.static_ip = True if opt.startswith('wan-static-ipv6:'): ipv6_address = six.text_type( opt.replace('wan-static-ipv6:', '')) if "/" not in opt: ipv6_address += "/%s" % six.text_type( str(self.ipv6_prefix)) self.ipv6_interface = ipaddress.IPv6Interface(ipv6_address) self.ipv6_prefix = self.ipv6_interface._prefixlen self.gwv6 = self.ipv6_interface.ip if opt.startswith('wan-static-route:'): self.static_route = opt.replace('wan-static-route:', '').replace('-', ' via ') # TODO: remove wan-static-route at some point above if opt.startswith('static-route:'): self.static_route = opt.replace('static-route:', '').replace('-', ' via ') if opt == 'wan-dhcp-client': self.wan_dhcp = True if opt == 'wan-no-eth0': self.wan_no_eth0 = True if opt == 'wan-no-dhcp-sever': self.wan_dhcp_server = False if opt == 'wan-dhcp-client-v6': self.wan_dhcpv6 = True if opt.startswith('mgmt-dns:'): value = six.text_type(opt.replace('mgmt-dns:', '')) self.mgmt_dns = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(value).ip else: self.mgmt_dns = "" if ipaddr is None: self.sendline('hostname') self.expect('hostname') self.expect(self.prompt) ipaddr = self.ipaddr = self.before.strip() self.sendline('alias mgmt') idx = self.expect( ['alias mgmt=', 'alias: mgmt: not found', pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=10) if idx == 0: self.expect(self.prompt) self.shim = "mgmt" self.sendline('alias apt="mgmt apt"; alias apt-get="mgmt apt-get"') self.expect_exact( 'alias apt="mgmt apt"; alias apt-get="mgmt apt-get"') self.expect(self.prompt) self.print_connected_console_msg(ipaddr, port, color, name) if post_cmd_host is not None: sys.stdout.write("\tRunning post_cmd_host.... ") sys.stdout.flush() phc = bft_pexpect_helper.spawn(command='bash', args=['-c', post_cmd_host], i = phc.expect([pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT, 'password']) if i > 0: print("\tpost_cmd_host did not complete, it likely failed\n") else: print("\tpost_cmd_host done") if post_cmd is not None: sys.stdout.write("\tRunning post_cmd.... ") sys.stdout.flush() env_prefix = "" for k, v in env_prefix += "export %s=%s; " % (k, v) self.sendline(env_prefix + post_cmd) self.expect(self.prompt) print("\tpost_cmd done") if reboot: self.reset() self.logfile_read = output
def test_no_lo_if(self): self.assertSequenceEqual(self.system.lo_if.ifsv4, [ipaddress.IPv4Interface('')], 'incorrect lo_if ifsv4') self.assertSequenceEqual(self.system.lo_if.ifsv6, [ipaddress.IPv6Interface('::1/110')], 'incorrect lo_if ifsv6')
def test_ext_if_ifsv6(self): self.assertSequenceEqual(self.system.ext_if.ifsv6, [ipaddress.IPv6Interface('1c02:4f8:0f0:14e6::/110')], 'incorrect ext_if ifsv6')
def python_value(self, value): return None if value is None else ipaddress.IPv6Interface(value)
def get_win_ifaddrs(): """ A method for retrieving info of the network interfaces. Returns a nested dictionary of interfaces in Windows. """ # based on code from jaraco and many other attempts # on internet. # Fixed by <@gpotter2> from scapy's implementation to # add IPv6 support + fix structures import ctypes import struct import ipaddress import ctypes.wintypes from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD, WCHAR, BYTE, BOOL from socket import AF_INET # from iptypes.h MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH = 8 MAX_DHCPV6_DUID_LENGTH = 130 GAA_FLAG_INCLUDE_PREFIX = ctypes.c_ulong(0x0010) class in_addr(Structure): _fields_ = [("byte", ctypes.c_ubyte * 4)] class in6_addr(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("byte", ctypes.c_ubyte * 16)] class sockaddr_in(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("sin_family", ctypes.c_short), ("sin_port", ctypes.c_ushort), ("sin_addr", in_addr), ("sin_zero", 8 * ctypes.c_char)] class sockaddr_in6(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("sin6_family", ctypes.c_short), ("sin6_port", ctypes.c_ushort), ("sin6_flowinfo", ctypes.c_ulong), ("sin6_addr", in6_addr), ("sin6_scope_id", ctypes.c_ulong)] class SOCKADDR_INET(ctypes.Union): _fields_ = [("Ipv4", sockaddr_in), ("Ipv6", sockaddr_in6), ("si_family", ctypes.c_short)] LPSOCKADDR_INET = ctypes.POINTER(SOCKADDR_INET) class SOCKET_ADDRESS(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('address', LPSOCKADDR_INET), ('length', ctypes.c_int), ] class _IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES_METRIC(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('length', ctypes.c_ulong), ('interface_index', DWORD), ] class _IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES_U1(ctypes.Union): _fields_ = [ ('alignment', ctypes.c_ulonglong), ('metric', _IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES_METRIC), ] class IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS(ctypes.Structure): pass PIP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS = ctypes.POINTER(IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS) IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS._fields_ = [ ("length", ctypes.c_ulong), ("flags", DWORD), ("next", PIP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS), ("address", SOCKET_ADDRESS), ("prefix_origin", ctypes.c_int), ("suffix_origin", ctypes.c_int), ("dad_state", ctypes.c_int), ("valid_lifetime", ctypes.c_ulong), ("preferred_lifetime", ctypes.c_ulong), ("lease_lifetime", ctypes.c_ulong), ("on_link_prefix_length", ctypes.c_ubyte) ] class IP_ADAPTER_PREFIX(ctypes.Structure): pass PIP_ADAPTER_PREFIX = ctypes.POINTER(IP_ADAPTER_PREFIX) IP_ADAPTER_PREFIX._fields_ = [ ("alignment", ctypes.c_ulonglong), ("next", PIP_ADAPTER_PREFIX), ("address", SOCKET_ADDRESS), ("prefix_length", ctypes.c_ulong) ] class IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES(ctypes.Structure): pass LP_IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES = ctypes.POINTER(IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES) # for now, just use void * for pointers to unused structures PIP_ADAPTER_ANYCAST_ADDRESS = ctypes.c_void_p PIP_ADAPTER_MULTICAST_ADDRESS = ctypes.c_void_p PIP_ADAPTER_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS = ctypes.c_void_p #PIP_ADAPTER_PREFIX = ctypes.c_void_p PIP_ADAPTER_WINS_SERVER_ADDRESS_LH = ctypes.c_void_p PIP_ADAPTER_GATEWAY_ADDRESS_LH = ctypes.c_void_p PIP_ADAPTER_DNS_SUFFIX = ctypes.c_void_p IF_OPER_STATUS = ctypes.c_uint # this is an enum, consider IF_LUID = ctypes.c_uint64 NET_IF_COMPARTMENT_ID = ctypes.c_uint32 GUID = ctypes.c_byte*16 NET_IF_NETWORK_GUID = GUID NET_IF_CONNECTION_TYPE = ctypes.c_uint # enum TUNNEL_TYPE = ctypes.c_uint # enum IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES._fields_ = [ ('length', ctypes.c_ulong), ('interface_index', DWORD), ('next', LP_IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES), ('adapter_name', ctypes.c_char_p), ('first_unicast_address', PIP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS), ('first_anycast_address', PIP_ADAPTER_ANYCAST_ADDRESS), ('first_multicast_address', PIP_ADAPTER_MULTICAST_ADDRESS), ('first_dns_server_address', PIP_ADAPTER_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS), ('dns_suffix', ctypes.c_wchar_p), ('description', ctypes.c_wchar_p), ('friendly_name', ctypes.c_wchar_p), ('byte', BYTE * MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH), ('physical_address_length', DWORD), ('flags', DWORD), ('mtu', DWORD), ('interface_type', DWORD), ('oper_status', IF_OPER_STATUS), ('ipv6_interface_index', DWORD), ('zone_indices', DWORD * 16), ('first_prefix', PIP_ADAPTER_PREFIX), ('transmit_link_speed', ctypes.c_uint64), ('receive_link_speed', ctypes.c_uint64), ('first_wins_server_address', PIP_ADAPTER_WINS_SERVER_ADDRESS_LH), ('first_gateway_address', PIP_ADAPTER_GATEWAY_ADDRESS_LH), ('ipv4_metric', ctypes.c_ulong), ('ipv6_metric', ctypes.c_ulong), ('luid', IF_LUID), ('dhcpv4_server', SOCKET_ADDRESS), ('compartment_id', NET_IF_COMPARTMENT_ID), ('network_guid', NET_IF_NETWORK_GUID), ('connection_type', NET_IF_CONNECTION_TYPE), ('tunnel_type', TUNNEL_TYPE), ('dhcpv6_server', SOCKET_ADDRESS), ('dhcpv6_client_duid', ctypes.c_byte * MAX_DHCPV6_DUID_LENGTH), ('dhcpv6_client_duid_length', ctypes.c_ulong), ('dhcpv6_iaid', ctypes.c_ulong), ('first_dns_suffix', PIP_ADAPTER_DNS_SUFFIX), ] def GetAdaptersAddresses(af=0): """ Returns an iteratable list of adapters. param: - af: the address family to read on """ size = ctypes.c_ulong() AF_UNSPEC = 0 flags = GAA_FLAG_INCLUDE_PREFIX GetAdaptersAddresses = ctypes.windll.iphlpapi.GetAdaptersAddresses GetAdaptersAddresses.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong), ] GetAdaptersAddresses.restype = ctypes.c_ulong res = GetAdaptersAddresses(af, flags, None, None, size) if res != 0x6f: # BUFFER OVERFLOW -> populate size raise RuntimeError("Error getting structure length (%d)" % res) pointer_type = ctypes.POINTER(IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES) buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(size.value) struct_p = ctypes.cast(buffer, pointer_type) res = GetAdaptersAddresses(af, flags, None, struct_p, size) if res != 0x0: # NO_ERROR raise RuntimeError("Error retrieving table (%d)" % res) while struct_p: yield struct_p.contents struct_p = result = [] # In theory, we could use AF_UNSPEC = 0, but it doesn't work in practice for i in itertools.chain(GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_INET), GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_INET6)): #print("--------------------------------------") #print("IF: {0}".format(i.description)) #print("\tdns_suffix: {0}".format(i.dns_suffix)) #print("\tinterface type: {0}".format(i.interface_type)) fu = i.first_unicast_address.contents ad = fu.address.address.contents #print("\tfamily: {0}".format( if ad.si_family == AF_INET: ip_bytes = bytes(bytearray(ad.Ipv4.sin_addr)) ip = ipaddress.IPv4Address(ip_bytes) ip_if = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(u("{0}/{1}".format(ip, fu.on_link_prefix_length))) elif ad.si_family == AF_INET6: ip_bytes = bytes(bytearray(ad.Ipv6.sin6_addr)) ip = ipaddress.IPv6Address(ip_bytes) ip_if = ipaddress.IPv6Interface(u("{0}/{1}".format(ip, fu.on_link_prefix_length))) #print("\tipaddress: {0}".format(ip)) #print("\tnetmask: {0}".format(ip_if.netmask)) #print("\tnetwork: {0}".format( #print("\tbroadcast: {0}".format( #print("\tmask length: {0}".format(fu.on_link_prefix_length)) data = {} data['addr'] = "{0}".format(ip) data['netmask'] = "{0}".format(ip_if.netmask) data['broadcast'] = "{0}".format( data['network'] = "{0}".format( name = i.description #result[i.description] = { : d} iface = {} for interface in result: if name in interface.keys(): iface = interface break if iface: iface[name][ad.si_family] = data else: iface[name] = { ad.si_family : data } result.append(iface) return result
def test_ifsv6(self): interface = Interface(name='re0', ips='aa:aa:0:0::1/110') self.assertSequenceEqual(interface.ifsv4, [], 'incorrect ifsv4') self.assertSequenceEqual(interface.ifsv6, [ipaddress.IPv6Interface('aa:aa::1/110')], 'incorrect ifsv6')
def checkSpf(mailHeaders): """Check if Ip from SPF received is in dig querry""" receivedSpf = mailHeaders['Received-SPF'] if receivedSpf: spfResult = dict() if'Softfail', receivedSpf): spfResult['spfResult'] = 'Softfail' return spfResult elif'Fail', receivedSpf): spfResult['spfResult'] = 'Fail' return spfResult elif'Neutral',receivedSpf): spfResult['spfResult'] = 'Neutral' return spfResult elif'Permerror', receivedSpf): spfResult['spfResult'] = 'Permerror' return spfResult elif'TempError', receivedSpf): spfResult['spfResult'] = 'Temperror' return spfResult elif'None', receivedSpf): spfResult['spfResult'] = 'None' return spfResult elif'Pass', receivedSpf): spfResult['spfResult'] = 'Pass' try: senderDomain ='(\@[^\s]*)', receivedSpf).group(1) except AttributeError: # Domain not found in the original string senderDomain = '' # apply your error handling try: senderDomain = senderDomain.split('@') except AttributeError: senderDomain = '' #apply your error handling senderDomain = senderDomain[1].split(';') try: senderIp ='(\client-ip=[^\s]*)',receivedSpf).group(1) except AttributeError: senderIp = '' # apply your error handling senderIp = senderIp.split('client-ip=') senderIp = senderIp[1].split(';') try: senderIp = ipaddress.ip_address(senderIp[0]) except: senderIp = '' #print(senderIp[0]) try: digResult = sp.check_output(["dig", "+short","TXT",senderDomain[0]]).decode("ascii") except sp.CalledProcessError: return spfResult #ipNetworks = re.findall(r'(([0-9]{1,3}.){3}.([0-9]{1,3}))(\/\d\d)?',digResult) ipNetworks = re.findall( r'(([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){3})+/+[0-9]{2})|([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){3})', digResult) print(ipNetworks) if ipNetworks != None: results = [t[0] for t in ipNetworks] #print(len(results)) for i, val in enumerate(results): try: network = val except: network = '' #print(network) if not network: spfResult['spfResult'] = 'Pass' return spfResult else: try: network = ipaddress.ip_network(network) if senderIp in ipaddress.ip_network(network): spfResult['spfTrue'] = 'True' return spfResult else: if i == len(results): spfResult['spfTrue'] = 'False' return spfResult except ValueError: network = ipaddress.IPv6Interface(network) if senderIp in spfResult['spfTrue'] = 'True' return spfResult else: if i== len(results): spfResult['spfTrue'] = 'False' return spfResult else: return spfResult
def generate_configs_alt(output_path): logging.debug("generate_configs_alt") # servers for peer in pm.peers: if peer.peertype == PeerType.CLIENT: continue filename = f'{output_path}/{peer.alias}.conf''Generating configuration file for {filename}') with open(filename, 'w') as config: # Write Interface configuration config.write('[Interface]\n') if peer.alias: config.write(f'# Alias: {peer.alias}\n') config.write(f'PrivateKey = {peer.private_key}\n') address = peer.address if peer.address6 != '': address = f'{address},{peer.address6}' config.write(f'Address = {address}\n') config.write(f'ListenPort = {peer.listen_port}\n') config.write( f'PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE; ip6tables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE; iptables -A INPUT -s -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT; ip6tables -A INPUT -s fd42:42:42::0/64 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT\n' ) config.write( f'PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE; ip6tables -D FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; ip6tables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE; iptables -D INPUT -s -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT; iptables -D INPUT -s fd42:42:42::0/64 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT\n' ) config.write(f'SaveConfig = false\n') for p in pm.peers: if p.address == peer.address: continue config.write('\n[Peer]\n') print(p.private_key) if p.alias: config.write(f'# Alias: {p.alias}\n') config.write(f'PublicKey = {wg.pubkey(p.private_key)}\n') address = p.address if p.address6 != '': address = f'{address},{p.address6}' if (p.address == pm.master.address): config.write( f'Endpoint = {p.public_address}:{p.listen_port}\n') config.write('PersistentKeepalive = 25\n') config.write( f'AllowedIPs = {pm.ip4interface},{pm.ip6interface}\n') else: config.write(f'AllowedIPs = {address}\n') ipreshared = find_hash(peer.private_key, p.private_key) % len( pm.preshared) logging.debug(ipreshared) preshared = pm.preshared[ipreshared] config.write(f'PresharedKey = {preshared}\n') # clients logging.debug("generate_configs_alt") for peer in pm.peers: if peer.peertype == PeerType.SERVER: continue for p in pm.peers: if p.address == peer.address: #self,ignore continue if p.peertype == PeerType.CLIENT: continue filename = f'{output_path}/{pm.prefix}-{p.alias}-{peer.alias}.conf''Generating configuration file for {filename}') with open(filename, 'w') as config: config.write('[Interface]\n') if peer.alias: config.write(f'# Alias: {peer.alias}\n') config.write(f'PrivateKey = {peer.private_key}\n') config.write(f'# PublicKey = {wg.pubkey(peer.private_key)}\n') address = peer.address if peer.address6 != '': address = f'{address},{peer.address6}' config.write(f'Address = {address}\n') listen_port = str(random.randrange(50000, 59999)) if peer.listen_port != '': listen_port = peer.listen_port config.write(f'ListenPort = {listen_port}\n') addr4 = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(p.address) addr6 = ipaddress.IPv6Interface(p.address6) config.write(f'DNS = {addr4.ip},{addr6.ip}\n') config.write(f'MTU = 1280') config.write('\n[Peer]\n') print(p.private_key) if p.alias: config.write(f'# Alias: {p.alias}\n') config.write(f'PublicKey = {wg.pubkey(p.private_key)}\n') if p.peertype == PeerType.DYNAMIC: config.write( f'AllowedIPs = {pm.ip4interface},{pm.ip6interface}\n') if p.peertype == PeerType.CLIENT: config.write(f'AllowedIPs =,::/0\n') config.write( f'Endpoint = {p.public_address}:{p.listen_port}\n') if p.keep_alive: config.write('PersistentKeepalive = 25\n') ipreshared = find_hash(peer.private_key, p.private_key) % len( pm.preshared) logging.debug(ipreshared) preshared = pm.preshared[ipreshared] config.write(f'PresharedKey = {preshared}\n')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Instance initialization.""" self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs name = kwargs.pop("name", None) ipaddr = kwargs.pop("ipaddr", None) color = kwargs.pop("color", "black") username = kwargs.pop("username", "root") password = kwargs.pop("password", "bigfoot1") port = kwargs.pop("port", "22") output = kwargs.pop("output", sys.stdout) reboot = kwargs.pop("reboot", False) location = kwargs.pop("location", None) self.dev_array = kwargs.pop("dev_array", None) pre_cmd_host = kwargs.pop("pre_cmd_host", None) cmd = kwargs.pop("cmd", None) post_cmd_host = kwargs.pop("post_cmd_host", None) post_cmd = kwargs.pop("post_cmd", None) cleanup_cmd = kwargs.pop("cleanup_cmd", None) lan_network = ipaddress.IPv4Interface( six.text_type(kwargs.pop("lan_network", ""))).network lan_gateway = ipaddress.IPv4Interface( six.text_type(kwargs.pop("lan_gateway", ""))).ip self.http_proxy = kwargs.pop("http_proxy", ipaddr + ':8080') if pre_cmd_host is not None: sys.stdout.write("\tRunning pre_cmd_host.... ") sys.stdout.flush() phc = bft_pexpect_helper.spawn(command="bash", args=["-c", pre_cmd_host], phc.expect(pexpect.EOF, timeout=120) print("\tpre_cmd_host done") self.legacy_add = False # introducing a hack till json schema does not get updated if not self.dev_array: self.legacy_add = True arr_names = {"lan": "lan_clients", "wan": "wan_clients"} for k, v in arr_names.items(): if k in name: self.dev_array = v if ipaddr is not None: bft_pexpect_helper.spawn.__init__( self, command="ssh", args=[ "%s@%s" % (username, ipaddr), "-p", port, "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-o", "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null", "-o", "ServerAliveInterval=60", "-o", "ServerAliveCountMax=5", ], ) self.ipaddr = ipaddr if cleanup_cmd is not None: self.cleanup_cmd = cleanup_cmd atexit.register(self.run_cleanup_cmd) if cmd is not None: sys.stdout.write("\tRunning cmd.... ") sys.stdout.flush() bft_pexpect_helper.spawn.__init__(self, command="bash", args=["-c", cmd], self.ipaddr = None print("\tcmd done") = name self.color = color self.output = output self.username = username if username != "root": self.prompt.append("%s\\@.*:.*$" % username) self.password = password self.port = port self.location = location self.lan_network = lan_network self.lan_gateway = lan_gateway self.tftp_device = self self.dante = False self.check_connection(username, name, password) # attempts to fix the cli colums size self.set_cli_size(200) # we need to pick a non-conflicting private network here # also we want it to be consistant and not random for a particular # board if is None: if (lan_gateway - lan_network.num_addresses).is_private: = lan_gateway - lan_network.num_addresses else: = lan_gateway + lan_network.num_addresses self.gw_ng = ipaddress.IPv4Interface( six.text_type(str( + "/" + str(lan_network.prefixlen))) self.nw = self.gw_prefixlen = self.nw.prefixlen # override above values if set in wan options if "options" in kwargs: options = [x.strip() for x in kwargs["options"].split(",")] for opt in options: if opt.startswith("wan-static-ip:"): value = six.text_type(opt.replace("wan-static-ip:", "")) if "/" not in value: value = value + (u"/24") self.gw_ng = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(value) self.nw = self.gw_prefixlen = self.nw._prefixlen = self.gw_ng.ip self.static_ip = True if opt.startswith("wan-static-ipv6:"): ipv6_address = six.text_type( opt.replace("wan-static-ipv6:", "")) if "/" not in opt: ipv6_address += "/%s" % six.text_type( str(self.ipv6_prefix)) self.ipv6_interface = ipaddress.IPv6Interface(ipv6_address) self.ipv6_prefix = self.ipv6_interface._prefixlen self.gwv6 = self.ipv6_interface.ip if opt.startswith("wan-static-route:"): self.static_route = opt.replace("wan-static-route:", "").replace("-", " via ") # TODO: remove wan-static-route at some point above if opt.startswith("static-route:"): self.static_route = opt.replace("static-route:", "").replace("-", " via ") if opt == "wan-dhcp-client": self.wan_dhcp = True if opt == "wan-no-eth0": self.wan_no_eth0 = True if opt == "wan-no-dhcp-sever": self.wan_dhcp_server = False if opt == "wan-dhcp-client-v6": self.wan_dhcpv6 = True if opt.startswith("mgmt-dns:"): value = six.text_type(opt.replace("mgmt-dns:", "")) self.mgmt_dns = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(value).ip else: self.mgmt_dns = "" if opt == 'dante': self.dante = True if ipaddr is None: self.sendline("hostname") self.expect("hostname") self.expect(self.prompt) ipaddr = self.ipaddr = self.before.strip() self.sendline("alias mgmt") idx = self.expect( ["alias mgmt=", "alias: mgmt: not found", pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=10) if idx == 0: self.expect(self.prompt) self.shim = "mgmt" self.sendline('alias apt="mgmt apt"; alias apt-get="mgmt apt-get"') self.expect_exact( 'alias apt="mgmt apt"; alias apt-get="mgmt apt-get"') self.expect(self.prompt) self.print_connected_console_msg(ipaddr, port, color, name) if post_cmd_host is not None: sys.stdout.write("\tRunning post_cmd_host.... ") sys.stdout.flush() phc = bft_pexpect_helper.spawn(command="bash", args=["-c", post_cmd_host], i = phc.expect([pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT, "password"]) if i > 0: print("\tpost_cmd_host did not complete, it likely failed\n") else: print("\tpost_cmd_host done") if post_cmd is not None: sys.stdout.write("\tRunning post_cmd.... ") sys.stdout.flush() env_prefix = "" for k, v in env_prefix += "export %s=%s; " % (k, v) self.sendline(env_prefix + post_cmd) self.expect(self.prompt) print("\tpost_cmd done") if reboot: self.reset() self.logfile_read = output
file=open('output.txt', 'a')) ip_ver = ip_details.version print("IP Version:", ip_ver, file=open('output.txt', 'a')) if ip_ver == 4: print("\nIP Address:", ipaddress.IPv4Interface(input_ip).ip, file=open('output.txt', 'a')) elif ip_ver == 6: print("\nIP Address:", ipaddress.IPv6Interface(input_ip).ip, file=open('output.txt', 'a')) print("\nIP Network:", ip_details, " or ", ip_details.with_netmask, file=open('output.txt', 'a')) print("\nSubnet Mask:", ip_details.netmask, file=open('output.txt', 'a')) print("\nPrefix Length:", ip_details.prefixlen, file=open('output.txt', 'a')) print("\nHost Wild card Mask:",
def assertStaticIPv6(self, netattrs, ipinfo): requires_ipaddress() ipv6_address = str( ipaddress.IPv6Interface(six.text_type(netattrs['ipv6addr'])) ) assert ipv6_address in ipinfo['ipv6addrs']
def get_addresses_for_iface(host_uid, iface_uid, syscat_url, logger): ''' Retrieve a list of addresses for an interface. Return them as a list of IPv4Interface and IPv6Interface objects. ''' returnval = [] # Accumulator for the result # IPv4 addresses # Extract the list of addresses for this interface logger.debug('Retrieving IPv4 addresses for interface %s:%s', host_uid, iface_uid) url = '{}/raw/v1/devices/{}/Interfaces/networkInterfaces/{}/Addresses/ipv4Addresses'.format( syscat_url, host_uid, iface_uid) logger.debug('Using URL %s', url) addresponse = requests.get(url) # If we got a sensible response, assemble the list if addresponse.status_code == 200: logger.debug( 'IPv4 addresses retrieved from Syscat for interface %s:\n%s', iface_uid, jsonify(addresponse.json())) for addr in addresponse.json(): # Sanity-check: is this thing even valid? if 'uid' not in addr: logger.warnng( 'Interface lacks a UID. Somebody bypassed the API: %s', addr) continue # Both UID and prefixlength -> create and add an entry for it elif 'uid' in addr and 'prefixlength' in addr: # Now create and add this entry logger.debug('Adding IP address %s/%s', addr['uid'], addr['prefixlength']) returnval.append( ipaddress.IPv4Interface( '%s/%s' % (addr['uid'], addr['prefixlength']))) # Both UID and netmask -> create and add an entry for it elif 'uid' in addr and 'netmask' in addr: # Now create and add this entry logger.debug('Adding IP address %s/%s', addr['uid'], addr['netmask']) returnval.append( ipaddress.IPv4Interface('%s/%s' % (addr['uid'], addr['netmask']))) else: logger.error( 'Address had a UID, but neither a prefixlength nor a netmask: %s', addr) # No IPv4 addresses for this interface: log this fact and carry on elif addresponse.status_code == 404: logger.debug('No IPv4 addresses found for %s:%s', host_uid, iface_uid) # Unexpected response code; fail noisily else: logger.error( 'Unexpected response while querying IPv4 addresses for %s:%s - %s %s', host_uid, iface_uid, addresponse.status_code, addresponse.text) return False # # IPv6 addresses # Extract the list of addresses for this interface logger.debug('Retrieving IPv6 addresses for interface %s:%s', host_uid, iface_uid) url = '{}/raw/v1/devices/{}/Interfaces/networkInterfaces/{}/Addresses/ipv6Addresses'.format( syscat_url, host_uid, iface_uid) logger.debug('Using URL %s', url) addresponse = requests.get(url) # If we got a sensible response, assemble the list if addresponse.status_code == 200: logger.debug( 'IPv6 addresses retrieved from Syscat for interface %s:\n%s', iface_uid, jsonify(addresponse.json())) for addr in addresponse.json(): # Sanity-check: is this thing even valid? if 'uid' not in addr: logger.error( 'Interface lacks a UID. Somebody bypassed the API: %s', addr) # Both UID and prefixlength -> create and add an entry for it elif 'uid' in addr and 'prefixlength' in addr: # Now create and add this entry logger.debug('Adding IP address %s/%s', addr['uid'], addr['prefixlength']) returnval.append( ipaddress.IPv6Interface( '%s/%s' % (addr['uid'], addr['prefixlength']))) else: logger.error('Address had a UID, but no prefixlength: %s', addr) # No IPv6 addresses for this interface; log the fact elif addresponse.status_code == 404: logger.debug('No IPv6 addresses found for %s:%s', host_uid, iface_uid) # Unexpected response code; fail noisily else: logger.error( 'Unexpected response while querying IPv6 addresses for %s:%s - %s %s', host_uid, iface_uid, addresponse.status_code, addresponse.text) return False # # Return what we found logger.debug('Full Syscat address list for %s:%s\n%s', host_uid, iface_uid, jsonify(returnval)) return returnval
def assertStaticIPv6(self, netattrs, ipinfo): ipv6_address = str(ipaddress.IPv6Interface(str(netattrs['ipv6addr']))) assert ipv6_address in ipinfo['ipv6addrs']
def check_interface(self, ifname, iface, ipcfg, routes): print('check_interface: testing ' 'ifname:{}\niface:\n{}\n\nipcfg:\n{}'.format(ifname, iface, ipcfg)) # FIXME: remove check? # initial check, do we have the correct iface ? print('ifname={}'.format(ifname)) self.assertTrue(type(ipcfg) == dict, "%s is not dict" % (ipcfg)) print("ipcfg['interface']={}".format(ipcfg['interface'])) self.assertEqual(ifname, ipcfg['interface']) # check physical interface attributes (skip bond members, macs change) if iface['type'] in ['physical'] and 'bond-master' not in iface: for key in ['mac_address']: print("checking mac on iface: %s" % iface['name']) if key in iface and iface[key]: self.assertEqual(iface[key].lower(), ipcfg[key].lower()) # we can check mtu on all interfaces for key in ['mtu']: if key in iface and iface[key]: print("checking mtu on iface: %s" % iface['name']) self.assertEqual(int(iface[key]), int(ipcfg[key])) # check subnet related attributes subnets = iface.get('subnets') if subnets is None: subnets = [] for subnet in subnets: config_inet_iface = None found_inet_iface = None print('validating subnet:\n%s' % subnet) if 'address' in subnet and subnet['address']: # we will create to ipaddress.IPvXInterface objects # one based on config, and other from collected data # and compare. config_ipstr = subnet['address'] if 'netmask' in subnet: config_ipstr += "/%s" % subnet['netmask'] # One more bit is how to construct the # right Version interface, detecting on ":" in address # detect ipv6 or v4 if ':' in subnet['address']: # v6 config_inet_iface = ipaddress.IPv6Interface(config_ipstr) ip_func = ipaddress.IPv6Interface addresses = ipcfg.get('inet6', []) else: # v4 config_inet_iface = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(config_ipstr) ip_func = ipaddress.IPv4Interface addresses = ipcfg.get('inet4', []) # find a matching print('found addresses: %s' % addresses) for ip in addresses: print('cur ip=%s\nsubnet=%s' % (ip, subnet)) # drop /CIDR if present for matching if (ip['address'].split("/")[0] == subnet['address'].split("/")[0]): print('found a match!') found_ipstr = ip['address'] if ('netmask' in subnet or '/' in subnet['address']): found_ipstr += "/%s" % ip.get('prefixlen') found_inet_iface = ip_func(found_ipstr) print('returning inet iface') break # check ipaddress interface matches (config vs. found) self.assertIsNotNone(config_inet_iface) self.assertIsNotNone(found_inet_iface) self.assertEqual(config_inet_iface, found_inet_iface) def __find_gw_config(subnet): gateways = [] if 'gateway' in subnet: gateways.append(subnet.get('gateway')) for route in subnet.get('routes', []): gateways += __find_gw_config(route) # drop duplicate gateways (static routes) return list(set(gateways)) # handle gateways by looking at routing table configured_gws = __find_gw_config(subnet) print('iface:%s configured_gws: %s' % (ifname, configured_gws)) for gw_ip in configured_gws: self.logger.debug('found a gateway in subnet config: %s', gw_ip) if ":" in gw_ip: route_d = routes['6'] else: route_d = routes['4'] found_gws = [line for line in route_d.split('\n') if 'UG' in line and gw_ip in line] self.logger.debug('found gateways in guest output:\n%s', found_gws) print('found_gws: %s\nexpected: %s' % (found_gws, configured_gws)) # we only need to check that we found at least one as we walk self.assertGreater(len(found_gws), 0) for fgw in found_gws: if ":" in gw_ip: (dest, gw, flags, metric, ref, use, iface) = \ fgw.split() else: (dest, gw, genmask, flags, metric, ref, use, iface) = \ fgw.split() self.logger.debug('configured gw:%s found gw:%s', gw_ip, gw) self.assertEqual(gw_ip, gw)
def makeInterfaceConfiguration(self, interfaceName, ipv4Interface = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(''), ipv4Gateway = None, ipv6Interface = None, ipv6Gateway = None, metric = 1, pdnInterface = None, createDummy = False): # ====== Create header ================================================ interfaceConfiguration = \ 'network:\n' + \ ' version: 2\n' + \ ' renderer: networkd\n' if createDummy == False: interfaceConfiguration = interfaceConfiguration + \ ' ethernets:\n' + \ ' ' + interfaceName + ':\n' else: interfaceConfiguration = interfaceConfiguration + \ ' bridges:\n' + \ ' ' + interfaceName + ':\n' + \ ' interfaces: [ ]\n' # ====== Addressing =================================================== networks = [] if ipv4Interface == ipaddress.IPv4Interface(''): interfaceConfiguration = interfaceConfiguration + ' dhcp4: true\n' else: interfaceConfiguration = interfaceConfiguration + ' dhcp4: false\n' if ((ipv6Interface == None) and (ipv6Interface == ipaddress.IPv6Interface('::/0'))): interfaceConfiguration = interfaceConfiguration + ' dhcp6: true\n' else: interfaceConfiguration = interfaceConfiguration + ' dhcp6: false\n' interfaceConfiguration = interfaceConfiguration + ' accept-ra: no\n' if ( (ipv4Interface != ipaddress.IPv4Interface('')) or ((ipv6Interface == None) and (ipv6Interface == ipaddress.IPv6Interface('::/0'))) ): interfaceConfiguration = interfaceConfiguration + ' addresses:\n' if ipv4Interface != ipaddress.IPv4Interface(''): interfaceConfiguration = interfaceConfiguration + ' - ' + \ str(ipv4Interface.ip) + '/' + \ str( + \ '\n' networks.append( if ((ipv6Interface == None) and (ipv6Interface == ipaddress.IPv6Interface('::/0'))): interfaceConfiguration = interfaceConfiguration + ' - ' + \ str(ipv6Interface.ip) + '/' + \ str( + \ '\n' networks.append(ipv6Interface,network) # ====== Routing ====================================================== postUpRules, preDownRules = None, None if ( ((ipv4Gateway != None) and (ipv4Gateway != ipaddress.IPv4Address(''))) or ((ipv6Gateway != None) and (ipv6Gateway != ipaddress.IPv6Address('::'))) ): interfaceConfiguration = interfaceConfiguration + ' routes:\n' gateways = [] if ((ipv4Gateway != None) and (ipv4Gateway != ipaddress.IPv4Address(''))): interfaceConfiguration = interfaceConfiguration + \ ' - to:\n' + \ ' via: ' + str(ipv4Gateway) + '\n' + \ ' metric: ' + str(metric) + '\n' gateways.append(ipv4Gateway) if ((ipv6Gateway != None) and (ipv6Gateway != ipaddress.IPv6Address('::'))): interfaceConfiguration = interfaceConfiguration + \ ' - to: ::/0\n' + \ ' via: ' + str(ipv6Gateway) + '\n' + \ ' metric: ' + str(metric) + '\n' gateways.append(ipv6Gateway) if ((pdnInterface != None) and (len(networks) > 0) and (len(gateways) > 0)): postUpRules, preDownRules = self.makeRoutingRules(pdnInterface, interfaceName, networks, gateways) return [ interfaceConfiguration, postUpRules, preDownRules ]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.cm_network = ipaddress.IPv4Network( six.text_type(kwargs.pop('cm_network', ""))) self.cm_gateway = ipaddress.IPv4Address( six.text_type(kwargs.pop('cm_gateway', ""))) self.mta_network = ipaddress.IPv4Network( six.text_type(kwargs.pop('mta_network', ""))) self.mta_gateway = ipaddress.IPv4Address( six.text_type(kwargs.pop('mta_gateway', ""))) self.open_network = ipaddress.IPv4Network( six.text_type(kwargs.pop('open_network', ""))) self.open_gateway = ipaddress.IPv4Address( six.text_type(kwargs.pop('open_gateway', ""))) self.prov_network = ipaddress.IPv4Network( six.text_type(kwargs.pop('prov_network', ""))) self.prov_gateway = ipaddress.IPv4Address( six.text_type(kwargs.pop('prov_gateway', ""))) self.prov_ip = ipaddress.IPv4Address( six.text_type(kwargs.pop('prov_ip', ""))) self.prov_iface = ipaddress.IPv6Interface( six.text_type( kwargs.pop('prov_ipv6', "2001:dead:beef:1::1/%s" % self.ipv6_prefix))) self.prov_ipv6, self.prov_nw_ipv6 = self.prov_iface.ip, self.cm_gateway_v6_iface = ipaddress.IPv6Interface( six.text_type( kwargs.pop('cm_gateway_v6', "2001:dead:beef:4::cafe/%s" % self.ipv6_prefix))) self.cm_gateway_v6, self.cm_network_v6 = self.cm_gateway_v6_iface.ip, self.cm_network_v6_start = ipaddress.IPv6Address( six.text_type( kwargs.pop('cm_network_v6_start', "2001:dead:beef:4::10"))) self.cm_network_v6_end = ipaddress.IPv6Address( six.text_type( kwargs.pop('cm_network_v6_end', "2001:dead:beef:4::100"))) self.open_gateway_iface = ipaddress.IPv6Interface( six.text_type( kwargs.pop('open_gateway_v6', "2001:dead:beef:6::cafe/%s" % self.ipv6_prefix))) self.open_gateway_v6, self.open_network_v6 = self.open_gateway_iface.ip, self.open_network_v6_start = ipaddress.IPv6Address( six.text_type( kwargs.pop('open_network_v6_start', "2001:dead:beef:6::10"))) self.open_network_v6_end = ipaddress.IPv6Address( six.text_type( kwargs.pop('open_network_v6_end', "2001:dead:beef:6::100"))) self.prov_gateway_v6 = ipaddress.IPv6Address( six.text_type( kwargs.pop('prov_gateway_v6', "2001:dead:beef:1::cafe"))) # we're storing a list of all /56 subnets possible from erouter_net_iface. # As per docsis, /56 must be the default pd length self.erouter_net_iface = ipaddress.IPv6Interface( six.text_type(kwargs.pop('erouter_net', "2001:dead:beef:e000::/51"))) self.erouter_net = list( 56 - self.erouter_net_iface._prefixlen)) self.sip_fqdn = kwargs.pop( 'sip_fqdn', u"08:54:43:4F:4D:4C:41:42:53:03:43:4F:4D:00") self.time_server = ipaddress.IPv4Address( six.text_type(kwargs.pop('time_server', str(self.prov_ip)))) self.timezone = self.get_timzone_offset( six.text_type(kwargs.pop('timezone', "UTC"))) self.syslog_server = ipaddress.IPv4Address( six.text_type(kwargs.pop('syslog_server', str(self.prov_ip)))) if 'options' in kwargs: options = [x.strip() for x in kwargs['options'].split(',')] for opt in options: # Not a well supported config, will go away at some point if opt.startswith('wan-cmts-provisioner'): self.wan_cmts_provisioner = True self.shared_tftp_server = True # This does run one.. but it's handled via the provisioning code path self.standalone_provisioner = False = self.prov_ip self.gwv6 = self.prov_ipv6 self.nw = self.prov_network return super(DebianISCProvisioner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def check_interface(self, ifname, iface, ipcfg, routes): print('check_interface: testing ' 'ifname:{}\niface:\n{}\n\nipcfg:\n{}'.format( ifname, iface, ipcfg)) # FIXME: remove check? # initial check, do we have the correct iface ? print('ifname={}'.format(ifname)) self.assertTrue(type(ipcfg) == dict, "%s is not dict" % (ipcfg)) print("ipcfg['interface']={}".format(ipcfg['interface'])) self.assertEqual(ifname, ipcfg['interface']) # check physical interface attributes (skip bond members, macs change) if iface['type'] in ['physical'] and 'bond-master' not in iface: for key in ['mac_address']: print("checking mac on iface: %s" % iface['name']) if key in iface and iface[key]: self.assertEqual(iface[key].lower(), ipcfg[key].lower()) # we can check mtu on all interfaces for key in ['mtu']: if key in iface and iface[key]: print("checking mtu on iface: %s" % iface['name']) self.assertEqual(int(iface[key]), int(ipcfg[key])) # check subnet related attributes subnets = iface.get('subnets') if subnets is None: subnets = [] for subnet in subnets: config_inet_iface = None found_inet_iface = None print('validating subnet:\n%s' % subnet) if 'address' in subnet and subnet['address']: # we will create to ipaddress.IPvXInterface objects # one based on config, and other from collected data # and compare. config_ipstr = subnet['address'] if 'netmask' in subnet: config_ipstr += "/%s" % subnet['netmask'] # One more bit is how to construct the # right Version interface, detecting on ":" in address # detect ipv6 or v4 if ':' in subnet['address']: # v6 config_inet_iface = ipaddress.IPv6Interface(config_ipstr) ip_func = ipaddress.IPv6Interface addresses = ipcfg.get('inet6', []) else: # v4 config_inet_iface = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(config_ipstr) ip_func = ipaddress.IPv4Interface addresses = ipcfg.get('inet4', []) # find a matching print('found addresses: %s' % addresses) for ip in addresses: print('cur ip=%s\nsubnet=%s' % (ip, subnet)) # drop /CIDR if present for matching if (ip['address'].split("/")[0] == subnet['address'].split( "/")[0]): print('found a match!') found_ipstr = ip['address'] if ('netmask' in subnet or '/' in subnet['address']): found_ipstr += "/%s" % ip.get('prefixlen') found_inet_iface = ip_func(found_ipstr) print('returning inet iface') break # check ipaddress interface matches (config vs. found) self.assertIsNotNone(config_inet_iface) self.assertIsNotNone(found_inet_iface) self.assertEqual(config_inet_iface, found_inet_iface) def __find_gw_config(subnet): gateways = [] if 'gateway' in subnet: gateways.append(subnet.get('gateway')) for route in subnet.get('routes', []): gateways += __find_gw_config(route) # drop duplicate gateways (static routes) return list(set(gateways)) def __has_gw_route(line, gw_ip): # For Disco and older releases we match # 'UG' matches route_* gateways # For Eoan which does not contain net-tools/route commands # 'default' matches ip_route/ip_6_route default routes # 'via' matches ip_route/ip_6_route non-default gateways gwk = {'UG', 'default', 'via'} return gwk.intersection(set(line.split())) and gw_ip in line # handle gateways by looking at routing table configured_gws = __find_gw_config(subnet) print('iface:%s configured_gws: %s' % (ifname, configured_gws)) for gw_ip in configured_gws: self.logger.debug('found a gateway in subnet config: %s', gw_ip) if ":" in gw_ip: route_d = (routes['6'] if len(routes['6']) else routes['ip_6_route_show']) else: route_d = (routes['4'] if len(routes['4']) else routes['ip_route_show']) found_gws = [ line for line in route_d.split('\n') if __has_gw_route(line, gw_ip) ] self.logger.debug('found gateways in guest output:\n%s', found_gws) print('found_gws: %s\nexpected: %s' % (found_gws, configured_gws)) # we only need to check that we found at least one as we walk self.assertGreater(len(found_gws), 0) for fgw in found_gws: fgw_split = fgw.split() # in ip_route_show/ip_6_route_show we end up with # lines which have one or more 'via' sections. # in the ipv6 case, we see many nexthops with # fe80::2, which we want to ignore. This loop # lets us find the actual gateway value by # walking until we find a non fe80::2 gateway if 'via' in fgw_split: for el_idx, elem in enumerate(fgw_split): if elem == 'via': if fgw_split[el_idx + 1] != "fe80::2": gw_idx = el_idx + 1 break else: gw_idx = 1 self.logger.debug('configured gw:%s found gw:%s', gw_ip, fgw_split[gw_idx]) self.assertEqual(gw_ip, fgw_split[gw_idx])
import ipaddress IPv4addresses = [('',24),\ ('',20),\ ('',16),\ ('',32),\ ('',8),\ ('',2),\ ('',10),\ ('',30),\ ('',26),\ ('',4)] for address in IPv4addresses: IPv6prefix = address[1] + 16 * 6 IPv6_4 = ("::FFFF:{}/{}".format(address[0], IPv6prefix)) IPv6 = ipaddress.IPv6Interface(IPv6_4) print("%s/%i gets converted to %s" % (address[0], address[1], IPv6))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Instance initialization.""" self.cm_network = ipaddress.IPv4Network( six.text_type(kwargs.pop("cm_network", ""))) self.cm_gateway = ipaddress.IPv4Address( six.text_type(kwargs.pop("cm_gateway", ""))) self.mta_network = ipaddress.IPv4Network( six.text_type(kwargs.pop("mta_network", ""))) self.mta_gateway = ipaddress.IPv4Address( six.text_type(kwargs.pop("mta_gateway", ""))) self.open_network = ipaddress.IPv4Network( six.text_type(kwargs.pop("open_network", ""))) self.open_gateway = ipaddress.IPv4Address( six.text_type(kwargs.pop("open_gateway", ""))) self.prov_network = ipaddress.IPv4Network( six.text_type(kwargs.pop("prov_network", ""))) self.prov_gateway = ipaddress.IPv4Address( six.text_type(kwargs.pop("prov_gateway", ""))) self.prov_ip = ipaddress.IPv4Address( six.text_type(kwargs.pop("prov_ip", ""))) self.prov_iface = ipaddress.IPv6Interface( six.text_type( kwargs.pop("prov_ipv6", "2001:dead:beef:1::1/%s" % self.ipv6_prefix))) self.prov_ipv6, self.prov_nw_ipv6 = self.prov_iface.ip, self.cm_gateway_v6_iface = ipaddress.IPv6Interface( six.text_type( kwargs.pop("cm_gateway_v6", "2001:dead:beef:4::cafe/%s" % self.ipv6_prefix))) self.cm_gateway_v6, self.cm_network_v6 = ( self.cm_gateway_v6_iface.ip,, ) self.cm_network_v6_start = ipaddress.IPv6Address( six.text_type( kwargs.pop("cm_network_v6_start", "2001:dead:beef:4::10"))) self.cm_network_v6_end = ipaddress.IPv6Address( six.text_type( kwargs.pop("cm_network_v6_end", "2001:dead:beef:4::100"))) self.open_gateway_iface = ipaddress.IPv6Interface( six.text_type( kwargs.pop("open_gateway_v6", "2001:dead:beef:6::cafe/%s" % self.ipv6_prefix))) self.open_gateway_v6, self.open_network_v6 = ( self.open_gateway_iface.ip,, ) self.open_network_v6_start = ipaddress.IPv6Address( six.text_type( kwargs.pop("open_network_v6_start", "2001:dead:beef:6::10"))) self.open_network_v6_end = ipaddress.IPv6Address( six.text_type( kwargs.pop("open_network_v6_end", "2001:dead:beef:6::100"))) self.prov_gateway_v6 = ipaddress.IPv6Address( six.text_type( kwargs.pop("prov_gateway_v6", "2001:dead:beef:1::cafe"))) # we're storing a list of all /56 subnets possible from erouter_net_iface. # As per docsis, /56 must be the default pd length self.erouter_net_iface = ipaddress.IPv6Interface( six.text_type(kwargs.pop("erouter_net", "2001:dead:beef:e000::/51"))) self.erouter_net = list( 56 - self.erouter_net_iface._prefixlen)) # In order to add a route for every delegated prefix. # We'll maintain fix ip route for each host. self.erouter_fixed_ip_start = kwargs.pop("erouter_fixed_ip_start", None) if self.erouter_fixed_ip_start: # IP syntax : <ipv6>/<prefixlen> self.erouter_fixed_ip_start = ipaddress.IPv6Interface( self.erouter_fixed_ip_start) self.sip_fqdn = kwargs.pop( "sip_fqdn", "09:53:49:50:43:45:4e:54:45:52:09:42:4f:41:52:44:46:41:52:4d:03:43:4F:4D:00", ) self.configure_time_server = True self.time_server = ipaddress.IPv4Address(str(self.prov_ip)) self.dhcp_snooping = kwargs.pop("dhcp_snooping", False) if self.dhcp_snooping: snoop_ip, snoop_port = kwargs.pop("dhcp_snooping_target").split( ";") self.snooper = spawn_ssh_pexpect(snoop_ip, prompt=self.prompt, port=snoop_port, color="yellow") self.snooper.sendline("echo 'snooper connected!!'") self.snooper.expect(self.snooper.prompt) time_server = kwargs.pop("time_server", None) if time_server: self.configure_time_server = False self.time_server = ipaddress.IPv4Address(time_server) self.timezone = self.get_timzone_offset( six.text_type(kwargs.pop("timezone", "UTC"))) self.syslog_server = ipaddress.IPv4Address( six.text_type(kwargs.pop("syslog_server", str(self.prov_ip)))) if "options" in kwargs: options = [x.strip() for x in kwargs["options"].split(",")] for opt in options: # Not a well supported config, will go away at some point if opt.startswith("wan-cmts-provisioner"): self.wan_cmts_provisioner = True self.shared_tftp_server = True # This does run one.. but it's handled via the provisioning code path self.standalone_provisioner = False = self.prov_ip self.gwv6 = self.prov_ipv6 self.nw = self.prov_network super(DebianISCProvisioner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def getIp(prefix): return ipaddress.IPv6Interface(prefix).network.network_address
def unformat_api_ip6_address_with_prefix_t(o): return ipaddress.IPv6Interface((o.address, o.len))
def remove_duplicates(raw_file): addrs = raw_file.readlines() for i in range(len(addrs)): addrs[i] = ipaddress.IPv6Interface(addrs[i][:-1]) uniques = set(addrs) return uniques
def make_IPv6Interface(self, spec): prefix = randrange(128) return ipaddress.IPv6Interface( (bytes(randrange(256) for _ in range(16)), prefix) )
class Fixture: T = 123 T_INT = 123 T_INT_STR = 123 ANY = 123 INT = 123 FLOAT = 1.23 BOOL = True LIST = [1, 2, 3] TUPLE = (1, ) TUPLE_DUMPED = [1] DEQUE = collections.deque([1, 2, 3]) SET = {1, 2, 3} FROZEN_SET = frozenset([1, 2, 3]) CHAIN_MAP = collections.ChainMap({"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"c": 3, "d": 4}) MAPS_LIST = [{"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"c": 3, "d": 4}] DICT = {"a": 1, "b": 2} ORDERED_DICT = collections.OrderedDict(a=1, b=2) COUNTER: Counter[str] = collections.Counter(a=1, b=2) BYTES = b"123" BYTES_BASE64 = "MTIz\n" BYTE_ARRAY = bytearray(b"123") STR = "123" ENUM = MyEnum.a INT_ENUM = MyIntEnum.a STR_ENUM = MyStrEnum.a FLAG = MyFlag.a INT_FLAG = MyIntFlag.a DATA_CLASS = MyDataClass(a=1, b=2) T_DATA_CLASS = MyDataClass(a=1, b=2) DATA_CLASS_WITH_UNION = MyDataClassWithUnion(a=1, b=2) NONE = None DATETIME = datetime(2018, 10, 29, 12, 46, 55, 308495) DATETIME_STR = "2018-10-29T12:46:55.308495" DATE = DATE_STR = "2018-10-29" TIME = DATETIME.time() TIME_STR = "12:46:55.308495" TIMEDELTA = timedelta(3.14159265358979323846) TIMEZONE = timezone(timedelta(hours=3)) UUID = uuid.UUID("3c25dd74-f208-46a2-9606-dd3919e975b7") UUID_STR = "3c25dd74-f208-46a2-9606-dd3919e975b7" IP4ADDRESS_STR = "" IP4ADDRESS = ipaddress.IPv4Address(IP4ADDRESS_STR) IP6ADDRESS_STR = "::1" IP6ADDRESS = ipaddress.IPv6Address(IP6ADDRESS_STR) IP4NETWORK_STR = "" IP4NETWORK = ipaddress.IPv4Network(IP4NETWORK_STR) IP6NETWORK_STR = "::/128" IP6NETWORK = ipaddress.IPv6Network(IP6NETWORK_STR) IP4INTERFACE_STR = "" IP4INTERFACE = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(IP4INTERFACE_STR) IP6INTERFACE_STR = "::1/128" IP6INTERFACE = ipaddress.IPv6Interface(IP6INTERFACE_STR) DECIMAL = decimal.Decimal("1.33") DECIMAL_STR = "1.33" FRACTION = fractions.Fraction("1/3") FRACTION_STR = "1/3" MUTABLE_STRING = MutableString(STR) MUTABLE_STRING_STR = STR CUSTOM_PATH = CustomPath("/a/b/c") CUSTOM_PATH_STR = "/a/b/c" CUSTOM_SERIALIZE = "_FOOBAR_" GENERIC_SERIALIZABLE_LIST_INT = GenericSerializableList([1, 2, 3]) GENERIC_SERIALIZABLE_LIST_STR = GenericSerializableList(["a", "b", "c"])