예제 #1
    def render(self):
        super(RelevantBlogViewlet, self).update()
        self.controller = PortalBlogQuery(self.context)
        self._tags = self.context.Subject()
        self._post = self.controller.get_relevant_post(self._tags)

        return self.index()
예제 #2
 def render(self):
     super(RelevantBlogViewlet, self).update() 
     self.controller = PortalBlogQuery(self.context)
     self._tags = self.context.Subject()
     self._post = self.controller.get_relevant_post(self._tags)
     return self.index()
예제 #3
class RelevantBlogViewlet(ViewletBase):
    Renders a pretty box with the latest relevant post on a WP blog
    index = ViewPageTemplateFile('templates/blog_viewlet.pt')

    def render(self):
        super(RelevantBlogViewlet, self).update()
        self.controller = PortalBlogQuery(self.context)
        self._tags = self.context.Subject()
        self._post = self.controller.get_relevant_post(self._tags)

        return self.index()

    def is_enabled_content(self):
        Check if we are rendering in a View of a "Blog viewlet" enabled content
        This is controlled in the Content settings
        return True  # TODO
        ## Provide functionality to selectively disable blog viewlets
        ## for specific content objects.
        ## Already implemented in our website; it will be added
        ## here at a later time.
        #    status = self.context.blog_post_display
        #except AttributeError, e:
        #    # Ignore types that are not aware of this product
        #    # and don't have this field set (extended) in their schema
        #    return False
        #return status

    def is_enabled_type(self):
        Check if we are rendering in a View of a "Blog viewlet" enabled type
        This is controlled in the Plone Control Panel
        registry = queryUtility(IRegistry)
        if registry is None:
            # Don't show if the registry is not found
            return False
        settings = registry.forInterface(IIPnextViewletBlogSettings,
        _types = getattr(settings, 'allowed_types', '')
        this_type = self.context.Type()

        return this_type in _types

    def view_blog(self):
        Check if the author wants to display a blog post here.

    def obj_categories(self):
        Return the categories tagged to the context object
        return self._tags

    def post_contents(self):
        Query the catalog for the first relevant post, return None if not found.
        return self._post

    def localized_date(self):
        """Return the localized time, or nothing if invalid"""
        date_ = self._post['effective_date']
        to_localized = self.context.toLocalizedTime

            local_date = to_localized(date_)
        except ValueError:
            # An invalid date; just return nothing
            local_date = None

        return local_date
예제 #4
class RelevantBlogViewlet(ViewletBase):
    Renders a pretty box with the latest relevant post on a WP blog
    index = ViewPageTemplateFile('templates/blog_viewlet.pt')
    def render(self):
        super(RelevantBlogViewlet, self).update() 
        self.controller = PortalBlogQuery(self.context)
        self._tags = self.context.Subject()
        self._post = self.controller.get_relevant_post(self._tags)
        return self.index()
    def is_enabled_content(self):
        Check if we are rendering in a View of a "Blog viewlet" enabled content
        This is controlled in the Content settings
        return True # TODO
        ## Provide functionality to selectively disable blog viewlets
        ## for specific content objects.
        ## Already implemented in our website; it will be added 
        ## here at a later time.
        #    status = self.context.blog_post_display
        #except AttributeError, e:
        #    # Ignore types that are not aware of this product
        #    # and don't have this field set (extended) in their schema
        #    return False
        #return status
    def is_enabled_type(self):
        Check if we are rendering in a View of a "Blog viewlet" enabled type
        This is controlled in the Plone Control Panel
        registry = queryUtility(IRegistry) 
        if registry is None: 
            # Don't show if the registry is not found
            return False
        settings = registry.forInterface(IIPnextViewletBlogSettings, 
        _types = getattr(settings, 'allowed_types', '')
        this_type = self.context.Type()
        return this_type in _types
    def view_blog(self):
        Check if the author wants to display a blog post here.
    def obj_categories(self):
        Return the categories tagged to the context object
        return self._tags
    def post_contents(self):
        Query the catalog for the first relevant post, return None if not found.
        return self._post
    def localized_date(self):
        """Return the localized time, or nothing if invalid"""
        date_ = self._post['effective_date']
        to_localized = self.context.toLocalizedTime
            local_date = to_localized(date_)
        except ValueError:
            # An invalid date; just return nothing
            local_date = None
        return local_date