예제 #1
        for expiration_date in expiration_dates:
            smile_count += 1
            params['expiration_date'] = expiration_date
            # Get the necessary data
            sql = SQL.get_implied_forwards % params
            forward = execute_query_DF(conn, sql)
            synthetic_bids = forward('synthetic_bid')
            synthetic_offers = forward('synthetic_offer')
            days_to_expiration = (float(expiration_date) - float(t_date)) / seconds_per_day
            years_to_expiration = days_to_expiration / 365.
            print str(days_to_expiration).rjust(15),
                implied_forward = nerdy.find_implied_forward(synthetic_bids, synthetic_offers)
            except Exception, e:
                print "Exception: %s" % e
                ipshell("problem with IF")
            implied_rate = np.log(implied_forward / spot_closing_price) / years_to_expiration

            sql = SQL.get_strike_and_cvol_and_pvol_and_call_delta % params
            data = execute_query_DF(conn, sql)
            strikes = data('strike')
            call_ivs = data('call_iv')
            put_ivs = data('put_iv')
            call_delta = data('call_delta')
            strikes, call_ivs, put_ivs, call_delta = nerdy.clip_repeated_wings(
                                                     strikes, call_ivs, put_ivs, call_delta)
            delta_wt_avg_implied_vols = call_ivs * (1 - call_delta) + put_ivs * call_delta

            # print "degree: %s, len(strikes): %s, t_date: %s, expiration_date: %s" % (degree, len(strikes), t_date, expiration_date)

            # Don't fit 0 or 1 points
예제 #2
from dataframe import *
from sqlite3tools import *
import sqlite3

DBNAME = "Levered_Financial_ETF_Option_and_Stock_DB.sqlite3"
conn = sqlite3.connect(DBNAME)

start_date = date(2009, 6, 1)

SQL = """SELECT AlphaCurve.*, StockPrice.price_close AS spot, StockPrice.t_date AS stock_date
         FROM AlphaCurve JOIN StockPrice
         ON AlphaCurve.t_date=StockPrice.t_date
         AND AlphaCurve.symbol=StockPrice.symbol
         WHERE AlphaCurve.symbol='FAS'
         AND AlphaCurve.t_date > %s
""" % datetime2epoch(start_date)

results = execute_query_DF(conn, SQL)

pivot_vol_yields = np.diff(np.log(results('pivot_vol')))
mean_vol_yields = np.diff(np.log(results('mean_vol')))
spot_yields = np.diff(np.log(results('spot')))

pyplot.plot(spot_yields, pivot_vol_yields, 'k*')
pyplot.xlabel("spot yields")
pyplot.ylabel("pivot vol yields")
