예제 #1
def funclu(po):
    lat_list = list(po["latitude"])
    long_list = list(po["longitude"])
    v_plate = list(po["plateNumber"])
    v_status = list(po["status"])
    fig = gmaps.figure()
    var1 = json.dumps([{
        'lat': country,
        'lng': wins,
        'plate': num,
        'status': v_sta
                       for country, wins, num, v_sta in zip(
                           lat_list, long_list, v_plate, v_status)])
    markers = gmaps.marker_layer(list(zip(lat_list, long_list)))
    data1 = embed_snippet(views=[fig])
    return data1, var1
예제 #2
def _embed(wid):
    return embed_snippet(wid.get_widget())
예제 #3
파일: model.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
def generate_html(widgets, title, path, makedirs=True, all_states=False,
               template_options=(("extra_script_head", ""), ("body_pre", ""), ("body_post", "")),
               devmode=False, offline_cors=False, only_body=False, as_dict=False,):

    """ Write a minimal HTML file with widget views embedded.

    :type filepath: str
    :param filepath: The file to write the HTML output to.
    :type widgets: widget or collection of widgets or None
    :param widgets:The widgets to include views for. If None, all DOMWidgets are included (not just the displayed ones).
    :param makedirs: whether to make directories in the filename path, if they do not already exist
    :param title: title for the html page
    :param all_states: if True, the state of all widgets know to the widget manager is included, else only those in widgets
    :param offline: if True, use local urls for required js/css packages and download all js/css required packages
    (if not already available), such that the html can be viewed with no internet connection
    :param scripts_path: the directory to save required js/css packages to (relative to the filepath)
    :type drop_defaults: bool
    :param drop_defaults: Whether to drop default values from the widget states
    :param template: template string for the html, must contain at least {title} and {snippet} place holders
    :param template_options: list or dict of additional template options
    :param devmode: if True, attempt to get index.js from local js/dist directory
    :param devmode: if True, attempt to get index.js from local js/dist folder
    :param offline_cors: if True, sets crossorigin attribute to anonymous, this allows for the return of error data
    from js scripts but can block local loading of the scripts in some browsers


    #dir_name_dst = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filepath))
    #if not os.path.exists(dir_name_dst) and makedirs: os.makedirs(dir_name_dst)

    template_opts = {"extra_script_head": "", "body_pre": "", "body_post": ""}

    if all_states: state = None
        state = wembed.dependency_state(widgets, drop_defaults=drop_defaults)

    # if not offline:
    #     # we have to get the snippet (rather than just call embed_minimal_html), because if the new template includes
    #     # {} characters (such as in the bokeh example) then an error is raised when trying to format
    #     snippet = wembed.embed_snippet(widgets, state=state, requirejs=True, drop_defaults=drop_defaults)
    #     directory = os.path.dirname(filepath)

    if True:

        #if not os.path.isabs(scripts_path):
        #    scripts_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filepath), scripts_path)

        # ensure script path is above filepath
        # rel_script_path = os.path.relpath(scripts_path, os.path.dirname(filepath))
        # if rel_script_path.startswith(".."):
        #     raise ValueError("The scripts_path must have the same root directory as the filepath")
        # elif rel_script_path=='.':
        #     rel_script_path = ''
        # else:
        #     rel_script_path += '/'

        scripts_path = path
        rel_script_path = path
        if not rel_script_path.endswith("/"): rel_script_path += "/"

        fname_pyv = save_ipyvolumejs(scripts_path, devmode=devmode)
        fname_require = save_requirejs(os.path.join(scripts_path))
        fname_embed = save_embed_js(os.path.join(scripts_path))
        fname_fontawe = save_font_awesome(os.path.join(scripts_path))

        subsnippet = wembed.embed_snippet(widgets, embed_url=rel_script_path+fname_embed,
                                          requirejs=False, drop_defaults=drop_defaults, state=state)
        if not offline_cors:
            # TODO DIRTY hack, we need to do this cleaner upstream
            subsnippet = subsnippet.replace(' crossorigin="anonymous"', '')

        cors_attribute = 'crossorigin="anonymous"' if offline_cors else ' '
        snippet = """
<link href="{rel_script_path}{fname_fontawe}/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet">    
<script src="{rel_script_path}{fname_require}"{cors} data-main='./{rel_script_path}' ></script>
      map: {{
        '*': {{
          'ipyvolume': '{fname_pyv}',
        """.format(rel_script_path=rel_script_path, fname_fontawe=fname_fontawe, fname_require=fname_require,
                   subsnippet=subsnippet, cors=cors_attribute)

    # Generate HTML
    template_opts['snippet'] = snippet
    template_opts['title'] = title

    # Give
    if as_dict: return template_opts
    elif only_body:
        html_code = html_body_template.format(**template_opts)
        return html_code
        html_code = html_template.format(**template_opts)
        return html_code
예제 #4
def embed_html(
    title=u'IPyVolume Widget',
    template_options=(("extra_script_head", ""), ("body_pre", ""), ("body_post", "")),
    """Write a minimal HTML file with widget views embedded.

    :param str filepath: The file to write the HTML output to.
    :type widgets: widget or collection of widgets or None
    :param widgets:The widgets to include views for. If None, all DOMWidgets are included (not just the displayed ones).
    :param makedirs: whether to make directories in the filename path, if they do not already exist
    :param title: title for the html page
    :param all_states: if True, the state of all widgets know to the widget manager is included, else only those in widgets
    :param offline: if True, use local urls for required js/css packages and download all js/css required packages
    (if not already available), such that the html can be viewed with no internet connection
    :param scripts_path: the directory to save required js/css packages to (relative to the filepath)
    :param bool drop_defaults: Whether to drop default values from the widget states
    :param template: template string for the html, must contain at least {title} and {snippet} place holders
    :param template_options: list or dict of additional template options
    :param devmode: if True, attempt to get index.js from local js/dist directory
    :param devmode: if True, attempt to get index.js from local js/dist folder
    :param offline_cors: if True, sets crossorigin attribute to anonymous, this allows for the return of error data
    from js scripts but can block local loading of the scripts in some browsers

    dir_name_dst = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filepath))
    if not os.path.exists(dir_name_dst) and makedirs:

    template_opts = {"extra_script_head": "", "body_pre": "", "body_post": ""}

    if all_states:
        state = None
        state = wembed.dependency_state(widgets, drop_defaults=drop_defaults)

    if not offline:
        # we have to get the snippet (rather than just call embed_minimal_html), because if the new template includes
        # {} characters (such as in the bokeh example) then an error is raised when trying to format
        snippet = wembed.embed_snippet(widgets, state=state, requirejs=True, drop_defaults=drop_defaults)

        if not os.path.isabs(scripts_path):
            scripts_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filepath), scripts_path)
        # ensure script path is above filepath
        rel_script_path = os.path.relpath(scripts_path, os.path.dirname(filepath))
        if rel_script_path.startswith(".."):
            raise ValueError("The scripts_path must have the same root directory as the filepath")
        elif rel_script_path == '.':
            rel_script_path = ''
            rel_script_path += '/'

        fname_pyv = save_ipyvolumejs(scripts_path, devmode=devmode)
        fname_require = save_requirejs(os.path.join(scripts_path))
        fname_embed = save_embed_js(os.path.join(scripts_path))
        fname_fontawe = save_font_awesome(os.path.join(scripts_path))

        subsnippet = wembed.embed_snippet(
            widgets, embed_url=rel_script_path + fname_embed, requirejs=False, drop_defaults=drop_defaults, state=state
        if not offline_cors:
            # TODO DIRTY hack, we need to do this cleaner upstream
            subsnippet = subsnippet.replace(' crossorigin="anonymous"', '')

        cors_attribute = 'crossorigin="anonymous"' if offline_cors else ' '
        snippet = """
<link href="{rel_script_path}{fname_fontawe}/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="{rel_script_path}{fname_require}"{cors} data-main='./{rel_script_path}' ></script>
      map: {{
        '*': {{
          'ipyvolume': '{fname_pyv}',

    template_opts['snippet'] = snippet
    template_opts['title'] = title
    html_code = template.format(**template_opts)

    with io.open(filepath, "w", encoding='utf8') as f: