def _populate_tab(index: int, df: pd.DataFrame): df_widget, visible_df = searchable_dataframe(df) my_graph_output = widgets.Output(layout=widgets.Layout( min_width="40%")) render_points_button = widgets.Button(description="Render points") with my_graph_output: display(starter_cluster_fig) def _plot_dataframe_points(mysom: sompy.sompy.SOM, df: pd.DataFrame): my_graph_output.clear_output() with my_graph_output: fig, ax = make_cluster_graph(mysom, cl_labels) coords = dataframe_to_coords(mysom, df) render_points_to_axes(ax, coords) display(fig) render_points_button.on_click( lambda *args: _plot_dataframe_points(mysom, visible_df.df)) return widgets.HBox([ widgets.VBox([ widgets.HBox([ widgets.Label(value=f"Cluster #{index}"), widgets.HTML( layout={ 'min_width': '20px', 'min_height': '20px' }, value= f"<div style='min_width: 20px; min_height: 20px; border: 1px solid black; background-color: {tuple_to_css_rgba(get_tab20_color(index))}; color: {tuple_to_css_rgba(get_tab20_color(index))};'>_</div>" ), ]), render_points_button, df_widget ]), # By including the same "graph_output" instance across all tabs, # we can render the graph once and have it show up in every tab my_graph_output ])
def __init__(self, paramlist, paramdefs, title=None): super(Configurator, self).__init__(layout=ipy.Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='column', align_self='flex-start', align_items='stretch', max_width='100%')) self.paramlist = paramlist self.paramdefs = paramdefs self.apply_button = ipy.Button(description='Apply') self.apply_button.on_click(self.apply_values) self.reset_button = ipy.Button(description='Reset') self.reset_button.on_click(self.reset_values) self.buttons = ipy.Box([self.reset_button, self.apply_button], layout=ipy.Layout(align_self='center')) self.selectors = collections.OrderedDict([(, ParamSelector(p)) for p in paramdefs]) self.reset_values() title = utils.if_not_none(title, 'Configuration') self.title = ipy.HTML('<center><h4>%s</h4></center><hr>' % title, align_self='center') self.currentconfig = ipy.Textarea(description='<i>Current params</i>', disabled=True, value=self._pretty_print_config(), layout=ipy.Layout( width='350px', min_height='300px', max_height='500px', display='flex', flex_flow='column')) self.middle = ipy.HBox( [ipy.VBox(self.selectors.values()), self.currentconfig]) self.children = [self.title, self.middle, self.buttons]
def __init__(self, description='Select computer:', path_to_root='../', **kwargs): """Dropdown for configured AiiDA Computers. description (str): Text to display before dropdown. path_to_root (str): Path to the app's root folder. """ self.output = ipw.Output() self._dropdown = ipw.Dropdown(options={}, value=None, description=description, style={'description_width': 'initial'}, disabled=True) link((self, 'computers'), (self._dropdown, 'options')) link((self._dropdown, 'value'), (self, 'selected_computer')) btn_refresh = ipw.Button(description="Refresh", layout=ipw.Layout(width="70px")) btn_refresh.on_click(self.refresh) self.observe(self.refresh, names='allow_select_disabled') self._setup_another = ipw.HTML( value= """<a href={path_to_root}aiidalab-widgets-base/setup_computer.ipynb target="_blank"> Setup new computer</a>""".format(path_to_root=path_to_root)) children = [ ipw.HBox([self._dropdown, btn_refresh, self._setup_another]), self.output ] self.refresh() super().__init__(children=children, **kwargs)
def __init__(self): self._layout = wg.Layout(width='300px', height='60px') self._mkdir = wg.Button(value=False, description='Package creation', disabled=False, layout=self._layout) self._create = wg.Button(value=False, description='Model creation', disabled=False, layout=self._layout) self._edit = wg.Button(value=False, description='Model edition', disabled=False, layout=self._layout) self._transformation = wg.Button(value=False, description='Model transformation', disabled=False, layout=self._layout) self._display = wg.Button(value=False, description='Model display', disabled=False, layout=self._layout) self._about = wg.Button(value=False, description='About', disabled=False, layout=self._layout) self._displayer = wg.VBox([ wg.HTML( value='<font size="5"><b>Model manager for Pycrop2ml</b></font>' ), self._mkdir, self._create, self._edit, self._transformation, self._display, self._about ], layout=wg.Layout(align_items='center')) self._out = wg.Output() self._out2 = wg.Output()
def __init__(self, flows, **kwargs): super().__init__(1, 3, grid_gap="10px", **kwargs) self._selector = ipywidgets.Select( layout=ipywidgets.Layout(height="100%", width="initial")) self._flow_widget = WorkflowWidget(layout=ipywidgets.Layout( flex="1 0 auto")) self._vg_widget = VersionGraftWidget(layout=ipywidgets.Layout( flex="1 0 auto")) self.flows = flows, "value"), (self, "selected_id")), "version"), (self, "selected_version")) traitlets.dlink( (self._selector, "value"), (self._flow_widget, "flow"), transform=lambda flow_id: self._flows_lookup.get(flow_id, None), ) traitlets.dlink((self._flow_widget, "current_vg"), (self._vg_widget, "vg")) self._flow_widget.observe( lambda change: self.set_trait("current_flow", change["new"]), names="flow") self._flow_widget.observe( lambda change: self.set_trait("current_vg", change["new"]), names="current_vg", ) self[0, 0] = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[ipywidgets.HTML("<h2>Workflows</h2>"), self._selector], layout=ipywidgets.Layout(flex="1 0 auto"), ) self[0, 1] = self._flow_widget self[0, 2] = self._vg_widget
def get_start_widget(appbase, jupbase): # template = """ <table> <tr> <th style="text-align:center">Tutorials</th> <th style="width:70px" rowspan=2></th> <th style="text-align:center">Corelevel Spectra</th> <th style="width:70px" rowspan=2></th> <th style="text-align:center">Utility</th> <th style="width:70px" rowspan=2></th> <th style="text-align:center">Workflow check</th> <tr> <td valign="top"><ul> <li><a href="{appbase}/fleur_tutorial/getting_started.ipynb" target="_blank">Fleur tutorial</a> </ul></td> <td valign="top"><ul> <li><a href="{appbase}/corelevel_spectra/Plotting_corelevel_spectra_app.ipynb" target="_blank">all in one</a> <li><a href="{appbase}/corelevel_spectra/display.ipynb" target="_blank">display</a> <li><a href="{appbase}/corelevel_spectra/compare.ipynb" target="_blank">compare</a> <li><a href="{appbase}/corelevel_spectra/search.ipynb" target="_blank">search</a> </ul></td> <td valign="top"><ul> <li><a href="{appbase}/slab/build.ipynb" target="_blank">Construct slab</a> </ul></td> <td valign="top"><ul> <li><a href="{appbase}/slab/build.ipynb" target="_blank">fleur_scf</a> <li><a href="{appbase}/slab/build.ipynb" target="_blank">fleur_eos</a> </ul></td> </tr></table> """ html = template.format(appbase=appbase, jupbase=jupbase) return ipw.HTML(html)
def __init__( self, question, labels, question_template=None, # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]] width="150px", buttons_per_row=1): # type: (...) -> None self.question_box = ipw.HTML(value='') self.labels = labels self.width = width self.buttons_per_row = buttons_per_row self._make_buttons(labels) if question_template is not None: self.question_template = question_template else: self.question_template = {} self.set_question(question) self.submit_func = None super().__init__( ipw.VBox([self.question_box] + self.button_rows, layout=ipw.Layout(width="250px")))
def show_plots(val): plot_area.clear_output() show = show_groups_toggle.value exclusive = exclusive_groups_toggle.value == 'Exclusive' with plot_area: if raw_data_toggle.value == 'Raw': if show and exclusive: display(iw.VBox(rows_groups_exclusive_raw)) elif show and not exclusive: display(iw.VBox(rows_groups_nonexclusive_raw)) elif not show: display(iw.VBox(rows_raw)) elif raw_data_toggle.value == 'Filtered': if show and exclusive: display(iw.VBox(rows_groups_exclusive)) if show and not exclusive: display(iw.VBox(rows_groups_nonexclusive)) elif not show: display(iw.VBox(rows)) status_indicator.clear_output() with status_indicator: display(iw.HTML('<h3 style="color:green">Ready</h3>'))
def save_source(sender): UI.source_column = sender["new"] val = "Source Column set to" if sender["old"] == None: new1 = Widget = widgets.HTML( value="<b><font color='%s'>%s: </font> </b>%s<br><br>" % (UI.hl_color1, val, sender["new"])) new2 = widgets.Select(options=UI.main_df.columns, value=None, description='Destination Column', style=UI.descr_style) new2.observe(save_dest, names="value") UI.reload_data("Data", new1, new2) else: for i in UI.content["Data"]: if "HTML" in str(type(i)): if val in i.value: text = sender["new"] i.value = "<b><font color='%s'>%s: </font></b>%s<br><br>" % ( UI.hl_color1, val, sender["new"]) UI.reload_data("Data")
def __init__(self, value=60, min=0, max=100, step=10, description='Choose the percentage below:', name=str(Step.global_id + 1), show_previous=True, show_next=True): self.title = widgets.HTML(description) self.slider = widgets.IntSlider(value=value, min=min, max=max, step=step, description='', disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d') super().__init__(name, show_previous, show_next) self.resetParameters() pass
def __init__(self, label_name): self.clix = 0 # current landmark index self.length = len(db) self.n_panels = 5 self.panels = [ImageAndLabel() for _ in range(self.n_panels)] self.label_name = label_name self.landmarks = Landmarks({k: None for k in db.keys()}) self.c = widgets.HTML('Click or type on me!') button = widgets.Button(description="Save", layout=widgets.Layout(width='auto')) button.on_click( w = widgets.HBox([*self.panels]) w = widgets.VBox([w, self.c, button]) self.widget = w self.d = Event(source=self.widget, watched_events=['keydown']) self.d.on_dom_event(self.handle_event) self.target_label = 'q' self.render() display(self.widget)
def __init__(self, ip, name): # Here we call ipython ip to avoid conflict with the ipython file self.ip = ip = name if in aut =[].strip() states, transitions, _ = self._d3_of_aut(aut) self.context = aut.context() # Here Add the conversion from vcsn to d3 datas else: states = [{'id': 0}] transitions = [{'source': '0', 'label': ''}, {'target': '0', 'label': ''}] self.context = vcsn.context('lal(a-z), b') aut = AutomatonD3Widget(states=states, transitions=transitions)#, context=self.context) self.error = widgets.HTML(value='') self._widget_ctx = vcsn.ipython.ContextText(self, self.context) self._widget_ctx.text.observe(self._on_change, 'value') self._widget = aut self._widget.observe(self._on_change, ['states','transitions'])
def quiz_word2vec_subsampling(): # lesson 4, quiz 4 import ipywidgets as widgets from IPython.display import display description = widgets.Output() with description: display( widgets.HTML(""" In the implementation above, which words are subsampled (i.e. too frequent words are thrown away with some probability)? """)) return Quiz( description, [ "Central words", "Context words", "Negative samples", "All of them", ], "Central words", )
def __init__(self, title="Progress Bar", **kwargs): """Initialize ProgressBarWidget.""" self.title = title self.correspondance = { "created": 0, "running": 1, "waiting": 1, "killed": 2, "excepted": 2, "finished": 2, } self.progress_bar = ipw.IntProgress( value=0, min=0, max=2, step=1, description='Progress:', bar_style='warning', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' orientation='horizontal', layout={'width': '800px'}) self.state = ipw.HTML(description="Calculation state:", value='Created', style={'description_width': 'initial'}) super().__init__(children=[self.progress_bar, self.state], **kwargs)
def quiz_word2vec_negative_sampling(): # lecture 4, quiz 5 import ipywidgets as widgets from IPython.display import display description = widgets.Output() with description: display( widgets.HTML(""" How is negative sampling performed? Why? """)) return Quiz( description, [ "without replacement; negative samples are i.i.d.", "with replacement; negative samples are i.i.d.", "without replacement; it is efficient", "with replacement; it is efficient", ], "with replacement; negative samples are i.i.d.", )
def _widget_upload_data_type1(self): """upload EM file and parse metadata """ title = widgets.HTML('''<h5>Upload data type 1 <h5/> <hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:black;background-color:gray"> ''') self.data1 = FileChooser(use_dir_icons=True) self.data1.title = '<b>data type 1</b>' vbox = widgets.VBox([title, self.data1]) def on_upload_change(change): #for name, file_info in self.EM_upload.value.items(): name = self.data0.selected self._add_to_dir(name, target_dir='data', level_dir='type1') self._add_to_Exdir(name, target_dir='data', level_dir='type1') #self._add_file_to_Expipe(name, target_dir='data', level_dir='type1') #self._add_to_Zip(name, target_dir='data', level_dir='type1') self.data0.register_callback(on_upload_change) return vbox
def quiz_word2vec_word_vector(): # lesson 4, quiz 3 import ipywidgets as widgets from IPython.display import display description = widgets.Output() with description: display( widgets.HTML(""" word2vec algorithm learns two matrices: the matrix of central vectors and the matrix of context vectors. In the implementation above, how is the word vector computed for a given word? """)) return Quiz( description, [ "Taken from the matrix of context vectors", "Taken from the matrix of central vectors", "It is the average of central and context vectors", "None of the above", ], "Taken from the matrix of central vectors", )
def circuit_data_table(qc): ops = qc.count_ops() num_cx = None if 'cx' in ops.keys(): num_cx = ops['cx'] html = "<table {}>".format(TABLE_STYLE) html += "<tr><th style={}>{}</th><th></tr>".format(TD_STYLE, html += "<tr><td style={}>Width</td><td>{}</td></tr>".format( TD_STYLE, qc.width()) html += "<tr><td style={}>Depth</td><td>{}</td></tr>".format( TD_STYLE, qc.depth()) html += "<tr><td style={}>Gate Count</td><td>{}</td></tr>".format( TD_STYLE, sum(ops.values())) html += "<tr><td style={}>CX Count</td><td>{}</td></tr>".format( TD_STYLE, num_cx) html += "</table>" out_wid = wid.HTML(html, layout=wid.Layout(width='45%')) return out_wid
def _ipython_display_(self): import ipywidgets from IPython.display import display, Markdown names = dir(self) names.sort() def change_field(_ftype, _box, _var_window): def _change_field(event): fobj = getattr(_ftype, event['new']) _box.clear_output() with _box: display( Markdown(data="```python\n" + textwrap.dedent(fobj.get_source()) + "\n```")) values = inspect.getclosurevars(fobj._function).nonlocals _var_window.value = _fill_values(values) return _change_field flist = ipywidgets.Select(options=names, layout=ipywidgets.Layout(height='95%')) source = ipywidgets.Output( layout=ipywidgets.Layout(width='100%', height='9em')) var_window = ipywidgets.HTML(value='Empty') var_box = ipywidgets.Box(layout=ipywidgets.Layout( width='100%', height='100%', overflow_y='scroll')) var_box.children = [var_window] ftype_tabs = ipywidgets.Tab(children=[source, var_box], layout=ipywidgets.Layout(flex='2 1 auto', width='auto', height='95%')) ftype_tabs.set_title(0, "Source") ftype_tabs.set_title(1, "Variables") flist.observe(change_field(self, source, var_window), "value") display( ipywidgets.HBox([flist, ftype_tabs], layout=ipywidgets.Layout(height='14em')))
def _get_param_iterator(self): """Return ParameterGrid instance for the given param_grid""" iterator = super()._get_param_iterator() iterator = list(iterator) n_candidates = len(iterator) cv = model_selection._split.check_cv(, None) n_splits = getattr(cv, "n_splits", 3) max_value = n_candidates * n_splits # count the amount of iterations total progress_label = ipywidgets.HTML() progress_bar = ipywidgets.FloatProgress( min=0, max=max_value, description="GridSearchCV:" ) progress_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[progress_bar, progress_label] ) # setup a progress label + bar display(progress_box) original_fit = def fit(*args, **kwargs): progress_bar.value += ( 1 ) # every time fit is called, increase progress bar by 1 if ( progress_bar.value == max_value ): # if max value is reached, display finished and turn green progress_label.value = "finished" progress_bar.bar_style = "success" original_fit(*args, **kwargs) = fit return iterator
def _build(self): desc = self.desc if self.units is not None: desc += "\n\nValues with no units will be assumed to be %s [%s]." % ( self.units, '{:~}'.format(self.units)) if self.min is not None or self.max is not None: desc += "\n\n" if self.min is not None: desc += "Min: %s\n" % self.min if self.max is not None: desc += "Max: %s\n" % self.max desc += "\n" if self.units: desc += "You can type expressions using other units and they will be converted if possible." if self.min is not None: desc += "\n\n" if self.min is not None: desc += "Min: %s\n" % self.min if self.max is not None: desc += "Max: %s\n" % self.max desc += "\n" label = widgets.HTML( value='<p data-toggle="popover" title="%s">%s</p>' % (desc,, layout=widgets.Layout(flex='2 1 auto')) form_item_layout = widgets.Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', border='solid 1px lightgray', justify_content='space-between', padding='5px', width=self._width) self.w = widgets.Box([label, self.dd, self.valid], layout=form_item_layout)
def __call__(self, filename): cmd = (self.cmd + ' ' + filename).split(' ') zero = time.monotonic_ns() p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # status = widgets.HTML() progress = widgets.FloatProgress(value=0.0, min=0.0, max=1.0) display(widgets.VBox([status,progress])) out = widgets.Output() a = widgets.HBox([out], layout=widgets.Layout(height='100px', overflow_y='auto')) display(a) with out: total = 0 for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''): tmp ='([0-9]*) it',line.decode('utf-8')) print(">>> " + line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) if tmp: cur = int(tmp.groups()[0]) if total > 0 and cur > 0: progress.value = float(cur) / total ellapsed = int((time.monotonic_ns() - zero)*1e-9) speed = cur / ellapsed status.value = f'{cur} / {total} Iters. <br/> {ellapsed} seconds. </br> {(total - cur) / speed} seconds to finish' #print(">>> " + str(cur) + ' / ' + str(total)) tmp ='Setting action Solve at ([0-9\.]*) iterations',line.decode('utf-8')) if tmp: total = int(float(tmp.groups()[0]))
def __init__( self, embedded: bool = True, title: str = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: providers_header = ipw.HTML("<h4>Select a provider</h4>") providers = OptimadeQueryProviderWidget( embedded=embedded, width_ratio=kwargs.pop("width_ratio", None), width_space=kwargs.pop("width_space", None), database_limit=kwargs.pop("database_limit", None), disable_providers=kwargs.pop("disable_providers", self._disable_providers), skip_databases=kwargs.pop("skip_databases", self._skip_databases), provider_database_groupings=kwargs.pop( "provider_database_groupings", self._database_grouping), ) filters = OptimadeQueryFilterWidget( embedded=embedded, button_style=kwargs.pop("button_style", None), result_limit=kwargs.pop("results_limit", None), subparts_order=kwargs.pop("subparts_order", None), ) ipw.dlink((providers, "database"), (filters, "database")) filters.observe(self._update_structure, names="structure") self.title = title or "OPTIMADE" layout = kwargs.pop("layout", {"width": "auto", "height": "auto"}) super().__init__( children=(providers_header, providers, filters), layout=layout, **kwargs, )
def nbquiz(question: str, options: List[str], correct_answer: int, globals: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], title: str = 'Quiz', debug: bool = False) -> object: import ipywidgets as widgets if isinstance(correct_answer, str): correct_answer = int(eval(correct_answer, globals)) radio_options = [(quiztext(words), i) for i, words in enumerate(options)] alternatives = widgets.RadioButtons( options = radio_options, description = '', disabled = False ) title_out = widgets.HTML(value=f'<h4>{quiztext(title)}</h4><strong>{quiztext(question)}</strong>') check = widgets.Button() def clear_selection(change: Any) -> None: check.description = 'Submit' clear_selection(None) def check_selection(change: Any) -> None: answer = int(alternatives.value) + 1 if answer == correct_answer: check.description = 'Correct!' else: check.description = 'Incorrect!' return check.on_click(check_selection) alternatives.observe(clear_selection, names='value') return widgets.VBox([title_out, alternatives, check])
def __init__(self): super(ChangeLog, self).__init__(orientation='vertical') try: current = version.parse(mdt.__version__) latest = self.version_check() if current >= latest: versiontext = 'Up to date. Latest release: %s' % latest else: versiontext = ( 'New release available! ' '(Current: %s, latest: %s <br>' % (current, latest) + '<b>Install it:</b> ' '<span style="font-family:monospace">pip install -U moldesign' '</span>') except Exception as e: versiontext = '<b>Failed update check</b>: %s' % e self.version = ipy.HTML(versiontext) self.textarea = ipy.Textarea(width='700px', height='300px') p1 = os.path.join(mdt.PACKAGEPATH, "HISTORY.rst") p2 = os.path.join(mdt.PACKAGEPATH, "..", "HISTORY.rst") if os.path.exists(p1): path = p1 elif os.path.exists(p2): path = p2 else: path = None if path is not None: with open(path, 'r') as infile: self.textarea.value = else: self.textarea.value = 'HISTORY.rst not found' self.textarea.disabled = True self.children = (self.version, self.textarea)
def __init__( self, description: str, input_widget: Callable = None, hint: str = None, description_width: str = None, **kwargs, ): _description_width = (description_width if description_width is not None else "170px") description = ipw.HTML(description, layout={"width": _description_width}) _layout = {"width": "100%"} self.input_widget = (input_widget(layout=_layout, **kwargs) if input_widget is not None else ipw.Text( layout=_layout)) if hint and isinstance(self.input_widget, ipw.widgets.widget_string._String): self.input_widget.placeholder = hint super().__init__(children=[description, self.input_widget], layout=ipw.Layout(width="auto"))
def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): = name width = kwargs.get('width', 'auto') self._ncb = kwargs.get('cb') # accept either 'description' or 'desc' desc = kwargs.get('desc', kwargs.get('description', '')) form_item_layout = widgets.Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', border='solid 1px lightgray', justify_content='space-between', padding='3px', width=width) self.dd.layout = {'width': 'initial'} self.dd.disabled = kwargs.get('disabled', False) self.dd.observe(self._cb, names='value') popup = '<div data-toggle="popover" title="%s" data-container="body">%s</div>' % ( desc, name) label = widgets.HTML(value=popup, layout=widgets.Layout(flex='2 1 auto')) widgets.HBox.__init__(self, [label, self.dd], layout=form_item_layout)
def __init__(self, title='Output:', num_lines_shown=3, **kwargs): self.description = ipw.Label(value=title) self.last_lines = ipw.HTML() self.lines = [] self.lines_shown = deque([''] * num_lines_shown, maxlen=num_lines_shown) self.raw_log = ipw.Textarea(layout=ipw.Layout( width='auto', height='auto', display='flex', flex='1 1 auto', ), disabled=True) self.accordion = ipw.Accordion(children=[self.raw_log]) self.accordion.set_title(0, 'Raw log') self.accordion.selected_index = None self._update() super().__init__( children=[self.description, self.last_lines, self.accordion], **kwargs)
def __init__(self, f, log=logger): self.f = f self.log = log self.grid_widget = qgrid.show_grid(f(), show_toolbar=False, grid_options={ 'editable': False, 'minVisibleRows': 10, 'maxVisibleRows': 8 }) refresh_btn = ipywidgets.ToggleButton( value=False, description='Refresh', disabled=False, button_style='', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' tooltip='Auto refresh', icon='refresh') refresh_btn.observe(self.refresh_btn_handler) self.refresh_btn = refresh_btn self.updated_at = ipywidgets.HTML(value='<i>%s</i>' %, description='Updated at')
def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.correspondance = { None: (0, 'warning'), "created": (0, 'info'), "running": (1, 'info'), "waiting": (1, 'info'), "killed": (2, 'danger'), "excepted": (2, 'danger'), "finished": (2, 'success'), } = ipw.IntProgress( # pylint: disable=blacklisted-name value=0, min=0, max=2, step=1, bar_style='warning', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' orientation='horizontal', layout=ipw.Layout(width="auto")) self.state = ipw.HTML( description="Calculation state:", value='', style={'description_width': '100px'}, ) super().__init__(children=[self.state,], **kwargs)