def create_param_widget(self, param, value): from ipywidgets import Layout, HBox children = (HBox(),) if isinstance(value, bool): from ipywidgets import Label, ToggleButton p = Label(value=param, layout=Layout(width='10%')) t = ToggleButton(description=str(value), value=value) def on_bool_change(change): t.description = str(change['new']) self.params[self._method][param] = change['new'] self.replot_peaks() t.observe(on_bool_change, names='value') children = (p, t) elif isinstance(value, float): from ipywidgets import FloatSlider, FloatText, BoundedFloatText, \ Label from traitlets import link p = Label(value=param, layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='10%')) b = BoundedFloatText(value=0, min=1e-10, layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='10%'), font_weight='bold') a = FloatText(value=2 * value, layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='10%')) f = FloatSlider(value=value, min=b.value, max=a.value, step=np.abs(a.value - b.value) * 0.01, layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='60%')) l = FloatText(value=f.value, layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='10%'), disabled=True) link((f, 'value'), (l, 'value')) def on_min_change(change): if f.max > change['new']: f.min = change['new'] f.step = np.abs(f.max - f.min) * 0.01 def on_max_change(change): if f.min < change['new']: f.max = change['new'] f.step = np.abs(f.max - f.min) * 0.01 def on_param_change(change): self.params[self._method][param] = change['new'] self.replot_peaks() b.observe(on_min_change, names='value') f.observe(on_param_change, names='value') a.observe(on_max_change, names='value') children = (p, l, b, f, a) elif isinstance(value, int): from ipywidgets import IntSlider, IntText, BoundedIntText, \ Label from traitlets import link p = Label(value=param, layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='10%')) b = BoundedIntText(value=0, min=1e-10, layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='10%'), font_weight='bold') a = IntText(value=2 * value, layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='10%')) f = IntSlider(value=value, min=b.value, max=a.value, step=1, layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='60%')) l = IntText(value=f.value, layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='10%'), disabled=True) link((f, 'value'), (l, 'value')) def on_min_change(change): if f.max > change['new']: f.min = change['new'] f.step = 1 def on_max_change(change): if f.min < change['new']: f.max = change['new'] f.step = 1 def on_param_change(change): self.params[self._method][param] = change['new'] self.replot_peaks() b.observe(on_min_change, names='value') f.observe(on_param_change, names='value') a.observe(on_max_change, names='value') children = (p, l, b, f, a) container = HBox(children) return container
class PSLGEditor(widgets.VBox): boundaryTypes = List([1, 0]).tag(sync=True) regionTypes = List([1, 0]).tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PSLGEditor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.graph = Graph(*args, **kwargs, parent=self) self.select_boundary = Dropdown(options=self.boundaryTypes, description='Boundary:', disable=False) self.select_region = Dropdown(options=self.regionTypes, description='Region:', disable=False) self.select_add = Dropdown( options=[u'Vertex \u25cf', u'Region \u25a0', u'Hole \u25b2'], description='Add:', disable=False) self.enter_x = FloatText(description='x:') self.enter_y = FloatText(description='y:') = Label( 'Click to add vertex, region or hole. Press Delete to remove selection. Press CTRL to drag.' ) def on_boundary_change(change): self.graph.boundary_type = change['new'] def on_region_change(change): self.graph.region_type = change['new'] def on_add_change(change): self.graph.add_new = change['new'][:-2].lower() def on_x_change(change): self.graph.xy = [change['new'], self.graph.xy[1]] def on_y_change(change): self.graph.xy = [self.graph.xy[0], change['new']] self.select_boundary.observe(on_boundary_change, names='value') self.select_region.observe(on_region_change, names='value') self.select_add.observe(on_add_change, names='value') self.enter_x.observe(on_x_change, names='value') self.enter_y.observe(on_y_change, names='value') self.graph.boundary_type = self.select_boundary.value self.graph.region_type = self.select_region.value self.graph.add_new = self.select_add.value[:-2].lower() self.children = [ self.graph, self.select_boundary, self.select_region, self.select_add, self.enter_x, self.enter_y, ]
def _create_notebook_widget(self, index=None): from ipywidgets import (FloatSlider, FloatText, Layout, HBox) widget_bounds = self._interactive_slider_bounds(index=index) thismin = FloatText( value=widget_bounds['min'], description='min', layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='auto'), ) thismax = FloatText( value=widget_bounds['max'], description='max', layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='auto'), ) current_value = self.value if index is None else self.value[index] current_name = if index is not None: current_name += '_{}'.format(index) widget = FloatSlider(value=current_value, min=thismin.value, max=thismax.value, step=widget_bounds['step'], description=current_name, layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='auto')) def on_min_change(change): if widget.max > change['new']: widget.min = change['new'] widget.step = np.abs(widget.max - widget.min) * 0.001 def on_max_change(change): if widget.min < change['new']: widget.max = change['new'] widget.step = np.abs(widget.max - widget.min) * 0.001 thismin.observe(on_min_change, names='value') thismax.observe(on_max_change, names='value') this_observed = functools.partial(self._interactive_update, index=index) widget.observe(this_observed, names='value') container = HBox((thismin, widget, thismax)) return container
def _create_notebook_widget(self, index=None): from ipywidgets import (FloatSlider, FloatText, Layout, HBox) widget_bounds = self._interactive_slider_bounds(index=index) thismin = FloatText(value=widget_bounds['min'], description='min', layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='auto'),) thismax = FloatText(value=widget_bounds['max'], description='max', layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='auto'),) current_value = self.value if index is None else self.value[index] current_name = if index is not None: current_name += '_{}'.format(index) widget = FloatSlider(value=current_value, min=thismin.value, max=thismax.value, step=widget_bounds['step'], description=current_name, layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='auto')) def on_min_change(change): if widget.max > change['new']: widget.min = change['new'] widget.step = np.abs(widget.max - widget.min) * 0.001 def on_max_change(change): if widget.min < change['new']: widget.max = change['new'] widget.step = np.abs(widget.max - widget.min) * 0.001 thismin.observe(on_min_change, names='value') thismax.observe(on_max_change, names='value') this_observed = functools.partial(self._interactive_update, index=index) widget.observe(this_observed, names='value') container = HBox((thismin, widget, thismax)) return container
class SubstrateTab(object): def __init__(self): self.output_dir = '.' # self.output_dir = 'tmpdir' self.figsize_width_substrate = 15.0 # allow extra for colormap self.figsize_height_substrate = 12.5 self.figsize_width_svg = 12.0 self.figsize_height_svg = 12.0 # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7.2,6)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot self.first_time = True self.modulo = 1 self.use_defaults = True self.svg_delta_t = 1 self.substrate_delta_t = 1 self.svg_frame = 1 self.substrate_frame = 1 self.customized_output_freq = False self.therapy_activation_time = 1000000 self.max_svg_frame_pre_therapy = 1000000 self.max_substrate_frame_pre_therapy = 1000000 self.svg_xmin = 0 # Probably don't want to hardwire these if we allow changing the domain size # self.svg_xrange = 2000 # self.xmin = -1000. # self.xmax = 1000. # self.ymin = -1000. # self.ymax = 1000. # self.x_range = 2000. # self.y_range = 2000. self.show_nucleus = True self.show_edge = True # initial value self.field_index = 4 # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 self.skip_cb = False # define dummy size of mesh (set in the tool's primary module) self.numx = 0 self.numy = 0 self.title_str = '' tab_height = '600px' tab_height = '500px' constWidth = '180px' constWidth2 = '150px' tab_layout = Layout(width='900px', # border='2px solid black', height=tab_height, ) #overflow_y='scroll') max_frames = 1 # self.mcds_plot = interactive(self.plot_substrate, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) # self.i_plot = interactive(self.plot_plots, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) self.i_plot = interactive(self.plot_substrate, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) # "plot_size" controls the size of the tab height, not the plot (rf. figsize for that) # NOTE: the Substrates Plot tab has an extra row of widgets at the top of it (cf. Cell Plots tab) svg_plot_size = '700px' svg_plot_size = '600px' svg_plot_size = '700px' svg_plot_size = '900px' self.i_plot.layout.width = svg_plot_size self.i_plot.layout.height = svg_plot_size self.fontsize = 20 # description='# cell frames', self.max_frames = BoundedIntText( min=0, max=99999, value=max_frames, description='# frames', layout=Layout(width='160px'), ) self.max_frames.observe(self.update_max_frames) # self.field_min_max = {'dummy': [0., 1., False]} # NOTE: manually setting these for now (vs. parsing them out of data/initial.xml) self.field_min_max = {'director signal':[0.,1.,False], 'cargo signal':[0.,1.,False] } # hacky I know, but make a dict that's got (key,value) reversed from the dict in the Dropdown below # self.field_dict = {0:'dummy'} self.field_dict = {0:'director signal', 1:'cargo signal'} self.mcds_field = Dropdown( options={'director signal': 0, 'cargo signal':1}, value=0, # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth) ) # print("substrate __init__: self.mcds_field.value=",self.mcds_field.value) # self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_changed_cb) self.field_cmap = Dropdown( options=['viridis', 'jet', 'YlOrRd'], value='YlOrRd', # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth) ) # self.field_cmap.observe(self.plot_substrate) self.field_cmap.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_fixed_toggle = Checkbox( description='Fix', disabled=False, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_fixed_toggle.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) # def cmap_fixed_toggle_cb(b): # # self.update() # # self.field_min_max = {'oxygen': [0., 30.,True], 'glucose': [0., 1.,False]} # field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # if (self.cmap_fixed_toggle.value): # self.field_min_max[field_name][0] = self.cmap_min.value # self.field_min_max[field_name][1] = self.cmap_max.value # self.field_min_max[field_name][2] = True # else: # # self.field_min_max[field_name][0] = self.cmap_min.value # # self.field_min_max[field_name][1] = self.cmap_max.value # self.field_min_max[field_name][2] = False # self.i_plot.update() # self.cmap_fixed_toggle.observe(cmap_fixed_toggle_cb) # self.save_min_max= Button( # description='Save', #style={'description_width': 'initial'}, # button_style='success', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' # tooltip='Save min/max for this substrate', # disabled=True, # layout=Layout(width='90px') # ) # def save_min_max_cb(b): # # field_name = self.mcds_field.options[] # # field_name = next(key for key, value in self.mcds_field.options.items() if value == self.mcds_field.value) # field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # # print(field_name) # # self.field_min_max = {'oxygen': [0., 30.], 'glucose': [0., 1.], 'H+ ions': [0., 1.], 'ECM': [0., 1.], 'NP1': [0., 1.], 'NP2': [0., 1.]} # self.field_min_max[field_name][0] = self.cmap_min.value # self.field_min_max[field_name][1] = self.cmap_max.value # # print(self.field_min_max) # self.save_min_max.on_click(save_min_max_cb) self.cmap_min = FloatText( description='Min', value=0, step = 0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_min.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_max = FloatText( description='Max', value=38, step = 0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_max.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) def cmap_fixed_toggle_cb(b): field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print(self.cmap_fixed_toggle.value) if (self.cmap_fixed_toggle.value): # toggle on fixed range self.cmap_min.disabled = False self.cmap_max.disabled = False self.field_min_max[field_name][0] = self.cmap_min.value self.field_min_max[field_name][1] = self.cmap_max.value self.field_min_max[field_name][2] = True # self.save_min_max.disabled = False else: # toggle off fixed range self.cmap_min.disabled = True self.cmap_max.disabled = True self.field_min_max[field_name][2] = False # self.save_min_max.disabled = True # self.mcds_field_cb() self.i_plot.update() self.cmap_fixed_toggle.observe(cmap_fixed_toggle_cb) field_cmap_row2 = HBox([self.field_cmap, self.cmap_fixed_toggle]) # field_cmap_row3 = HBox([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) items_auto = [ # self.save_min_max, #layout=Layout(flex='3 1 auto', width='auto'), self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max, ] box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='80%') field_cmap_row3 = Box(children=items_auto, layout=box_layout) # self.debug_str = Text( # value='debug info', # description='Debug:', # disabled=True, # layout=Layout(width='600px'), #constWidth = '180px' # ) #--------------------- self.cell_nucleus_toggle = Checkbox( description='nuclei', disabled=False, value = self.show_nucleus, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def cell_nucleus_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() if (self.cell_nucleus_toggle.value): self.show_nucleus = True else: self.show_nucleus = False self.i_plot.update() self.cell_nucleus_toggle.observe(cell_nucleus_toggle_cb) #---- self.cell_edges_toggle = Checkbox( description='edges', disabled=False, value=self.show_edge, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def cell_edges_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() if (self.cell_edges_toggle.value): self.show_edge = True else: self.show_edge = False self.i_plot.update() self.cell_edges_toggle.observe(cell_edges_toggle_cb) self.cells_toggle = Checkbox( description='Cells', disabled=False, value=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def cells_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() self.i_plot.update() if (self.cells_toggle.value): self.cell_edges_toggle.disabled = False self.cell_nucleus_toggle.disabled = False else: self.cell_edges_toggle.disabled = True self.cell_nucleus_toggle.disabled = True self.cells_toggle.observe(cells_toggle_cb) #--------------------- self.substrates_toggle = Checkbox( description='Substrates', disabled=False, value=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def substrates_toggle_cb(b): if (self.substrates_toggle.value): # seems bass-ackwards self.cmap_fixed_toggle.disabled = False self.cmap_min.disabled = False self.cmap_max.disabled = False self.mcds_field.disabled = False self.field_cmap.disabled = False else: self.cmap_fixed_toggle.disabled = True self.cmap_min.disabled = True self.cmap_max.disabled = True self.mcds_field.disabled = True self.field_cmap.disabled = True self.substrates_toggle.observe(substrates_toggle_cb) self.grid_toggle = Checkbox( description='grid', disabled=False, value=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) def grid_toggle_cb(b): # self.update() self.i_plot.update() self.grid_toggle.observe(grid_toggle_cb) # field_cmap_row3 = Box([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) # mcds_tab = widgets.VBox([mcds_dir, mcds_plot, mcds_play], layout=tab_layout) # mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3, self.max_frames]) # mcds_dir # mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3,]) # mcds_dir # = HBox([mcds_params, self.mcds_plot], layout=tab_layout) help_label = Label('select slider: drag or left/right arrows') # row1 = Box([help_label, Box( [self.max_frames, self.mcds_field, self.field_cmap], layout=Layout(border='0px solid black', row1a = Box( [self.max_frames, self.mcds_field, self.field_cmap], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) row1b = Box( [self.cells_toggle, self.cell_nucleus_toggle, self.cell_edges_toggle], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) row1 = HBox( [row1a, Label('.....'), row1b]) row2a = Box([self.cmap_fixed_toggle, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) # row2b = Box( [self.substrates_toggle, self.grid_toggle], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', row2b = Box( [self.substrates_toggle, ], layout=Layout(border='1px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) # row2 = HBox( [row2a, self.substrates_toggle, self.grid_toggle]) row2 = HBox( [row2a, Label('.....'), row2b]) if (hublib_flag): self.download_button = Download('', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='Download data', cb=self.download_cb) self.download_svg_button = Download('', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='You need to allow pop-ups in your browser', cb=self.download_svg_cb) download_row = HBox([self.download_button.w, self.download_svg_button.w, Label("Download all cell plots (browser must allow pop-ups).")]) # box_layout = Layout(border='0px solid') controls_box = VBox([row1, row2]) # ,width='50%', layout=box_layout) = VBox([controls_box, self.i_plot, download_row]) # = VBox([controls_box, self.debug_str, self.i_plot, download_row]) else: # = VBox([row1, row2]) = VBox([row1, row2, self.i_plot]) #--------------------------------------------------- def update_dropdown_fields(self, data_dir): # print('update_dropdown_fields called --------') self.output_dir = data_dir tree = None try: fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "initial.xml") tree = ET.parse(fname) xml_root = tree.getroot() except: print("Cannot open ",fname," to read info, e.g., names of substrate fields.") return xml_root = tree.getroot() self.field_min_max = {} self.field_dict = {} dropdown_options = {} uep = xml_root.find('.//variables') comment_str = "" field_idx = 0 if (uep): for elm in uep.findall('variable'): # print("-----> ",elm.attrib['name']) field_name = elm.attrib['name'] self.field_min_max[field_name] = [0., 1., False] self.field_dict[field_idx] = field_name dropdown_options[field_name] = field_idx self.field_min_max[field_name][0] = 0 self.field_min_max[field_name][1] = 1 # self.field_min_max[field_name][0] = field_idx #rwh: helps debug # self.field_min_max[field_name][1] = field_idx+1 self.field_min_max[field_name][2] = False field_idx += 1 # constWidth = '180px' # print('options=',dropdown_options) # print(self.field_min_max) # debug self.mcds_field.value = 0 self.mcds_field.options = dropdown_options # self.mcds_field = Dropdown( # # options={'oxygen': 0, 'glucose': 1}, # options=dropdown_options, # value=0, # # description='Field', # layout=Layout(width=constWidth) # ) # def update_max_frames_expected(self, value): # called when beginning an interactive Run # self.max_frames.value = value # assumes naming scheme: "snapshot%08d.svg" # self.mcds_plot.children[0].max = self.max_frames.value #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def update_params(self, config_tab, user_params_tab): # xml_root.find(".//x_min").text = str(self.xmin.value) # xml_root.find(".//x_max").text = str(self.xmax.value) # xml_root.find(".//dx").text = str(self.xdelta.value) # xml_root.find(".//y_min").text = str(self.ymin.value) # xml_root.find(".//y_max").text = str(self.ymax.value) # xml_root.find(".//dy").text = str(self.ydelta.value) # xml_root.find(".//z_min").text = str(self.zmin.value) # xml_root.find(".//z_max").text = str(self.zmax.value) # xml_root.find(".//dz").text = str(self.zdelta.value) self.xmin = config_tab.xmin.value self.xmax = config_tab.xmax.value self.x_range = self.xmax - self.xmin self.svg_xrange = self.xmax - self.xmin self.ymin = config_tab.ymin.value self.ymax = config_tab.ymax.value self.y_range = self.ymax - self.ymin self.numx = math.ceil( (self.xmax - self.xmin) / config_tab.xdelta.value) self.numy = math.ceil( (self.ymax - self.ymin) / config_tab.ydelta.value) if (self.x_range > self.y_range): ratio = self.y_range / self.x_range self.figsize_width_substrate = 15.0 # allow extra for colormap self.figsize_height_substrate = 12.5 * ratio self.figsize_width_svg = 12.0 self.figsize_height_svg = 12.0 * ratio else: # x < y ratio = self.x_range / self.y_range self.figsize_width_substrate = 15.0 * ratio self.figsize_height_substrate = 12.5 self.figsize_width_svg = 12.0 * ratio self.figsize_height_svg = 12.0 self.svg_flag = config_tab.toggle_svg.value self.substrates_flag = config_tab.toggle_mcds.value # print("substrates: update_params(): svg_flag, toggle=",self.svg_flag,config_tab.toggle_svg.value) # print("substrates: update_params(): self.substrates_flag = ",self.substrates_flag) self.svg_delta_t = config_tab.svg_interval.value self.substrate_delta_t = config_tab.mcds_interval.value self.modulo = int(self.substrate_delta_t / self.svg_delta_t) # print("substrates: update_params(): modulo=",self.modulo) if self.customized_output_freq: # self.therapy_activation_time = user_params_tab.therapy_activation_time.value # NOTE: edit for user param name # print("substrates: update_params(): therapy_activation_time=",self.therapy_activation_time) self.max_svg_frame_pre_therapy = int(self.therapy_activation_time/self.svg_delta_t) self.max_substrate_frame_pre_therapy = int(self.therapy_activation_time/self.substrate_delta_t) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def update(self, rdir): # Called from driver module (e.g., pc4*.py) (among other places?) def update(self, rdir=''): # with debug_view: # print("substrates: update rdir=", rdir) # print("substrates: update rdir=", rdir) if rdir: self.output_dir = rdir # print('update(): self.output_dir = ', self.output_dir) if self.first_time: # if True: self.first_time = False full_xml_filename = Path(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'config.xml')) # print("substrates: update(), config.xml = ",full_xml_filename) # self.num_svgs = len(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'snap*.svg'))) # self.num_substrates = len(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'output*.xml'))) # print("substrates: num_svgs,num_substrates =",self.num_svgs,self.num_substrates) # argh - no! If no files created, then denom = -1 # self.modulo = int((self.num_svgs - 1) / (self.num_substrates - 1)) # print("substrates: update(): modulo=",self.modulo) if full_xml_filename.is_file(): tree = ET.parse(str(full_xml_filename)) # this file cannot be overwritten; part of tool distro xml_root = tree.getroot() self.svg_delta_t = float(xml_root.find(".//SVG//interval").text) self.substrate_delta_t = float(xml_root.find(".//full_data//interval").text) # print("substrates: svg,substrate delta_t values=",self.svg_delta_t,self.substrate_delta_t) self.modulo = int(self.substrate_delta_t / self.svg_delta_t) # print("substrates: update(): modulo=",self.modulo) # all_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'output*.xml'))) # if the substrates/MCDS all_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'snap*.svg'))) # if .svg if len(all_files) > 0: last_file = all_files[-1] self.max_frames.value = int(last_file[-12:-4]) # assumes naming scheme: "snapshot%08d.svg" else: substrate_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'output*.xml'))) if len(substrate_files) > 0: last_file = substrate_files[-1] self.max_frames.value = int(last_file[-12:-4]) def download_svg_cb(self): file_str = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '*.svg') # print('zip up all ',file_str) with zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w') as myzip: for f in glob.glob(file_str): myzip.write(f, os.path.basename(f)) # 2nd arg avoids full filename path in the archive def download_cb(self): file_xml = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '*.xml') file_mat = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '*.mat') # print('zip up all ',file_str) with zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w') as myzip: for f in glob.glob(file_xml): myzip.write(f, os.path.basename(f)) # 2nd arg avoids full filename path in the archive for f in glob.glob(file_mat): myzip.write(f, os.path.basename(f)) def update_max_frames(self,_b): self.i_plot.children[0].max = self.max_frames.value # called if user selected different substrate in dropdown def mcds_field_changed_cb(self, b): # print("mcds_field_changed_cb: self.mcds_field.value=",self.mcds_field.value) if (self.mcds_field.value == None): return self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print('mcds_field_changed_cb: field_name='+ field_name) # print(self.field_min_max[field_name]) # self.debug_str.value = 'mcds_field_changed_cb: '+ field_name + str(self.field_min_max[field_name]) # self.debug_str.value = 'cb1: '+ str(self.field_min_max) # BEWARE of these triggering the mcds_field_cb() callback! Hence, the "skip_cb" self.skip_cb = True self.cmap_min.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][0] self.cmap_max.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][1] self.cmap_fixed_toggle.value = bool(self.field_min_max[field_name][2]) self.skip_cb = False self.i_plot.update() # called if user provided different min/max values for colormap, or a different colormap def mcds_field_cb(self, b): if self.skip_cb: return self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print('mcds_field_cb: field_name='+ field_name) # print('mcds_field_cb: '+ field_name) self.field_min_max[field_name][0] = self.cmap_min.value self.field_min_max[field_name][1] = self.cmap_max.value self.field_min_max[field_name][2] = self.cmap_fixed_toggle.value # print(self.field_min_max[field_name]) # self.debug_str.value = 'mcds_field_cb: ' + field_name + str(self.field_min_max[field_name]) # self.debug_str.value = 'cb2: '+ str(self.field_min_max) # print('--- cb2: '+ str(self.field_min_max)) #rwh2 # self.cmap_fixed_toggle.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][2] # field_name = self.mcds_field.options[self.mcds_field.value] # self.cmap_min.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][0] # oxygen, etc # self.cmap_max.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][1] # oxygen, etc # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # print('field_index=',self.field_index) self.i_plot.update() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def circles(self, x, y, s, c='b', vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs): """ See Make a scatter plot of circles. Similar to plt.scatter, but the size of circles are in data scale. Parameters ---------- x, y : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ) Input data s : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ) Radius of circles. c : color or sequence of color, optional, default : 'b' `c` can be a single color format string, or a sequence of color specifications of length `N`, or a sequence of `N` numbers to be mapped to colors using the `cmap` and `norm` specified via kwargs. Note that `c` should not be a single numeric RGB or RGBA sequence because that is indistinguishable from an array of values to be colormapped. (If you insist, use `color` instead.) `c` can be a 2-D array in which the rows are RGB or RGBA, however. vmin, vmax : scalar, optional, default: None `vmin` and `vmax` are used in conjunction with `norm` to normalize luminance data. If either are `None`, the min and max of the color array is used. kwargs : `~matplotlib.collections.Collection` properties Eg. alpha, edgecolor(ec), facecolor(fc), linewidth(lw), linestyle(ls), norm, cmap, transform, etc. Returns ------- paths : `~matplotlib.collections.PathCollection` Examples -------- a = np.arange(11) circles(a, a, s=a*0.2, c=a, alpha=0.5, ec='none') plt.colorbar() License -------- This code is under [The BSD 3-Clause License] ( """ if np.isscalar(c): kwargs.setdefault('color', c) c = None if 'fc' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', kwargs.pop('fc')) if 'ec' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', kwargs.pop('ec')) if 'ls' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('linestyle', kwargs.pop('ls')) if 'lw' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('linewidth', kwargs.pop('lw')) # You can set `facecolor` with an array for each patch, # while you can only set `facecolors` with a value for all. zipped = np.broadcast(x, y, s) patches = [Circle((x_, y_), s_) for x_, y_, s_ in zipped] collection = PatchCollection(patches, **kwargs) if c is not None: c = np.broadcast_to(c, zipped.shape).ravel() collection.set_array(c) collection.set_clim(vmin, vmax) ax = plt.gca() ax.add_collection(collection) ax.autoscale_view() # plt.draw_if_interactive() if c is not None: plt.sci(collection) # return collection #------------------------------------------------------------ # def plot_svg(self, frame, rdel=''): def plot_svg(self, frame): # global current_idx, axes_max global current_frame current_frame = frame fname = "snapshot%08d.svg" % frame full_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, fname) # with debug_view: # print("plot_svg:", full_fname) # print("-- plot_svg:", full_fname) if not os.path.isfile(full_fname): print("Once output files are generated, click the slider.") return xlist = deque() ylist = deque() rlist = deque() rgb_list = deque() # print('\n---- ' + fname + ':') # tree = ET.parse(fname) tree = ET.parse(full_fname) root = tree.getroot() # print('--- root.tag ---') # print(root.tag) # print('--- root.attrib ---') # print(root.attrib) # print('--- child.tag, child.attrib ---') numChildren = 0 for child in root: # print(child.tag, child.attrib) # print("keys=",child.attrib.keys()) if self.use_defaults and ('width' in child.attrib.keys()): self.axes_max = float(child.attrib['width']) # print("debug> found width --> axes_max =", axes_max) if child.text and "Current time" in child.text: svals = child.text.split() # remove the ".00" on minutes self.title_str += " cells: " + svals[2] + "d, " + svals[4] + "h, " + svals[7][:-3] + "m" # self.cell_time_mins = int(svals[2])*1440 + int(svals[4])*60 + int(svals[7][:-3]) # self.title_str += " cells: " + str(self.cell_time_mins) + "m" # rwh # print("width ",child.attrib['width']) # print('attrib=',child.attrib) # if (child.attrib['id'] == 'tissue'): if ('id' in child.attrib.keys()): # print('-------- found tissue!!') tissue_parent = child break # print('------ search tissue') cells_parent = None for child in tissue_parent: # print('attrib=',child.attrib) if (child.attrib['id'] == 'cells'): # print('-------- found cells, setting cells_parent') cells_parent = child break numChildren += 1 num_cells = 0 # print('------ search cells') for child in cells_parent: # print(child.tag, child.attrib) # print('attrib=',child.attrib) for circle in child: # two circles in each child: outer + nucleus # circle.attrib={'cx': '1085.59','cy': '1225.24','fill': 'rgb(159,159,96)','r': '6.67717','stroke': 'rgb(159,159,96)','stroke-width': '0.5'} # print(' --- cx,cy=',circle.attrib['cx'],circle.attrib['cy']) xval = float(circle.attrib['cx']) # map SVG coords into comp domain # xval = (xval-self.svg_xmin)/self.svg_xrange * self.x_range + self.xmin xval = xval/self.x_range * self.x_range + self.xmin s = circle.attrib['fill'] # print("s=",s) # print("type(s)=",type(s)) if (s[0:3] == "rgb"): # if an rgb string, e.g. "rgb(175,175,80)" rgb = list(map(int, s[4:-1].split(","))) rgb[:] = [x / 255. for x in rgb] else: # otherwise, must be a color name rgb_tuple = mplc.to_rgb(mplc.cnames[s]) # a tuple rgb = [x for x in rgb_tuple] # test for bogus x,y locations (rwh TODO: use max of domain?) too_large_val = 10000. if (np.fabs(xval) > too_large_val): print("bogus xval=", xval) break yval = float(circle.attrib['cy']) # yval = (yval - self.svg_xmin)/self.svg_xrange * self.y_range + self.ymin yval = yval/self.y_range * self.y_range + self.ymin if (np.fabs(yval) > too_large_val): print("bogus xval=", xval) break rval = float(circle.attrib['r']) # if (rgb[0] > rgb[1]): # print(num_cells,rgb, rval) xlist.append(xval) ylist.append(yval) rlist.append(rval) rgb_list.append(rgb) # For .svg files with cells that *have* a nucleus, there will be a 2nd if (not self.show_nucleus): #if (not self.show_nucleus): break num_cells += 1 # if num_cells > 3: # for debugging # print(fname,': num_cells= ',num_cells," --- debug exit.") # sys.exit(1) # break # print(fname,': num_cells= ',num_cells) xvals = np.array(xlist) yvals = np.array(ylist) rvals = np.array(rlist) rgbs = np.array(rgb_list) # print("xvals[0:5]=",xvals[0:5]) # print("rvals[0:5]=",rvals[0:5]) # print("rvals.min, max=",rvals.min(),rvals.max()) # rwh - is this where I change size of render window?? (YES - yipeee!) # plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) # plt.cla() # if (self.substrates_toggle.value): self.title_str += " (" + str(num_cells) + " agents)" # title_str = " (" + str(num_cells) + " agents)" # else: # mins= round(int(float(root.find(".//current_time").text))) # TODO: check units = mins # hrs = int(mins/60) # days = int(hrs/24) # title_str = '%dd, %dh, %dm' % (int(days),(hrs%24), mins - (hrs*60)) plt.title(self.title_str) plt.xlim(self.xmin, self.xmax) plt.ylim(self.ymin, self.ymax) # plt.xlim(axes_min,axes_max) # plt.ylim(axes_min,axes_max) # plt.scatter(xvals,yvals, s=rvals*scale_radius, c=rgbs) # TODO: make figsize a function of plot_size? What about non-square plots? # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) # axx = plt.axes([0, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9]) # left, bottom, width, height # axx = fig.gca() # print('fig.dpi=',fig.dpi) # = 72 # im = ax.imshow(f.reshape(100,100), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, extent=[0,20, 0,20]) # ax.xlim(axes_min,axes_max) # ax.ylim(axes_min,axes_max) # convert radii to radii in pixels # ax2 = self.fig.gca() # N = len(xvals) # rr_pix = (ax2.transData.transform(np.vstack([rvals, rvals]).T) - # ax2.transData.transform(np.vstack([np.zeros(N), np.zeros(N)]).T)) # rpix, _ = rr_pix.T # markers_size = (144. * rpix / self.fig.dpi)**2 # = (2*rpix / fig.dpi * 72)**2 # markers_size = markers_size/4000000. # print('max=',markers_size.max()) #rwh - temp fix - Ah, error only occurs when "edges" is toggled on if (self.show_edge): try: # plt.scatter(xvals,yvals, s=markers_size, c=rgbs, edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.5) self.circles(xvals,yvals, s=rvals, color=rgbs, edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.5) # cell_circles = self.circles(xvals,yvals, s=rvals, color=rgbs, edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.5) # plt.sci(cell_circles) except (ValueError): pass else: # plt.scatter(xvals,yvals, s=markers_size, c=rgbs) self.circles(xvals,yvals, s=rvals, color=rgbs) # if (self.show_tracks): # for key in self.trackd.keys(): # xtracks = self.trackd[key][:,0] # ytracks = self.trackd[key][:,1] # plt.plot(xtracks[0:frame],ytracks[0:frame], linewidth=5) # plt.xlim(self.axes_min, self.axes_max) # plt.ylim(self.axes_min, self.axes_max) # ax.grid(False) # axx.set_title(title_str) # plt.title(title_str) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # assume "frame" is cell frame #, unless Cells is togggled off, then it's the substrate frame # # def plot_substrate(self, frame, grid): def plot_substrate(self, frame): # global current_idx, axes_max, gFileId, field_index # print("plot_substrate(): frame*self.substrate_delta_t = ",frame*self.substrate_delta_t) # print("plot_substrate(): frame*self.svg_delta_t = ",frame*self.svg_delta_t) self.title_str = '' # Recall: # self.svg_delta_t = config_tab.svg_interval.value # self.substrate_delta_t = config_tab.mcds_interval.value # self.modulo = int(self.substrate_delta_t / self.svg_delta_t) # self.therapy_activation_time = user_params_tab.therapy_activation_time.value # print("plot_substrate(): pre_therapy: max svg, substrate frames = ",max_svg_frame_pre_therapy, max_substrate_frame_pre_therapy) # Assume: # .svg files >= # substrate files # if (self.cells_toggle.value): # if (self.substrates_toggle.value and frame*self.substrate_delta_t <= self.svg_frame*self.svg_delta_t): # if (self.substrates_toggle.value and (frame % self.modulo == 0)): if (self.substrates_toggle.value): # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 15.6)) # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15.0, 12.5)) self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.figsize_width_substrate, self.figsize_height_substrate)) # rwh - funky way to figure out substrate frame for pc4cancerbots (due to user-defined "save_interval*") # self.cell_time_mins # self.substrate_frame = int(frame / self.modulo) if (self.customized_output_freq and (frame > self.max_svg_frame_pre_therapy)): # max_svg_frame_pre_therapy = int(self.therapy_activation_time/self.svg_delta_t) # max_substrate_frame_pre_therapy = int(self.therapy_activation_time/self.substrate_delta_t) self.substrate_frame = self.max_substrate_frame_pre_therapy + (frame - self.max_svg_frame_pre_therapy) else: self.substrate_frame = int(frame / self.modulo) # print("plot_substrate(): self.substrate_frame=",self.substrate_frame) # if (self.substrate_frame > (self.num_substrates-1)): # self.substrate_frame = self.num_substrates-1 # print('self.substrate_frame = ',self.substrate_frame) # if (self.cells_toggle.value): # self.modulo = int((self.num_svgs - 1) / (self.num_substrates - 1)) # self.substrate_frame = frame % self.modulo # else: # self.substrate_frame = frame fname = "output%08d_microenvironment0.mat" % self.substrate_frame xml_fname = "output%08d.xml" % self.substrate_frame # fullname = output_dir_str + fname # fullname = fname full_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, fname) # print("--- plot_substrate(): full_fname=",full_fname) full_xml_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, xml_fname) # self.output_dir = '.' # if not os.path.isfile(fullname): if not os.path.isfile(full_fname): print("Once output files are generated, click the slider.") # No: output00000000_microenvironment0.mat return # tree = ET.parse(xml_fname) tree = ET.parse(full_xml_fname) xml_root = tree.getroot() mins = round(int(float(xml_root.find(".//current_time").text))) # TODO: check units = mins self.substrate_mins= round(int(float(xml_root.find(".//current_time").text))) # TODO: check units = mins hrs = int(mins/60) days = int(hrs/24) self.title_str = 'substrate: %dd, %dh, %dm' % (int(days),(hrs%24), mins - (hrs*60)) # self.title_str = 'substrate: %dm' % (mins ) # rwh info_dict = {} #, info_dict), info_dict) M = info_dict['multiscale_microenvironment'] # global_field_index = int(mcds_field.value) # print('plot_substrate: field_index =',field_index) f = M[self.field_index, :] # 4=tumor cells field, 5=blood vessel density, 6=growth substrate # plt.clf() # my_plot = plt.imshow(f.reshape(400,400), cmap='jet', extent=[0,20, 0,20]) # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18.0,15)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot # plt.subplot(grid[0:1, 0:1]) # main_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[0:1, 0:1]) # works, but tiny upper-left region #main_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[0:2, 0:2]) # main_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[0:, 0:2]) #main_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, 0:]) # nrows, ncols #main_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[0:, 0:]) # nrows, ncols #main_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[0:4, 0:]) # nrows, ncols # main_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(grid[0:3, 0:]) # nrows, ncols # main_ax = self.fig.add_subplot(111) # nrows, ncols # plt.rc('font', size=10) # TODO: does this affect the Cell plots fonts too? YES. Not what we want. # fig.set_tight_layout(True) # ax = plt.axes([0, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9 ]) #left, bottom, width, height # ax = plt.axes([0, 0.0, 1, 1 ]) # cmap = # Blues, YlOrBr, ... # im = ax.imshow(f.reshape(100,100), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, extent=[0,20, 0,20]) # ax.grid(False) # print(" ------- numx, numy = ", self.numx, self.numy ) # if (self.numx == 0): # need to parse vals from the config.xml # # print("--- plot_substrate(): full_fname=",full_fname) # fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "config.xml") # tree = ET.parse(fname) # xml_root = tree.getroot() # self.xmin = float(xml_root.find(".//x_min").text) # self.xmax = float(xml_root.find(".//x_max").text) # dx = float(xml_root.find(".//dx").text) # self.ymin = float(xml_root.find(".//y_min").text) # self.ymax = float(xml_root.find(".//y_max").text) # dy = float(xml_root.find(".//dy").text) # self.numx = math.ceil( (self.xmax - self.xmin) / dx) # self.numy = math.ceil( (self.ymax - self.ymin) / dy) try: xgrid = M[0, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx) ygrid = M[1, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx) except: print(" mismatched mesh size for reshape: numx,numy=",self.numx, self.numy) pass # xgrid = M[0, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx) # ygrid = M[1, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx) num_contours = 15 levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=num_contours).tick_values(self.cmap_min.value, self.cmap_max.value) contour_ok = True if (self.cmap_fixed_toggle.value): try: # substrate_plot = main_ax.contourf(xgrid, ygrid, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx), levels=levels, extend='both', cmap=self.field_cmap.value, fontsize=self.fontsize) substrate_plot = plt.contourf(xgrid, ygrid, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx), levels=levels, extend='both', cmap=self.field_cmap.value, fontsize=self.fontsize) except: contour_ok = False # print('got error on contourf 1.') else: try: # substrate_plot = main_ax.contourf(xgrid, ygrid, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(self.numy,self.numx), num_contours, cmap=self.field_cmap.value) substrate_plot = plt.contourf(xgrid, ygrid, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(self.numy,self.numx), num_contours, cmap=self.field_cmap.value) except: contour_ok = False # print('got error on contourf 2.') if (contour_ok): # main_ax.set_title(self.title_str, fontsize=self.fontsize) plt.title(self.title_str, fontsize=self.fontsize) # main_ax.tick_params(labelsize=self.fontsize) # cbar = plt.colorbar(my_plot) # cbar = self.fig.colorbar(substrate_plot, ax=main_ax) cbar = self.fig.colorbar(substrate_plot) # cbar = main_ax.colorbar(my_plot) # # axes_min = 0 # axes_max = 2000 # main_ax.set_xlim([self.xmin, self.xmax]) # main_ax.set_ylim([self.ymin, self.ymax]) plt.xlim(self.xmin, self.xmax) plt.ylim(self.ymin, self.ymax) # if (frame == 0): # maybe allow substrate grid display later # xs = np.linspace(self.xmin,self.xmax,self.numx) # ys = np.linspace(self.ymin,self.ymax,self.numy) # hlines = np.column_stack(np.broadcast_arrays(xs[0], ys, xs[-1], ys)) # vlines = np.column_stack(np.broadcast_arrays(xs, ys[0], xs, ys[-1])) # grid_lines = np.concatenate([hlines, vlines]).reshape(-1, 2, 2) # line_collection = LineCollection(grid_lines, color="gray", linewidths=0.5) # # ax = main_ax.gca() # main_ax.add_collection(line_collection) # # ax.set_xlim(xs[0], xs[-1]) # # ax.set_ylim(ys[0], ys[-1]) # Now plot the cells (possibly on top of the substrate) if (self.cells_toggle.value): if (not self.substrates_toggle.value): # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.figsize_width_svg, self.figsize_height_svg)) # self.plot_svg(frame) self.svg_frame = frame # print('plot_svg with frame=',self.svg_frame) self.plot_svg(self.svg_frame)
class SubstrateTab(object): def __init__(self): self.output_dir = '.' # initial value self.field_index = 4 # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 tab_height = '500px' constWidth = '180px' constWidth2 = '150px' tab_layout = Layout(width='900px', # border='2px solid black', height=tab_height, ) #overflow_y='scroll') max_frames = 253 # first time + 30240 / 120 self.mcds_plot = interactive(self.plot_substrate, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) svg_plot_size = '700px' self.mcds_plot.layout.width = svg_plot_size self.mcds_plot.layout.height = svg_plot_size self.max_frames = BoundedIntText( min=0, max=99999, value=max_frames, description='Max frames', layout=Layout(width='160px'), ) self.max_frames.observe(self.update_max_frames) self.field_min_max = {'oxygen': [0., 38.], 'glucose': [0.8, 1.], 'H+ ions': [0., 1.], 'ECM': [0., 1.], 'NP1': [0., 1.], 'NP2': [0., 0.1]} # hacky I know, but make a dict that's got (key,value) reversed from the dict in the Dropdown below self.field_dict = {0:'oxygen', 1:'glucose', 2:'H+ ions', 3:'ECM', 4:'NP1', 5:'NP2'} self.mcds_field = Dropdown( options={'oxygen': 0, 'glucose': 1, 'H+ ions': 2, 'ECM': 3, 'NP1': 4, 'NP2': 5}, value=0, # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth) ) # self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_changed_cb) # self.field_cmap = Text( # value='viridis', # description='Colormap', # disabled=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # ) self.field_cmap = Dropdown( options=['viridis', 'jet', 'YlOrRd'], value='viridis', # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth) ) #self.field_cmap.observe(self.plot_substrate) # self.field_cmap.observe(self.plot_substrate) self.field_cmap.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_fixed = Checkbox( description='Fix', disabled=False, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.save_min_max= Button( description='Save', #style={'description_width': 'initial'}, button_style='success', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' tooltip='Save min/max for this substrate', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='90px') ) def save_min_max_cb(b): # field_name = self.mcds_field.options[] # field_name = next(key for key, value in self.mcds_field.options.items() if value == self.mcds_field.value) field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print(field_name) # self.field_min_max = {'oxygen': [0., 30.], 'glucose': [0., 1.], 'H+ ions': [0., 1.], 'ECM': [0., 1.], 'NP1': [0., 1.], 'NP2': [0., 1.]} self.field_min_max[field_name][0] = self.cmap_min.value self.field_min_max[field_name][1] = self.cmap_max.value # print(self.field_min_max) self.save_min_max.on_click(save_min_max_cb) self.cmap_min = FloatText( description='Min', value=0, step = 0.1, disabled=True, #layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_min.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_max = FloatText( description='Max', value=38, step = 0.1, disabled=True, #layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_max.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) def cmap_fixed_cb(b): if (self.cmap_fixed.value): self.cmap_min.disabled = False self.cmap_max.disabled = False self.save_min_max.disabled = False else: self.cmap_min.disabled = True self.cmap_max.disabled = True self.save_min_max.disabled = True # self.mcds_field_cb() self.cmap_fixed.observe(cmap_fixed_cb) field_cmap_row2 = HBox([self.field_cmap, self.cmap_fixed]) # field_cmap_row3 = HBox([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) items_auto = [ self.save_min_max, #layout=Layout(flex='3 1 auto', width='auto'), self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max, ] box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='80%') field_cmap_row3 = Box(children=items_auto, layout=box_layout) # field_cmap_row3 = Box([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) # mcds_tab = widgets.VBox([mcds_dir, mcds_plot, mcds_play], layout=tab_layout) mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3, self.max_frames]) # mcds_dir # mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3,]) # mcds_dir = HBox([mcds_params, self.mcds_plot], layout=tab_layout) # = HBox([mcds_params, self.mcds_plot]) def update_max_frames(self,_b): self.mcds_plot.children[0].max = self.max_frames.value def mcds_field_changed_cb(self, b): self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print('mcds_field_cb: '+field_name) self.cmap_min.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][0] self.cmap_max.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][1] self.mcds_plot.update() def mcds_field_cb(self, b): #self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.options.index(self.mcds_field.value) + 4 # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.options[self.mcds_field.value] self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # field_name = self.mcds_field.options[self.mcds_field.value] # self.cmap_min.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][0] # oxygen, etc # self.cmap_max.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][1] # oxygen, etc # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # print('field_index=',self.field_index) self.mcds_plot.update() def plot_substrate(self, frame): # global current_idx, axes_max, gFileId, field_index fname = "output%08d_microenvironment0.mat" % frame xml_fname = "output%08d.xml" % frame # fullname = output_dir_str + fname # fullname = fname full_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, fname) full_xml_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, xml_fname) # self.output_dir = '.' # if not os.path.isfile(fullname): if not os.path.isfile(full_fname): # print("File does not exist: ", full_fname) print("No: ", full_fname) return # tree = ET.parse(xml_fname) tree = ET.parse(full_xml_fname) xml_root = tree.getroot() mins= round(int(float(xml_root.find(".//current_time").text))) # TODO: check units = mins hrs = mins/60. days = hrs/24. title_str = '%dd, %dh, %dm' % (int(days),(hrs%24), mins - (hrs*60)) info_dict = {} #, info_dict), info_dict) M = info_dict['multiscale_microenvironment'] # global_field_index = int(mcds_field.value) # print('plot_substrate: field_index =',field_index) f = M[self.field_index, :] # 4=tumor cells field, 5=blood vessel density, 6=growth substrate # plt.clf() # my_plot = plt.imshow(f.reshape(400,400), cmap='jet', extent=[0,20, 0,20]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7.2,6)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot # fig.set_tight_layout(True) # ax = plt.axes([0, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9 ]) #left, bottom, width, height # ax = plt.axes([0, 0.0, 1, 1 ]) # cmap = # Blues, YlOrBr, ... # im = ax.imshow(f.reshape(100,100), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, extent=[0,20, 0,20]) # ax.grid(False) N = int(math.sqrt(len(M[0,:]))) grid2D = M[0, :].reshape(N,N) xvec = grid2D[0, :] num_contours = 15 # levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=10).tick_values(vmin, vmax) levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=num_contours).tick_values(self.cmap_min.value, self.cmap_max.value) if (self.cmap_fixed.value): my_plot = plt.contourf(xvec, xvec, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(N,N), levels=levels, extend='both', cmap=self.field_cmap.value) else: # my_plot = plt.contourf(xvec, xvec, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(N,N), num_contours, cmap=self.field_cmap.value) my_plot = plt.contourf(xvec, xvec, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(N,N), num_contours, cmap=self.field_cmap.value) plt.title(title_str) plt.colorbar(my_plot) axes_min = 0 axes_max = 2000
class SubstrateTab(object): def __init__(self): self.output_dir = '.' # self.output_dir = 'tmpdir' # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7.2,6)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot # initial value self.field_index = 4 # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # define dummy size of mesh (set in the tool's primary module) self.numx = 0 self.numy = 0 tab_height = '500px' constWidth = '180px' constWidth2 = '150px' tab_layout = Layout(width='900px', # border='2px solid black', height=tab_height, ) #overflow_y='scroll') max_frames = 1 self.mcds_plot = interactive(self.plot_substrate, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) svg_plot_size = '500px' # small: controls the size of the tab height, not the plot (rf. figsize for that) svg_plot_size = '800px' # medium svg_plot_size = '750px' # medium self.mcds_plot.layout.width = svg_plot_size self.mcds_plot.layout.height = svg_plot_size self.max_frames = BoundedIntText( min=0, max=99999, value=max_frames, description='Max', layout=Layout(width='160px'), ) self.max_frames.observe(self.update_max_frames) self.field_min_max = {'dummy': [0., 1.]} # hacky I know, but make a dict that's got (key,value) reversed from the dict in the Dropdown below self.field_dict = {0:'dummy'} self.mcds_field = Dropdown( options={'dummy': 0}, value=0, # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth) ) # print("substrate __init__: self.mcds_field.value=",self.mcds_field.value) # self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_changed_cb) # self.field_cmap = Text( # value='viridis', # description='Colormap', # disabled=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # ) self.field_cmap = Dropdown( options=['viridis', 'jet', 'YlOrRd'], value='viridis', # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth) ) #self.field_cmap.observe(self.plot_substrate) # self.field_cmap.observe(self.plot_substrate) self.field_cmap.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_fixed = Checkbox( description='Fix', disabled=False, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.save_min_max= Button( description='Save', #style={'description_width': 'initial'}, button_style='success', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' tooltip='Save min/max for this substrate', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='90px') ) def save_min_max_cb(b): # field_name = self.mcds_field.options[] # field_name = next(key for key, value in self.mcds_field.options.items() if value == self.mcds_field.value) field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print(field_name) # self.field_min_max = {'oxygen': [0., 30.], 'glucose': [0., 1.], 'H+ ions': [0., 1.], 'ECM': [0., 1.], 'NP1': [0., 1.], 'NP2': [0., 1.]} self.field_min_max[field_name][0] = self.cmap_min.value self.field_min_max[field_name][1] = self.cmap_max.value # print(self.field_min_max) self.save_min_max.on_click(save_min_max_cb) self.cmap_min = FloatText( description='Min', value=0, step = 0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_min.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_max = FloatText( description='Max', value=38, step = 0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_max.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) def cmap_fixed_cb(b): if (self.cmap_fixed.value): self.cmap_min.disabled = False self.cmap_max.disabled = False self.save_min_max.disabled = False else: self.cmap_min.disabled = True self.cmap_max.disabled = True self.save_min_max.disabled = True # self.mcds_field_cb() self.cmap_fixed.observe(cmap_fixed_cb) field_cmap_row2 = HBox([self.field_cmap, self.cmap_fixed]) # field_cmap_row3 = HBox([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) items_auto = [ self.save_min_max, #layout=Layout(flex='3 1 auto', width='auto'), self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max, ] box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='80%') field_cmap_row3 = Box(children=items_auto, layout=box_layout) # field_cmap_row3 = Box([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) # mcds_tab = widgets.VBox([mcds_dir, mcds_plot, mcds_play], layout=tab_layout) mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3, self.max_frames]) # mcds_dir # mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3,]) # mcds_dir # = HBox([mcds_params, self.mcds_plot], layout=tab_layout) # = HBox([mcds_params, self.mcds_plot]) help_label = Label('select slider: drag or left/right arrows') row1 = Box([help_label, Box( [self.max_frames, self.mcds_field, self.field_cmap], layout=Layout(border='0px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex'))] ) row2 = Box([self.cmap_fixed, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max], layout=Layout(border='0px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) if (hublib_flag): self.download_button = Download('', style='warning', icon='cloud-download', tooltip='Download data', cb=self.download_cb) download_row = HBox([self.download_button.w, Label("Download all substrate data (browser must allow pop-ups).")]) # = VBox([row1, row2, self.mcds_plot]) = VBox([row1, row2, self.mcds_plot, download_row]) else: # = VBox([row1, row2]) = VBox([row1, row2, self.mcds_plot]) #--------------------------------------------------- def update_dropdown_fields(self, data_dir): # print('update_dropdown_fields called --------') self.output_dir = data_dir tree = None try: fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "initial.xml") tree = ET.parse(fname) xml_root = tree.getroot() except: print("Cannot open ",fname," to read info, e.g., names of substrate fields.") return xml_root = tree.getroot() self.field_min_max = {} self.field_dict = {} dropdown_options = {} uep = xml_root.find('.//variables') comment_str = "" field_idx = 0 if (uep): for elm in uep.findall('variable'): # print("-----> ",elm.attrib['name']) self.field_min_max[elm.attrib['name']] = [0., 1.] self.field_dict[field_idx] = elm.attrib['name'] dropdown_options[elm.attrib['name']] = field_idx field_idx += 1 # constWidth = '180px' # print('options=',dropdown_options) self.mcds_field.value=0 self.mcds_field.options=dropdown_options # self.mcds_field = Dropdown( # # options={'oxygen': 0, 'glucose': 1}, # options=dropdown_options, # value=0, # # description='Field', # layout=Layout(width=constWidth) # ) def update_max_frames_expected(self, value): # called when beginning an interactive Run self.max_frames.value = value # assumes naming scheme: "snapshot%08d.svg" self.mcds_plot.children[0].max = self.max_frames.value # def update(self, rdir): def update(self, rdir=''): # with debug_view: # print("substrates: update rdir=", rdir) if rdir: self.output_dir = rdir all_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'output*.xml'))) if len(all_files) > 0: last_file = all_files[-1] self.max_frames.value = int(last_file[-12:-4]) # assumes naming scheme: "snapshot%08d.svg" # with debug_view: # print("substrates: added %s files" % len(all_files)) # self.output_dir = rdir # if rdir == '': # # self.max_frames.value = 0 # tmpdir = os.path.abspath('tmpdir') # self.output_dir = tmpdir # all_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'output*.xml'))) # if len(all_files) > 0: # last_file = all_files[-1] # self.max_frames.value = int(last_file[-12:-4]) # assumes naming scheme: "output%08d.xml" # self.mcds_plot.update() # return # all_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(rdir, 'output*.xml'))) # if len(all_files) > 0: # last_file = all_files[-1] # self.max_frames.value = int(last_file[-12:-4]) # assumes naming scheme: "output%08d.xml" # self.mcds_plot.update() def download_cb(self): file_xml = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '*.xml') file_mat = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '*.mat') # print('zip up all ',file_str) with zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w') as myzip: for f in glob.glob(file_xml): myzip.write(f, os.path.basename(f)) # 2nd arg avoids full filename path in the archive for f in glob.glob(file_mat): myzip.write(f, os.path.basename(f)) def update_max_frames(self,_b): self.mcds_plot.children[0].max = self.max_frames.value def mcds_field_changed_cb(self, b): # print("mcds_field_changed_cb: self.mcds_field.value=",self.mcds_field.value) if (self.mcds_field.value == None): return self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print('mcds_field_cb: '+field_name) self.cmap_min.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][0] self.cmap_max.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][1] self.mcds_plot.update() def mcds_field_cb(self, b): #self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.options.index(self.mcds_field.value) + 4 # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.options[self.mcds_field.value] self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # field_name = self.mcds_field.options[self.mcds_field.value] # self.cmap_min.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][0] # oxygen, etc # self.cmap_max.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][1] # oxygen, etc # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # print('field_index=',self.field_index) self.mcds_plot.update() def plot_substrate(self, frame): # global current_idx, axes_max, gFileId, field_index fname = "output%08d_microenvironment0.mat" % frame xml_fname = "output%08d.xml" % frame # fullname = output_dir_str + fname # fullname = fname full_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, fname) full_xml_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, xml_fname) # self.output_dir = '.' # if not os.path.isfile(fullname): if not os.path.isfile(full_fname): print("Once output files are generated, click the slider.") # No: output00000000_microenvironment0.mat return # tree = ET.parse(xml_fname) tree = ET.parse(full_xml_fname) xml_root = tree.getroot() mins= round(int(float(xml_root.find(".//current_time").text))) # TODO: check units = mins hrs = int(mins/60) days = int(hrs/24) title_str = '%dd, %dh, %dm' % (int(days),(hrs%24), mins - (hrs*60)) info_dict = {} #, info_dict), info_dict) M = info_dict['multiscale_microenvironment'] # global_field_index = int(mcds_field.value) # print('plot_substrate: field_index =',field_index) f = M[self.field_index, :] # 4=tumor cells field, 5=blood vessel density, 6=growth substrate # plt.clf() # my_plot = plt.imshow(f.reshape(400,400), cmap='jet', extent=[0,20, 0,20]) # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7.2,6)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(24.0,20)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(28.8,24)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot # fig.set_tight_layout(True) # ax = plt.axes([0, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9 ]) #left, bottom, width, height # ax = plt.axes([0, 0.0, 1, 1 ]) # cmap = # Blues, YlOrBr, ... # im = ax.imshow(f.reshape(100,100), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, extent=[0,20, 0,20]) # ax.grid(False) # print(" ------- numx, numy = ", self.numx, self.numy ) if (self.numx == 0): # need to parse vals from the config.xml fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "config.xml") tree = ET.parse(fname) xml_root = tree.getroot() xmin = float(xml_root.find(".//x_min").text) xmax = float(xml_root.find(".//x_max").text) dx = float(xml_root.find(".//dx").text) ymin = float(xml_root.find(".//y_min").text) ymax = float(xml_root.find(".//y_max").text) dy = float(xml_root.find(".//dy").text) self.numx = math.ceil( (xmax - xmin) / dx) self.numy = math.ceil( (ymax - ymin) / dy) xgrid = M[0, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx) ygrid = M[1, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx) num_contours = 15 levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=num_contours).tick_values(self.cmap_min.value, self.cmap_max.value) contour_ok = True if (self.cmap_fixed.value): try: my_plot = plt.contourf(xgrid, ygrid, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(self.numy, self.numx), levels=levels, extend='both', cmap=self.field_cmap.value) except: contour_ok = False # print('got error on contourf 1.') else: try: my_plot = plt.contourf(xgrid, ygrid, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(self.numy,self.numx), num_contours, cmap=self.field_cmap.value) except: contour_ok = False # print('got error on contourf 2.') if (contour_ok): plt.title(title_str) plt.colorbar(my_plot) axes_min = 0 axes_max = 2000
class Dashboard(VBox): """ Build the dashboard for Jupyter widgets. Requires running in a notebook/jupyterlab. """ def __init__(self, net, width="95%", height="550px", play_rate=0.5): self._ignore_layer_updates = False self.player = _Player(self, play_rate) self.player.start() = net r = random.randint(1, 1000000) self.class_id = "picture-dashboard-%s-%s" % (, r) self._width = width self._height = height ## Global widgets: style = {"description_width": "initial"} self.feature_columns = IntText(description="Feature columns:",["dashboard.features.columns"], min=0, max=1024, style=style) self.feature_scale = FloatText(description="Feature scale:",["dashboard.features.scale"], min=0.1, max=10, style=style) self.feature_columns.observe(self.regenerate, names='value') self.feature_scale.observe(self.regenerate, names='value') ## Hack to center SVG as justify-content is broken: self.net_svg = HTML(value="""<p style="text-align:center">%s</p>""" % ("",), layout=Layout( width=self._width, overflow_x='auto', overflow_y="auto", justify_content="center")) # Make controls first: self.output = Output() controls = self.make_controls() config = self.make_config() super().__init__([config, controls, self.net_svg, self.output]) def propagate(self, inputs): """ Propagate inputs through the dashboard view of the network. """ if dynamic_pictures_check(): return, class_id=self.class_id, update_pictures=True) else: self.regenerate(inputs=input) def goto(self, position): if len( == 0 or len( == 0: return if self.control_select.value == "Train": length = len( elif self.control_select.value == "Test": length = len( #### Position it: if position == "begin": self.control_slider.value = 0 elif position == "end": self.control_slider.value = length - 1 elif position == "prev": if self.control_slider.value - 1 < 0: self.control_slider.value = length - 1 # wrap around else: self.control_slider.value = max(self.control_slider.value - 1, 0) elif position == "next": if self.control_slider.value + 1 > length - 1: self.control_slider.value = 0 # wrap around else: self.control_slider.value = min(self.control_slider.value + 1, length - 1) self.position_text.value = self.control_slider.value def change_select(self, change=None): """ """ self.update_control_slider(change) self.regenerate() def update_control_slider(self, change=None):["dashboard.dataset"] = self.control_select.value if len( == 0 or len( == 0: self.total_text.value = "of 0" self.control_slider.value = 0 self.position_text.value = 0 self.control_slider.disabled = True self.position_text.disabled = True for child in self.control_buttons.children: if not hasattr(child, "icon") or child.icon != "refresh": child.disabled = True return if self.control_select.value == "Test": self.total_text.value = "of %s" % len( minmax = (0, max(len( - 1, 0)) if minmax[0] <= self.control_slider.value <= minmax[1]: pass # ok else: self.control_slider.value = 0 self.control_slider.min = minmax[0] self.control_slider.max = minmax[1] if len( == 0: disabled = True else: disabled = False elif self.control_select.value == "Train": self.total_text.value = "of %s" % len( minmax = (0, max(len( - 1, 0)) if minmax[0] <= self.control_slider.value <= minmax[1]: pass # ok else: self.control_slider.value = 0 self.control_slider.min = minmax[0] self.control_slider.max = minmax[1] if len( == 0: disabled = True else: disabled = False self.control_slider.disabled = disabled self.position_text.disbaled = disabled self.position_text.value = self.control_slider.value for child in self.control_buttons.children: if not hasattr(child, "icon") or child.icon != "refresh": child.disabled = disabled def update_zoom_slider(self, change): if change["name"] == "value":["svg_scale"] = self.zoom_slider.value self.regenerate() def update_position_text(self, change): # {'name': 'value', 'old': 2, 'new': 3, 'owner': IntText(value=3, layout=Layout(width='100%')), 'type': 'change'} self.control_slider.value = change["new"] def get_current_input(self): if self.control_select.value == "Train" and len( > 0: return[self.control_slider.value] elif self.control_select.value == "Test" and len( > 0: return[self.control_slider.value] def get_current_targets(self): if self.control_select.value == "Train" and len( > 0: return[self.control_slider.value] elif self.control_select.value == "Test" and len( > 0: return[self.control_slider.value] def update_slider_control(self, change): if len( == 0 or len( == 0: self.total_text.value = "of 0" return if change["name"] == "value": self.position_text.value = self.control_slider.value if self.control_select.value == "Train" and len( > 0: self.total_text.value = "of %s" % len( if is None: return if not dynamic_pictures_check(): self.regenerate([self.control_slider.value],[self.control_slider.value]) return output =[self.control_slider.value], class_id=self.class_id, update_pictures=True) if self.feature_bank.value in,[self.control_slider.value], cols=self.feature_columns.value, scale=self.feature_scale.value, html=False) if["show_targets"]: if len( == 1: ## FIXME: use minmax of output bank[[self.control_slider.value]], "targets", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) else:[self.control_slider.value], "targets", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) if["show_errors"]: ## minmax is error if len( == 1: errors = np.array(output) - np.array([self.control_slider.value])[errors.tolist()], "errors", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) else: errors = [] for bank in range(len( errors.append( np.array(output[bank]) - np.array([self.control_slider.value][bank])), "errors", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) elif self.control_select.value == "Test" and len( > 0: self.total_text.value = "of %s" % len( if is None: return if not dynamic_pictures_check(): self.regenerate([self.control_slider.value],[self.control_slider.value]) return output =[self.control_slider.value], class_id=self.class_id, update_pictures=True) if self.feature_bank.value in,[self.control_slider.value], cols=self.feature_columns.value, scale=self.feature_scale.value, html=False) if["show_targets"]: ## FIXME: use minmax of output bank[[self.control_slider.value]], "targets", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) if["show_errors"]: ## minmax is error if len( == 1: errors = np.array(output) - np.array([self.control_slider.value])[errors.tolist()], "errors", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) else: errors = [] for bank in range(len( errors.append( np.array(output[bank]) - np.array([self.control_slider.value][bank])), "errors", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) def toggle_play(self, button): ## toggle if self.button_play.description == "Play": self.button_play.description = "Stop" self.button_play.icon = "pause" self.player.resume() else: self.button_play.description = "Play" self.button_play.icon = "play" self.player.pause() def prop_one(self, button=None): self.update_slider_control({"name": "value"}) def regenerate(self, button=None, inputs=None, targets=None): ## Protection when deleting object on shutdown: if isinstance(button, dict) and 'new' in button and button['new'] is None: return ## Update the config:[""] = self.feature_bank.value["dashboard.features.columns"] = self.feature_columns.value["dashboard.features.scale"] = self.feature_scale.value inputs = inputs if inputs is not None else self.get_current_input() targets = targets if targets is not None else self.get_current_targets() features = None if self.feature_bank.value in and inputs is not None: if is not None: features =, inputs, cols=self.feature_columns.value, scale=self.feature_scale.value, display=False) svg = """<p style="text-align:center">%s</p>""" % (, targets=targets, class_id=self.class_id),) if inputs is not None and features is not None: html_horizontal = """ <table align="center" style="width: 100%%;"> <tr> <td valign="top" style="width: 50%%;">%s</td> <td valign="top" align="center" style="width: 50%%;"><p style="text-align:center"><b>%s</b></p>%s</td> </tr> </table>""" html_vertical = """ <table align="center" style="width: 100%%;"> <tr> <td valign="top">%s</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="center"><p style="text-align:center"><b>%s</b></p>%s</td> </tr> </table>""" self.net_svg.value = (html_vertical if["svg_rotate"] else html_horizontal) % ( svg, "%s features" % self.feature_bank.value, features) else: self.net_svg.value = svg def make_colormap_image(self, colormap_name): from .layers import Layer if not colormap_name: colormap_name = get_colormap() layer = Layer("Colormap", 100) minmax = layer.get_act_minmax() image = layer.make_image(np.arange(minmax[0], minmax[1], .01), colormap_name, {"pixels_per_unit": 1, "svg_rotate":["svg_rotate"]}).resize((300, 25)) return image def set_attr(self, obj, attr, value): if value not in [{}, None]: ## value is None when shutting down if isinstance(value, dict): value = value["value"] if isinstance(obj, dict): obj[attr] = value else: setattr(obj, attr, value) ## was crashing on Widgets.__del__, if get_ipython() no longer existed self.regenerate() def make_controls(self): button_begin = Button(icon="fast-backward", layout=Layout(width='100%')) button_prev = Button(icon="backward", layout=Layout(width='100%')) button_next = Button(icon="forward", layout=Layout(width='100%')) button_end = Button(icon="fast-forward", layout=Layout(width='100%')) #button_prop = Button(description="Propagate", layout=Layout(width='100%')) #button_train = Button(description="Train", layout=Layout(width='100%')) self.button_play = Button(icon="play", description="Play", layout=Layout(width="100%")) refresh_button = Button(icon="refresh", layout=Layout(width="25%")) self.position_text = IntText(value=0, layout=Layout(width="100%")) self.control_buttons = HBox([ button_begin, button_prev, #button_train, self.position_text, button_next, button_end, self.button_play, refresh_button ], layout=Layout(width='100%', height="50px")) length = (len( - 1) if len( > 0 else 0 self.control_slider = IntSlider(description="Dataset index", continuous_update=False, min=0, max=max(length, 0), value=0, layout=Layout(width='100%')) if["dashboard.dataset"] == "Train": length = len( else: length = len( self.total_text = Label(value="of %s" % length, layout=Layout(width="100px")) self.zoom_slider = FloatSlider(description="Zoom", continuous_update=False, min=0, max=1.0, style={"description_width": 'initial'}, layout=Layout(width="65%"),["svg_scale"] if["svg_scale"] is not None else 0.5) ## Hook them up: button_begin.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("begin")) button_end.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("end")) button_next.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("next")) button_prev.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("prev")) self.button_play.on_click(self.toggle_play) self.control_slider.observe(self.update_slider_control, names='value') refresh_button.on_click(lambda widget: (self.update_control_slider(), self.output.clear_output(), self.regenerate())) self.zoom_slider.observe(self.update_zoom_slider, names='value') self.position_text.observe(self.update_position_text, names='value') # Put them together: controls = VBox([HBox([self.control_slider, self.total_text], layout=Layout(height="40px")), self.control_buttons], layout=Layout(width='100%')) #net_page = VBox([control, self.net_svg], layout=Layout(width='95%')) controls.on_displayed(lambda widget: self.regenerate()) return controls def make_config(self): layout = Layout() style = {"description_width": "initial"} checkbox1 = Checkbox(description="Show Targets",["show_targets"], layout=layout, style=style) checkbox1.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "show_targets", change["new"]), names='value') checkbox2 = Checkbox(description="Errors",["show_errors"], layout=layout, style=style) checkbox2.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "show_errors", change["new"]), names='value') hspace = IntText(["hspace"], description="Horizontal space between banks:", style=style, layout=layout) hspace.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "hspace", change["new"]), names='value') vspace = IntText(["vspace"], description="Vertical space between layers:", style=style, layout=layout) vspace.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "vspace", change["new"]), names='value') self.feature_bank = Select(description="Features:",[""], options=[""] + [ for layer in if], rows=1) self.feature_bank.observe(self.regenerate, names='value') self.control_select = Select( options=['Test', 'Train'],["dashboard.dataset"], description='Dataset:', rows=1 ) self.control_select.observe(self.change_select, names='value') column1 = [self.control_select, self.zoom_slider, hspace, vspace, HBox([checkbox1, checkbox2]), self.feature_bank, self.feature_columns, self.feature_scale ] ## Make layer selectable, and update-able: column2 = [] layer =[-1] self.layer_select = Select(description="Layer:",, options=[ for layer in], rows=1) self.layer_select.observe(self.update_layer_selection, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_select) self.layer_visible_checkbox = Checkbox(description="Visible", value=layer.visible, layout=layout) self.layer_visible_checkbox.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_visible_checkbox) self.layer_colormap = Select(description="Colormap:", options=[""] + AVAILABLE_COLORMAPS, value=layer.colormap if layer.colormap is not None else "", layout=layout, rows=1) self.layer_colormap_image = HTML(value="""<img src="%s"/>""" % self.layer_colormap.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_colormap) column2.append(self.layer_colormap_image) ## get dynamic minmax; if you change it it will set it in layer as override: minmax = layer.get_act_minmax() self.layer_mindim = FloatText(description="Leftmost color maps to:", value=minmax[0], style=style) self.layer_maxdim = FloatText(description="Rightmost color maps to:", value=minmax[1], style=style) self.layer_mindim.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') self.layer_maxdim.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_mindim) column2.append(self.layer_maxdim) output_shape = layer.get_output_shape() self.layer_feature = IntText(value=layer.feature, description="Feature to show:", style=style) self.svg_rotate = Checkbox(description="Rotate", value=layer.visible, layout=layout) self.layer_feature.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_feature) self.svg_rotate = Checkbox(description="Rotate network",["svg_rotate"], style={"description_width": 'initial'}, layout=Layout(width="52%")) self.svg_rotate.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "svg_rotate", change["new"]), names='value') self.save_config_button = Button(icon="save", layout=Layout(width="10%")) self.save_config_button.on_click(self.save_config) column2.append(HBox([self.svg_rotate, self.save_config_button])) config_children = HBox([VBox(column1, layout=Layout(width="100%")), VBox(column2, layout=Layout(width="100%"))]) accordion = Accordion(children=[config_children]) accordion.set_title(0, accordion.selected_index = None return accordion def save_config(self, widget=None): def update_layer(self, change): """ Update the layer object, and redisplay. """ if self._ignore_layer_updates: return ## The rest indicates a change to a display variable. ## We need to save the value in the layer, and regenerate ## the display. # Get the layer: layer =[self.layer_select.value] # Save the changed value in the layer: layer.feature = self.layer_feature.value layer.visible = self.layer_visible_checkbox.value ## These three, dealing with colors of activations, ## can be done with a prop_one(): if "color" in change["owner"].description.lower(): ## Matches: Colormap, lefmost color, rightmost color ## overriding dynamic minmax! layer.minmax = (self.layer_mindim.value, self.layer_maxdim.value) layer.minmax = (self.layer_mindim.value, self.layer_maxdim.value) layer.colormap = self.layer_colormap.value if self.layer_colormap.value else None self.layer_colormap_image.value = """<img src="%s"/>""" % self.prop_one() else: self.regenerate() def update_layer_selection(self, change): """ Just update the widgets; don't redraw anything. """ ## No need to redisplay anything self._ignore_layer_updates = True ## First, get the new layer selected: layer =[self.layer_select.value] ## Now, let's update all of the values without updating: self.layer_visible_checkbox.value = layer.visible self.layer_colormap.value = layer.colormap if layer.colormap != "" else "" self.layer_colormap_image.value = """<img src="%s"/>""" % minmax = layer.get_act_minmax() self.layer_mindim.value = minmax[0] self.layer_maxdim.value = minmax[1] self.layer_feature.value = layer.feature self._ignore_layer_updates = False
def build_options(self): grid = GridspecLayout(10, 2) options_map = {} style = {'description_width': '60%', 'width': 'auto'} # feature feature = Combobox(description='Feature to plot:', style=style, options=list(self.feature_names), ensure_option=True, value=self.feature_names[0]) options_map['feature'] = feature # num_grid_points num_grid_points = BoundedIntText( value=10, min=1, max=999999, step=1, description='Number of grid points:', style=style, description_tooltip='Number of grid points for numeric feature') options_map['num_grid_points'] = num_grid_points # grid_type grid_type = Dropdown( description='Grid type:', options=['percentile', 'equal'], style=style, description_tooltip='Type of grid points for numeric feature') options_map['grid_type'] = grid_type # cust_range cust_range = Checkbox(description='Custom grid range', value=False) options_map['cust_range'] = cust_range # range_min range_min = FloatText( description='Custom range minimum:', style=style, description_tooltip= 'Percentile (when grid_type="percentile") or value (when grid_type="equal") ' 'lower bound of range to investigate (for numeric feature)\n' ' - Enabled only when custom grid range is True and variable with grid points is None', disabled=True) options_map['range_min'] = range_min # range_max range_max = FloatText( description='Custom range maximum:', style=style, description_tooltip= 'Percentile (when grid_type="percentile") or value (when grid_type="equal") ' 'upper bound of range to investigate (for numeric feature)\n' ' - Enabled only when custom grid range is True and variable with grid points is None', disabled=True) options_map['range_max'] = range_max # cust_grid_points cust_grid_points = UpdatingCombobox( options_keys=self.globals_options, description='Variable with grid points:', style=style, description_tooltip= 'Name of variable (or None) with customized list of grid points for numeric feature', value='None', disabled=True) cust_grid_points.lookup_in_kernel = True options_map['cust_grid_points'] = cust_grid_points # set up disabling of range inputs, when user doesn't want custom range def disable_ranges(change): range_min.disabled = not change['new'] range_max.disabled = not change['new'] cust_grid_points.disabled = not change['new'] # but if the cust_grid_points has a value filled in keep range_max and range_min disabled if cust_grid_points.value != 'None': range_max.disabled = True range_min.disabled = True cust_range.observe(disable_ranges, names=['value']) # set up disabling of range_max and range_min if user specifies custom grid points def disable_max_min(change): if change['new'] == 'None': range_max.disabled = False range_min.disabled = False else: range_max.disabled = True range_min.disabled = True cust_grid_points.observe(disable_max_min, names=['value']) # set up links between upper and lower ranges def set_ranges(change): if grid_type.value == 'percentile': if change['owner'] == range_min or change[ 'owner'] == num_grid_points: range_max.value = max( range_max.value, range_min.value + num_grid_points.value) if change['owner'] == range_max: range_min.value = min( range_min.value, range_max.value - num_grid_points.value) else: if change['owner'] == range_min: range_max.value = max(range_max.value, range_min.value) if change['owner'] == range_max: range_min.value = min(range_min.value, range_max.value) range_min.observe(set_ranges, names=['value']) range_max.observe(set_ranges, names=['value']) num_grid_points.observe(set_ranges, names=['value']) # center center = Checkbox(description='Center the plot', value=True) options_map['center'] = center # plot_pts_dist plot_pts_dist = Checkbox(description='Plot data points distribution', value=True) options_map['plot_pts_dist'] = plot_pts_dist # x_quantile x_quantile = Checkbox(description='X-axis as quantiles', value=False) options_map['x_quantile'] = x_quantile # show_percentile show_percentile = Checkbox(description='Show precentile buckets', value=False) options_map['show_percentile'] = show_percentile # lines lines = Checkbox(description='Plot lines - ICE plot', value=False) options_map['lines'] = lines # frac_to_plot frac_to_plot = BoundedFloatText( description='Lines to plot:', value=1, description_tooltip= 'How many lines to plot, can be a integer or a float.\n' ' - integer values higher than 1 are interpreted as absolute amount\n' ' - floats are interpreted as fraction (e.g. 0.5 means half of all possible lines)', style=style, disabled=True) options_map['frac_to_plot'] = frac_to_plot # cluster cluster = Checkbox(description='Cluster lines', value=False, disabled=True) options_map['cluster'] = cluster # n_cluster_centers n_cluster_centers = BoundedIntText( value=10, min=1, max=999999, step=1, description='Number of cluster centers:', style=style, description_tooltip='Number of cluster centers for lines', disabled=True) options_map['n_cluster_centers'] = n_cluster_centers # cluster method cluster_method = Dropdown( description='Cluster method', style=style, options={ 'KMeans': 'accurate', 'MiniBatchKMeans': 'approx' }, description_tooltip='Method to use for clustering of lines', disabled=True) options_map['cluster_method'] = cluster_method # set up disabling of lines related options def disable_lines(change): frac_to_plot.disabled = not change['new'] cluster.disabled = not change['new'] n_cluster_centers.disabled = not (change['new'] and cluster.value) cluster_method.disabled = not (change['new'] and cluster.value) lines.observe(disable_lines, names=['value']) # set up disabling of clustering options def disable_clustering(change): n_cluster_centers.disabled = not (cluster.value and change['new']) cluster_method.disabled = not (cluster.value and change['new']) cluster.observe(disable_clustering, names=['value']) grid[0, :] = feature grid[1, 0] = num_grid_points grid[1, 1] = grid_type grid[2, 0] = cust_range grid[2, 1] = cust_grid_points grid[3, 0] = range_min grid[3, 1] = range_max grid[4, 0] = center grid[4, 1] = plot_pts_dist grid[5, 0] = x_quantile grid[5, 1] = show_percentile grid[6, :] = lines grid[7, :] = frac_to_plot grid[8, :] = cluster grid[9, 0] = n_cluster_centers grid[9, 1] = cluster_method return options_map, grid
def _get_value_widget(obj, index=None): wdict = {} widget_bounds = _interactive_slider_bounds(obj, index=index) thismin = FloatText( value=widget_bounds['min'], description='min', layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='auto'), ) thismax = FloatText( value=widget_bounds['max'], description='max', layout=Layout(flex='0 1 auto', width='auto'), ) current_value = obj.value if index is None else obj.value[index] if index is None: current_name = else: current_name = '{}'.format(index) widget = FloatSlider(value=current_value, min=thismin.value, max=thismax.value, step=widget_bounds['step'], description=current_name, layout=Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='auto')) def on_min_change(change): if widget.max > change['new']: widget.min = change['new'] widget.step = np.abs(widget.max - widget.min) * 0.001 def on_max_change(change): if widget.min < change['new']: widget.max = change['new'] widget.step = np.abs(widget.max - widget.min) * 0.001 thismin.observe(on_min_change, names='value') thismax.observe(on_max_change, names='value') # We store the link in the widget so that they are not deleted by the # garbage collector thismin._link = dlink((obj, "bmin"), (thismin, "value")) thismax._link = dlink((obj, "bmax"), (thismax, "value")) if index is not None: # value is tuple, expanding def _interactive_tuple_update(value): """Callback function for the widgets, to update the value """ obj.value = obj.value[:index] + (value['new'],) +\ obj.value[index + 1:] widget.observe(_interactive_tuple_update, names='value') else: link((obj, "value"), (widget, "value")) container = HBox((thismin, widget, thismax)) wdict["value"] = widget wdict["min"] = thismin wdict["max"] = thismax return { "widget": container, "wdict": wdict, }
class SubstrateTab(object): def __init__(self): self.output_dir = '.' # self.output_dir = 'tmpdir' # self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7.2,6)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot # initial value self.field_index = 4 # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 tab_height = '500px' constWidth = '180px' constWidth2 = '150px' tab_layout = Layout( width='900px', # border='2px solid black', height=tab_height, ) #overflow_y='scroll') max_frames = 1 self.mcds_plot = interactive(self.plot_substrate, frame=(0, max_frames), continuous_update=False) svg_plot_size = '700px' self.mcds_plot.layout.width = svg_plot_size self.mcds_plot.layout.height = svg_plot_size self.max_frames = BoundedIntText( min=0, max=99999, value=max_frames, description='Max', layout=Layout(width='160px'), ) self.max_frames.observe(self.update_max_frames) self.field_min_max = {'dummy': [0., 1.]} # hacky I know, but make a dict that's got (key,value) reversed from the dict in the Dropdown below self.field_dict = {0: 'dummy'} self.mcds_field = Dropdown( options={'dummy': 0}, value=0, # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth)) # print("substrate __init__: self.mcds_field.value=",self.mcds_field.value) # self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.mcds_field.observe(self.mcds_field_changed_cb) # self.field_cmap = Text( # value='viridis', # description='Colormap', # disabled=True, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth), # ) self.field_cmap = Dropdown( options=['viridis', 'jet', 'YlOrRd'], value='viridis', # description='Field', layout=Layout(width=constWidth)) #self.field_cmap.observe(self.plot_substrate) # self.field_cmap.observe(self.plot_substrate) self.field_cmap.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_fixed = Checkbox( description='Fix', disabled=False, # layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.save_min_max = Button( description='Save', #style={'description_width': 'initial'}, button_style= 'success', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' tooltip='Save min/max for this substrate', disabled=True, layout=Layout(width='90px')) def save_min_max_cb(b): # field_name = self.mcds_field.options[] # field_name = next(key for key, value in self.mcds_field.options.items() if value == self.mcds_field.value) field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print(field_name) # self.field_min_max = {'oxygen': [0., 30.], 'glucose': [0., 1.], 'H+ ions': [0., 1.], 'ECM': [0., 1.], 'NP1': [0., 1.], 'NP2': [0., 1.]} self.field_min_max[field_name][0] = self.cmap_min.value self.field_min_max[field_name][1] = self.cmap_max.value # print(self.field_min_max) self.save_min_max.on_click(save_min_max_cb) self.cmap_min = FloatText( description='Min', value=0, step=0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_min.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) self.cmap_max = FloatText( description='Max', value=38, step=0.1, disabled=True, layout=Layout(width=constWidth2), ) self.cmap_max.observe(self.mcds_field_cb) def cmap_fixed_cb(b): if (self.cmap_fixed.value): self.cmap_min.disabled = False self.cmap_max.disabled = False self.save_min_max.disabled = False else: self.cmap_min.disabled = True self.cmap_max.disabled = True self.save_min_max.disabled = True # self.mcds_field_cb() self.cmap_fixed.observe(cmap_fixed_cb) field_cmap_row2 = HBox([self.field_cmap, self.cmap_fixed]) # field_cmap_row3 = HBox([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) items_auto = [ self.save_min_max, #layout=Layout(flex='3 1 auto', width='auto'), self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max, ] box_layout = Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='row', align_items='stretch', width='80%') field_cmap_row3 = Box(children=items_auto, layout=box_layout) # field_cmap_row3 = Box([self.save_min_max, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max]) # mcds_tab = widgets.VBox([mcds_dir, mcds_plot, mcds_play], layout=tab_layout) mcds_params = VBox([ self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3, self.max_frames ]) # mcds_dir # mcds_params = VBox([self.mcds_field, field_cmap_row2, field_cmap_row3,]) # mcds_dir # = HBox([mcds_params, self.mcds_plot], layout=tab_layout) # = HBox([mcds_params, self.mcds_plot]) help_label = Label('select slider: drag or left/right arrows') row1 = Box([ help_label, Box([self.max_frames, self.mcds_field, self.field_cmap], layout=Layout(border='0px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) ]) row2 = Box([self.cmap_fixed, self.cmap_min, self.cmap_max], layout=Layout(border='0px solid black', width='50%', height='', align_items='stretch', flex_direction='row', display='flex')) = VBox([row1, row2, self.mcds_plot]) #--------------------------------------------------- def update_dropdown_fields(self, data_dir): # print('update_dropdown_fields called --------') self.output_dir = data_dir tree = None try: fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "initial.xml") tree = ET.parse(fname) # return except: print("Cannot open ", fname, " to get names of substrate fields.") return xml_root = tree.getroot() self.field_min_max = {} self.field_dict = {} dropdown_options = {} uep = xml_root.find('.//variables') comment_str = "" field_idx = 0 if (uep): for elm in uep.findall('variable'): # print("-----> ",elm.attrib['name']) self.field_min_max[elm.attrib['name']] = [0., 1.] self.field_dict[field_idx] = elm.attrib['name'] dropdown_options[elm.attrib['name']] = field_idx field_idx += 1 # constWidth = '180px' # print('options=',dropdown_options) self.mcds_field.value = 0 self.mcds_field.options = dropdown_options # self.mcds_field = Dropdown( # # options={'oxygen': 0, 'glucose': 1}, # options=dropdown_options, # value=0, # # description='Field', # layout=Layout(width=constWidth) # ) def update_max_frames_expected( self, value): # called when beginning an interactive Run self.max_frames.value = value # assumes naming scheme: "snapshot%08d.svg" self.mcds_plot.children[0].max = self.max_frames.value def update(self, rdir): self.output_dir = rdir if rdir == '': # self.max_frames.value = 0 tmpdir = os.path.abspath('tmpdir') self.output_dir = tmpdir all_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'output*.xml'))) if len(all_files) > 0: last_file = all_files[-1] self.max_frames.value = int( last_file[-12:-4] ) # assumes naming scheme: "output%08d.xml" self.mcds_plot.update() return all_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(rdir, 'output*.xml'))) if len(all_files) > 0: last_file = all_files[-1] self.max_frames.value = int( last_file[-12:-4]) # assumes naming scheme: "output%08d.xml" self.mcds_plot.update() def update_max_frames(self, _b): self.mcds_plot.children[0].max = self.max_frames.value def mcds_field_changed_cb(self, b): # print("mcds_field_changed_cb: self.mcds_field.value=",self.mcds_field.value) if (self.mcds_field.value == None): return self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 field_name = self.field_dict[self.mcds_field.value] # print('mcds_field_cb: '+field_name) self.cmap_min.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][0] self.cmap_max.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][1] self.mcds_plot.update() def mcds_field_cb(self, b): #self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.options.index(self.mcds_field.value) + 4 # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.options[self.mcds_field.value] self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # field_name = self.mcds_field.options[self.mcds_field.value] # self.cmap_min.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][0] # oxygen, etc # self.cmap_max.value = self.field_min_max[field_name][1] # oxygen, etc # self.field_index = self.mcds_field.value + 4 # print('field_index=',self.field_index) self.mcds_plot.update() def plot_substrate(self, frame): # global current_idx, axes_max, gFileId, field_index fname = "output%08d_microenvironment0.mat" % frame xml_fname = "output%08d.xml" % frame # fullname = output_dir_str + fname # fullname = fname full_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, fname) full_xml_fname = os.path.join(self.output_dir, xml_fname) # self.output_dir = '.' # if not os.path.isfile(fullname): if not os.path.isfile(full_fname): # print("File does not exist: ", full_fname) # print("No: ", full_fname) print("Once output files are generated, click the slider." ) # No: output00000000_microenvironment0.mat return # tree = ET.parse(xml_fname) tree = ET.parse(full_xml_fname) xml_root = tree.getroot() mins = round(int(float(xml_root.find( ".//current_time").text))) # TODO: check units = mins hrs = int(mins / 60) days = int(hrs / 24) title_str = '%dd, %dh, %dm' % (int(days), (hrs % 24), mins - (hrs * 60)) info_dict = {} #, info_dict), info_dict) M = info_dict['multiscale_microenvironment'] # global_field_index = int(mcds_field.value) # print('plot_substrate: field_index =',field_index) f = M[ self. field_index, :] # 4=tumor cells field, 5=blood vessel density, 6=growth substrate # plt.clf() # my_plot = plt.imshow(f.reshape(400,400), cmap='jet', extent=[0,20, 0,20]) self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=( 7.2, 6)) # this strange figsize results in a ~square contour plot # fig.set_tight_layout(True) # ax = plt.axes([0, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9 ]) #left, bottom, width, height # ax = plt.axes([0, 0.0, 1, 1 ]) # cmap = # Blues, YlOrBr, ... # im = ax.imshow(f.reshape(100,100), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, extent=[0,20, 0,20]) # ax.grid(False) N = int(math.sqrt(len(M[0, :]))) grid2D = M[0, :].reshape(N, N) xvec = grid2D[0, :] num_contours = 15 # levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=10).tick_values(vmin, vmax) levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=num_contours).tick_values( self.cmap_min.value, self.cmap_max.value) if (self.cmap_fixed.value): my_plot = plt.contourf(xvec, xvec, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(N, N), levels=levels, extend='both', cmap=self.field_cmap.value) else: # my_plot = plt.contourf(xvec, xvec, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(N,N), num_contours, cmap=self.field_cmap.value) my_plot = plt.contourf(xvec, xvec, M[self.field_index, :].reshape(N, N), num_contours, cmap=self.field_cmap.value) plt.title(title_str) plt.colorbar(my_plot) axes_min = 0 axes_max = 2000
class Dashboard(VBox): """ Build the dashboard for Jupyter widgets. Requires running in a notebook/jupyterlab. """ def __init__(self, net, width="95%", height="550px", play_rate=0.5): self._ignore_layer_updates = False self.player = _Player(self, play_rate) self.player.start() = net r = random.randint(1, 1000000) self.class_id = "picture-dashboard-%s-%s" % (, r) self._width = width self._height = height ## Global widgets: style = {"description_width": "initial"} self.feature_columns = IntText(description="Detail columns:",["dashboard.features.columns"], min=0, max=1024, style=style) self.feature_scale = FloatText(description="Detail scale:",["dashboard.features.scale"], min=0.1, max=10, style=style) self.feature_columns.observe(self.regenerate, names='value') self.feature_scale.observe(self.regenerate, names='value') ## Hack to center SVG as justify-content is broken: self.net_svg = HTML(value="""<p style="text-align:center">%s</p>""" % ("",), layout=Layout( width=self._width, overflow_x='auto', overflow_y="auto", justify_content="center")) # Make controls first: self.output = Output() controls = self.make_controls() config = self.make_config() super().__init__([config, controls, self.net_svg, self.output]) def propagate(self, inputs): """ Propagate inputs through the dashboard view of the network. """ if dynamic_pictures_check(): return, class_id=self.class_id, update_pictures=True) else: self.regenerate(inputs=input) def goto(self, position): if len( == 0 or len( == 0: return if self.control_select.value == "Train": length = len( elif self.control_select.value == "Test": length = len( #### Position it: if position == "begin": self.control_slider.value = 0 elif position == "end": self.control_slider.value = length - 1 elif position == "prev": if self.control_slider.value - 1 < 0: self.control_slider.value = length - 1 # wrap around else: self.control_slider.value = max(self.control_slider.value - 1, 0) elif position == "next": if self.control_slider.value + 1 > length - 1: self.control_slider.value = 0 # wrap around else: self.control_slider.value = min(self.control_slider.value + 1, length - 1) self.position_text.value = self.control_slider.value def change_select(self, change=None): """ """ self.update_control_slider(change) self.regenerate() def update_control_slider(self, change=None):["dashboard.dataset"] = self.control_select.value if len( == 0 or len( == 0: self.total_text.value = "of 0" self.control_slider.value = 0 self.position_text.value = 0 self.control_slider.disabled = True self.position_text.disabled = True for child in self.control_buttons.children: if not hasattr(child, "icon") or child.icon != "refresh": child.disabled = True return if self.control_select.value == "Test": self.total_text.value = "of %s" % len( minmax = (0, max(len( - 1, 0)) if minmax[0] <= self.control_slider.value <= minmax[1]: pass # ok else: self.control_slider.value = 0 self.control_slider.min = minmax[0] self.control_slider.max = minmax[1] if len( == 0: disabled = True else: disabled = False elif self.control_select.value == "Train": self.total_text.value = "of %s" % len( minmax = (0, max(len( - 1, 0)) if minmax[0] <= self.control_slider.value <= minmax[1]: pass # ok else: self.control_slider.value = 0 self.control_slider.min = minmax[0] self.control_slider.max = minmax[1] if len( == 0: disabled = True else: disabled = False self.control_slider.disabled = disabled self.position_text.disbaled = disabled self.position_text.value = self.control_slider.value for child in self.control_buttons.children: if not hasattr(child, "icon") or child.icon != "refresh": child.disabled = disabled def update_zoom_slider(self, change): if change["name"] == "value":["svg_scale"] = self.zoom_slider.value self.regenerate() def update_position_text(self, change): # {'name': 'value', 'old': 2, 'new': 3, 'owner': IntText(value=3, layout=Layout(width='100%')), 'type': 'change'} self.control_slider.value = change["new"] def get_current_input(self): if self.control_select.value == "Train" and len( > 0: return[self.control_slider.value] elif self.control_select.value == "Test" and len( > 0: return[self.control_slider.value] def get_current_targets(self): if self.control_select.value == "Train" and len( > 0: return[self.control_slider.value] elif self.control_select.value == "Test" and len( > 0: return[self.control_slider.value] def update_slider_control(self, change): if len( == 0 or len( == 0: self.total_text.value = "of 0" return if change["name"] == "value": self.position_text.value = self.control_slider.value if self.control_select.value == "Train" and len( > 0: self.total_text.value = "of %s" % len( if is None: return if not dynamic_pictures_check(): self.regenerate([self.control_slider.value],[self.control_slider.value]) return output =[self.control_slider.value], class_id=self.class_id, update_pictures=True) if self.feature_bank.value in,[self.control_slider.value], cols=self.feature_columns.value, scale=self.feature_scale.value, html=False) if["show_targets"]: if len( == 1: ## FIXME: use minmax of output bank[[self.control_slider.value]], "targets", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) else:[self.control_slider.value], "targets", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) if["show_errors"]: ## minmax is error if len( == 1: errors = np.array(output) - np.array([self.control_slider.value])[errors.tolist()], "errors", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) else: errors = [] for bank in range(len( errors.append( np.array(output[bank]) - np.array([self.control_slider.value][bank])), "errors", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) elif self.control_select.value == "Test" and len( > 0: self.total_text.value = "of %s" % len( if is None: return if not dynamic_pictures_check(): self.regenerate([self.control_slider.value],[self.control_slider.value]) return output =[self.control_slider.value], class_id=self.class_id, update_pictures=True) if self.feature_bank.value in,[self.control_slider.value], cols=self.feature_columns.value, scale=self.feature_scale.value, html=False) if["show_targets"]: ## FIXME: use minmax of output bank[[self.control_slider.value]], "targets", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) if["show_errors"]: ## minmax is error if len( == 1: errors = np.array(output) - np.array([self.control_slider.value])[errors.tolist()], "errors", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) else: errors = [] for bank in range(len( errors.append( np.array(output[bank]) - np.array([self.control_slider.value][bank])), "errors", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) def toggle_play(self, button): ## toggle if self.button_play.description == "Play": self.button_play.description = "Stop" self.button_play.icon = "pause" self.player.resume() else: self.button_play.description = "Play" self.button_play.icon = "play" self.player.pause() def prop_one(self, button=None): self.update_slider_control({"name": "value"}) def regenerate(self, button=None, inputs=None, targets=None): ## Protection when deleting object on shutdown: if isinstance(button, dict) and 'new' in button and button['new'] is None: return ## Update the config:[""] = self.feature_bank.value["dashboard.features.columns"] = self.feature_columns.value["dashboard.features.scale"] = self.feature_scale.value inputs = inputs if inputs is not None else self.get_current_input() targets = targets if targets is not None else self.get_current_targets() features = None if self.feature_bank.value in and inputs is not None: if is not None: features =, inputs, cols=self.feature_columns.value, scale=self.feature_scale.value, display=False) svg = """<p style="text-align:center">%s</p>""" % ( inputs=inputs, targets=targets, class_id=self.class_id, highlights={self.feature_bank.value: { "border_color": "orange", "border_width": 30, }})) if inputs is not None and features is not None: html_horizontal = """ <table align="center" style="width: 100%%;"> <tr> <td valign="top" style="width: 50%%;">%s</td> <td valign="top" align="center" style="width: 50%%;"><p style="text-align:center"><b>%s</b></p>%s</td> </tr> </table>""" html_vertical = """ <table align="center" style="width: 100%%;"> <tr> <td valign="top">%s</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="center"><p style="text-align:center"><b>%s</b></p>%s</td> </tr> </table>""" self.net_svg.value = (html_vertical if["svg_rotate"] else html_horizontal) % ( svg, "%s details" % self.feature_bank.value, features) else: self.net_svg.value = svg def make_colormap_image(self, colormap_name): from .layers import Layer if not colormap_name: colormap_name = get_colormap() layer = Layer("Colormap", 100) minmax = layer.get_act_minmax() image = layer.make_image(np.arange(minmax[0], minmax[1], .01), colormap_name, {"pixels_per_unit": 1, "svg_rotate":["svg_rotate"]}).resize((300, 25)) return image def set_attr(self, obj, attr, value): if value not in [{}, None]: ## value is None when shutting down if isinstance(value, dict): value = value["value"] if isinstance(obj, dict): obj[attr] = value else: setattr(obj, attr, value) ## was crashing on Widgets.__del__, if get_ipython() no longer existed self.regenerate() def make_controls(self): layout = Layout(width='100%', height="100%") button_begin = Button(icon="fast-backward", layout=layout) button_prev = Button(icon="backward", layout=layout) button_next = Button(icon="forward", layout=layout) button_end = Button(icon="fast-forward", layout=layout) #button_prop = Button(description="Propagate", layout=Layout(width='100%')) #button_train = Button(description="Train", layout=Layout(width='100%')) self.button_play = Button(icon="play", description="Play", layout=layout) step_down = Button(icon="sort-down", layout=Layout(width="95%", height="100%")) step_up = Button(icon="sort-up", layout=Layout(width="95%", height="100%")) up_down = HBox([step_down, step_up], layout=Layout(width="100%", height="100%")) refresh_button = Button(icon="refresh", layout=Layout(width="25%", height="100%")) self.position_text = IntText(value=0, layout=layout) self.control_buttons = HBox([ button_begin, button_prev, #button_train, self.position_text, button_next, button_end, self.button_play, up_down, refresh_button ], layout=Layout(width='100%', height="100%")) length = (len( - 1) if len( > 0 else 0 self.control_slider = IntSlider(description="Dataset index", continuous_update=False, min=0, max=max(length, 0), value=0, layout=Layout(width='100%')) if["dashboard.dataset"] == "Train": length = len( else: length = len( self.total_text = Label(value="of %s" % length, layout=Layout(width="100px")) self.zoom_slider = FloatSlider(description="Zoom", continuous_update=False, min=0, max=1.0, style={"description_width": 'initial'}, layout=Layout(width="65%"),["svg_scale"] if["svg_scale"] is not None else 0.5) ## Hook them up: button_begin.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("begin")) button_end.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("end")) button_next.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("next")) button_prev.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("prev")) self.button_play.on_click(self.toggle_play) self.control_slider.observe(self.update_slider_control, names='value') refresh_button.on_click(lambda widget: (self.update_control_slider(), self.output.clear_output(), self.regenerate())) step_down.on_click(lambda widget: self.move_step("down")) step_up.on_click(lambda widget: self.move_step("up")) self.zoom_slider.observe(self.update_zoom_slider, names='value') self.position_text.observe(self.update_position_text, names='value') # Put them together: controls = VBox([HBox([self.control_slider, self.total_text], layout=Layout(height="40px")), self.control_buttons], layout=Layout(width='100%')) #net_page = VBox([control, self.net_svg], layout=Layout(width='95%')) controls.on_displayed(lambda widget: self.regenerate()) return controls def move_step(self, direction): """ Move the layer stepper up/down through network """ options = [""] + [ for layer in] index = options.index(self.feature_bank.value) if direction == "up": new_index = (index + 1) % len(options) else: ## down new_index = (index - 1) % len(options) self.feature_bank.value = options[new_index] self.regenerate() def make_config(self): layout = Layout() style = {"description_width": "initial"} checkbox1 = Checkbox(description="Show Targets",["show_targets"], layout=layout, style=style) checkbox1.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "show_targets", change["new"]), names='value') checkbox2 = Checkbox(description="Errors",["show_errors"], layout=layout, style=style) checkbox2.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "show_errors", change["new"]), names='value') hspace = IntText(["hspace"], description="Horizontal space between banks:", style=style, layout=layout) hspace.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "hspace", change["new"]), names='value') vspace = IntText(["vspace"], description="Vertical space between layers:", style=style, layout=layout) vspace.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "vspace", change["new"]), names='value') self.feature_bank = Select(description="Details:",[""], options=[""] + [ for layer in], rows=1) self.feature_bank.observe(self.regenerate, names='value') self.control_select = Select( options=['Test', 'Train'],["dashboard.dataset"], description='Dataset:', rows=1 ) self.control_select.observe(self.change_select, names='value') column1 = [self.control_select, self.zoom_slider, hspace, vspace, HBox([checkbox1, checkbox2]), self.feature_bank, self.feature_columns, self.feature_scale ] ## Make layer selectable, and update-able: column2 = [] layer =[-1] self.layer_select = Select(description="Layer:",, options=[ for layer in], rows=1) self.layer_select.observe(self.update_layer_selection, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_select) self.layer_visible_checkbox = Checkbox(description="Visible", value=layer.visible, layout=layout) self.layer_visible_checkbox.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_visible_checkbox) self.layer_colormap = Select(description="Colormap:", options=[""] + AVAILABLE_COLORMAPS, value=layer.colormap if layer.colormap is not None else "", layout=layout, rows=1) self.layer_colormap_image = HTML(value="""<img src="%s"/>""" % self.layer_colormap.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_colormap) column2.append(self.layer_colormap_image) ## get dynamic minmax; if you change it it will set it in layer as override: minmax = layer.get_act_minmax() self.layer_mindim = FloatText(description="Leftmost color maps to:", value=minmax[0], style=style) self.layer_maxdim = FloatText(description="Rightmost color maps to:", value=minmax[1], style=style) self.layer_mindim.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') self.layer_maxdim.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_mindim) column2.append(self.layer_maxdim) output_shape = layer.get_output_shape() self.layer_feature = IntText(value=layer.feature, description="Feature to show:", style=style) self.svg_rotate = Checkbox(description="Rotate", value=layer.visible, layout=layout) self.layer_feature.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_feature) self.svg_rotate = Checkbox(description="Rotate network",["svg_rotate"], style={"description_width": 'initial'}, layout=Layout(width="52%")) self.svg_rotate.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "svg_rotate", change["new"]), names='value') self.save_config_button = Button(icon="save", layout=Layout(width="10%")) self.save_config_button.on_click(self.save_config) column2.append(HBox([self.svg_rotate, self.save_config_button])) config_children = HBox([VBox(column1, layout=Layout(width="100%")), VBox(column2, layout=Layout(width="100%"))]) accordion = Accordion(children=[config_children]) accordion.set_title(0, accordion.selected_index = None return accordion def save_config(self, widget=None): def update_layer(self, change): """ Update the layer object, and redisplay. """ if self._ignore_layer_updates: return ## The rest indicates a change to a display variable. ## We need to save the value in the layer, and regenerate ## the display. # Get the layer: layer =[self.layer_select.value] # Save the changed value in the layer: layer.feature = self.layer_feature.value layer.visible = self.layer_visible_checkbox.value ## These three, dealing with colors of activations, ## can be done with a prop_one(): if "color" in change["owner"].description.lower(): ## Matches: Colormap, lefmost color, rightmost color ## overriding dynamic minmax! layer.minmax = (self.layer_mindim.value, self.layer_maxdim.value) layer.minmax = (self.layer_mindim.value, self.layer_maxdim.value) layer.colormap = self.layer_colormap.value if self.layer_colormap.value else None self.layer_colormap_image.value = """<img src="%s"/>""" % self.prop_one() else: self.regenerate() def update_layer_selection(self, change): """ Just update the widgets; don't redraw anything. """ ## No need to redisplay anything self._ignore_layer_updates = True ## First, get the new layer selected: layer =[self.layer_select.value] ## Now, let's update all of the values without updating: self.layer_visible_checkbox.value = layer.visible self.layer_colormap.value = layer.colormap if layer.colormap != "" else "" self.layer_colormap_image.value = """<img src="%s"/>""" % minmax = layer.get_act_minmax() self.layer_mindim.value = minmax[0] self.layer_maxdim.value = minmax[1] self.layer_feature.value = layer.feature self._ignore_layer_updates = False
class PapayaConfigWidget(VBox): """A widget that displays widgets to adjust NLPapayaViewer image parameters.""" lut_options = [ "Grayscale", "Red Overlay", "Green Overlay", "Blue Overlay", "Gold", "Spectrum", "Overlay (Positives)", "Overlay (Negatives)", ] def __init__(self, viewer, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- viewer: NlPapayaViewer associated viewer. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._viewer = viewer self._init_widgets() self.children = [ VBox([ VBox( [self._hist], layout=Layout( height="auto", margin="0px 0px 0px 0px", padding="5px 5px 5px 5px", ), ), VBox( [ self._alpha, self._lut, self._nlut, self._min, self._minp, self._max, self._maxp, self._sym, ], layout=Layout(width="230px"), ), ]) ] def _init_widgets(self): """Initializes all configuration widgets. Possible image config parameters are:""" layout = Layout(width="200px", max_width="200px") self._alpha = FloatSlider( value=1, min=0, max=1.0, step=0.1, description="alpha:", description_tooltip="Overlay image alpha level (0 to 1).", disabled=False, continuous_update=True, orientation="horizontal", readout=True, readout_format=".1f", layout=layout, ) self._lut = Dropdown( options=PapayaConfigWidget.lut_options, value="Red Overlay", description="lut:", description_tooltip="The color table name.", layout=layout, ) self._nlut = Dropdown( options=PapayaConfigWidget.lut_options, value="Red Overlay", description="negative-lut:", description_tooltip= "The color table name used by the negative side of the parametric pair.", layout=layout, ) self._min = FloatText( value=None, description="min:", description_tooltip="The display range minimum.", step=0.01, continuous_update=True, disabled=False, layout=layout, ) self._minp = BoundedFloatText( value=None, min=0, max=100, step=1, continuous_update=True, description="min %:", description_tooltip= "The display range minimum as a percentage of image max.", disabled=False, layout=layout, ) self._max = FloatText( value=None, description="max:", description_tooltip="The display range maximum.", step=0.01, continuous_update=True, disabled=False, layout=layout, ) self._maxp = BoundedFloatText( value=None, min=0, max=100, step=1, continuous_update=True, description="max %:", description_tooltip= "The display range minimum as a percentage of image max.", disabled=False, layout=layout, ) self._sym = Checkbox( value=False, description="symmetric", description_tooltip= "When selected, sets the negative range of a parametric pair to the same size as the positive range.", disabled=False, layout=layout, ) # figure to display histogram of image data fig = Figure() fig.update_layout( height=300, margin=dict(l=15, t=15, b=15, r=15, pad=4), showlegend=True, legend_orientation="h", ) self._hist = FigureWidget(fig) self._hist.add_trace( Histogram(x=[], name="All image data", visible="legendonly")) self._hist.add_trace(Histogram(x=[], name="Image data without 0s")) self._handlers = defaultdict() def _set_values(self, config, range, data): """Sets config values from the specified `config` and creates histogram for `data`. Parameters ---------- config : dict configuration parameters for the image. Possible keywords are: alpha : int the overlay image alpha level (0 to 1). lut : str the color table name. negative_lut : str the color table name used by the negative side of the parametric pair. max : int the display range maximum. maxPercent : int the display range maximum as a percentage of image max. min : int the display range minimum. minPercent : int the display range minimum as a percentage of image min. symmetric : bool if true, sets the negative range of a parametric pair to the same size as the positive range. range: float range of image values. data: [] flattened image data. """ self._alpha.value = config.get("alpha", 1) self._lut.value = config.get("lut", PapayaConfigWidget.lut_options[1]) self._nlut.value = config.get("negative_lut", PapayaConfigWidget.lut_options[1]) self._min.value = config.get("min", 0) self._minp.value = self._get_per_from_value(range, config.get("min", 0)) self._max.value = config.get("max", 0.1) self._maxp.value = self._get_per_from_value(range, config.get("max", 0.1)) self._sym.value = config.get("symmetric", "false") == "true" # set histogram data[0].x = data # leave out 0 values[1].x = [] if (data == [] or data is None) else data[data != 0] def _add_handlers(self, image): """Add config widget event handlers to change the config values for the specified `image`. Parameters ---------- image: neurolang_ipywidgets.PapayaImage image whose config values will be viewed/modified using this config widget. """ # Dropdown does not support resetting event handlers after Dropdown.unobserve_all is called # So handlers are stored to be removed individually # github issue self._handlers["alpha"] = partial(self._config_changed, image=image, name="alpha") self._handlers["lut"] = partial(self._config_changed, image=image, name="lut") self._handlers["nlut"] = partial(self._config_changed, image=image, name="negative_lut") self._handlers["min"] = partial(self._config_changed, image=image, name="min") self._handlers["minp"] = partial(self._set_min_max, image=image, name="minPercent") self._handlers["max"] = partial(self._config_changed, image=image, name="max") self._handlers["maxp"] = partial(self._set_min_max, image=image, name="maxPercent") self._handlers["sym"] = partial(self._config_bool_changed, image=image, name="symmetric") self._alpha.observe(self._handlers["alpha"], names="value") self._lut.observe(self._handlers["lut"], names="value") self._nlut.observe(self._handlers["nlut"], names="value") self._min.observe(self._handlers["min"], names="value") self._minp.observe(self._handlers["minp"], names="value") self._max.observe(self._handlers["max"], names="value") self._maxp.observe(self._handlers["maxp"], names="value") self._sym.observe(self._handlers["sym"], names="value") def _remove_handlers(self): """Removes all event handlers set for the config widgets.""" if len(self._handlers): self._alpha.unobserve(self._handlers["alpha"], names="value") self._lut.unobserve(self._handlers["lut"], names="value") self._nlut.unobserve(self._handlers["nlut"], names="value") self._min.unobserve(self._handlers["min"], names="value") self._minp.unobserve(self._handlers["minp"], names="value") self._max.unobserve(self._handlers["max"], names="value") self._maxp.unobserve(self._handlers["maxp"], names="value") self._sym.unobserve(self._handlers["sym"], names="value") self._handlers = defaultdict() @debounce(0.5) def _config_changed(self, change, image, name): if name == "min": self._minp.unobserve(self._handlers["minp"], names="value") self._minp.value = self._get_per_from_value( image.range, self._minp.observe(self._handlers["minp"], names="value") elif name == "max": self._maxp.unobserve(self._handlers["maxp"], names="value") self._maxp.value = self._get_per_from_value( image.range, self._maxp.observe(self._handlers["maxp"], names="value") self._set_config(image, name, @debounce(0.5) def _set_min_max(self, change, image, name): if name == "minPercent": self._min.unobserve(self._handlers["min"], names="value") self._min.value = self._get_value_from_per(image.range, self._set_config(image, "min", self._min.value) self._min.observe(self._handlers["min"], names="value") elif name == "maxPercent": self._max.unobserve(self._handlers["max"], names="value") self._max.value = self._get_value_from_per(image.range, self._set_config(image, "max", self._max.value) self._max.observe(self._handlers["max"], names="value") def _config_bool_changed(self, change, image, name): value = "false" if value = "true" self._set_config(image, name, value) def _set_config(self, image, key, value): image.config[key] = value self._viewer.set_images() def _get_per_from_value(self, range, value): return round(value * 100 / range, 0) def _get_value_from_per(self, range, per): return round(per * range / 100, 2) def set_image(self, image): """Sets the image whose config values will be viewed/modified using this config widget. If image is `None`, all config values are reset. Parameters ---------- image: neurolang_ipywidgets.PapayaImage image whose config values will be viewed/modified using this config widget. """ if image: self._remove_handlers() self._set_values(image.config, image.range, image.image.get_fdata().flatten()) self._add_handlers(image) else: self.reset() def reset(self): """Resets values for all config widgets.""" self._remove_handlers() self._set_values({}, 100, []) self.layout.visibility = "hidden"