def listchannels(u, c): if not c.user_data['id'] in users: send(c, u, "You are not connected to any irc") return client = users[c.user_data['id']] client.send_raw(f"LIST") send(c, u, "*Channels on* " +
def listusers(u, c): if not c.user_data['id'] in users: send(c, u, "You are not connected to any irc") return client = users[c.user_data['id']] client.send_raw(f"NAMES {}") send(c, u, "*Users on *" +
def connect(u, c): args = u.message.text.split()[1:] if len(args) == 0: send(c, u, "Please specify a hostname and a port(defaults to 6667) a nick(default none) and a password(default none)") return port = int(args[1]) if len(args) > 1 else 6667 nick = str(args[2]) if len(args) > 2 else None password = str(args[3]) if len(args) > 3 else None ircJoin(u, c, str(args[0]), port, nick=nick, password=password, ssl=False if port == 6667 else True)
def join(u, c): args = u.message.text.split()[1:] if len(args) == 0: send(c, u, "Please, specify a channel to join") return channel = c.user_data['channel'] = args[0] client = users[c.user_data['id']] client.send_raw(f"PART {}") users[c.user_data['id']].channel = c.user_data['channel'] = channel client.send_raw(f"JOIN {channel}") send(c, u, f"You are now on {channel}")
def nick(u, c): args = u.message.text.split()[1:] if len(args) == 0: send(c, u, "Please, specify a new nickname") return name = args[0] if not c.user_data['id'] in users: send(c, u, "You are not connected to any irc") return client = users[c.user_data['id']] client.send_raw(f"NICK {name}")
def emote(u, c): args = u.message.text.split()[1:] global users"---------------------------------------") # or (c.user_data['id'] in users and not users[c.user_data['id']]['on']): if not c.user_data['id'] in users: send(c, u, "You are not connected to any irc") return if len(args) == 0: return client = users[c.user_data['id']] client.send_raw(f"PRIVMSG {} :ACTION {' '.join(args)}")
def load(u, c): args = u.message.text.split()[1:] if not 'saved' in c.user_data: send(c, u, "You don't have any config saved yet") return if len(args) == 0: i=0 button_list = [] for save in c.user_data['saved']: obj = c.user_data['saved'][save] if i%2==0: button_list.append([]) button_list[-1].append(InlineKeyboardButton(str(save)+": "+"; ".join( [str(obj[k]) for k in obj])[:35], callback_data="load_"+save)) i+=1 reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(button_list) id =, text= "Please, specify a name to load from. Available ones are:", reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode='Markdown') return name = args[0] if not name in c.user_data['saved']: send(c, u, "You don't have any save under that name") return try: ircDisconnect(c) except: pass client = c.user_data['saved'][name] send(c,u,str({'host': client['host'], 'name': client['name'], 'channel': client['channel']})) ircJoin(u, c, client['host'], client['port'], client['channel'], client['name'], password=client['password'], ssl=client['ssl'])
def button(u, c): query = u.callback_query query.answer() data = args = data.split("_") if data.startswith("channel_"): client = users[c.user_data['id']] client.send_raw(f"PART {}") channel = args[-1] users[c.user_data['id']].channel = c.user_data['channel'] = channel client.send_raw(f"JOIN {channel}") send(c, u, f"You are now on {channel}") if data.startswith("nick_"): name = args[-1] client = users[c.user_data['id']] client.send_raw(f"PART {}") users[c.user_data['id']].channel = name send(c, u, "*You are now on a PM with* " + if data.startswith("load_"): name = args[-1] client = c.user_data['saved'][name] send(c,u,str(client)) ircJoin(u, c, client['host'], client['port'], client['channel'], client['name'], c.user_data['id'], password=client['password'], ssl=client['ssl'])
def image_handler(u,c): if not c.user_data['id'] in users: send(c, u, "You are not connected to any irc") return msg=u.message if[-1].file_id else:"Wrong photo data") return newFile = filename="/tmp/"+file_id im = pyimgur.Imgur(CLIENT_ID) uploaded_image = im.upload_image(filename, title=u.message.text if hasattr(u.message, "text") else "Uploaded by")"Uploaded image") client = users[c.user_data['id']] send(c,u, client.send(
def privmsg(u, c): args = u.message.text.split()[1:] if len(args) == 0: send(c, u, "Please, specify a user on the server to PM to") return name = args[0] if not c.user_data['id'] in users: send(c, u, "You are not connected to any irc") return client = users[c.user_data['id']] client.send_raw(f"PART {}") users[c.user_data['id']].channel = name send(c, u, "*You are now on a PM with* " +
def save(u, c): if not c.user_data['id'] in users: send(c, u, "You are not connected to any irc") return args = u.message.text.split()[1:] if len(args) == 0: send(c, u, "Please, specify a name to save as") return name = args[0] client = users[c.user_data['id']] if not 'saved' in c.user_data: c.user_data['saved'] = {} c.user_data['saved'][name] = { 'host':, 'name':, 'port': client.port, 'channel':, 'password': client.password, 'ssl': client.ssl} send(c, u, f"Saved {name}!")
def bridge(u, c): global users"---------------------------------------") if not c.user_data['id'] in users: send(c, u, "You are not connected to any irc") return try: client = users[c.user_data['id']] if u.message: mt = u.message.text_markdown r = re.match(r'`(.*)`', mt, flags=re.DOTALL) if r: markdown = r[1] url = pastebin(u.message.text) client.send(url) send(c,u,url) return msg=" ".join(u.message.text.split("\n")) if u.message.reply_to_message: reply_to = u.message.reply_to_message.text m = re.match(r'^(\S+:) .*$', reply_to) if m and m[1]: msg = m[1]+" "+msg client.send(msg) client.lastMessageId = u.message.message_id if u.edited_message: msg=" ".join(u.edited_message.text.split("\n")) client.send(msg) except: send(c, u, "You were disconnected! Connect again") try: del users[c.user_data['id']] except: pass
def stats(u, c): send(c, u, str(users[c.user_data['id']]))