def batch_generate_pymeta(data_root_folder, force_to_generate=False): """ This function will convert batches into pymeta style which can be loaded by convnet """ allfolder = iu.getfolderlist(data_root_folder) print "Get %d folders" % len(allfolder) l = [] import sys for fn in allfolder: a = DHMLPE() fp = iu.fullfile(data_root_folder, fn, "matlab_meta.mat") if iu.exists(fp, "file"): save_fp = iu.fullfile(data_root_folder, fn, "batches.meta") print "-----------------------------" print "Processing ", fp if iu.exists(save_fp, "file") and not force_to_generate: print "Ha ha, it exists!" else: meta = a.get_convnet_meta(fp) mio.pickle(save_fp, meta) print "Saved %s" % save_fp else: l = l + [fp] print "=============\n" print "Here is what I cannot find (%d in total)" % len(l) print l
def batch_generate_pymeta(data_root_folder, force_to_generate=False): """ This function will convert batches into pymeta style which can be loaded by convnet """ allfolder = iu.getfolderlist(data_root_folder) print 'Get %d folders' % len(allfolder) l = [] import sys for fn in allfolder: a = DHMLPE() fp = iu.fullfile(data_root_folder, fn, 'matlab_meta.mat') if iu.exists(fp, 'file'): save_fp = iu.fullfile(data_root_folder, fn, 'batches.meta') print '-----------------------------' print 'Processing ', fp if iu.exists(save_fp, 'file') and not force_to_generate: print 'Ha ha, it exists!' else: meta = a.get_convnet_meta(fp) mio.pickle(save_fp, meta) print 'Saved %s' % save_fp else: l = l + [fp] print '=============\n' print 'Here is what I cannot find (%d in total)' % len(l) print l
def show_bm_cmp(ndata, gt_target, mv_target, bm_targets, mv_score, gt_score, bm_score, solver=None, save_path=None): mv_margin = MMLSSolver.calc_margin(gt_target - mv_target).flatten() * 1200 bm_margin = MMLSSolver.calc_margin(gt_target - bm_targets).flatten() * 1200 save_path = '/public/sijinli2/ibuffer/2015-02-04/bm_cmp_SP_t004_act_14_graph_0010' save_path = '/public/sijinli2/ibuffer/2015-02-14/bm_cmp_FCJ0_act_14_graph_0020_test_' d = {'gt_target':gt_target, 'mv_target':mv_target, 'bm_target':bm_targets, 'mv_score':mv_score, 'gt_score':gt_score, 'bm_score':bm_score } if save_path: mio.pickle(save_path, d) ndata = mv_margin.size pt_size = 15 pl.subplot(4,1,1) avg = np.mean(bm_margin) pl.scatter(range(ndata), bm_margin, s=pt_size,c='r',label='mpjpe between max_score and best match (avg={:.3f})'.format(avg)) pl.legend() pl.subplot(4,1,2) pl.scatter(range(ndata), mv_score - bm_score, s=pt_size,c='b',label='max score - best_match_score') pl.legend() pl.subplot(4,1,3) pl.scatter(range(ndata), (mv_score - bm_score)/np.abs(mv_score), c='b',label='(max_score - best_match_score)/abs(max_score)') pl.legend() pl.subplot(4,1,4) pl.scatter(range(ndata), mv_score, s=pt_size, c='r',label='max score') pl.scatter(range(ndata), bm_score, s=pt_size,c='b',label='best match score') pl.legend()
def ReadDataToHMLPEDic(imgdir,example_path, data_category, max_per_batch,save_dir): """ Read all data in 'data_category' into HMLPE dictionary There is no need to generating training data, since they can be generated in """ import as sio import iutils as iu import iread.myio as mio import iread.hmlpe as hmlpe import imgproc from PIL import Image if data_category != 'istest': print 'Warn: The correctness of data type %s is not guaranteed' % data_category all_example = sio.loadmat(example_path)['examples'] examples = ExtractSubExample(all_example, data_category) ndata = examples.shape[-1] iu.ensure_dir(save_dir) buf_size = min(ndata, max_per_batch) dimdic = {'data':(112,112,3), 'part_indmap':(8,8), 'joint_indmap':(8,8)} nparts = 7 njoints = 8 d = hmlpe.HMLPE.prepare_savebuffer(dimdic, buf_size, nparts, njoints) d['oridet'] = np.zeros((4,buf_size), d['coords'] = np.ndarray((2,29, buf_size), dtype=np.float32) tdsize = dimdic['data'][0] dsize = dimdic['data'][0] * dimdic['data'][1] * dimdic['data'][2] d['data'] = d['data'].reshape((dsize, -1),order='F') d['is_positive'][:] = True d['is_mirror'][:] = False bid = 1 j = 0 for i in range(ndata): if j == max_per_batch: mio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % bid), d) bid = bid + 1 if ndata - i < max_per_batch: d = hmlpe.HMLPE.prepare_savebuffer(dimdic, buf_size, nparts, njoints) fp = iu.fullfile(imgdir, str(examples[i]['filepath'][0])) img = tbox = examples[i]['torsobox'][0].reshape((4)) d['filenames'][j] = fp d['coords'][...,j] = examples[i]['coords'] d['oribbox'][...,j] = bbox = ExtendBndbox(tbox, img.size) orijoints8 = CvtCoordsToJoints(examples[i]['coords']).reshape((8,2),order='C') - 1 # to python stype 0-idx d['joints8'][...,j] = TransformPoints(orijoints8, bbox, dimdic['data']).reshape((8,2),order='C') imgarr = imgproc.ensure_rgb(np.asarray(img)) sub_img = Image.fromarray(imgarr[bbox[1]:bbox[3], bbox[0]:bbox[2],:]) data_img = np.asarray(sub_img.resize((dimdic['data'][0], dimdic['data'][1]))).reshape((dsize),order='F') d['data'][...,j] = data_img d['indmap'][...,j] = hmlpe.HMLPE.create_part_indicatormap(d['joints8'][...,j], hmlpe.part_idx, dimdic['part_indmap'], 0.3, 30.0, 12.0) d['joint_indmap'][...,j] = hmlpe.HMLPE.create_joint_indicatormap(d['joints8'][...,j], dimdic['joint_indmap'], 30.0, 12.0) d['jointmasks'][...,j] = hmlpe.HMLPE.makejointmask(dimdic['data'], d['joints8'][...,j]) j = j + 1 mio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % bid), d)
def show_what_is_best_all(train_dp, test_dp, solver): """ In this funciton, I will show what is the upper bound for the KNN search like methods """ candidates = train_dp.data_dic['feature_list'][0][..., train_dp.data_range] eval_data = train_dp.data_dic['feature_list'][0][..., test_dp.data_range] print 'Begin to calc the best mpjpe candidate shape {} eval shape'.format(candidates.shape, eval_data.shape) res = what_is_the_best_match(candidates, eval_data, solver) save_path = '/public/sijinli2/ibuffer/2015-01-16/best_match_act_14' mio.pickle(save_path, {'best_mpjpe':res})
def show_what_is_best_all(train_dp, test_dp, solver): """ In this funciton, I will show what is the upper bound for the KNN search like methods """ candidates = train_dp.data_dic["feature_list"][0][..., train_dp.data_range] eval_data = train_dp.data_dic["feature_list"][0][..., test_dp.data_range] print "Begin to calc the best mpjpe candidate shape {} eval shape".format(candidates.shape, eval_data.shape) res = what_is_the_best_match(candidates, eval_data, solver) save_path = "/public/sijinli2/ibuffer/2015-01-16/best_match_act_14" mio.pickle(save_path, {"best_mpjpe": res})
def ReadCropImageToHMLPEDic(dataset_dir, save_dir, istrain = False, isOC = True): """ This function will be used for generating testing data Because training and testing data has different format in oribbox For generating trainign samples, please use create_lsp_regression_data.m (dataset_dir, type=3, opt) opt.OC = ? and """ import iutils as iu import iread.hmlpe as hmlpe import iread.myio as mio import as sio from PIL import Image ndata = 1000 if istrain: s_idx = 0 else: s_idx = 1000 imgdir = iu.fullfile(dataset_dir, 'images-crop') if isOC: dmat = sio.loadmat(iu.fullfile(dataset_dir, 'jointsOC.mat')) else: dmat = sio.loadmat(iu.fullfile(dataset_dir, 'joints-crop.mat')) lsp_jt = dmat['joints'] dimdic = {'data':(112,112,3), 'part_indmap':(8,8), 'joint_indmap': (8,8)} nparts = 7 njoints = 8 d = hmlpe.HMLPE.prepare_savebuffer(dimdic, ndata, nparts, njoints) d['data'] = d['data'].reshape((-1,ndata),order='F') d['is_mirror'][:] = False d['is_positive'][:] = True for idx in range(s_idx, s_idx + ndata): imgpath = iu.fullfile(imgdir, 'im%04d.jpg' % (idx + 1)) img = i = idx - s_idx orijoints8, isvisible = GetJoints8(lsp_jt[...,idx]) bbox = GetUpperBodyBox(img.size) img_arr = np.asarray(img)[bbox[1]:bbox[3], bbox[0]:bbox[2],:] s = np.asarray([(dimdic['data'][1]-1.0)/(bbox[2] - bbox[0]),(dimdic['data'][0]-1.0)/(bbox[3]-bbox[1])]).reshape((1,2)) tjoints = (orijoints8 - bbox[0:2,:].reshape((1,2)))*s masks = hmlpe.HMLPE.makejointmask(dimdic['data'], tjoints) d['data'][...,i] = np.asarray(Image.fromarray(img_arr).resize((dimdic['data'][0], dimdic['data'][1]))).reshape((-1,1),order='F').flatten() d['joints8'][...,i] = tjoints d['jointmasks'][...,i] = np.logical_and(masks, isvisible) d['filenames'][i] = imgpath d['oribbox'][...,i] = bbox.flatten() d['indmap'][...,i] = hmlpe.HMLPE.create_part_indicatormap(tjoints, hmlpe.part_idx, dimdic['part_indmap'], 0.3, 30.0, 12.0) d['joint_indmap'][...,i] = hmlpe.HMLPE.create_joint_indicatormap(tjoints, dimdic['joint_indmap'], 30.0, 12.0) mio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_1'), d)
def save_again(): """ change net_list objects to saved dict """ d = Solver.get_saved_model("/public/sijinli2/ibuffer/2015-01-13/itheano_test") save_path = "/public/sijinli2/ibuffer/2015-01-13/saved_haha" for net_name in d["net_list"]: net = d["net_list"][net_name] res_dic = dict() for e in net["layers"]: l = net["layers"][e] res_dic[e] = [l[0], l[1], l[2].save_to_dic()] d["net_list"][net_name]["layers"] = res_dic print d["net_list"]["eval_net"].keys() mio.pickle(save_path, d)
def save_again(): """ change net_list objects to saved dict """ d = Solver.get_saved_model( '/public/sijinli2/ibuffer/2015-01-13/itheano_test') save_path = '/public/sijinli2/ibuffer/2015-01-13/saved_haha' for net_name in d['net_list']: net = d['net_list'][net_name] res_dic = dict() for e in net['layers']: l = net['layers'][e] res_dic[e] = [l[0], l[1], l[2].save_to_dic()] d['net_list'][net_name]['layers'] = res_dic print d['net_list']['eval_net'].keys() mio.pickle(save_path, d)
def show_bm_cmp(ndata, gt_target, mv_target, bm_targets, mv_score, gt_score, bm_score, solver=None, save_path=None): mv_margin = MMLSSolver.calc_margin(gt_target - mv_target).flatten() * 1200 bm_margin = MMLSSolver.calc_margin(gt_target - bm_targets).flatten() * 1200 save_path = "/public/sijinli2/ibuffer/2015-01-22/saved_batch_data_test_net4_K_rbf_correct_test" d = { "gt_target": gt_target, "mv_target": mv_target, "bm_target": bm_targets, "mv_score": mv_score, "gt_score": gt_score, "bm_score": bm_score, } if save_path: mio.pickle(save_path, d) ndata = mv_margin.size pt_size = 15 pl.subplot(4, 1, 1) avg = np.mean(bm_margin) pl.scatter( range(ndata), bm_margin, s=pt_size, c="r", label="mpjpe between max_score and best match (avg={:.3f})".format(avg), ) pl.legend() pl.subplot(4, 1, 2) pl.scatter(range(ndata), mv_score - bm_score, s=pt_size, c="b", label="max score - best_match_score") pl.legend() pl.subplot(4, 1, 3) pl.scatter( range(ndata), (mv_score - bm_score) / np.abs(mv_score), c="b", label="(max_score - best_match_score)/abs(max_score)", ) pl.legend() pl.subplot(4, 1, 4) pl.scatter(range(ndata), mv_score, s=pt_size, c="r", label="max score") pl.scatter(range(ndata), bm_score, s=pt_size, c="b", label="best match score") pl.legend()
def eval_mpjpe(self, op): """ This function will simple evaluate mpjpe """ train = False net = self.feature_net output_layer_name = self.prediction_layer_name pred_outputs = net.get_layer_by_names([output_layer_name])[0].outputs pred_func = theano.function(inputs=net.inputs, outputs=pred_outputs, on_unused_input='ignore') itm = iu.itimer() itm.restart() cur_data = self.get_next_batch(train) pred_mpjpe_l = [] pred_target_l = [] save_folder = op.get_value('save_res_path') assert (save_folder is not None) iu.ensure_dir(save_folder) save_path = iu.fullfile(save_folder, 'pose_prediction') net.set_train_mode( False) # added in Oct 27, 2015 After ICCV submission while True: self.print_iteration() ndata = cur_data[2][0].shape[-1] input_data = self.prepare_data(cur_data[2]) gt_target = input_data[1].T print 'gt_target.shape = {}'.format(gt_target.shape) preds = pred_func(*[input_data[0]])[0].T print 'Prediction.shape = {}'.format(preds.shape) pred_mpjpe = dutils.calc_mpjpe_from_residual( preds - gt_target, 17) * 1200 print 'pred_mpjpe = {}'.format(pred_mpjpe.mean()) self.epoch, self.batchnum = self.test_dp.epoch, self.test_dp.batchnum pred_mpjpe_l.append(pred_mpjpe) pred_target_l.append(preds) if self.epoch == 1: break cur_data = self.get_next_batch(train) mio.pickle(save_path, {'preds': pred_target_l, 'mpjpe': pred_mpjpe_l}) preds = np.concatenate(pred_target_l, axis=1) mpjpe = np.concatenate(pred_mpjpe_l, axis=1) mio.pickle(save_path, {'preds': pred_target_l, 'mpjpe': pred_mpjpe_l})
def cvt1(source_exp_name, target_exp_name): print ''' SP_t004_act_14: source meta [rel_gt, img_feature_accv_fc_j0, relskel_feature_t004] Raw_SP_t004_act_14: target meta [rel_gt, img_feature_accv_fc_j0, rel_gt] ''' base_path = '/opt/visal/tmp/for_sijin/Data/H36M/H36MExp/' source_meta = mio.unpickle( iu.fullfile(base_path, 'folder_%s' % source_exp_name, 'batches.meta')) target_meta_folder = iu.fullfile(base_path, 'folder_%s' % target_exp_name) target_meta_path = iu.fullfile(target_meta_folder, 'batches.meta') d = source_meta.copy() print d.keys() d['feature_list'] = [source_meta['feature_list'][k] for k in [0, 1, 0]] d['feature_dim'] = [source_meta['feature_dim'][k] for k in [0, 1, 0]] # print d['info'] print 'folder :{}\n path {}'.format(target_meta_folder, target_meta_path) iu.ensure_dir(target_meta_folder) mio.pickle(target_meta_path, d)
def cvt1(source_exp_name, target_exp_name): print ''' SP_t004_act_14: source meta [rel_gt, img_feature_accv_fc_j0, relskel_feature_t004] Raw_SP_t004_act_14: target meta [rel_gt, img_feature_accv_fc_j0, rel_gt] ''' base_path = '/opt/visal/tmp/for_sijin/Data/H36M/H36MExp/' source_meta = mio.unpickle(iu.fullfile(base_path, 'folder_%s' % source_exp_name, 'batches.meta')) target_meta_folder = iu.fullfile(base_path, 'folder_%s' % target_exp_name) target_meta_path = iu.fullfile(target_meta_folder, 'batches.meta') d = source_meta.copy() print d.keys() d['feature_list'] = [source_meta['feature_list'][k] for k in [0, 1, 0]] d['feature_dim'] = [source_meta['feature_dim'][k] for k in [0, 1, 0]] # print d['info'] print 'folder :{}\n path {}'.format(target_meta_folder, target_meta_path) iu.ensure_dir(target_meta_folder) mio.pickle(target_meta_path, d)
def eval_mpjpe(self, op): """ This function will simple evaluate mpjpe """ train=False net = self.feature_net output_layer_name = self.prediction_layer_name pred_outputs = net.get_layer_by_names([output_layer_name])[0].outputs pred_func = theano.function(inputs=net.inputs, outputs=pred_outputs,on_unused_input='ignore') itm = iu.itimer() itm.restart() cur_data = self.get_next_batch(train) pred_mpjpe_l = [] pred_target_l = [] save_folder = op.get_value('save_res_path') assert(save_folder is not None) iu.ensure_dir(save_folder) save_path = iu.fullfile(save_folder, 'pose_prediction') net.set_train_mode(False) # added in Oct 27, 2015 After ICCV submission while True: self.print_iteration() ndata = cur_data[2][0].shape[-1] input_data = self.prepare_data(cur_data[2]) gt_target = input_data[1].T print 'gt_target.shape = {}'.format(gt_target.shape) preds = pred_func(*[input_data[0]])[0].T print 'Prediction.shape = {}'.format(preds.shape) pred_mpjpe = dutils.calc_mpjpe_from_residual(preds - gt_target, 17) * 1200 print 'pred_mpjpe = {}'.format(pred_mpjpe.mean()) self.epoch, self.batchnum = self.test_dp.epoch, self.test_dp.batchnum pred_mpjpe_l.append(pred_mpjpe) pred_target_l.append(preds) if self.epoch == 1: break cur_data = self.get_next_batch(train) mio.pickle(save_path, {'preds':pred_target_l, 'mpjpe':pred_mpjpe_l}) preds = np.concatenate(pred_target_l, axis=1) mpjpe = np.concatenate(pred_mpjpe_l, axis=1) mio.pickle(save_path, {'preds':pred_target_l, 'mpjpe':pred_mpjpe_l})
def ReadDataToHMLPEDic(imgdir, example_path, data_category, max_per_batch, save_dir): """ Read all data in 'data_category' into HMLPE dictionary There is no need to generating training data, since they can be generated in """ import as sio import iutils as iu import iread.myio as mio import iread.hmlpe as hmlpe import imgproc from PIL import Image if data_category != 'istest': print 'Warn: The correctness of data type %s is not guaranteed' % data_category all_example = sio.loadmat(example_path)['examples'] examples = ExtractSubExample(all_example, data_category) ndata = examples.shape[-1] iu.ensure_dir(save_dir) buf_size = min(ndata, max_per_batch) dimdic = { 'data': (112, 112, 3), 'part_indmap': (8, 8), 'joint_indmap': (8, 8) } nparts = 7 njoints = 8 d = hmlpe.HMLPE.prepare_savebuffer(dimdic, buf_size, nparts, njoints) d['oridet'] = np.zeros((4, buf_size), d['coords'] = np.ndarray((2, 29, buf_size), dtype=np.float32) tdsize = dimdic['data'][0] dsize = dimdic['data'][0] * dimdic['data'][1] * dimdic['data'][2] d['data'] = d['data'].reshape((dsize, -1), order='F') d['is_positive'][:] = True d['is_mirror'][:] = False bid = 1 j = 0 for i in range(ndata): if j == max_per_batch: mio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % bid), d) bid = bid + 1 if ndata - i < max_per_batch: d = hmlpe.HMLPE.prepare_savebuffer(dimdic, buf_size, nparts, njoints) fp = iu.fullfile(imgdir, str(examples[i]['filepath'][0])) img = tbox = examples[i]['torsobox'][0].reshape((4)) d['filenames'][j] = fp d['coords'][..., j] = examples[i]['coords'] d['oribbox'][..., j] = bbox = ExtendBndbox(tbox, img.size) orijoints8 = CvtCoordsToJoints(examples[i]['coords']).reshape( (8, 2), order='C') - 1 # to python stype 0-idx d['joints8'][..., j] = TransformPoints(orijoints8, bbox, dimdic['data']).reshape( (8, 2), order='C') imgarr = imgproc.ensure_rgb(np.asarray(img)) sub_img = Image.fromarray(imgarr[bbox[1]:bbox[3], bbox[0]:bbox[2], :]) data_img = np.asarray( sub_img.resize((dimdic['data'][0], dimdic['data'][1]))).reshape( (dsize), order='F') d['data'][..., j] = data_img d['indmap'][..., j] = hmlpe.HMLPE.create_part_indicatormap( d['joints8'][..., j], hmlpe.part_idx, dimdic['part_indmap'], 0.3, 30.0, 12.0) d['joint_indmap'][..., j] = hmlpe.HMLPE.create_joint_indicatormap( d['joints8'][..., j], dimdic['joint_indmap'], 30.0, 12.0) d['jointmasks'][..., j] = hmlpe.HMLPE.makejointmask(dimdic['data'], d['joints8'][..., j]) j = j + 1 mio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % bid), d)
def ReadTestDataToHMLPEDic(imgdir, annot_dir, tech_report_path, save_path=None, iou_thresh=0.5): """ This function will use detection window provided by the author Also, erro detection window are not included For image without detection, all the joint points will be zero """ import Stickmen import as sio import PIL import iutils as iu from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import iread.hmlpe as hp import iread.myio as mio import ipyml.geometry as igeo rp = sio.loadmat(tech_report_path)['techrep2010_buffy'] d_annot = ExtractAnnotation(annot_dir) ndata = rp.shape[1] data = [] tsize = 112 # the size of test image part_ind_dim = (8,8) joint_ind_dim = (8,8) filter_size = 32.0 stride = 12.0 indrate = 0.3 joint_filter_size = 32.0 joint_stride = 12.0 njoints = 8 nparts = 7 ndet = ndata # One test point for one image newdim = (tsize,tsize,3) data = hp.HMLPE.prepare_savebuffer({'data':newdim,\ 'part_indmap': part_ind_dim,\ 'joint_indmap':joint_ind_dim },\ ndet, nparts, njoints) # add Buffy specific field add_buffy_specific_field(data, ndet, imgdir) idx = 0 f_calc_area = lambda rec: (rec[1][1]-rec[0][1]) * (rec[1][0]-rec[0][0]) if len(rec)==2 else 0 f_mk_rec = lambda det: ((det[0],det[1]), (det[2], det[3])) for i in range(ndata): ep = rp[0,i][1][0][0] fr = rp[0,i][2][0][0] imgpath = iu.fullfile(imgdir, 'buffy_s5e'+str(ep)+'_original', \ ('%06d' % fr) + '.jpg') img = data['ep'][...,i] = ep data['fr'][...,i] = fr data['filenames'][i] = imgpath data['is_positive'][...,i] = True data['annotation'][...,i] = Stickmen.ReorderStickmen(d_annot[ep][fr]) data['gt_det'][...,i] = np.asarray(Stickmen.EstDetFromStickmen( data['annotation'][...,i])) gt_rec = f_mk_rec(data['gt_det'][...,i]) # gt_area = f_calc_area(gt_rec) if rp[0,i][0].size == 0: # No detection are found in this image # imgdata will also be all zero # oridet will be all zero # oribbox will be all zero # joints8 will be all zero # jointmasks wiil be all zero # indmap will be all zero # joint_indmap will be all zero # nothing need to be done, since they are default value pass else: m = -1 for j in range(rp[0,i][0].size): det = rp[0,i][0][0,j]['det'][0] # det = (x,y,x1,y1) cur_rec = f_mk_rec(det) int_area = f_calc_area(igeo.RectIntersectRect(cur_rec, gt_rec)) if int_area > ( gt_area - int_area ) * iou_thresh: m = j break if m != -1: oribbox = ExtendBndbox(det, img.size) arr_img = np.asarray(img)[oribbox[1]:oribbox[3]+1, \ oribbox[0]:oribbox[2]+1,:] res_img = Image.fromarray(arr_img).resize((tsize,tsize)) data['data'][...,i] =np.asarray(res_img) tmppoints = convert_AHEcoor_to_joints8(data['annotation'][...,i]) data['joints8'][...,i] = TransformPoints(tmppoints, oribbox, np.asarray(res_img.size) -1) data['jointmasks'][...,i] = hp.HMLPE.makejointmask(newdim, data['joints8'][...,i]) data['indmap'][...,i] = hp.HMLPE.create_part_indicatormap(data['joints8'][...,i], hp.part_idx, part_ind_dim, indrate, filter_size, stride) data['joint_indmap'][...,i] = hp.HMLPE.create_joint_indicatormap(data['joints8'][...,i], joint_ind_dim, joint_filter_size, joint_stride) data['oribbox'][...,i] = oribbox data['data'] = data['data'].reshape((-1,ndet),order='F') if save_path is not None: mio.pickle(save_path, data) return data
def ReadCropImageToHMLPEDic(dataset_dir, save_dir, istrain=False, isOC=True): """ This function will be used for generating testing data Because training and testing data has different format in oribbox For generating trainign samples, please use create_lsp_regression_data.m (dataset_dir, type=3, opt) opt.OC = ? and """ import iutils as iu import iread.hmlpe as hmlpe import iread.myio as mio import as sio from PIL import Image ndata = 1000 if istrain: s_idx = 0 else: s_idx = 1000 imgdir = iu.fullfile(dataset_dir, 'images-crop') if isOC: dmat = sio.loadmat(iu.fullfile(dataset_dir, 'jointsOC.mat')) else: dmat = sio.loadmat(iu.fullfile(dataset_dir, 'joints-crop.mat')) lsp_jt = dmat['joints'] dimdic = { 'data': (112, 112, 3), 'part_indmap': (8, 8), 'joint_indmap': (8, 8) } nparts = 7 njoints = 8 d = hmlpe.HMLPE.prepare_savebuffer(dimdic, ndata, nparts, njoints) d['data'] = d['data'].reshape((-1, ndata), order='F') d['is_mirror'][:] = False d['is_positive'][:] = True for idx in range(s_idx, s_idx + ndata): imgpath = iu.fullfile(imgdir, 'im%04d.jpg' % (idx + 1)) img = i = idx - s_idx orijoints8, isvisible = GetJoints8(lsp_jt[..., idx]) bbox = GetUpperBodyBox(img.size) img_arr = np.asarray(img)[bbox[1]:bbox[3], bbox[0]:bbox[2], :] s = np.asarray([(dimdic['data'][1] - 1.0) / (bbox[2] - bbox[0]), (dimdic['data'][0] - 1.0) / (bbox[3] - bbox[1]) ]).reshape((1, 2)) tjoints = (orijoints8 - bbox[0:2, :].reshape((1, 2))) * s masks = hmlpe.HMLPE.makejointmask(dimdic['data'], tjoints) d['data'][..., i] = np.asarray( Image.fromarray(img_arr).resize( (dimdic['data'][0], dimdic['data'][1]))).reshape( (-1, 1), order='F').flatten() d['joints8'][..., i] = tjoints d['jointmasks'][..., i] = np.logical_and(masks, isvisible) d['filenames'][i] = imgpath d['oribbox'][..., i] = bbox.flatten() d['indmap'][..., i] = hmlpe.HMLPE.create_part_indicatormap( tjoints, hmlpe.part_idx, dimdic['part_indmap'], 0.3, 30.0, 12.0) d['joint_indmap'][..., i] = hmlpe.HMLPE.create_joint_indicatormap( tjoints, dimdic['joint_indmap'], 30.0, 12.0) mio.pickle(iu.fullfile(save_dir, 'data_batch_1'), d)
def ReadTestDataToHMLPEDic(imgdir, annot_dir, tech_report_path, save_path=None, iou_thresh=0.5): """ This function will use detection window provided by the author Also, erro detection window are not included For image without detection, all the joint points will be zero """ import Stickmen import as sio import PIL import iutils as iu from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import iread.hmlpe as hp import iread.myio as mio import ipyml.geometry as igeo rp = sio.loadmat(tech_report_path)['techrep2010_buffy'] d_annot = ExtractAnnotation(annot_dir) ndata = rp.shape[1] data = [] tsize = 112 # the size of test image part_ind_dim = (8, 8) joint_ind_dim = (8, 8) filter_size = 32.0 stride = 12.0 indrate = 0.3 joint_filter_size = 32.0 joint_stride = 12.0 njoints = 8 nparts = 7 ndet = ndata # One test point for one image newdim = (tsize, tsize, 3) data = hp.HMLPE.prepare_savebuffer({'data':newdim,\ 'part_indmap': part_ind_dim,\ 'joint_indmap':joint_ind_dim },\ ndet, nparts, njoints) # add Buffy specific field add_buffy_specific_field(data, ndet, imgdir) idx = 0 f_calc_area = lambda rec: (rec[1][1] - rec[0][1]) * (rec[1][0] - rec[0][ 0]) if len(rec) == 2 else 0 f_mk_rec = lambda det: ((det[0], det[1]), (det[2], det[3])) for i in range(ndata): ep = rp[0, i][1][0][0] fr = rp[0, i][2][0][0] imgpath = iu.fullfile(imgdir, 'buffy_s5e'+str(ep)+'_original', \ ('%06d' % fr) + '.jpg') img = data['ep'][..., i] = ep data['fr'][..., i] = fr data['filenames'][i] = imgpath data['is_positive'][..., i] = True data['annotation'][..., i] = Stickmen.ReorderStickmen(d_annot[ep][fr]) data['gt_det'][..., i] = np.asarray( Stickmen.EstDetFromStickmen(data['annotation'][..., i])) gt_rec = f_mk_rec(data['gt_det'][..., i]) # gt_area = f_calc_area(gt_rec) if rp[0, i][0].size == 0: # No detection are found in this image # imgdata will also be all zero # oridet will be all zero # oribbox will be all zero # joints8 will be all zero # jointmasks wiil be all zero # indmap will be all zero # joint_indmap will be all zero # nothing need to be done, since they are default value pass else: m = -1 for j in range(rp[0, i][0].size): det = rp[0, i][0][0, j]['det'][0] # det = (x,y,x1,y1) cur_rec = f_mk_rec(det) int_area = f_calc_area(igeo.RectIntersectRect(cur_rec, gt_rec)) if int_area > (gt_area - int_area) * iou_thresh: m = j break if m != -1: oribbox = ExtendBndbox(det, img.size) arr_img = np.asarray(img)[oribbox[1]:oribbox[3]+1, \ oribbox[0]:oribbox[2]+1,:] res_img = Image.fromarray(arr_img).resize((tsize, tsize)) data['data'][..., i] = np.asarray(res_img) tmppoints = convert_AHEcoor_to_joints8(data['annotation'][..., i]) data['joints8'][..., i] = TransformPoints( tmppoints, oribbox, np.asarray(res_img.size) - 1) data['jointmasks'][..., i] = hp.HMLPE.makejointmask( newdim, data['joints8'][..., i]) data['indmap'][..., i] = hp.HMLPE.create_part_indicatormap( data['joints8'][..., i], hp.part_idx, part_ind_dim, indrate, filter_size, stride) data['joint_indmap'][..., i] = hp.HMLPE.create_joint_indicatormap( data['joints8'][..., i], joint_ind_dim, joint_filter_size, joint_stride) data['oribbox'][..., i] = oribbox data['data'] = data['data'].reshape((-1, ndet), order='F') if save_path is not None: mio.pickle(save_path, data) return data