예제 #1
 def test_set_config_options(self):
     Test writing to config file, make sure writen values are written correctly
     # set up config
         os.path.join(path_to_module, "example_config.conf"))
     # Make sure id is initially set to what we expect
     self.assertEqual(config.read_config_option('client_id'), 'uploader')
     # Set and test to a new id
     self.assertEqual(config.read_config_option('client_id'), "new_id")
예제 #2
def get_parser_from_config():
    Uses the 'parser' field in the config file to find and return the parser
    parser_instance = config.read_config_option("parser")
    return parsers.parser_factory(parser_instance)
예제 #3
def write_directory_status(directory_status, run_id=None):
    Writes a status to the status file:
    Overwrites anything that is in the file

    Writes a timestamp to the time of last written

    :param directory_status: DirectoryStatus object containing status to write to directory
    :param run_id: optional, when used, the run id will be included in the status file,
        along with the irida instance the run is uploaded to.
    :return: None

    if not os.access(directory_status.directory, os.W_OK):  # Cannot access upload directory
        raise exceptions.DirectoryError("Cannot access directory", directory_status.directory)

    uploader_info_file = os.path.join(directory_status.directory, STATUS_FILE_NAME)
    if run_id:
        json_data = {STATUS_FIELD: directory_status.status,
                     MESSAGE_FIELD: directory_status.message,
                     DATE_TIME_FIELD: _get_date_time_field(),
                     RUN_ID_FIELD: run_id,
                     IRIDA_INSTANCE_FIELD: config.read_config_option('base_url')}
        json_data = {STATUS_FIELD: directory_status.status,
                     MESSAGE_FIELD: directory_status.message,
                     DATE_TIME_FIELD: _get_date_time_field()}

    with open(uploader_info_file, "w") as json_file:
        json.dump(json_data, json_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
예제 #4
def initialize_api_from_config():
    Loads the api parameters from the config file and initializes the api with them

    :return: the api instance
    client_id = config.read_config_option("client_id")
    client_secret = config.read_config_option("client_secret")
    base_url = config.read_config_option("base_url")
    username = config.read_config_option("username")
    password = config.read_config_option("password")

    return _initialize_api(client_id=client_id,
예제 #5
def logging_end_block():
    Logs an block to the console and file that indicates the end of an upload run.
    logging.info("----------------ENDING UPLOAD RUN-----------------")
    if config.read_config_option("readonly", bool, False) is False:
예제 #6
def directory_has_readonly_conflict(directory):
    Returns True if directory is not writable and readonly is not True
    Else returns False
    :param directory:
    :return: boolean
    if (config.read_config_option("readonly", bool, False) is False
            and not os.access(directory, os.W_OK)):
        return True
        return False
예제 #7
def logging_start_block(directory):
    Logs an information block to the console and file which indicates the start of an upload run.
    Includes the uploader version number set in this module
    if config.read_config_option("readonly", bool, False) is False:
    logging.info("---------------STARTING UPLOAD RUN----------------")
    logging.info("Uploader Version {}".format(VERSION_NUMBER))
    logging.info("Logging to file in: " + logger.get_user_log_dir())
예제 #8
def _set_and_write_directory_status(directory_status,
    Given a DirectoryStatus object, sets the status and message, and then writes to the directory status directory

    :param directory_status: DirectoryStatus object
    :param status: a valid DirectoryStatus status
    :param message: string
    :param run_id: optional, if provided, the run id and irida instance will be included when written
    if config.read_config_option("readonly", bool, False) is False:
        directory_status.status = status
        directory_status.message = message
        progress.write_directory_status(directory_status, run_id)
예제 #9
 def test_read_config_option(self):
     Test writing to config file, make sure writen values are written correctly
     # set up config
     # Test that all the parameters loaded from file are correct
     self.assertEqual(config.read_config_option('client_id'), 'uploader')
     self.assertEqual(config.read_config_option('client_secret'), 'secret')
     self.assertEqual(config.read_config_option('username'), 'admin')
     self.assertEqual(config.read_config_option('password'), 'password1')
     self.assertEqual(config.read_config_option('parser'), 'miseq')
     self.assertEqual(config.read_config_option('readonly', bool), False)
예제 #10
def write_directory_status(directory_status):
    Writes a status to the status file:
    Overwrites anything that is in the file

    Writes a timestamp to the time of last written

    :param directory_status: DirectoryStatus object containing status to write to directory
    :return: None
    if config.read_config_option("readonly", bool, False) is False:
        if not os.access(directory_status.directory, os.W_OK):  # Cannot access upload directory
            raise exceptions.DirectoryError("Cannot access directory", directory_status.directory)

        json_data = directory_status.to_json_dict()

        uploader_info_file = os.path.join(directory_status.directory, STATUS_FILE_NAME)
        with open(uploader_info_file, "w") as json_file:
            json.dump(json_data, json_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
예제 #11
def validate_file_size_minimum(sequencing_run):
    Validate the files in a SequencingRun object have the minimum file size requirement from the config

    :param sequencing_run: SequencingRun object to validate
    :return: ValidationResult object with list of errors if any

    minimum_file_size = config.read_config_option("minimum_file_size", int, 0)

    validation_result = model.ValidationResult()

    for p in sequencing_run.project_list:
        for s in p.sample_list:
            # do validation of file size
            if not _file_size_is_valid(s.sequence_file, minimum_file_size):
                error_msg = "File size for sample `{}`is smaller than configured minimum of `{} KB`. " \
                            "Please verify your data.".format(s.sample_name, minimum_file_size)
                    FileSizeError(error_msg, s.sequence_file))

    return validation_result
예제 #12
def run_is_ready_with_delay(directory_status):
    Expects a NEW or DELAYED directory status

    If a NEW run is given, and the config is set to delay new runs, the run will be set to DELAYED, otherwise it's ready
    If a DELAYED run is given, the run is ready if enough time has passed, otherwise it is not ready yet.

    Writes to directory status file when set to DELAYED

    :param directory_status:
    :return: True when run is ready for upload, otherwise False
    delay_minutes = config.read_config_option("delay", expected_type=int)
    logging.debug("delay_minutes is set to: " + str(delay_minutes))

    # Check if run is new, check if there's a delay
    if directory_status.status_equals(DirectoryStatus.NEW):
        if delay_minutes > 0:
            logging.info("Run has been delayed for {} minutes.".format(delay_minutes))
            run_is_ready = False
            logging.info("No delay time given for NEW run. Continuing...")
            run_is_ready = True
    # If run was delayed, check if run can now be uploaded
    elif directory_status.status_equals(DirectoryStatus.DELAYED):
        if _delayed_time_has_passed(directory_status, delay_minutes):
            logging.info("Delayed run is now ready for upload. Continuing...")
            run_is_ready = True
            logging.info("Delayed run is still not ready for upload.")
            run_is_ready = False
    # This case should be imposable
        raise Exception("Function called with invalid directory status, This should never happen.")

    return run_is_ready
예제 #13
def get_directory_status(directory, required_file_list):
    Gets the directory status based off using 'irida_uploader_status.info' files to track progress

    :param directory: the directory to search for a run
    :param required_file_list: optional param: a list of required files that
        are required for that run to be considered valid. Example: ['SampleSheet.csv']
    :return: directory and status dictionary
    result = DirectoryStatus(directory)

    # Verify directory is readable
    if not os.access(directory, os.R_OK):
        result.status = DirectoryStatus.INVALID
        result.message = 'Directory cannot be read. Please check permissions'
        return result

    # If readonly is not set, verify directory is writable
    if config.read_config_option("readonly", bool, False) is False:
        if not os.access(directory, os.W_OK):
            result.status = DirectoryStatus.INVALID
            result.message = 'Directory cannot be written to. Please check permissions or use readonly mode'
            return result

    file_list = next(
        os.walk(directory))[2]  # Gets the list of files in the directory

    # Legacy upload catch
    # When the irida-miseq-uploader (old uploader) ran it generated a .miseqUploaderInfo file
    # To prevent uploading runs that used this old system, we assume runs with this file are COMPLETE
    # By default they will not be picked up automatically with --batch because they are set to COMPLETE,
    # but they can still be uploaded using the --force option
    if '.miseqUploaderInfo' in file_list:
        result.status = DirectoryStatus.COMPLETE
        result.message = "Legacy uploader run. Set to complete to avoid uploading duplicate data."
        return result

    for file_name in required_file_list:
        if file_name not in file_list:
            result.status = DirectoryStatus.INVALID
            result.message = 'Directory is missing required file with filename {}'.format(
            return result

    if STATUS_FILE_NAME not in file_list:  # no irida_uploader_status.info file yet, has not been uploaded
        result.status = DirectoryStatus.NEW
        return result

    # Must check status of upload to determine if upload is completed
    uploader_info_file = os.path.join(directory, STATUS_FILE_NAME)
    with open(uploader_info_file, "rb") as reader:
        data = reader.read().decode()
    info_file = json.loads(data)
    status = info_file[STATUS_FIELD]
    if status in DirectoryStatus.VALID_STATUS_LIST:
        result.status = status
        if MESSAGE_FIELD in info_file:
            result.message = info_file[MESSAGE_FIELD]
            result.message = None
    else:  # the status found in the file is not in the defined list
        raise exceptions.DirectoryError("Invalid Status in status file",

    return result
예제 #14
 def irida_instance(self):
     if self._irida_instance is None:
         self._irida_instance = config.read_config_option('base_url')
     return self._irida_instance