def main(): boot_time = time.time() config = load_config() metrics.init(config, 'iris-owa-sync', default_metrics) owaconfig = config.get('owa') if not owaconfig: logger.critical('Missing OWA configs') sys.exit(1) api_host = owaconfig.get('api_host', 'http://localhost:16649') iris_client = IrisClient(api_host, 0, owaconfig['iris_app'], owaconfig['iris_app_key']) proxies = owaconfig.get('proxies') # only way to configure a proxy is to monkey-patch (http adapter) a monkey-patch (baseprotocol) :/ if proxies: UseProxyHttpAdapter._my_proxies = proxies exchangelib.protocol.BaseProtocol.HTTP_ADAPTER_CLS = UseProxyHttpAdapter creds = exchangelib.Credentials(**owaconfig['credentials']) try: nap_time = int(owaconfig.get('sleep_interval', 60)) except ValueError: nap_time = 60 while True: start_time = time.time() message_count = 0 try: config = exchangelib.Configuration(credentials=creds, **owaconfig['config']) account = exchangelib.Account(config=config, access_type=exchangelib.DELEGATE, **owaconfig['account']) except (exchangelib.errors.EWSError, requests.exceptions.RequestException): logger.exception('Failed authenticating to OWA365') metrics.incr('owa_api_failure_count') else:'Receiving mail on behalf of %s', owaconfig['account'].get('primary_smtp_address')) message_count = poll(account, iris_client) now = time.time() run_time = now - start_time 'Last run took %2.f seconds and processed %s messages. Waiting %s seconds until next poll..', run_time, message_count, nap_time) metrics.set('uptime', now - boot_time) metrics.emit() sleep(nap_time)
def main(): iris_config = load_config( os.environ.get('IRIS_CFG_PATH', '/home/iris/config/config.yaml')) mysql_config = iris_config['db']['conn']['kwargs'] # It often takes several seconds for MySQL to start up. iris dies upon start # if it can't immediately connect to MySQL, so we have to wait for it. wait_for_mysql(mysql_config) if 'DOCKER_DB_BOOTSTRAP' in os.environ: if not os.path.exists(initializedfile): initialize_mysql_schema(mysql_config) os.execv('/usr/bin/uwsgi', ['', '--yaml', '/home/iris/daemons/uwsgi.yaml:prod'])
def main(): iris_config = load_config( os.environ.get('IRIS_CFG_PATH', '/home/iris/config/config.yaml')) mysql_config = iris_config['db']['conn']['kwargs'] # It often takes several seconds for MySQL to start up. iris dies upon start # if it can't immediately connect to MySQL, so we have to wait for it. wait_for_mysql(mysql_config) if 'DOCKER_DB_BOOTSTRAP' in os.environ: if not os.path.exists(initializedfile): initialize_mysql_schema(mysql_config) os.execv( '/usr/bin/uwsgi', # first array element is ARGV0, since python 3.6 it cannot be empty, using space # [ ' ', '--yaml', os.environ.get('UWSGI_CONFIG', '/home/iris/daemons/uwsgi.yaml:prod') ])
def main(): config = load_config() metrics.init(config, 'iris-owa-sync', default_metrics) owaconfig = config.get('owa') if not owaconfig: logger.critical('Missing OWA configs') sys.exit(1) api_host = owaconfig.get('api_host', 'http://localhost:16649') iris_client = IrisClient(api_host, 0, owaconfig['iris_app'], owaconfig['iris_app_key']) spawn(metrics.emit_forever) creds = Credentials(**owaconfig['credentials']) account = Account(primary_smtp_address=owaconfig['smtp_address'], credentials=creds, autodiscover=True, access_type=DELEGATE)'Receiving mail on behalf of %s', owaconfig['smtp_address']) try: nap_time = int(owaconfig.get('sleep_interval', 60)) except ValueError: nap_time = 60 while True: start_time = time.time() message_count = poll(account, iris_client) run_time = time.time() - start_time 'Last run took %2.f seconds and processed %s messages. Waiting %s seconds until next poll..', run_time, message_count, nap_time) sleep(nap_time)
def test_load_config(mocker): import os from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from iris.config import load_config mocker.patch.dict(os.environ, {'IRIS_CFG_DB_USER': '******'}) with NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_config: temp_config.write(b''' db: conn: kwargs: scheme: mysql+pymysql user: iris password: iris host: database: iris charset: utf8 str: "%(scheme)s://%(user)s:%(password)s@%(host)s/%(database)s?charset=%(charset)s" ''') temp_config.flush() config = load_config( assert config['db']['conn']['kwargs']['user'] == 'iris_dev'
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() # NOQA from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer import sys from iris.api import get_api from iris.config import load_config if __name__ == '__main__': def clean_exit(a, b): import sys sys.exit(0) import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, clean_exit) config = load_config(sys.argv[1]) addr = (config['server']['host'], config['server']['port']) print('Listening on %s...' % (addr, )) application = get_api(config) WSGIServer(addr, application).serve_forever()
import os import logging from iris.config import load_config from iris.api import get_api logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s] [%(process)d] [%(levelname)s] %(name)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO, datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z') application = get_api(load_config(os.environ['CONFIG']))