예제 #1
def _add_iris_coord(cube, name, points, dim, calendar=None):
    Add a Coord to a Cube from a Pandas index or columns array.

    If no calendar is specified for a time series, Gregorian is assumed.

    units = Unit("unknown")
    if calendar is None:
        calendar = iris.unit.CALENDAR_GREGORIAN

    # Convert pandas datetime objects to python datetime obejcts.
    if isinstance(points, pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex):
        points = np.array([i.to_datetime() for i in points])

    # Convert datetime objects to Iris' current datetime representation.
    if points.dtype == object:
        dt_types = (datetime.datetime, netcdftime.datetime)
        if all([isinstance(i, dt_types) for i in points]):
            units = Unit("hours since epoch", calendar=calendar)
            points = units.date2num(points)

    points = np.array(points)
    if (np.issubdtype(points.dtype, np.number) and
            iris.util.monotonic(points, strict=True)):
                coord = DimCoord(points, units=units)
                cube.add_dim_coord(coord, dim)
        coord = AuxCoord(points, units=units)
        cube.add_aux_coord(coord, dim)
class Test(tests.IrisTest):
    def setUp(self):
        self.section = {
            'year': 2007,
            'month': 1,
            'day': 15,
            'hour': 0,
            'minute': 3,
            'second': 0
        self.unit = Unit('hours since epoch', calendar=CALENDAR_GREGORIAN)
        dt = datetime(self.section['year'], self.section['month'],
                      self.section['day'], self.section['hour'],
                      self.section['minute'], self.section['second'])
        self.point = self.unit.date2num(dt)

    def _check(self, section, standard_name=None):
        expected = DimCoord(self.point,
        # The call being tested.
        coord = reference_time_coord(section)
        self.assertEqual(coord, expected)

    def test_start_of_forecast(self):
        section = deepcopy(self.section)
        section['significanceOfReferenceTime'] = 1
        self._check(section, 'forecast_reference_time')

    def test_observation_time(self):
        section = deepcopy(self.section)
        section['significanceOfReferenceTime'] = 3
        self._check(section, 'time')

    def test_unknown_significance(self):
        section = deepcopy(self.section)
        section['significanceOfReferenceTime'] = 0
        emsg = 'unsupported significance'
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TranslationError, emsg):
예제 #3
class Test(tests.IrisTest):
    def setUp(self):
        self.section = {'year': 2007,
                        'month': 1,
                        'day': 15,
                        'hour': 0,
                        'minute': 3,
                        'second': 0}
        self.unit = Unit('hours since epoch', calendar=CALENDAR_GREGORIAN)
        dt = datetime(self.section['year'], self.section['month'],
                      self.section['day'], self.section['hour'],
                      self.section['minute'], self.section['second'])
        self.point = self.unit.date2num(dt)

    def _check(self, section, standard_name=None):
        expected = DimCoord(self.point, standard_name=standard_name,
        # The call being tested.
        coord = reference_time_coord(section)
        self.assertEqual(coord, expected)

    def test_start_of_forecast(self):
        section = deepcopy(self.section)
        section['significanceOfReferenceTime'] = 1
        self._check(section, 'forecast_reference_time')

    def test_observation_time(self):
        section = deepcopy(self.section)
        section['significanceOfReferenceTime'] = 3
        self._check(section, 'time')

    def test_unknown_significance(self):
        section = deepcopy(self.section)
        section['significanceOfReferenceTime'] = 0
        emsg = 'unsupported significance'
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TranslationError, emsg):