def drive(cfg): ''' Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. ''' #Initialize car V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle() class MyController: ''' a simple controller class that outputs a constant steering and throttle. ''' def run(self): steering = 0.0 throttle = 0.1 return steering, throttle V.add(MyController(), outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) #Drive train setup steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) #run the vehicle for 20 seconds V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
def drive(cfg): ''' Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. ''' #Initialize car V = m1.vehicle.Vehicle() #Camera cam = PiCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) V.add(cam, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True) #Controller V.add(MyCVController(), inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['steering', 'throttle', 'recording']) #Sombrero if cfg.HAVE_SOMBRERO: from import Sombrero s = Sombrero() #Drive train setup from import PCA9685, PWMSteering, PWMThrottle steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['steering']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) #add tub to save data inputs=['cam/image_array', 'steering', 'throttle'] types=['image_array', 'float', 'float'] th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') #run the vehicle V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
def drive(cfg, model_path=None, use_joystick=False, model_type=None, camera_type='single', meta=[]): ''' Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts. Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`. All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner. Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs to parts requesting the same named input. ''' if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: #the simulator will use cuda and then we usually run out of resources #if we also try to use cuda. so disable for donkey_gym. os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1" if model_type is None: if cfg.TRAIN_LOCALIZER: model_type = "localizer" elif cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: model_type = "behavior" else: model_type = cfg.DEFAULT_MODEL_TYPE #Initialize car V = m1.vehicle.Vehicle() if camera_type == "stereo": if cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "WEBCAM": from import Webcam camA = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=0) camB = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=1) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CVCAM": from import CvCam camA = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=0) camB = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, iCam=1) else: raise (Exception("Unsupported camera type: %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE)) V.add(camA, outputs=['cam/image_array_a'], threaded=True) V.add(camB, outputs=['cam/image_array_b'], threaded=True) from import StereoPair V.add(StereoPair(), inputs=['cam/image_array_a', 'cam/image_array_b'], outputs=['cam/image_array']) else: print("cfg.CAMERA_TYPE", cfg.CAMERA_TYPE) if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import DonkeyGymEnv inputs = [] threaded = True if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import DonkeyGymEnv cam = DonkeyGymEnv(cfg.DONKEY_SIM_PATH, env_name=cfg.DONKEY_GYM_ENV_NAME) threaded = True inputs = ['angle', 'throttle'] elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "PICAM": from import PiCamera cam = PiCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "WEBCAM": from import Webcam cam = Webcam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CVCAM": from import CvCam cam = CvCam(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "CSIC": from import CSICamera cam = CSICamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE, gstreamer_flip=cfg.CSIC_CAM_GSTREAMER_FLIP_PARM) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "V4L": from import V4LCamera cam = V4LCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "MOCK": from import MockCamera cam = MockCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH) elif cfg.CAMERA_TYPE == "D435i": from import RS_D435i cam = RS_D435i(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH, framerate=cfg.CAMERA_FRAMERATE) else: raise (Exception("Unkown camera type: %s" % cfg.CAMERA_TYPE)) V.add(cam, inputs=inputs, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=threaded) if use_joystick or cfg.USE_JOYSTICK_AS_DEFAULT: #modify max_throttle closer to 1.0 to have more power #modify steering_scale lower than 1.0 to have less responsive steering from import get_js_controller ctr = get_js_controller(cfg) if cfg.USE_NETWORKED_JS: from import JoyStickSub netwkJs = JoyStickSub(cfg.NETWORK_JS_SERVER_IP) V.add(netwkJs, threaded=True) ctr.js = netwkJs else: #This web controller will create a web server that is capable #of managing steering, throttle, and modes, and more. ctr = LocalWebController() V.add(ctr, inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) #this throttle filter will allow one tap back for esc reverse th_filter = ThrottleFilter() V.add(th_filter, inputs=['user/throttle'], outputs=['user/throttle']) #See if we should even run the pilot module. #This is only needed because the part run_condition only accepts boolean class PilotCondition: def run(self, mode): if mode == 'user': return False else: return True V.add(PilotCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['run_pilot']) class LedConditionLogic: def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg def run(self, mode, recording, recording_alert, behavior_state, model_file_changed, track_loc): #returns a blink rate. 0 for off. -1 for on. positive for rate. if track_loc is not None: led.set_rgb(*self.cfg.LOC_COLORS[track_loc]) return -1 if model_file_changed: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_R, self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_G, self.cfg.MODEL_RELOADED_LED_B) return 0.1 else: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.LED_R, self.cfg.LED_G, self.cfg.LED_B) if recording_alert: led.set_rgb(*recording_alert) return self.cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT_BLINK_RATE else: led.set_rgb(self.cfg.LED_R, self.cfg.LED_G, self.cfg.LED_B) if behavior_state is not None and model_type == 'behavior': r, g, b = self.cfg.BEHAVIOR_LED_COLORS[behavior_state] led.set_rgb(r, g, b) return -1 #solid on if recording: return -1 #solid on elif mode == 'user': return 1 elif mode == 'local_angle': return 0.5 elif mode == 'local': return 0.1 return 0 if cfg.HAVE_RGB_LED and not cfg.DONKEY_GYM: from import RGB_LED led = RGB_LED(cfg.LED_PIN_R, cfg.LED_PIN_G, cfg.LED_PIN_B, cfg.LED_INVERT) led.set_rgb(cfg.LED_R, cfg.LED_G, cfg.LED_B) V.add(LedConditionLogic(cfg), inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'recording', "records/alert", 'behavior/state', 'modelfile/modified', "pilot/loc" ], outputs=['led/blink_rate']) V.add(led, inputs=['led/blink_rate']) def get_record_alert_color(num_records): col = (0, 0, 0) for count, color in cfg.RECORD_ALERT_COLOR_ARR: if num_records >= count: col = color return col class RecordTracker: def __init__(self): self.last_num_rec_print = 0 self.dur_alert = 0 self.force_alert = 0 def run(self, num_records): if num_records is None: return 0 if self.last_num_rec_print != num_records or self.force_alert: self.last_num_rec_print = num_records if num_records % 10 == 0: print("recorded", num_records, "records") if num_records % cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT == 0 or self.force_alert: self.dur_alert = num_records // cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT * cfg.REC_COUNT_ALERT_CYC self.force_alert = 0 if self.dur_alert > 0: self.dur_alert -= 1 if self.dur_alert != 0: return get_record_alert_color(num_records) return 0 rec_tracker_part = RecordTracker() V.add(rec_tracker_part, inputs=["tub/num_records"], outputs=['records/alert']) if cfg.AUTO_RECORD_ON_THROTTLE and isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): #then we are not using the circle button. hijack that to force a record count indication def show_record_acount_status(): rec_tracker_part.last_num_rec_print = 0 rec_tracker_part.force_alert = 1 ctr.set_button_down_trigger('circle', show_record_acount_status) #IMU if cfg.HAVE_IMU: from import Mpu6050 imu = Mpu6050() V.add(imu, outputs=[ 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ], threaded=True) class ImgPreProcess(): ''' preprocess camera image for inference. normalize and crop if needed. ''' def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg def run(self, img_arr): return normalize_and_crop(img_arr, self.cfg) if "coral" in model_type: inf_input = 'cam/image_array' else: inf_input = 'cam/normalized/cropped' V.add(ImgPreProcess(cfg), inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=[inf_input], run_condition='run_pilot') #Behavioral state if cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: bh = BehaviorPart(cfg.BEHAVIOR_LIST) V.add(bh, outputs=[ 'behavior/state', 'behavior/label', "behavior/one_hot_state_array" ]) try: ctr.set_button_down_trigger('L1', bh.increment_state) except: pass inputs = [inf_input, "behavior/one_hot_state_array"] #IMU elif model_type == "imu": assert (cfg.HAVE_IMU) #Run the pilot if the mode is not user. inputs = [ inf_input, 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ] else: inputs = [inf_input] def load_model(kl, model_path): start = time.time() print('loading model', model_path) kl.load(model_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) def load_weights(kl, weights_path): start = time.time() try: print('loading model weights', weights_path) kl.model.load_weights(weights_path) print('finished loading in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) except Exception as e: print(e) print('ERR>> problems loading weights', weights_path) def load_model_json(kl, json_fnm): start = time.time() print('loading model json', json_fnm) from tensorflow.python import keras try: with open(json_fnm, 'r') as handle: contents = kl.model = keras.models.model_from_json(contents) print('finished loading json in %s sec.' % (str(time.time() - start))) except Exception as e: print(e) print("ERR>> problems loading model json", json_fnm) if model_path: #When we have a model, first create an appropriate Keras part kl = m1.utils.get_model_by_type(model_type, cfg) model_reload_cb = None if '.h5' in model_path or '.uff' in model_path or 'tflite' in model_path or '.pkl' in model_path: #when we have a .h5 extension #load everything from the model file load_model(kl, model_path) def reload_model(filename): load_model(kl, filename) model_reload_cb = reload_model elif '.json' in model_path: #when we have a .json extension #load the model from there and look for a matching #.wts file with just weights load_model_json(kl, model_path) weights_path = model_path.replace('.json', '.weights') load_weights(kl, weights_path) def reload_weights(filename): weights_path = filename.replace('.json', '.weights') load_weights(kl, weights_path) model_reload_cb = reload_weights else: print("ERR>> Unknown extension type on model file!!") return #this part will signal visual LED, if connected V.add(FileWatcher(model_path, verbose=True), outputs=['modelfile/modified']) #these parts will reload the model file, but only when ai is running so we don't interrupt user driving V.add(FileWatcher(model_path), outputs=['modelfile/dirty'], run_condition="ai_running") V.add(DelayedTrigger(100), inputs=['modelfile/dirty'], outputs=['modelfile/reload'], run_condition="ai_running") V.add(TriggeredCallback(model_path, model_reload_cb), inputs=["modelfile/reload"], run_condition="ai_running") outputs = ['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'] if cfg.TRAIN_LOCALIZER: outputs.append("pilot/loc") V.add(kl, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, run_condition='run_pilot') #Choose what inputs should change the car. class DriveMode: def run(self, mode, user_angle, user_throttle, pilot_angle, pilot_throttle): if mode == 'user': return user_angle, user_throttle elif mode == 'local_angle': return pilot_angle, user_throttle else: return pilot_angle, pilot_throttle * cfg.AI_THROTTLE_MULT V.add(DriveMode(), inputs=[ 'user/mode', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle' ], outputs=['angle', 'throttle']) #to give the car a boost when starting ai mode in a race. aiLauncher = AiLaunch(cfg.AI_LAUNCH_DURATION, cfg.AI_LAUNCH_THROTTLE, cfg.AI_LAUNCH_KEEP_ENABLED) V.add(aiLauncher, inputs=['user/mode', 'throttle'], outputs=['throttle']) if isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): ctr.set_button_down_trigger(cfg.AI_LAUNCH_ENABLE_BUTTON, aiLauncher.enable_ai_launch) class AiRunCondition: ''' A bool part to let us know when ai is running. ''' def run(self, mode): if mode == "user": return False return True V.add(AiRunCondition(), inputs=['user/mode'], outputs=['ai_running']) #Ai Recording class AiRecordingCondition: ''' return True when ai mode, otherwize respect user mode recording flag ''' def run(self, mode, recording): if mode == 'user': return recording return True if cfg.RECORD_DURING_AI: V.add(AiRecordingCondition(), inputs=['user/mode', 'recording'], outputs=['recording']) #Drive train setup if cfg.DONKEY_GYM: pass elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_ESC": from import PCA9685, PWMSteering, PWMThrottle steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "DC_STEER_THROTTLE": from import Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM steering = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT) throttle = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_BWD) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "DC_TWO_WHEEL": from import TwoWheelSteeringThrottle, Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM left_motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_LEFT_BWD) right_motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_RIGHT_BWD) two_wheel_control = TwoWheelSteeringThrottle() V.add(two_wheel_control, inputs=['throttle', 'angle'], outputs=['left_motor_speed', 'right_motor_speed']) V.add(left_motor, inputs=['left_motor_speed']) V.add(right_motor, inputs=['right_motor_speed']) elif cfg.DRIVE_TRAIN_TYPE == "SERVO_HBRIDGE_PWM": from import ServoBlaster, PWMSteering steering_controller = ServoBlaster(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL) #really pin #PWM pulse values should be in the range of 100 to 200 assert (cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM <= 200) assert (cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM <= 200) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) from import Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM motor = Mini_HBridge_DC_Motor_PWM(cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_FWD, cfg.HBRIDGE_PIN_BWD) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(motor, inputs=["throttle"]) #add tub to save data inputs = ['cam/image_array', 'user/angle', 'user/throttle', 'user/mode'] types = ['image_array', 'float', 'float', 'str'] if cfg.TRAIN_BEHAVIORS: inputs += [ 'behavior/state', 'behavior/label', "behavior/one_hot_state_array" ] types += ['int', 'str', 'vector'] if cfg.HAVE_IMU: inputs += [ 'imu/acl_x', 'imu/acl_y', 'imu/acl_z', 'imu/gyr_x', 'imu/gyr_y', 'imu/gyr_z' ] types += ['float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float', 'float'] if cfg.RECORD_DURING_AI: inputs += ['pilot/angle', 'pilot/throttle'] types += ['float', 'float'] th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH) tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types, user_meta=meta) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') if cfg.PUB_CAMERA_IMAGES: from import TCPServeValue from import ImgArrToJpg pub = TCPServeValue("camera") V.add(ImgArrToJpg(), inputs=['cam/image_array'], outputs=['jpg/bin']) V.add(pub, inputs=['jpg/bin']) if type(ctr) is LocalWebController: print("You can now go to <your pi ip address>:8887 to drive your car.") elif isinstance(ctr, JoystickController): print("You can now move your joystick to drive your car.") #tell the controller about the tub ctr.set_tub(tub) if cfg.BUTTON_PRESS_NEW_TUB: def new_tub_dir(): tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types, user_meta=meta) V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition='recording') ctr.set_tub(tub) ctr.set_button_down_trigger('cross', new_tub_dir) ctr.print_controls() #run the vehicle for 20 seconds V.start(rate_hz=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ, max_loop_count=cfg.MAX_LOOPS)
PULSE_MULT = 1000 cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM = 40 * PULSE_MULT cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM = 170 * PULSE_MULT cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM = 170 * PULSE_MULT cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM = 105 * PULSE_MULT cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM = 40 * PULSE_MULT V.add(PS3JoystickController(), inputs=['camera/arr'], outputs=['angle', 'throttle', 'mode', 'recording'], threaded=True) steering_controller = PiGPIO_PWM(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, p) steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller, left_pulse=cfg.STEERING_LEFT_PWM, right_pulse=cfg.STEERING_RIGHT_PWM) throttle_controller = PiGPIO_PWM(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, p) throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller, max_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_FORWARD_PWM, zero_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_STOPPED_PWM, min_pulse=cfg.THROTTLE_REVERSE_PWM) V.add(steering, inputs=['angle']) V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle']) V.start()
def test_PWMSteering(): c = PCA9685(0) s = PWMSteering(c)