예제 #1
def _write_image(image_info, device):
    """Writes an image to the specified device.

    :param image_info: Image information dictionary.
    :param device: The disk name, as a string, on which to store the image.
                   Example: '/dev/sda'
    :raises: ImageWriteError if the command to write the image encounters an
    starttime = time.time()
    image = _image_location(image_info)
    uuids = {}
    if image_info.get('image_type') == 'partition':
        uuids = _write_partition_image(image, image_info, device)
        _write_whole_disk_image(image, image_info, device)
    totaltime = time.time() - starttime
    LOG.info('Image {} written to device {} in {} seconds'.format(
        image, device, totaltime))
        disk_utils.fix_gpt_partition(device, node_uuid=None)
    except exception.InstanceDeployFailure:
        # Note: the catch internal to the helper method logs any errors.
    return uuids
예제 #2
    def _stream_raw_image_onto_device(self, image_info, device):
        """Streams raw image data to specified local device.

        :param image_info: Image information dictionary.
        :param device: The disk name, as a string, on which to store the
                       image.  Example: '/dev/sda'

        :raises: ImageDownloadError if the image download encounters an error.
        :raises: ImageChecksumError if the checksum of the local image does not
             match the checksum as reported by glance in image_info.
        starttime = time.time()
        image_download = ImageDownload(image_info, time_obj=starttime)

        with open(device, 'wb+') as f:
                for chunk in image_download:
            except Exception as e:
                msg = 'Unable to write image to device {}. Error: {}'.format(
                    device, str(e))
                raise errors.ImageDownloadError(image_info['id'], msg)

        totaltime = time.time() - starttime
        LOG.info("Image streamed onto device {} in {} "
                 "seconds".format(device, totaltime))
        # Verify if the checksum of the streamed image is correct
        # Fix any gpt partition
            disk_utils.fix_gpt_partition(device, node_uuid=None)
        except exception.InstanceDeployFailure:
            # Note: the catch internal to the helper method logs any errors.
예제 #3
    def _stream_raw_image_onto_device(self, image_info, device):
        """Streams raw image data to specified local device.

        :param image_info: Image information dictionary.
        :param device: The disk name, as a string, on which to store the
                       image.  Example: '/dev/sda'

        :raises: ImageDownloadError if the image download encounters an error.
        :raises: ImageChecksumError if the checksum of the local image does not
             match the checksum as reported by glance in image_info.
        starttime = time.time()
        total_retries = CONF.image_download_connection_retries
        for attempt in range(total_retries + 1):
                image_download = ImageDownload(image_info, time_obj=starttime)

                with open(device, 'wb+') as f:
                        for chunk in image_download:
                    except Exception as e:
                        msg = ('Unable to write image to device {}. '
                               'Error: {}').format(device, str(e))
                        raise errors.ImageDownloadError(image_info['id'], msg)
            except errors.ImageDownloadError as e:
                if attempt == CONF.image_download_connection_retries:
                    LOG.warning('Image download failed, %(attempt)s of '
                                '%(total)s: %(error)s',
                                {'attempt': attempt,
                                 'total': total_retries,
                                 'error': e})

        totaltime = time.time() - starttime
        LOG.info("Image streamed onto device {} in {} "
                 "seconds".format(device, totaltime))
        # Verify if the checksum of the streamed image is correct
        # Fix any gpt partition
            disk_utils.fix_gpt_partition(device, node_uuid=None)
        except exception.InstanceDeployFailure:
            # Note: the catch internal to the helper method logs any errors.
        # Fix the root partition UUID
        root_uuid = disk_utils.block_uuid(device)
        LOG.info("{} UUID is now {}".format(device, root_uuid))
        self.partition_uuids['root uuid'] = root_uuid
def create_config_drive_partition(node_uuid, device, configdrive):
    """Create a partition for config drive

    Checks if the device is GPT or MBR partitioned and creates config drive
    partition accordingly.

    :param node_uuid: UUID of the Node.
    :param device: The device path.
    :param configdrive: Base64 encoded Gzipped configdrive content or
        configdrive HTTP URL.
    :raises: InstanceDeployFailure if config drive size exceeds maximum limit
        or if it fails to create config drive.
    confdrive_file = None
        config_drive_part = get_labelled_partition(
            device, disk_utils.CONFIGDRIVE_LABEL, node_uuid)

        confdrive_mb, confdrive_file = get_configdrive(configdrive, node_uuid)
        if confdrive_mb > MAX_CONFIG_DRIVE_SIZE_MB:
            raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(
                'Config drive size exceeds maximum limit of 64MiB. '
                'Size of the given config drive is %(size)d MiB for '
                'node %(node)s.'
                % {'size': confdrive_mb, 'node': node_uuid})

        LOG.debug("Adding config drive partition %(size)d MiB to "
                  "device: %(dev)s for node %(node)s",
                  {'dev': device, 'size': confdrive_mb, 'node': node_uuid})

        disk_utils.fix_gpt_partition(device, node_uuid)
        if config_drive_part:
            LOG.debug("Configdrive for node %(node)s exists at "
                      {'node': node_uuid, 'part': config_drive_part})
            cur_parts = set(part['number']
                            for part in disk_utils.list_partitions(device))

            if disk_utils.get_partition_table_type(device) == 'gpt':
                create_option = '0:-%dMB:0' % MAX_CONFIG_DRIVE_SIZE_MB
                utils.execute('sgdisk', '-n', create_option, device,
                # Check if the disk has 4 partitions. The MBR based disk
                # cannot have more than 4 partitions.
                # TODO(stendulker): One can use logical partitions to create
                # a config drive if there are 3 primary partitions.
                # https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1561283
                    pp_count, lp_count = disk_utils.count_mbr_partitions(
                except ValueError as e:
                    raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(
                        'Failed to check the number of primary partitions '
                        'present on %(dev)s for node %(node)s. Error: '
                        '%(error)s' % {'dev': device, 'node': node_uuid,
                                       'error': e})
                if pp_count > 3:
                    raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(
                        'Config drive cannot be created for node %(node)s. '
                        'Disk (%(dev)s) uses MBR partitioning and already '
                        'has %(parts)d primary partitions.'
                        % {'node': node_uuid, 'dev': device,
                           'parts': pp_count})

                # Check if disk size exceeds 2TB msdos limit
                startlimit = '-%dMiB' % MAX_CONFIG_DRIVE_SIZE_MB
                endlimit = '-0'
                if _is_disk_larger_than_max_size(device, node_uuid):
                    # Need to create a small partition at 2TB limit
                    LOG.warning("Disk size is larger than 2TB for "
                                "node %(node)s. Creating config drive "
                                "at the end of the disk %(disk)s.",
                                {'node': node_uuid, 'disk': device})
                    startlimit = (MAX_DISK_SIZE_MB_SUPPORTED_BY_MBR
                                  - MAX_CONFIG_DRIVE_SIZE_MB - 1)
                    endlimit = MAX_DISK_SIZE_MB_SUPPORTED_BY_MBR - 1

                utils.execute('parted', '-a', 'optimal', '-s', '--', device,
                              'mkpart', 'primary', 'fat32', startlimit,
                              endlimit, run_as_root=True)
            # Trigger device rescan

            upd_parts = set(part['number']
                            for part in disk_utils.list_partitions(device))
            new_part = set(upd_parts) - set(cur_parts)
            if len(new_part) != 1:
                raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(
                    'Disk partitioning failed on device %(device)s. '
                    'Unable to retrieve config drive partition information.'
                    % {'device': device})

            config_drive_part = disk_utils.partition_index_to_path(
                device, new_part.pop())


            # NOTE(vsaienko): check that devise actually exists,
            # it is not handled by udevadm when using ISCSI, for more info see:
            # https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1673731
            # Do not use 'udevadm settle --exit-if-exist' here
            LOG.debug('Waiting for the config drive partition %(part)s '
                      'on node %(node)s to be ready for writing.',
                      {'part': config_drive_part, 'node': node_uuid})
            utils.execute('test', '-e', config_drive_part, attempts=15,

        disk_utils.dd(confdrive_file, config_drive_part)
        LOG.info("Configdrive for node %(node)s successfully "
                 "copied onto partition %(part)s",
                 {'node': node_uuid, 'part': config_drive_part})

    except (processutils.UnknownArgumentError,
            processutils.ProcessExecutionError, OSError) as e:
        msg = ('Failed to create config drive on disk %(disk)s '
               'for node %(node)s. Error: %(error)s' %
               {'disk': device, 'node': node_uuid, 'error': e})
        raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(msg)
        # If the configdrive was requested make sure we delete the file
        # after copying the content to the partition
        if confdrive_file: