def readOffset(filename): from isceobj.Location.Offset import OffsetField, Offset with open(filename, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 #retstr = "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (self.x,self.dx,self.y,self.dy,self.snr, self.sigmax, self.sigmay, self.sigmaxy) offsets = OffsetField() for linex in lines: #linexl = re.split('\s+', linex) #detect blank lines with only spaces and tabs if linex.strip() == '': continue linexl = linex.split() offset = Offset() #offset.setCoordinate(int(linexl[0]),int(linexl[2])) offset.setCoordinate(float(linexl[0]), float(linexl[2])) offset.setOffset(float(linexl[1]), float(linexl[3])) offset.setSignalToNoise(float(linexl[4])) offset.setCovariance(float(linexl[5]), float(linexl[6]), float(linexl[7])) offsets.addOffset(offset) return offsets
class OffsetTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.offsetField = OffsetField() for i in range(10): snr = 1.0 if (i == 5): snr = 0.3 elif (i == 8): snr = 0.1 offset = Offset(x=i, y=i, dx=1, dy=2, snr=snr) self.offsetField.addOffset(offset) def tearDown(self): pass def testCull(self): """ Test that culling offsets below a given signal-to-noise works. """ culledOffsetField = self.offsetField.cull(1.0) i = 0 for offset in culledOffsetField: if (offset.getSignalToNoise() < 1.0): i = i + 1 self.assertEquals(i, 8) def testNaN(self): """ Test that NaN signal-to-noise values are converted to 0.0. """ nanOffset = Offset(x=4, y=5, dx=8, dy=9, snr='nan') self.assertAlmostEquals(nanOffset.getSignalToNoise(), 0.0, 5)
def runOffsetprf(self): # dummy zero-valued offset field offField = OffsetField() for i in range(200): offField.addOffset(Offset(10 + i, 10 + i, 0, 0, 10, 1, 1, 0)) # save the input offset field for the record self._insar.setOffsetField(offField) self._insar.setRefinedOffsetField(offField)
def runRgoffset(self): # dummy zero-valued offset field for pair in self._isce.pairsToCoreg: offField = OffsetField() for i in range(200): offField.addOffset(Offset(10 + i, 10 + i, 0, 0, 10, 1, 1, 0)) # save the input offset field for the record self._isce.offsetFields[pair] = offField self._isce.refinedOffsetFields[pair] = offField
def getOffsetField(self): """Return and OffsetField object instead of an array of results""" offsets = OffsetField() for i in range(len(self.locationAcross)): across = self.locationAcross[i] down = self.locationDown[i] acrossOffset = self.locationAcrossOffset[i] downOffset = self.locationDownOffset[i] snr = self.snrRet[i] offset = Offset() offset.setCoordinate(across,down) offset.setOffset(acrossOffset,downOffset) offset.setSignalToNoise(snr) offsets.addOffset(offset) return offsets
def cullOffsetbyMean(offsets, azimuthOffsetMean, threshold): import isce import isceobj from isceobj.Location.Offset import OffsetField, Offset culledOffsetField = OffsetField() i = 0 for offset in offsets: if abs(offset.dy - azimuthOffsetMean) > threshold: i += 1 else: culledOffsetField.addOffset(offset) print("{} offsets culled, with azimuth mean offset: {} and threshold: {}". format(i, azimuthOffsetMean, threshold)) return culledOffsetField
def getRefinedOffsetField(self): offsets = OffsetField() indxA = self.indexArray for j in range(len(indxA)): offset = Offset() across = self.locationAcross[indxA[j]] down = self.locationDown[indxA[j]] acrossOffset = self.locationAcrossOffset[indxA[j]] downOffset = self.locationDownOffset[indxA[j]] snr = self.snr[indxA[j]] offset.setCoordinate(across, down) offset.setOffset(acrossOffset, downOffset) offset.setSignalToNoise(snr) offsets.addOffset(offset) return offsets
def getOffsetField(self): """Return and OffsetField object instead of an array of results""" offsets = OffsetField() for i in range(self.numRows): across = self.locationAcross[i] down = self.locationDown[i] acrossOffset = self.locationAcrossOffset[i] downOffset = self.locationDownOffset[i] snr = self.snrRet[i] sigx = self.cov1Ret[i] sigy = self.cov2Ret[i] sigxy = self.cov3Ret[i] offset = Offset() offset.setCoordinate(across, down) offset.setOffset(acrossOffset, downOffset) offset.setSignalToNoise(snr) offset.setCovariance(sigx, sigy, sigxy) offsets.addOffset(offset) return offsets
def resample(self,frame,doppler): """ Resample the VH and VV polarizations by 0.5 pixels in azimuth. @param frame (\a isceobj.Scene.Frame) the Frame object for the SAR data """ import isceobj import stdproc from isceobj import Constants from isceobj.Location.Offset import Offset, OffsetField instrument = frame.instrument fs = instrument.getRangeSamplingRate() pixelSpacing = Constants.SPEED_OF_LIGHT/(2.0*fs) #2013-06-03 Kosal: change in constant name filename = frame.getImage().getFilename() slcFilename = filename.replace('.raw','.slc') resampledFilename = filename.replace('.raw','.resampled.slc') # Create the SLC image slcImage = isceobj.createSlcImage() slcImage.setFilename(slcFilename) slcImage.setAccessMode('read') slcImage.setDataType('CFLOAT') slcImage.setWidth(self.width) slcImage.createImage() # Create the resampled SLC image resampledSlcImage = isceobj.createSlcImage() resampledSlcImage.setFilename(resampledFilename) resampledSlcImage.setAccessMode('write') resampledSlcImage.setDataType('CFLOAT') resampledSlcImage.setWidth(self.width) resampledSlcImage.createImage() # Create an offset field with constant 0.5 pixel shifts in azimuth offsetField = OffsetField() for i in range(0, self.length,100): for j in range(0, self.width,100): dx = 0.0 dy = -0.5 offset = Offset() offset.setCoordinate(j,i) offset.setOffset(dx,dy) offset.setSignalToNoise(10.0) offsetField.addOffset(offset) self.logger.debug("width: %s" % (self.width)) self.logger.debug("length: %s" % (self.length)) self.logger.debug("Pixel Spacing: %s" % (pixelSpacing)) self.logger.debug("doppler : %s" % (doppler)) fp = open('offsetField','w') fp.write(str(offsetField)) fp.close() #2013-06-03 Kosal: change resamp_only to resamp_slc, which resamples only an SLC #(took resamp_only from revision 747) resamp = stdproc.createResamp_slc() resamp.setNumberLines(self.length) resamp.setNumberRangeBin(self.width) resamp.setNumberFitCoefficients(1) resamp.setSlantRangePixelSpacing(pixelSpacing) resamp.setDopplerCentroidCoefficients([doppler, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) resamp.wireInputPort(name='offsets', object=offsetField) resamp.wireInputPort(name='instrument', object=instrument) # updated 07/24/2012 resamp.stdWriter = self._writer_set_file_tags( "resamp_slc", "log", "err", "out" ) # updated 07/24/2012 resamp.resamp_slc(slcImage, resampledSlcImage) #Kosal slcImage.finalizeImage() resampledSlcImage.finalizeImage() # Rename the resampled slcs os.rename(resampledFilename,slcFilename)
class Fitoff(Component): logging_name = "mroipac.fitoff" dictionaryOfVariables = { 'NUMBER_OF_SIGMAS': ['nSigma', float, True], 'MAX_RMS': ['maxRMS', float, True], 'NUM_POINTS': ['numPoints', int, True], 'MIN_ITER': ['minIter', int, True], 'MAX_ITER': ['maxIter', int, True], 'MIN_PONTS': ['minPoints', int, True], } dictionaryOfOutputVariables = { 'AFFINE_TRANSFORM': 'affineTransform', 'AVERAGE_OFFSET_DOWN': 'averageOffsetDown', 'AVERAGE_OFFSET_ACROSS': 'averageOffsetAcross' } @dov @logged def __init__(self): super(Fitoff, self).__init__() self.numPoints = 0 self.maxRMS = 0.08 self.nSigma = 1.5 self.minPoints = 50 self.minIter = 3 self.maxIter = 30 self.useL1norm = True self.affineTransform = [] self.averageOffsetDown = None self.averageOffsetAcross = None self.numPoints = None self.locationAcross = [] self.locationAcrossOffset = [] self.locationDown = [] self.locationDownOffset = [] self.distance = None self.snr = [] self.cov_across = [] self.cov_down = [] self.cov_cross = [] self.numRefined = None self.refinedOffsetField = None self.createPorts() # self.stdWriter = None return None def createPorts(self): self._inputPorts.add(Port(name='offsets', method=self.addOffsets)) return None def fitoff(self): for port in self._inputPorts: method = port.getMethod() method() self.numPoints = len(self.locationAcross) self.allocateArrays() self.setState() fitoff.fitoff_Py() self.getState() self.deallocateArrays() def setState(self): fitoff.setStdWriter_Py(int(self.stdWriter)) fitoff.setLocationAcross_Py(self.locationAcross, self.numPoints) fitoff.setLocationAcrossOffset_Py(self.locationAcrossOffset, self.numPoints) fitoff.setLocationDown_Py(self.locationDown, self.numPoints) fitoff.setLocationDownOffset_Py(self.locationDownOffset, self.numPoints) fitoff.setSNR_Py(self.snr, self.numPoints) fitoff.setCovDown_Py(self.cov_down, self.numPoints) fitoff.setCovAcross_Py(self.cov_across, self.numPoints) fitoff.setCovCross_Py(self.cov_cross, self.numPoints) fitoff.setMaxRms_Py(self.maxRMS) fitoff.setNSig_Py(self.nSigma) fitoff.setMinPoint_Py(self.minPoints) fitoff.setL1normFlag_Py(int(self.useL1norm)) fitoff.setMinIter_Py(self.minIter) fitoff.setMaxIter_Py(self.maxIter) def setNumberOfPoints(self, var): self.numPoints = int(var) def setLocationAcross(self, var): self.locationAcross = var def setLocationAcrossOffset(self, var): self.locationAcrossOffset = var def setLocationDown(self, var): self.locationDown = var def setLocationDownOffset(self, var): self.locationDownOffset = var def setCov_Across(self, var): self.cov_across = var def setCov_Down(self, var): self.covDown = var def setCov_Cross(self, var): self.cov_cross = var def setNSigma(self, var): self.nSigma = var def setMaxRMS(self, var): self.maxRms = var def setSNR(self, var): self.snr = var def setMinPoints(self, var): self.minPoints = var # def stdWriter(self, var): # self.stdWriter = var def getState(self): #Notice that we allocated a larger size since it was not known a priori, but when we retrieve the data we only retrieve the valid ones self.affineVec = fitoff.getAffineVector_Py() self.averageOffsetAcross = self.affineVec[4] self.averageOffsetDown = self.affineVec[5] self.numRefined = fitoff.getNumberOfRefinedOffsets_Py() retList = fitoff.getRefinedOffsetField_Py(self.numRefined) self.refinedOffsetField = OffsetField() for value in retList: oneoff = Offset(value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3], value[4], value[5], value[6], value[7]) self.refinedOffsetField.addOffset(oneoff) return def getAverageOffsetDown(self): return self.averageOffsetDown def getAverageOffsetAcross(self): return self.averageOffsetAcross def getRefinedLocations(self): indxA = self.indexArray numArrays = 6 retList = [[0] * len(indxA) for i in range(numArrays)] for j in range(len(retList[0])): retList[0][j] = self.locationAcross[indxA[j]] retList[1][j] = self.locationAcrossOffset[indxA[j]] retList[2][j] = self.locationDown[indxA[j]] retList[3][j] = self.locationDownOffset[indxA[j]] retList[4][j] = self.snr[indxA[j]] retList[5][j] = self.sig[indxA[j]] return retList def getRefinedOffsetField(self): offsets = OffsetField() indxA = self.indexArray for j in range(len(indxA)): offset = Offset() across = self.locationAcross[indxA[j]] down = self.locationDown[indxA[j]] acrossOffset = self.locationAcrossOffset[indxA[j]] downOffset = self.locationDownOffset[indxA[j]] snr = self.snr[indxA[j]] offset.setCoordinate(across, down) offset.setOffset(acrossOffset, downOffset) offset.setSignalToNoise(snr) offsets.addOffset(offset) return offsets def allocateArrays(self): if self.numPoints is None: self.numPoints = len(self.locationAcross) fitoff.setNumberLines_Py(int(self.numPoints)) fitoff.allocateArrays_Py(int(self.numPoints)) return def deallocateArrays(self): fitoff.deallocateArrays_Py() def addOffsets(self): offsets = self._inputPorts.getPort('offsets').getObject() if offsets: try: for offset in offsets: across, down = offset.getCoordinate() acrossOffset, downOffset = offset.getOffset() snr = offset.getSignalToNoise() cova, covd, covx = offset.getCovariance() self.locationAcross.append(across) self.locationDown.append(down) self.locationAcrossOffset.append(acrossOffset) self.locationDownOffset.append(downOffset) self.snr.append(snr) self.cov_across.append( cova) # Sigmas used in the inversion self.cov_down.append(covd) self.cov_cross.append(covx) except AttributeError as strerr: self.logger.error(strerr) raise AttributeError("Unable to wire Offset port") pass pass pass
def estimateOffsetField(reference, secondary, azoffset=0, rgoffset=0): ''' Estimate offset field between burst and simamp. ''' print('Creating images') sim = isceobj.createSlcImage() sim.load(secondary+'.xml') sim.setAccessMode('READ') sim.createImage() sar = isceobj.createSlcImage() sar.load(reference+'.xml') sar.setAccessMode('READ') sar.createImage() print('Configuring parameters') width = sar.getWidth() length = sar.getLength() ### CONFIG PARAMS ### refChipWidth = 128 refChipHeight = 128 schMarginX = 40 schMarginY = 40 schWinWidth = refChipWidth + (2 * schMarginX) schWinHeight = refChipHeight + (2 * schMarginY) offAc = 309 offDn = 309 numberLocationAcross = 40 numberLocationDown = 40 ### ### lastAc = int(min(width,(sim.getWidth()-offAc)) - schWinWidth) lastDn = int(min(length,(sim.getLength()-offDn)) - schWinHeight) band1 = 0 # bands are 0-indexed band2 = 0 slcAccessor1 = sar.getImagePointer() slcAccessor2 = sim.getImagePointer() lineLength1 = sar.getWidth() fileLength1 = sar.getLength() lineLength2 = sim.getWidth() fileLength2 = sim.getLength() if sar.getDataType().upper().startswith('C'): imageDataType1 = 'complex' else: imageDataType1 = 'real' if sim.getDataType().upper().startswith('C'): imageDataType2 = 'complex' else: imageDataType2 = 'real' scaleFactorY = 1.0 # == prf2 / prf1 scaleFactorX = 1.0 # == rangeSpacing1 / rangeSpacing2, but these are never set so I'm assuming.... print('Scale Factor in Range: ', scaleFactorX) print('Scale Factor in Azimuth: ', scaleFactorY) offAcmax = int(rgoffset + (scaleFactorX-1)*lineLength1) offDnmax = int(azoffset + (scaleFactorY-1)*fileLength1) skipSampleDown = int((lastDn - offDn) / (numberLocationDown - 1.)) print('Skip Sample Down: %d'%(skipSampleDown)) skipSampleAcross = int((lastAc - offAc) / (numberLocationAcross - 1.)) print('Skip Sample Across: %d'%(skipSampleAcross)) ### setState objOffset = PyAmpcor() objOffset.imageBand1 = band1 objOffset.imageBand2 = band2 objOffset.imageAccessor1 = slcAccessor1 objOffset.imageAccessor2 = slcAccessor2 objOffset.datatype1 = imageDataType1 objOffset.datatype2 = imageDataType2 objOffset.lineLength1 = lineLength1 objOffset.lineLength2 = lineLength2 objOffset.firstSampleAcross = offAc objOffset.lastSampleAcross = lastAc objOffset.skipSampleAcross = skipSampleAcross objOffset.firstSampleDown = offDn objOffset.lastSampleDown = lastDn objOffset.skipSampleDown = skipSampleDown objOffset.acrossGrossOffset = rgoffset objOffset.downGrossOffset = azoffset objOffset.debugFlag = False objOffset.displayFlag = False objOffset.windowSizeWidth = refChipWidth objOffset.windowSizeHeight = refChipHeight objOffset.searchWindowSizeWidth = schMarginX objOffset.searchWindowSizeHeight = schMarginY objOffset.zoomWindowSize = 8 objOffset.oversamplingFactor = 16 objOffset.thresholdSNR = .001 objOffset.thresholdCov = 1000. objOffset.scaleFactorX = scaleFactorX objOffset.scaleFactorY = scaleFactorY objOffset.acrossLooks = 1 objOffset.downLooks = 1 objOffset.runAmpcor() numElem = objOffset.numElem # numRowTable locationAcross = np.zeros(numElem, dtype=int) locationAcrossOffset = np.zeros(numElem, dtype=np.float32) locationDown = np.zeros(numElem, dtype=int) locationDownOffset = np.zeros(numElem, dtype=np.float32) snrRet = np.zeros(numElem, dtype=np.float32) cov1Ret = np.zeros(numElem, dtype=np.float32) cov2Ret = np.zeros(numElem, dtype=np.float32) cov3Ret = np.zeros(numElem, dtype=np.float32) for i in range(numElem): locationAcross[i] = objOffset.getLocationAcrossAt(i) locationAcrossOffset[i] = objOffset.getLocationAcrossOffsetAt(i) locationDown[i] = objOffset.getLocationDownAt(i) locationDownOffset[i] = objOffset.getLocationDownOffsetAt(i) snrRet[i] = objOffset.getSNRAt(i) cov1Ret[i] = objOffset.getCov1At(i) cov2Ret[i] = objOffset.getCov2At(i) cov3Ret[i] = objOffset.getCov3At(i) ### Back to from sar.finalizeImage() sim.finalizeImage() result = OffsetField() for i in range(numElem): across = locationAcross[i] down = locationDown[i] acrossOffset = locationAcrossOffset[i] downOffset = locationDownOffset[i] snr = snrRet[i] sigx = cov1Ret[i] sigy = cov2Ret[i] sigxy = cov3Ret[i] offset = Offset() offset.setCoordinate(across,down) offset.setOffset(acrossOffset,downOffset) offset.setSignalToNoise(snr) offset.setCovariance(sigx,sigy,sigxy) result.addOffset(offset) return result
y1 = offset.y * swathReference.azimuthLineInterval / swathReferenceResampled.azimuthLineInterval + \ (swathReference.sensingStart - swathReferenceResampled.sensingStart).total_seconds() / swathReferenceResampled.azimuthLineInterval x3 = offset.x + offset.dx y3 = offset.y + offset.dy dx = x3 - x1 dy = y3 - y1 offsetUpdate.setCoordinate(x1, y1) offsetUpdate.setOffset(dx, dy) offsetUpdate.setSignalToNoise(offset.snr) offsetUpdate.setCovariance(offset.sigmax, offset.sigmay, offset.sigmaxy) offsetsUpdated.addOffset(offsetUpdate) azimuthPoly, rangePoly = offsetsUpdated.getFitPolynomials( rangeOrder=2, azimuthOrder=2, maxOrder=True, usenumpy=False) #check polynomial accuracy if DEBUG: print() print( ' x y dx dy dx(poly) dy(poly) dx - dx(poly) dy - dy(poly)' ) print( '=============================================================================================================='