def createImages(self): if self.heightSchImage is None and not self.heightSchFilename == '': self.heightSchImage = IF.createImage() accessMode = 'read' dataType = 'FLOAT' width = self.width self.heightSchImage.initImage( self.heightSchFilename, accessMode, width, dataType ) elif self.heightSchImage is None: # this should never happen, atleast when using the # correct method. same for other images self.logger.error( 'Must either pass the heightSchImage in the call or set self.heightSchFilename.' ) raise Exception if ( self.topophaseFlatImage is None and not self.topophaseFlatFilename == '' ): self.topophaseFlatImage = IF.createIntImage() accessMode = 'write' width = self.width self.topophaseFlatImage.initImage(self.topophaseFlatFilename, accessMode, width) elif self.topophaseFlatImage is None: self.logger.error( 'Must either pass the topophaseFlatImage in the call or set self.topophaseMphFilename.' ) if ( self.topophaseMphImage is None and not self.topophaseMphFilename == '' ): self.topophaseMphImage = IF.createIntImage() accessMode = 'write' width = self.width self.topophaseMphImage.initImage(self.topophaseMphFilename, accessMode, width) elif self.topophaseMphImage is None: self.logger.error( 'Must either pass the topophaseMphImage in the call or set self.topophaseMphFilename.' ) #one way or another when it gets here the images better be defined self.intImage.createImage()#this is passed but call createImage and finalizeImage from here self.heightSchImage.createImage() self.topophaseFlatImage.createImage() self.topophaseMphImage.createImage()
def main(): #need actual or soft link to and referenceOrbit = sys.argv[1] #look for reference_orbit.txt fin1 = open(referenceOrbit) allLines = fin1.readlines() s_mocomp = [] for line in allLines: lineS = line.split() s_mocomp.append(float(lineS[2])) fin1.close() from isceobj import Image as IF demNameXml = 'la.dem.xml' from iscesys.Parsers.FileParserFactory import createFileParser parser = createFileParser('xml') #get the properties from the file init file prop = parser.parse(demNameXml)[0] objDem = IF.createDemImage() objDem.initProperties(prop) objDem.createImage() obj = Topo() obj.setReferenceOrbit(s_mocomp) intImage = IF.createIntImage() width = 1328 filename = '' intImage.initImage(filename, 'read', width) intImage.createImage() obj.wireInputPort(name='interferogram', object=intImage) obj.wireInputPort(name='dem', object=objDem) obj.pegLatitude = 0.58936848339144254 obj.pegLongitude = -2.1172133973559606 obj.pegHeading = -0.22703294510994310 obj.planetLocalRadius = 6356638.1714100000 # Frame information obj.slantRangePixelSpacing = 9.3685142500000005 obj.prf = 1930.502000000000 obj.radarWavelength = 0.23605699999999999 obj.rangeFirstSample = 750933.00000000000 # Doppler information # Make_raw information obj.spacecraftHeight = 698594.96239000000 obj.bodyFixedVelocity = 7595.2060428100003 obj.isMocomp = 3072 obj.numberRangeLooks = 1 obj.numberAzimuthLooks = 4 obj.dopplerCentroidConstantTerm = .0690595 obj.topo() minLat = obj.getMinimumLatitude() maxLat = obj.getMaximumLatitude() minLon = obj.getMinimumLongitude() maxLon = obj.getMaximumLongitude() azspace = obj.getAzimuthSpacing() s0 = obj.getSCoordinateFirstLine() print(minLat, maxLat, minLon, maxLon, azspace, s0) #squintShift = obj.getSquintShift() #for el in squintShift: #print(el) intImage.finalizeImage() objDem.finalizeImage()
def main(): #need actual or soft link to and referenceOrbit = sys.argv[1] #look for reference_orbit.txt fin1 = open(referenceOrbit) allLines = fin1.readlines() s_mocomp = [] for line in allLines: lineS = line.split() s_mocomp.append(float(lineS[2])) fin1.close() fp1 = open(sys.argv[3])#mocompbaseline.out fp2 = open(sys.argv[4])#mocomppositions.out all1 = fp1.readlines() all2 = fp2.readlines() fp1.close() fp2.close() mocbase = [] midpoint = [] for line in all1: ls = line.split() mocbase.append([float(ls[1]),float(ls[2]),float(ls[3])]) midpoint.append([float(ls[5]),float(ls[6]),float(ls[7])]) sch1 = [] sch2 = [] sc = [] for line in all2: ls = line.split() sch1.append([float(ls[0]),float(ls[1]),float(ls[2])]) sch2.append([float(ls[3]),float(ls[4]),float(ls[5])]) sc.append([float(ls[6]),float(ls[7]),float(ls[8])]) from isceobj import Image as IF obj = Correct() obj.setReferenceOrbit(s_mocomp) obj.setMocompBaseline(mocbase) obj.setMidpoint(midpoint) obj.setSch1(sch1) obj.setSch2(sch2) obj.setSc(sc) intImage = IF.createIntImage() width = 1328 filename = '' intImage.initImage(filename,'read',width) intImage.createImage() obj.wireInputPort(name='interferogram',object=intImage) obj.pegLatitude = 0.58936848339144254 obj.pegLongitude = -2.1172133973559606 obj.pegHeading = -0.22703294510994310 obj.planetLocalRadius = 6356638.1714100000 # Frame information obj.slantRangePixelSpacing = 9.3685142500000005 obj.prf = 1930.502000000000 obj.radarWavelength = 0.23605699999999999 obj.rangeFirstSample = 750933.00000000000 # Doppler information # Make_raw information obj.spacecraftHeight = 698594.96239000000 obj.bodyFixedVelocity = 7595.2060428100003 obj.isMocomp = 3072 obj.numberRangeLooks = 1 obj.numberAzimuthLooks = 4 obj.dopplerCentroidConstantTerm = .0690595 obj.setHeightSchFilename('zsch') obj.setTopophaseFlatFilename('topophase.flat') obj.setTopophaseMphFilename('topophase.mph') obj.correct() #squintShift = obj.getSquintShift() #for el in squintShift: #print(el) intImage.finalizeImage()
def createImages(self): if self.heightSchImage is None and not self.heightSchFilename == '': self.heightSchImage = IF.createImage() accessMode = 'read' dataType = 'FLOAT' width = self.width self.heightSchImage.initImage(self.heightSchFilename, accessMode, width, dataType) elif self.heightSchImage is None: # this should never happen, atleast when using the # correct method. same for other images self.logger.error( 'Must either pass the heightSchImage in the call or set self.heightSchFilename.' ) raise Exception if self.intImage is not None: if (self.topophaseFlatImage is None and not self.topophaseFlatFilename == ''): self.topophaseFlatImage = IF.createIntImage() accessMode = 'write' width = self.width self.topophaseFlatImage.initImage(self.topophaseFlatFilename, accessMode, width) elif self.topophaseFlatImage is None: self.logger.error( 'Must either pass the topophaseFlatImage in the call or set self.topophaseMphFilename.' ) if (self.topophaseMphImage is None and not self.topophaseMphFilename == ''): self.topophaseMphImage = IF.createIntImage() accessMode = 'write' width = self.width self.topophaseMphImage.initImage(self.topophaseMphFilename, accessMode, width) elif self.topophaseMphImage is None: self.logger.error( 'Must either pass the topophaseMphImage in the call or set self.topophaseMphFilename.' ) if self.dumpRangeFiles: if (self.slaveRangeImage is None and not self.slaveRangeFilename == ''): self.slaveRangeImage = IF.createImage() self.slaveRangeImage.setFilename(self.slaveRangeFilename) self.slaveRangeImage.setAccessMode('write') self.slaveRangeImage.dataType = 'FLOAT' self.slaveRangeImage.setWidth(self.width) self.slaveRangeImage.bands = 1 self.slaveRangeImage.scheme = 'BIL' if (self.masterRangeImage is None and not self.masterRangeFilename == ''): self.masterRangeImage = IF.createImage() self.masterRangeImage.setFilename(self.masterRangeFilename) self.masterRangeImage.setAccessMode('write') self.masterRangeImage.dataType = 'FLOAT' self.masterRangeImage.setWidth(self.width) self.masterRangeImage.bands = 1 self.masterRangeImage.scheme = 'BIL' if self.polyDoppler is None: self.logger.error( 'Must pass doppler polynomial in the call to correct') #one way or another when it gets here the images better be defined if self.intImage is not None: self.intImage.createImage( ) #this is passed but call createImage and finalizeImage from here self.topophaseFlatImage.createImage() self.heightSchImage.createImage() self.topophaseMphImage.createImage() if self.dumpRangeFiles: self.masterRangeImage.createImage() self.slaveRangeImage.createImage() self.polyDoppler.createPoly2D()