예제 #1
파일: prep_isce.py 프로젝트: shineusn/PySAR
def load_product(xmlname):
    """Load the product using Product Manager."""
    from iscesys.Component.ProductManager import ProductManager as PM
    pm = PM()
    obj = pm.loadProduct(xmlname)
    return obj
예제 #2
def load_product(int_file):
    """Load product from fine interferogram xml file."""

    pm = PM()
    prod = pm.loadProduct(int_file)
    return prod
def loadProduct(xmlname):
    Load the product using Product Manager.
    # from Cunren's code on extracting track data from alos2App
    import isce, isceobj
    from iscesys.Component.ProductManager import ProductManager as PM
    pm = PM()
    obj = pm.loadProduct(xmlname)
    return obj
예제 #4
    def saveProduct(self, obj, xmlname):
        Save the product to an XML file using Product Manager.

        from iscesys.Component.ProductManager import ProductManager as PM

        pm = PM()

        pm.dumpProduct(obj, xmlname)

        return None
예제 #5
def read_isce_product(xmlfile):
    import os
    import isce 
    from iscesys.Component.ProductManager import ProductManager as PM

    # check if the file does exist

    # loading the xml file with isce
    pm = PM()
    obj = pm.loadProduct(xmlfile)

    return obj
예제 #6
def extractInfo(inps):
    Extract required information from pickle file.
    from isceobj.Planet.Planet import Planet
    from isceobj.Util.geo.ellipsoid import Ellipsoid
    from iscesys.Component.ProductManager import ProductManager as PM

    pm = PM()
    frame = pm.loadProduct(inps.xmlFile)

    burst = frame.bursts[0]
    planet = Planet(pname='Earth')
    elp = Ellipsoid(planet.ellipsoid.a, planet.ellipsoid.e2, 'WGS84')

    data = {}
    data['wavelength'] = burst.radarWavelength

    tstart = frame.bursts[0].sensingStart
    #tend   = frame.bursts[-1].sensingStop
    #tmid = tstart + 0.5*(tend - tstart)
    tmid = tstart

    orbit = burst.orbit
    peg = orbit.interpolateOrbit(tmid, method='hermite')

    refElp = Planet(pname='Earth').ellipsoid
    llh = refElp.xyz_to_llh(peg.getPosition())
    hdg = orbit.getENUHeading(tmid)
    refElp.setSCH(llh[0], llh[1], hdg)

    earthRadius = refElp.pegRadCur

    altitude = llh[2]

    #sv = burst.orbit.interpolateOrbit(tmid, method='hermite')
    #pos = sv.getPosition()
    #llh = elp.ECEF(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]).llh()

    data['altitude'] = altitude  #llh.hgt

    #hdg = burst.orbit.getHeading()
        'earthRadius'] = earthRadius  #elp.local_radius_of_curvature(llh.lat, hdg)
    return data
예제 #7
def saveProduct(obj, xmlname):
        Save the product to an XML file using Product Manager.
    # import shelve
    # import os
    # with shelve.open(os.path.dirname(xmlname) + '/'+ os.path.basename(xmlname)  +'.data') as db:
    #     db['data'] = obj

    from iscesys.Component.ProductManager import ProductManager as PM

    pm = PM()

    pm.dumpProduct(obj, xmlname)

    return None
예제 #8
def main(input_json_file):
    """HySDS PGE wrapper for time-series generation."""

    # save cwd (working directory)
    cwd = os.getcwd()

    # get time-series input
    input_json_file = os.path.abspath(input_json_file)
    if not os.path.exists(input_json_file):
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to find %s." % input_json_file)
    with open(input_json_file) as f:
        input_json = json.load(f)
    logger.info("input_json: {}".format(json.dumps(input_json, indent=2)))

    # get coverage threshold
    covth = input_json['coverage_threshold']

    # get coherence threshold
    cohth = input_json['coherence_threshold']

    # get range and azimuth pixel size
    range_pixel_size = input_json['range_pixel_size']
    azimuth_pixel_size = input_json['azimuth_pixel_size']

    # get incidence angle
    inc = input_json['inc']

    # get filt
    filt = input_json['filt']

    # network and gps deramp
    netramp = input_json['netramp']
    gpsramp = input_json['gpsramp']

    # get region of interest
    if input_json['region_of_interest']:
        logger.info("Running Time Series with Region of Interest")
        min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon = input_json['region_of_interest']
        logger.info("Running Time Series on full data")
        min_lon, max_lon, min_lat, max_lat = ts_common.get_envelope(
        logger.info("env: {} {} {} {}".format(min_lon, max_lon, min_lat,

    # get reference point in radar coordinates and length/width for box
    ref_lat, ref_lon = input_json['ref_point']
    ref_width = int((input_json['ref_box_num_pixels'][0] - 1) / 2)
    ref_height = int((input_json['ref_box_num_pixels'][1] - 1) / 2)

    # align images
    center_lines_utc = []
    ifg_info = {}
    ifg_coverage = {}
    for prod_num, ifg_prod in enumerate(input_json['products']):
        logger.info('#' * 80)
            'Processing: {} ({} of {}) (current stack count: {})'.format(
                ifg_prod, prod_num + 1,
                len(input_json['products']) + 1, len(ifg_info)))
        logger.info('-' * 80)

        # get IFG metadata
        ifg_met_file = glob("{}/*.met.json".format(ifg_prod))[0]
        with open(ifg_met_file) as f:
            ifg_met = json.load(f)

        # filter out product from different subswath
        if ifg_met['swath'] != input_json['subswath']:
            logger.info('Filtered out {}: unmatched subswath {}'.format(
                ifg_prod, ifg_met['swath']))

        # extract sensing start and stop dates
        match = DT_RE.search(ifg_met['sensingStart'])
        if not match: raise RuntimeError("Failed to extract start date.")
        start_dt = ''.join(match.groups())
        match = DT_RE.search(ifg_met['sensingStop'])
        if not match: raise RuntimeError("Failed to extract stop date.")
        stop_dt = ''.join(match.groups())
        logger.info('start_dt: {}'.format(start_dt))
        logger.info('stop_dt: {}'.format(stop_dt))

        # extract perpendicular baseline and sensor for ifg.list input file
        cb_pkl = os.path.join(ifg_prod, "PICKLE", "computeBaselines")
        with open(cb_pkl, 'rb') as f:
            catalog = pickle.load(f)
        bperp = ts_common.get_bperp(catalog)
        sensor = catalog['master']['sensor']['mission']
        if sensor is None: sensor = catalog['slave']['sensor']['mission']
        if sensor is None and catalog['master']['sensor'][
                'imagingmode'] == "TOPS":
            sensor = "S1X"
        if sensor is None:
                "{} will be thrown out. Failed to extract sensor".format(

        # set no data value
        if S1_RE.search(sensor):
            sensor = "S1"
            no_data = 0.
        elif sensor == "SMAP":
            no_data = -9999.
            raise RuntimeError("Unknown sensor: {}".format(sensor))

        # project unwrapped phase and correlation products to common region_of_interest bbox (ROI)
        unw_vrt_in = os.path.join(ifg_prod, "merged",
        unw_vrt_out = os.path.join(ifg_prod, "merged", "aligned.unw.vrt")
        gdal_translate(unw_vrt_in, unw_vrt_out, min_lat, max_lat, min_lon,
                       max_lon, no_data, 2)
        cor_vrt_in = os.path.join(ifg_prod, "merged", "phsig.cor.geo.vrt")
        cor_vrt_out = os.path.join(ifg_prod, "merged", "aligned.cor.vrt")
        gdal_translate(cor_vrt_in, cor_vrt_out, min_lat, max_lat, min_lon,
                       max_lon, no_data, 1)

        # get width and length of aligned/projected images and
        # determine reference point limits
        ds = gdal.Open(cor_vrt_out, GA_ReadOnly)
        gt = ds.GetGeoTransform()
        width = ds.RasterXSize
        length = ds.RasterYSize
        ref_line = int((ref_lat - gt[3]) / gt[5])
        ref_pixel = int((ref_lon - gt[0]) / gt[1])
        xlim = [0, width]
        ylim = [0, length]
        rxlim = [ref_pixel - ref_width, ref_pixel + ref_width]
        rylim = [ref_line - ref_height, ref_line + ref_height]
        #logger.info("rxlim: {}".format(rxlim))
        #logger.info("rylim: {}".format(rylim))

        # read the coherence data and build mask from coherence threshold
        band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
        cor = band.ReadAsArray()
        cor_ref = cor[rylim[0]:rylim[1], rxlim[0]:rxlim[1]]
        logger.info("cor_ref: {} {}".format(cor_ref.shape, cor_ref))
        ds = None
        #logger.info("cor: {} {}".format(cor.shape, cor))
        mask = np.nan * np.ones(cor.shape)
        mask[cor >= cohth] = 1.0
        #logger.info("mask_ref: {} {}".format(mask_ref.shape, mask_ref))

        # read the phase data and mask out reference bbox pixels with no data
        ds = gdal.Open(unw_vrt_out, GA_ReadOnly)
        band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
        phs = band.ReadAsArray()
        ds = None
        #logger.info("phs: {} {}".format(phs.shape, phs))
        mask[phs == no_data] = np.nan
        phs_ref = phs[rylim[0]:rylim[1], rxlim[0]:rxlim[1]]
        mask_ref = mask[rylim[0]:rylim[1], rxlim[0]:rxlim[1]]
        phs_ref = phs_ref * mask_ref
        #logger.info("phs_ref: {} {}".format(phs_ref.shape, phs_ref))
        phs_ref_mean = np.nanmean(phs_ref)
        logger.info("phs_ref mean: {}".format(phs_ref_mean))

        # filter out product with no valid phase data in reference bbox
        # or did not pass coherence threshold
        if np.isnan(phs_ref_mean):
                'Filtered out {}: no valid data in ref bbox'.format(ifg_prod))

        # filter out product with ROI coverage of valid data less than threshold
        #cov = np.sum(~np.isnan(mask))/(mask.size*1.)
        #logger.info('coverage: {}'.format(cov))
        #if cov < covth:
        #    logger.info('Filtered out {}: ROI coverage of valid data was below threshold ({} vs. {})'.format(
        #                ifg_prod, cov, covth))
        #    continue

        # filter out product with ROI latitude coverage of valid data less than threshold
        cov = np.sum(~np.isnan(mask), axis=0).max() / (mask.shape[0] * 1.)
        logger.info('coverage: {}'.format(cov))
        if cov < covth:
                'Filtered out {}: ROI latitude coverage of valid data was below threshold ({} vs. {})'
                .format(ifg_prod, cov, covth))

        # get wavelength, heading degree and center line UTC
        ifg_xml = os.path.join(ifg_prod, "fine_interferogram.xml")
        pm = PM()
        ifg_obj = pm.loadProduct(ifg_xml)
        wavelength = ifg_obj.bursts[0].radarWavelength
        sensing_mid = ifg_obj.bursts[0].sensingMid
        heading_deg = ifg_obj.bursts[0].orbit.getENUHeading(sensing_mid)
        center_line_utc = int(
            (sensing_mid - datetime(year=sensing_mid.year,
        # track sensing mid

        # create date ID
        dt_id = "{}_{}".format(start_dt, stop_dt)

        # use IFG product with larger coverage
        if os.path.exists(dt_id):
            if cov <= ifg_coverage[dt_id]:
                    'Filtered out {}: already exists with larger coverage ({} vs. {})'
                    .format(ifg_prod, ifg_coverage[dt_id], cov))
                logger.info('Larger coverage found for {} ({} vs. {})'.format(
                    dt_id, cov, ifg_coverage[dt_id]))

        # create soft link for aligned products
        os.symlink(ifg_prod, dt_id)

        # set ifg list info
        ifg_info[dt_id] = {
            'product': ifg_prod,
            'start_dt': start_dt,
            'stop_dt': stop_dt,
            'bperp': bperp,
            'sensor': sensor,
            'width': width,
            'length': length,
            'xlim': xlim,
            'ylim': ylim,
            'rxlim': rxlim,
            'rylim': rylim,
            'cohth': cohth,
            'wavelength': wavelength,
            'heading_deg': heading_deg,
            'center_line_utc': center_line_utc,
            'range_pixel_size': range_pixel_size,
            'azimuth_pixel_size': azimuth_pixel_size,
            'inc': inc,
            'netramp': netramp,
            'gpsramp': gpsramp,
            'filt': filt,
            'unw_vrt_in': unw_vrt_in,
            'unw_vrt_out': unw_vrt_out,
            'cor_vrt_in': cor_vrt_in,
            'cor_vrt_out': cor_vrt_out,

        # track coverage
        ifg_coverage[dt_id] = cov

        # log success status
        logger.info('Added {} to final input stack'.format(ifg_prod))

    # print status after filtering
        "After filtering: {} out of {} will be used for GIAnT processing".
        format(len(ifg_info), len(input_json['products'])))

    # croak no products passed filters
    if len(ifg_info) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "All products in the stack were filtered out. Check thresholds.")

    # get sorted ifg date list
    ifg_list = sorted(ifg_info)

    # get endpoint configurations
    uu = UrlUtils()
    es_url = uu.rest_url
    es_index = uu.grq_index_prefix
    logger.info("GRQ url: {}".format(es_url))
    logger.info("GRQ index: {}".format(es_index))

    # get hash of all params
    m = hashlib.new('md5')
    m.update("{} {} {} {}".format(min_lon, max_lon, min_lat,
    m.update("{} {}".format(*input_json['ref_point']).encode('utf-8'))
    m.update("{} {}".format(*input_json['ref_box_num_pixels']).encode('utf-8'))
    m.update(" ".join(ifg_list).encode('utf-8'))
    roi_ref_hash = m.hexdigest()[0:5]

    # get time series product ID
    id = ID_TMPL.format(project=input_json['project'].replace(' ', '_'),
    logger.info("Product ID for version {}: {}".format(uu.version, id))

    # check if time-series already exists
    if ts_exists(es_url, es_index, id):
        logger.info("{} time-series for {}".format(uu.version, id) +
                    " was previously generated and exists in GRQ database.")

    # write ifg.list
    with open('ifg.list', 'w') as f:
        for i, dt_id in enumerate(ifg_list):
                "{start_dt} {stop_dt} {bperp:7.2f} {sensor} {width} {length} {wavelength} {heading_deg} {center_line_utc} {xlim} {ylim} {rxlim} {rylim}\n"
            f.write("{start_dt} {stop_dt} {bperp:7.2f} {sensor}\n".format(

            # write input files on first ifg
            if i == 0:
                # write example.rsc
                with open('example.rsc', 'w') as g:

                # write prepdataxml.py
                with open('prepdataxml.py', 'w') as g:

                # write prepsbasxml.py
                with open('prepsbasxml.py', 'w') as g:

    # copy userfn.py
    shutil.copy(os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "userfn.py"), "userfn.py")

    # get aligned coherence file for adding geocoding info to products
    cor_vrt = ifg_info[ifg_list[0]]['cor_vrt_out']

    # create data.xml
    logger.info("Running step 1: prepdataxml.py")
    check_call("python prepdataxml.py", shell=True)

    # prepare interferogram stack
    logger.info("Running step 2: PrepIgramStack.py")
    check_call("{}/PrepIgramStackWrapper.py".format(BASE_PATH), shell=True)

    # create sbas.xml
    logger.info("Running step 3: prepsbasxml.py")
    check_call("python prepsbasxml.py", shell=True)

    # stack preprocessing: apply atmospheric corrections and estimate residual orbit errors
    logger.info("Running step 4: ProcessStack.py")
    check_call("{}/ProcessStackWrapper.py".format(BASE_PATH), shell=True)

    # SBASInvert.py to create time-series using short baseline approach (least-squares)
    logger.info("Running step 5: SBASInvert.py")
    check_call("{}/SBASInvertWrapper.py".format(BASE_PATH), shell=True)

    # add lat, lon, and time datasets to LS-PARAMS.h5 for THREDDS
    sbas = os.path.join("Stack", "LS-PARAMS.h5")
    check_call("{}/prep_tds.py {} {}".format(BASE_PATH, cor_vrt, sbas),

    # NSBASInvert.py to create time-series using partially coherent pixels approach
    logger.info("Running step 6: NSBASInvert.py")
    cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    check_call("{}/NSBASInvertWrapper.py -nproc {}".format(
        BASE_PATH, cpu_count),

    # add lat, lon, and time datasets to NSBAS-PARAMS.h5 for THREDDS
    nsbas = os.path.join("Stack", "NSBAS-PARAMS.h5")
    check_call("{}/prep_tds.py {} {}".format(BASE_PATH, cor_vrt, nsbas),

    # SBASxval.py determine stats to estimate uncertainties (leave-one-out approach)
    logger.info("Running step 7: SBASxval.py")
    check_call("{}/SBASxvalWrapper.py".format(BASE_PATH), shell=True)

    # add lat, lon, and time datasets to LS-xval.h5 for THREDDS
    xval = os.path.join("Stack", "LS-xval.h5")
    check_call("{}/prep_tds.py {} {}".format(BASE_PATH, cor_vrt, xval),

    # extract timestep dates
    h5f = h5py.File(nsbas, 'r')
    times = h5f.get('time')[:]
    timesteps = [datetime.fromtimestamp(i).isoformat('T') for i in times[:]]

    # create product directory
    prod_dir = id
    os.makedirs(prod_dir, 0o755)
    #Compute bounding polygon before
    bound_polygon = None
        bound_polygon = ts_common.get_bounding_polygon(
    except Exception as e:
        logger.warn("Using less precise BBOX due to error. {0}.{1}".format(
            type(e), e))
    # move and compress HDF5 products
    prod_files = glob("Stack/*")
    for i in prod_files:
        shutil.move(i, prod_dir)
        check_call("pigz -f -9 {}".format(
            os.path.join(prod_dir, os.path.basename(i))),

    # create browse image
    png_files = glob("Figs/Igrams/*.png")
    shutil.copyfile(png_files[0], os.path.join(prod_dir, "browse.png"))
    call_noerr("convert -resize 250x250 {} {}".format(
        png_files[0], os.path.join(prod_dir, "browse_small.png")))

    # copy pngs
    for i in png_files:
        shutil.move(i, prod_dir)

    # save other files to product directory
                    os.path.join(prod_dir, "{}.context.json".format(id)))
    shutil.copyfile("data.xml", os.path.join(prod_dir, "data.xml"))
    shutil.copyfile("example.rsc", os.path.join(prod_dir, "example.rsc"))
    shutil.copyfile("ifg.list", os.path.join(prod_dir, "ifg.list"))
    shutil.copyfile("prepdataxml.py", os.path.join(prod_dir, "prepdataxml.py"))
    shutil.copyfile("prepsbasxml.py", os.path.join(prod_dir, "prepsbasxml.py"))
    shutil.copyfile("sbas.xml", os.path.join(prod_dir, "sbas.xml"))

    # create met json
    met = {
        "bbox": [
            [max_lat, max_lon],
            [max_lat, min_lon],
            [min_lat, min_lon],
            [min_lat, max_lon],
        "SAR-C Sentinel1",
        "tags": [input_json['project']],
        "ifgs": [ifg_info[i]['product'] for i in sorted(ifg_info)],
    #Set a better bbox
    if not bound_polygon is None:
        met["bbox"] = bound_polygon
    met_file = os.path.join(prod_dir, "{}.met.json".format(id))
    with open(met_file, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(met, f, indent=2)
    #Dataset JSON
    ts_common.write_dataset_json(prod_dir, id, met["bbox"], timesteps[0],
    # write PROV-ES JSON

    # clean out SAFE directories and symlinks
    for i in input_json['products']:
    for i in ifg_list:
예제 #9
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os, sys, glob, re
import argparse
import datetime
import lxml.objectify as ob
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import subprocess
import shutil

sys.path.insert(0, os.environ["ISCE_ROOT"] + '/isce/components')
from iscesys.Component.ProductManager import ProductManager as PM

pm = PM()

def cmdLineParse():
    Command Line Parser.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Processing ISCE product to create example.rsc')
                        help='List of folders containing insarProc.xml files',
예제 #10
def filter_ifgs(ifg_prods, min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon, ref_lat,
                ref_lon, ref_width, ref_height, covth, cohth, range_pixel_size,
                azimuth_pixel_size, inc, filt, netramp, gpsramp,
    """Filter input interferogram products."""

    # align images
    center_lines_utc = []
    ifg_info = {}
    ifg_coverage = {}
    print('ifg_prods: {}'.format(ifg_prods))
    for prod_num, ifg_prod in enumerate(ifg_prods):
        logger.info('#' * 80)
        logger.info('Processing: {} ({} of {}) (current stack count: {})'.format(
                    ifg_prod, prod_num+1, len(ifg_prods)+1, len(ifg_info)))
        logger.info('-' * 80)

        # get IFG metadata
        ifg_met_file = glob("{}/*.met.json".format(ifg_prod))[0]
        with open(ifg_met_file) as f:
            ifg_met = json.load(f)

        # extract master and slave dates
        match = ID_DT_RE.search(ifg_met["reference_scenes"][0])
        if not match: raise RuntimeError("Failed to extract master date.")
        master_date = datetime.strptime(match.group(1), "%Y%m%d")
        match = ID_DT_RE.search(ifg_met["secondary_scenes"][0])
        if not match: raise RuntimeError("Failed to extract slave date.")
        slave_date = datetime.strptime(match.group(1), "%Y%m%d")

        # filter out product from different track
        trackNumber = ifg_met["track_number"]
        if int(trackNumber) != int(track):
            logger.info('Filtered out {}: unmatched track {}'.format(ifg_prod, trackNumber))

        ## filter out product from different subswath
        #swath = ifg_met['swath'] if isinstance(ifg_met['swath'], list) else [ ifg_met['swath'] ]
        #if set(swath) != set(subswath):
        #    logger.info('Filtered out {}: unmatched subswath {}'.format(ifg_prod, swath))
        #    continue

        # extract sensing start and stop dates
        sensingStarts = ifg_met["sensing_start"] if isinstance(ifg_met["sensing_start"], list) else [ ifg_met["sensing_start"]]
        print("\nsensingStarts: {}\n".format(sensingStarts))
        match = DT_RE.search(sensingStarts[0])
        if not match: raise RuntimeError("Failed to extract start date.")
        start_dt = ''.join(match.groups()[:3])
        start_time = datetime.strptime(sensingStarts[0], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
        sensingStops = ifg_met["sensing_stop"] if isinstance(ifg_met["sensing_stop"], list) else [ ifg_met["sensing_stop"] ]
        match = DT_RE.search(sensingStops[-1])
        if not match: raise RuntimeError("Failed to extract stop date.")
        stop_dt = ''.join(match.groups()[:3])
        stop_time = datetime.strptime(sensingStops[-1], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
        logger.info('start_dt: {}'.format(start_dt))
        logger.info('stop_dt: {}'.format(stop_dt))

        # extract perpendicular baseline and sensor for ifg.list input file
        cb_pkl = os.path.join(ifg_prod, "PICKLE", "computeBaselines")
        if os.path.exists(cb_pkl):
            with open(cb_pkl, 'rb') as f:
                catalog = pickle.load(f)
            bperp = get_bperp(catalog)
            sensor = catalog['master']['sensor']['mission']
            if sensor is None: sensor = catalog['slave']['sensor']['mission']
            if sensor is None and catalog['master']['sensor']['imagingmode'] == "TOPS":
                sensor = "S1X"
            if sensor is None:
                logger.warn("{} will be thrown out. Failed to extract sensor".format(ifg_prod))
            bperp = 0.
            if re.search(r'^S1', ifg_prod): sensor = 'S1X'
                raise RuntimeError("Cannot determine sensor: {}".format(ifg_prod))
        logger.info('sensor: {}'.format(sensor))

         # get orbit direction to estimate heading
        direction = ifg_met["orbit_direction"]
        logger.info('direction: {}'.format(direction))

        # set platform
        platform = PLATFORMS.get(sensor, ifg_met.get('platform', None))

        # set no data value
        if S1_RE.search(sensor):
            sensor = "S1"
            no_data = 0.
        elif sensor == "SMAP": no_data = -9999.
            raise RuntimeError("Unknown sensor: {}".format(sensor))
        logger.info('new sensor: {}'.format(sensor))

        # get wavelength, heading degree and center line UTC
        ifg_xml = os.path.join(ifg_prod, "fine_interferogram.xml")
        if os.path.exists(ifg_xml):
            pm = PM()
            ifg_obj = pm.loadProduct(ifg_xml)
            wavelength = ifg_obj.bursts[0].radarWavelength
            sensing_mid = ifg_obj.bursts[0].sensingMid
            heading_deg = ifg_obj.bursts[0].orbit.getENUHeading(sensing_mid)
            center_line_utc = int((sensing_mid - datetime(year=sensing_mid.year,
            # set sensing mid and centerline
            sensing_mid = start_time + timedelta(seconds=(stop_time-start_time).total_seconds()/3.)
            center_line_utc = int((sensing_mid - datetime(year=sensing_mid.year,

            # set wavelength and no data value
            if sensor == "S1":
                wavelength = 0.05546576
                if direction == "ascending":
                    heading_deg = -13.0
                    heading_deg = -167.0
            elif sensor == "SMAP":
                wavelength = 0.05546576 # change with actual
                heading_deg = 0 # change with actual
                raise RuntimeError("Unknown sensor: {}".format(sensor))

        # project unwrapped phase and correlation products to common region_of_interest bbox (ROI)
        merged_dir = os.path.join(ifg_prod, "merged")
        if os.path.exists(merged_dir):
            unw_vrt_in = os.path.join(merged_dir, "filt_topophase.unw.geo.vrt")
            unw_vrt_out = os.path.join(merged_dir, "aligned.unw.vrt")
            cor_vrt_in = os.path.join(merged_dir, "phsig.cor.geo.vrt")
            cor_vrt_out = os.path.join(merged_dir, "aligned.cor.vrt")
            unw_vrt_in = os.path.join(ifg_prod, "filt_topophase.unw.geo.vrt")
            unw_vrt_out = os.path.join(ifg_prod, "aligned.unw.vrt")
            cor_vrt_in = os.path.join(ifg_prod, "phsig.cor.geo.vrt")
            cor_vrt_out = os.path.join(ifg_prod, "aligned.cor.vrt")
        gdal_translate(unw_vrt_in, unw_vrt_out, min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon, no_data, 2)
        gdal_translate(cor_vrt_in, cor_vrt_out, min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon, no_data, 1)

        # get width and length of aligned/projected images and
        # determine reference point limits
        ds = gdal.Open(cor_vrt_out, GA_ReadOnly)
        gt = ds.GetGeoTransform()
        width = ds.RasterXSize
        length = ds.RasterYSize
        ref_line  = int((ref_lat - gt[3]) / gt[5])
        ref_pixel = int((ref_lon - gt[0]) / gt[1])
        xlim = [0, width]
        ylim = [0, length]
        rxlim = [ref_pixel - ref_width, ref_pixel + ref_width]
        rylim = [ref_line - ref_height, ref_line + ref_height]
        #logger.info("rxlim: {}".format(rxlim))
        #logger.info("rylim: {}".format(rylim))

        # read the coherence data and build mask from coherence threshold
        band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
        cor = band.ReadAsArray()
        cor_ref = cor[rylim[0]:rylim[1], rxlim[0]:rxlim[1]]
        logger.info("cor_ref: {} {}".format(cor_ref.shape, cor_ref))
        ds = None
        #logger.info("cor: {} {}".format(cor.shape, cor))
        mask = np.nan*np.ones(cor.shape)
        mask[cor >= cohth] = 1.0
        #logger.info("mask_ref: {} {}".format(mask_ref.shape, mask_ref))

        # read the phase data and mask out reference bbox pixels with no data
        ds = gdal.Open(unw_vrt_out, GA_ReadOnly)
        band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
        phs = band.ReadAsArray()
        ds = None
        #logger.info("phs: {} {}".format(phs.shape, phs))
        mask[phs == no_data] = np.nan
        phs_ref = phs[rylim[0]:rylim[1], rxlim[0]:rxlim[1]]
        mask_ref = mask[rylim[0]:rylim[1], rxlim[0]:rxlim[1]]
        phs_ref = phs_ref*mask_ref
        #logger.info("phs_ref: {} {}".format(phs_ref.shape, phs_ref))
        phs_ref_mean = np.nanmean(phs_ref)
        logger.info("phs_ref mean: {}".format(phs_ref_mean))

        # filter out product with no valid phase data in reference bbox
        # or did not pass coherence threshold
        if np.isnan(phs_ref_mean):
            logger.info('Filtered out {}: no valid data in ref bbox'.format(ifg_prod))

        # filter out product with ROI coverage of valid data less than threshold
        #cov = np.sum(~np.isnan(mask))/(mask.size*1.)
        #logger.info('coverage: {}'.format(cov))
        #if cov < covth:
        #    logger.info('Filtered out {}: ROI coverage of valid data was below threshold ({} vs. {})'.format(
        #                ifg_prod, cov, covth))
        #    continue

        # filter out product with ROI latitude coverage of valid data less than threshold
        cov = np.sum(~np.isnan(mask), axis=0).max()/(mask.shape[0]*1.)
        logger.info('coverage: {}'.format(cov))
        if cov < covth:
            logger.info('Filtered out {}: ROI latitude coverage of valid data was below threshold ({} vs. {})'.format(
                        ifg_prod, cov, covth))

        # track sensing mid

        # create date ID
        dt_id = "{}_{}".format(start_dt, stop_dt)

        # use IFG product with larger coverage
        if os.path.exists(dt_id):
            if cov <= ifg_coverage[dt_id]:
                logger.info('Filtered out {}: already exists with larger coverage ({} vs. {})'.format(
                            ifg_prod, ifg_coverage[dt_id], cov))
                logger.info('Larger coverage found for {} ({} vs. {})'.format(
                            dt_id, cov, ifg_coverage[dt_id]))

        # create soft link for aligned products
        os.symlink(ifg_prod, dt_id)

        # set ifg list info
        ifg_info[dt_id] = {
            'product': ifg_prod,
            'start_dt': start_dt,
            'stop_dt': stop_dt,
            'bperp': bperp,
            'sensor': sensor,
            'sensor_name': SENSORS[sensor],
            'platform': platform,
            'width': width,
            'length': length,
            'xlim': xlim,
            'ylim': ylim,
            'rxlim': rxlim,
            'rylim': rylim,
            'cohth': cohth,
            'wavelength': wavelength,
            'heading_deg': heading_deg,
            'center_line_utc': center_line_utc,
            'range_pixel_size': range_pixel_size,
            'azimuth_pixel_size': azimuth_pixel_size,
            'inc': inc,
            'netramp': netramp,
            'gpsramp': gpsramp,
            'filt': filt,
            'unw_vrt_in': unw_vrt_in,
            'unw_vrt_out': unw_vrt_out,
            'cor_vrt_in': cor_vrt_in,
            'cor_vrt_out': cor_vrt_out,
            'master_date': master_date,
            'slave_date': slave_date,

        # track coverage
        ifg_coverage[dt_id] = cov

        # log success status
        logger.info('Added {} to final input stack'.format(ifg_prod))

    # extract geocoded coords
    ifg_list = sorted(ifg_info)
    if len(ifg_list) > 0:
        lats, lons = get_geocoded_coords(ifg_info[ifg_list[0]]['cor_vrt_out'])
    else: lats = lons = None
    return {
        'center_lines_utc': center_lines_utc,
        'ifg_info': ifg_info,
        'ifg_coverage': ifg_coverage,
        'lats': lats,
        'lons': lons,