예제 #1
def get_stripe_mult_info(stripe_mult_consts,
                         runtime=None, pass_count=2):
    log = loglib.get_logger()

    # Get appropriate stripe multiplier override value (from options)
    stripe_mult_override = False
    if log.get_data_value('diskscrub_mult'): # Non-zero, Non-None
        stripe_mult_override = log.get_data_value('diskscrub_mult')
    if log.get_data_value('diskscrub_full'):
        stripe_mult_override = 1 # 100%, full drive testing

    # Get disk devices
        driveinfo = drivelib.DriveInfo()
    except drivelib.DriveInfoException, e:
        log.fail('Unable to get disk information: %s' % e, 0)
        return # hard fail
예제 #2
def run(reps = None):
    log = loglib.get_logger()
    if reps == None:
        while 1:
            reps_default = 5
            reps = log.prompt('How many iterations would you like ' +
                              'performed? (%d): ' %
                if reps == '':
                    reps = reps_default
                reps = int(reps)
                if reps <= 0:
                    raise ValueError
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                log.out('Invalid entry. Please enter a positive integer.')

    log.out('Test iterations: %d' % reps)

    log.out('Connecting to LCD')
    # Kill isi_lcd_d, no questions asked

    # Attempt to get our LCD object
        lcd = display.getDisplay()
    except Exception, e:
        log.fail('Unable to initialize LCD object', 0)
        if e:
            log.fail('%s' % e, 0)
예제 #3
def run(reps = None, sections = 125, checkpoint = 0):
    log = loglib.get_logger()
    ramdir = ramdisk.disk_dir()
    nvramdev = hal.getNvramDevicePath()
    randfile = '/dev/random'

    blocksize = 1024 * 1024 # see dd cmd, bs=1024k
    nvramsize = nvram.get_nvram_size()
    expd_nvramsizes = nvram.get_nvram_sizes()

    if not nvramdev:
        log.fail("No nvram device available for test", 0)
    if not expd_nvramsizes:
        log.fail("No official nvram specs for hardware family '%s'" %
                 hwver.hwgenName(hwver.hwgen), 0)

    # Validate or prompt for reps
    if reps != None:
            reps = int(reps)
            if reps <= 0:
                raise ValueError()
        except ValueError:
            log.fail('Invalid reps parameter (%s)' % reps)
            return # hard fail
        while 1:
            reps = log.prompt('Iteration count (%d): ' %
            if reps == '':
                reps = default_reps
                reps = int(reps)
                if reps <= 0:
                    raise ValueError()
            except ValueError:
                log.out('Invalid iteration count; please enter a positive ' +

    # Init the ram disk (moved from isi_mfg_check script)
    # XXX This ramdisk lib is crap, and needs serious attention

    # clear ECC counts to 0 before test
    if nvram.pre_test_clear_ecc_errors():
        return # hard fail


    # Open the nvram log file for appending. After writing to it, be
    # sure to flush it before any calls to 'echo xyz >> loglib.nvram_log()',
    # otherwise output can get out of sync.
        nvramlog = open(loglib.nvram_log(), 'a')
    except IOError:
        log.fail('Unable to open nvram log file for appending: %s' %
                 loglib.nvram_log(), 0)
        return # hard fail

    def nvramlogwrite(output):
        if isinstance(output, basestring):
            output = [output]
        for out in output:
            nvramlog.write("%s\n" % out)

    def testString(iter, sec=None):
        test = "Test %d of %d" % (iter+1, reps)
        if not sec is None:
            test += ": sec %d:" % (sec)
        return test

    def ddexec(iter, sec, ddcmd):
        cmd = 'dd if=%s of=%s bs=1024k count=4' % (ddcmd['if'], ddcmd['of'])
        if ddcmd['option']:
            cmd += ' %s' % ddcmd['option']
        # Note previously this cmd was piped: 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
        (error, output) = procs.get_cmd_output(cmd)
            outerr = output[0]
            outerr = ''
        if error:
            out_str = ('%s: dd from %s to %s failed: %s' %
                       (testString(iter,sec), ddcmd['src'], ddcmd['dest'],
            log.fail(out_str, 0)
            # Push dd output to logfile
            output.insert(0, out_str)
        return error

    def checkjournal(iter, start=True):
        # Uses: nvramlog, log, reps, checkpoint
        error = 0
        if iter >= checkpoint or iter == -1:
            if iter == -1:
                test = 'Pre-Test'
                out_str = ('%s -- checking journal' % test)
                test = testString(iter)
                out_str = ('%s -- checking journal (%s)' %
                           (test, start and "start" or "end"))
            cmd = files.commands['checkjournal']
            def echo_func(x):
                nvramlog.write('%s\n' % x)
            (error, output) = procs.proc_cmd_output(cmd, echo_func)
            if not error:
                volt_fails = nvram.extract_voltage_failures(output)
            if error or volt_fails:
                error = 1
                out_str = '%s: Journal check failed' % test
                #procs.get_cmd_output('echo %s >> %s' %
                #                     (out_str, loglib.nvram_log()))
                log.fail('%s; see %s file for details' %
                         (out_str, loglib.nvram_log()), 0)
        return error

        "nvramscrub: reps=%s, sections=%s, checkpoint=%s" %
        (reps, sections, checkpoint),
        "nvramscrub: ramdir=%s nvramdev=%s randfile=%s" %
        (ramdir, nvramdev, randfile),
    fail_count = 0

    # Tag the syslog with a marker to wrap the test; used for
    # extract_syslog_entries reporting, see end of test.
    syslog_marker = sysloglib.init_syslog_marker('nvramscrub')

    # Do an initial sanity checkjournal, first
    if checkjournal(iter=-1):
        fail_count += 1
        log.fail('Pre-Test NVRAM checkjournal errors detected', 0)

    # We have a protection limit on dd offsets to prevent dd errors:
    #  /dev/mnv0: end of device
    # We rely on reported nvram size from hwver; This is checked
    # independently by safe.id.nvram, but go ahead and report a failure here
    # (once!) if testing would exceed this limit AND reported size mismatch
    # the expected safe.id.nvram values.
    out_str = 'Pre-Test -- checking NVRAM size limits'
    # max(s in sections loop) = sections-1, but r=s+1, so max(r)=sections
    start_max = blocksize * (sections*4)
    if start_max >= nvramsize:
        # If reported nvramsize is less than expected, report failure
        if start_max < min(expd_nvramsizes):
            out_strs = ['- Unable to test at max dd skip offset %dB:' %
                        '- Detected NVRAM size %dB, Expected %s' %
                        (nvramsize, misc.should_be(map(lambda s: '%dB' % s,
            for out_str in out_strs:
                log.fail(out_str, 0)
            fail_count += 1

    abs_starttime = time.time()   #jcc

    # Run the test loop
    log.out('[nvramscrub] start: target_run_time=%s seconds' % ( target_run_time ))
    #print "jcc nvramscrub: start_time   '" + str( time.time() ) + "' seconds"
    for i in range(reps):
        failed = False
        r = 0
        log.out('%s -- scrubbing journal' % testString(i))

	# jcc start
	time_now    = time.time() - abs_starttime
	time_remain = target_run_time - time_now
	if ( time_now < target_run_time ):
		# #print "jcc lcdscrub: remaining_time '" + str( time_remain ) + "' seconds"
		log.out('[nvramsrub] end: target_run_time=%s seconds is reached, exited' % (target_run_time))
		if fail_count > 0:
			log.fail('Test failed')
			log.out('All tests succeeded')

        if checkjournal(i, start=True):
            failed = True

        for s in range(sections):
            r += 1
            start = blocksize * (r*4)
            if start >= nvramsize:
                # Don't dd, will get error: /dev/mnv0: end of device
            writefile = '%s/randfilewrite%d%d' % (ramdir, i, s)
            readfile = '%s/randfileread%d%d' % (ramdir, i, s)

            ddcommands = [
                { 'src': randfile, 'dest': 'ramdisk',
                  'if': randfile, 'of': writefile, 'option': None,
                { 'src': 'ramdisk', 'dest': 'nvram',
                  'if': writefile, 'of': nvramdev, 'option': "seek=%d" % (r*4),
                { 'src': 'nvram', 'dest': 'ramdisk',
                  'if': nvramdev, 'of': readfile, 'option': "skip=%d" % (r*4),
            for ddcmd in ddcommands:
                error = ddexec(i, s, ddcmd)
                if error:
                    failed = True

            # Compare results, if successful dd's above
            if not error:
                cmd = 'diff %s %s' % (readfile, writefile)
                (error, output) = procs.get_cmd_output(cmd)
                if error:
                    failed = True
                    out_str = '%s: dd result diff failed:' % testString(i,s)
                    log.fail(out_str, 0)
                    # Push failure message to logfile
            # Cleanup ramdisk - Always
            procs.get_cmd_output('rm -f %s %s 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null' %
                                 (readfile, writefile))

        if checkjournal(i, start=False):
            failed = True

        if failed:
            fail_count += 1

    if fail_count > 0:
        log.fail('%d of %d tests failed' % (fail_count, reps), 0)

    # Check NVRAM for ECC errors
    if nvram.post_test_check_ecc_errors():
        fail_count += 1

    # Check syslog for NVRAM ECC errors
    if nvram.check_nvram_syslog_errors(marker=syslog_marker):
        fail_count += 1

    if fail_count > 0:
        log.fail('Test failed')
        log.out('All tests succeeded')
예제 #4
def run(iterations=20, fixed=True, random=False):
    log = loglib.get_logger()

    # Set thresholds based on hardware family
    if memstress_thresh_check:
        thresh = get_thresh()
        thresh = None

    if thresh != None:
        thresh_str = "%d  MB/s" % thresh
        thresh_str = None

    # Bust out some tests
    mem_reg = re.compile("^Standard memcpy Speed:\s+(?P<speed>\d+(\.\d+)?)", re.IGNORECASE)

    memstress_tests_all = [("fixed", "prewalk", fixed), ("random", "prerand", random)]
    info = dict([(t[0], t[1:]) for t in memstress_tests_all])
    memstress_opt = lambda t: t in info and info[t][0] or ""
    # XXX Pychecker: memstress_enb not used (verified).
    # Investigate (validate) before final code deletion.
    # memstress_enb = lambda t: t in info and info[t][1]

    # Order in tests matters: run prewalk before prerand
    memstress_tests = []
    for (test, opt, enb) in memstress_tests_all:
        if enb:
    results = dict(
        zip(memstress_tests, [{"values": [], "fail_count": 0, "test_iterations": 0} for test in memstress_tests])

    def speed_average(values):
        if values:
            count = len(values)
            speed = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, values)
            speed /= count
            speed = int(speed)
            speed = 0
        return speed

    def speed_minimum(values):
        if values:
            speed = min(values)
            speed = 0
        return speed

    def speed_maximum(values):
        if values:
            speed = max(values)
            speed = 0
        return speed

    def speed_threshold(values):
        return thresh_str

    speed_types = [
        ("minimum", speed_minimum),
        ("maximum", speed_maximum),
        ("average", speed_average),
        ("threshold", speed_threshold),

    def below_threshold_count(values, threshold):
        return len(filter(lambda s: s < threshold, values))

    # Get formatting widths and funcs (pretty print alignments)

    test_width = memstress_tests and max(map(len, info)) or 0
    iter_width = len(str(iterations))
    speed_type_width = max(map(len, zip(*speed_types)[0]))

    def format_test_info(test, width):
        return "%-*s pattern test" % (width, test.capitalize())

    def format_iter_info():
        return "Iterations per test"

    def format_perf_info():
        return "Performance target"

    def format_header(test, width, iteration, iterations):
        return "%-*s Iteration %*d of %d" % (width, test.capitalize(), iter_width, iteration + 1, iterations)

    def format_speed_result(test, width, speed_type):
        return "%-*s %s speed" % (width, test.capitalize(), speed_type.capitalize())

    def format_thresh_result(test, width):
        return "%-*s Below Threshold Count" % (width, test.capitalize())

    info_width = max(map(len, [format_test_info("test", test_width), format_iter_info(), format_perf_info()]))
    header_width = len(format_header("x", test_width, 0, iterations))
    result_width = max(
        map(len, [format_speed_result("x", test_width, "x" * speed_type_width), format_thresh_result("x", test_width)])
    format_width = max(info_width, header_width, result_width)
    # Re-set all specific widths that we wish aligned (info?)
    info_width = header_width = result_width = format_width

    # Log test info
    for (test, opt, enb) in memstress_tests_all:
        log.out("%-*s:  %s" % (info_width, format_test_info(test, test_width), enb and "True" or "False"))
    log.out("%-*s:  %d" % (info_width, format_iter_info(), iterations))
    if thresh:
        log.out("%-*s:  %s" % (info_width, format_perf_info(), thresh_str))
        log.out("%-*s:  %s" % (info_width, format_perf_info(), "No performance target."))

    log.out("[memscrub] start : target_run_time is=%s seconds" % (target_run_time))
    for test in memstress_tests:
        opt = memstress_opt(test)
        test_iterations = iterations
        # If both fixed and random pattern tests are used,
        # only run a single iteration of the fixed pattern.
        if test == "fixed" and random:
            test_iterations = 1
        results[test]["test_iterations"] = test_iterations
        log.out("Running %s pattern memscrub with %s" % (test, opt))
        # print "jcc memscrub: start_time     '" + str( time.time() ) + "' seconds"
        for i in xrange(test_iterations):

            # jcc start
            time_now = time.time() - abs_starttime
            time_remain = target_run_time - time_now
            if time_now < target_run_time:
                # print "        : jcc memscrub: remaining_time '" + str( time_remain ) + "' seconds"
                log.out("[memscrub] end: target_run_time=%s seconds is reached, exited" % (target_run_time))
                # jcc end

            (error, output) = procs.get_cmd_output(
                "/%s -once -verify -%s " "-iters %d" % (files.commands["memstress"], opt, memstress_iters)
            header = format_header(test, test_width, i, test_iterations)

            if not error and len(output) > 0:
                speed = None

                for line in output:
                    match = mem_reg.match(line)
                    if match:
                        speed = float(match.group("speed"))

                    speed = int(speed)
                except (ValueError, TypeError):
                    speed = None

                if speed != None:
                    # Note fail is optional, depending on thresh
                    fail = thresh != None and speed < thresh
                        "%-*s: %s%d%s MB/s"
                        % (header_width, header, (fail and "(" or " "), speed, (fail and ")" or " "))
                    log.out("%-*s: error" % (header_width, header))
                    log.fail("Unable to extract speed info from memstress " "output: %s" % output, 0)
                    results[test]["fail_count"] += 1

                log.out("%-*s: error" % (header_width, header))
                log.fail("Error running memstress command (error %d)" % error, 0)
                results[test]["fail_count"] += 1

    fail_count = 0
    for test in memstress_tests:
        values = results[test]["values"]
        fail_count += results[test]["fail_count"]
        speed_data = dict([(t, f(values)) for (t, f) in speed_types])
        speed_width = max(map(len, map(str, filter(lambda v: isinstance(v, int), speed_data.values()))))
        for speed_type in zip(*speed_types)[0]:
            if not thresh and speed_type == "threshold":
            speed = speed_data.get(speed_type)
            if isinstance(speed, int):
                speed = "%*d  MB/s" % (speed_width, speed)
            log.out("%-*s:  %s" % (result_width, format_speed_result(test, test_width, speed_type), speed))
        # Note use of len(values): if we have errors, with no valid speed,
        # then we will correctly report total count len(values) < iterations.
            "%-*s:  %d of %d"
            % (result_width, format_thresh_result(test, test_width), below_threshold_count(values, thresh), len(values))

        if results[test]["fail_count"] > 0:
                "%d of %d %s memscrub iterations failed to execute properly"
                % (results[test]["fail_count"], results[test]["test_iterations"], test),

        speed = speed_data.get("average")
        if thresh and speed and speed < thresh:
            # Save this failure indicator globally in fail_count,
            # so we do not report 'Test passed' at end.
            fail_count += 1
                "%-*s Memory speed is %d MB/s, expected at least %d MB/s"
                % (test_width, test.capitalize(), speed, thresh),

    if fail_count == 0:
        log.out("Test passed")
    return fail_count
예제 #5
def run(const_key='long',
        pass_count=None, partition=None, type=None,
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()   #jcc
    if None in [pass_count, partition, type, stripe_mult]:
        consts_disk = consts.disk()
        if not const_key in consts_disk:
            log = loglib.get_logger()
            log.fail('Unknown Diskscrub key "%s"' % const_key, 0)
            return 1 # hard fail
        consts_disk = consts_disk[const_key]
        if pass_count is None:
            pass_count = consts_disk['pass_count']
        if partition is None:
            partition = consts_disk['partition']
        if type is None:
            type = consts_disk['type']
        if stripe_mult is None:
            stripe_mult = consts_disk['stripe_mult']

    # For CTO, and eventually everyone (TBD), new stripe_mult method:
    # Rather than hard-coding 'long' and 'short' stripe_mult values
    # that are hand-tuned to specific runtimes (e.g. long=8hour),
    # use a normalized bandwidth factor, per drive, and the desired
    # test runtime to calculate an appropriate stripe_mult value.
    # (However, there may be complications; e.g, normalized BW factor
    # for a given drive may be different for different platforms,
    # such as a 3.5" SATA drive on a Graham vs. Wingfoot. For now,
    # only using this for CTO, we don't have any such problems.)
    # For CTO 6.5.2 release: default long=6hour, not 8hour
    cto_default_runtimes = {'long':6*60*60, 'short':2*60*60}

    # jcc start
    # Hard to put timer, fork() and singal handingly limiter.
    cto_default_runtimes = consts.disk_target_run_time()
    log = loglib.get_logger()
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()   #jcc
    # jcc end

    if hal.supportsCto() and const_key in cto_default_runtimes:
        if runtime is None:
            runtime = cto_default_runtimes.get(const_key)

    result = 0
    log.out('[diskscrub] start: target_run_time is %s seconds;' % (runtime)) # jcc 

    # Find an unused diskscrub dir on the remote server
    localdir = loglib.get_logger().get_unused_logdir('diskscrub', create=False)
    if localdir is None:
        return 1 # hard fail

    # Extract disk-specific stripe_mult values
    # Use local copy stripe_mult_info for PyChecker warning
    stripe_mult_info = get_stripe_mult_info(stripe_mult, runtime, pass_count)
    if stripe_mult_info is None:
        return 1 # hard fail

    args = {
        'const_key'        : const_key,
        'partition'        : partition,
        'scrub_type'       : type,
        'pass_count'       : pass_count,
        'output_dir'       : localdir,
        'prompt_for_range' : False,
    # For PyChecker warning: Don't have explanation, but assigning
    # this value in args declaration above causes this warning:
    #  Modifying parameter (stripe_mult) with a default value may have
    #  unexpected consequences
    args['stripe_mult'] = stripe_mult_info

    watcher = watchdog.CPUIdleWatchdog(interval_minutes=10,max_fails=3,
    watcher.start('Starting CPU watchdog')
        result = diskscrub.run(**args)
        watcher.stop('Stopping CPU watchdog')

    return result