def get_tc_run_command(self, binary_name, suite_name, tc_name, package_name, output_file): command = '{}{}/ {} {} {} {}'.format( self.get_platform_shell_prefix(), self.app_path, binary_name, suite_name, tc_name, output_file) print_runner_output(command) return command
def print_tc_list(self, file_path, dynamic_runner): fp = open(file_path, "w") list_of_testcase = dynamic_runner.get_tc_list() for testcase in list_of_testcase: command = 'binary_name:{}, suite_name:{}, tc_name:{}, package_name:{}'.format(testcase.binary_name, testcase.suite_name, testcase.tc_name, testcase.package_name) fp.write (command + '\n') fp.close() print_runner_output('TC List Generated!!')
def get_devices(self): command = "sdb devices | awk '/[a-zA-Z0-9]+[ \t]+device[ \t]+[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/{print $1}'" sdb_devices = subprocess.check_output( command, shell=True).decode('ascii').strip().splitlines() print_runner_output(sdb_devices) if len(sdb_devices) > 0: return sdb_devices return []
def set_gtest_tc_list(self, test_result_dir, given_module, file_filter, given_testsuites, given_testcases, dynamic_runner): binary_list = dynamic_runner.get_binary_list() sz = 0 for binary_name in binary_list: print_runner_output(binary_name) if file_filter: if file_filter not in binary_name: continue if given_module: if len(binary_name.split('_')) < 3: continue if binary_name.split('_')[1] not in given_module: continue testsuite = '' command = dynamic_runner.get_tc_list_command(binary_name) rc = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True) log = re.sub(r'(b\'|\')', '', str(rc)) log = dynamic_runner.remove_invalid_character_from_log(log) for line in log.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line.endswith('.') == True: testsuite = line continue if given_testsuites and testsuite[:-1] not in given_testsuites: continue if given_testcases and line not in given_testcases: continue if testsuite != '' and line != '': if dynamic_runner.tc_scenario: if testsuite.split( '_')[-1] not in dynamic_runner.tc_scenario: continue dynamic_runner.add_new_tc(binary_name, testsuite[:-1], line, '')
def check_connectivity(self): command = "{} ip addr show wlan0 | grep 'inet ' | cut -d' ' -f6 | cut -d/ -f1".format( self.get_platform_shell_prefix()) android_ip = subprocess.check_output( command, shell=True).decode('ascii').strip() command = "ping -c 3 {} | grep 'packet loss'| cut -d ',' -f 3 | cut -d '%' -f 1".format( android_ip) packet_loss = subprocess.check_output( command, shell=True).decode('ascii').strip() print_runner_output('packet_loss : {}%'.format(packet_loss)) if len(packet_loss) > 0 and int(packet_loss) < 50: return True return False
def check_connectivity(self): command = "{} shell ifconfig wlan0 | grep 'inet ' | cut -d ':' -f 2| cut -d ' ' -f 1".format( self.get_platform_shell_prefix()) tizen_ip = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).decode('ascii').strip() command = "ping -c 3 {} | grep 'packet loss'| cut -d ',' -f 3 | cut -d '%' -f 1".format( tizen_ip) packet_loss = subprocess.check_output( command, shell=True).decode('ascii').strip() print_runner_output("packet_loss : {}%".format(packet_loss)) if len(packet_loss) > 0 and int(packet_loss) < 50: return True return False
def get_binary_list(self): command = '{}ls {}/{}*{}'.format(self.get_platform_shell_prefix(), self.app_path, TC_BIN_PREFIX, TC_BIN_SUFFIX) print_runner_output(command) process = subprocess.Popen([command], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) log, err = process.communicate(timeout=30) log = str(log) log = self.remove_invalid_character_from_log(log) log = log.replace(self.app_path + os.sep, '') log = log.replace(self.app_path, '') log = log.replace('\n', ' ').strip() log = re.sub(' +', ' ', log) return log.split(' ')
file_filter = opts.file_filter given_module = opts.module package_name = opts.package_name test_result_dir = opts.test_result_dir tc_verdict_file_path = opts.verdict_path save_verdict = opts.save_verdict TestRunOption.max_total_count = int(opts.max_total_count) TestRunOption.min_pass_count = int(opts.min_pass_count) TestRunOption.max_timeout_count = int(opts.max_timeout_count) if save_verdict: set_file_handler(given_module, platform_type, tc_verdict_file_path) #sys.stdout = Multi_Logger(given_module, platform_type, tc_verdict_file_path) print_runner_output('All parameters have taken') dynamic_runner = None if 'linux' == platform_type: dynamic_runner = LinuxTestRunner() elif 'tizen' == platform_type: dynamic_runner = TizenTestRunner() elif 'android' == platform_type: tc_framework = opts.tc_framework if not tc_framework: tc_framework = TESTFW_TYPES.JUNIT if TESTFW_TYPES.GTEST == tc_framework: dynamic_runner = AndroidGtestRunner() elif TESTFW_TYPES.JUNIT == tc_framework: dynamic_runner = AndroidJunitRunner()
def set_junit_tc_list(self, test_result_dir, given_module, given_package_name, given_testsuites, given_testcases, dynamic_runner): for testcase_type in TESTCASE_TYPES: print_runner_output('testcase_type: {}'.format(testcase_type)) if dynamic_runner.tc_scenario: found = False for temp in dynamic_runner.tc_scenario: if temp.lower() == testcase_type.lower(): found = True break if not found: continue for module in TESTSUITE_MODULES: if given_testsuites: found = False for given_suite in given_testsuites: if module in given_suite: found = True break if not found: continue if given_module: if module.lower() not in given_module.lower(): continue if given_package_name: package_name = given_package_name else: package_name = 'org.iotivity.test.' + module.lower( ) + '.tc.' + testcase_type.lower() print_runner_output('package_name: {}'.format(package_name)) cwd = os.getcwd() print_runner_output(cwd) build_dir = os.path.join(cwd, self.test_root, 'bin', dynamic_runner.platform_type, module.lower(), 'intermediates', 'classes', 'debug', package_name.replace('.', os.sep)) print_runner_output(build_dir) if not os.path.exists(build_dir): print_runner_output( 'path {} is not exist'.format(build_dir)) continue os.chdir(build_dir) print_runner_output(os.getcwd()) file_list = [ f for f in os.listdir(build_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(build_dir, f)) ] for suite in file_list: if "$" not in suite and suite.endswith('Test.class'): suite_name = suite.split('.', 1)[0] if given_testsuites and suite_name not in given_testsuites: continue class_command = "find -name '{}.class' | xargs javap -p".format( suite_name) rc = subprocess.check_output(class_command, shell=True) log = re.sub(r'(b\'|\')', '', str(rc)) for line in log.split('\\n'): line = re.sub(r'(b\'|\')', '', str(line.strip())) if 'public void test' in line: begin_index = line.find('test') end_index = line.find('(') tc_name = line[begin_index:end_index] if given_testcases and tc_name not in given_testcases: continue dynamic_runner.add_new_tc( '', suite_name, tc_name, package_name) os.chdir(cwd)
def run_selected_testcase(self, binary_name, suite_name, tc_name, package_name, dynamic_runner, tc_utility_action): fw_output_file = 'temporary_test_output' platform_type = dynamic_runner.platform_type target = build_type = dynamic_runner.build_type transport = dynamic_runner.transport network = module = dynamic_runner.module search_text, expected, search_file_type = dynamic_runner.get_pass_criteria() crash_texts = dynamic_runner.get_crash_text_list() command = dynamic_runner.get_tc_run_command(binary_name, suite_name, tc_name, package_name, fw_output_file) print_runner_output(command) if os.path.exists(fw_output_file): os.remove(fw_output_file) dynamic_runner.remove_fw_output_file(fw_output_file) failure_msg_list = [] for attempt in range(0, 2): log = '' result = 0 delta = 0 status = GT_ATT_STATUS[GT_LOG.OK] is_execution_finshed = False failure_msg_list = [] dynamic_runner.clear_device_log() print_runner_output('current_path: {}'.format(os.getcwd())) dynamic_runner.change_current_dir_to_app_path() #function_name = '{}_{}_tc_pre_action'.format(module, platform_type) #if hasattr(TcUtilityAction, function_name) and callable(getattr(TcUtilityAction, function_name)): # getattr(tc_utility_action, function_name)() #else: # print_runner_output('no {} function found'.format(function_name)) start_time = try: def start_tc_execution(): nonlocal log nonlocal is_execution_finshed rc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, bufsize=1) #encoding utf-8 wasn't working, ISO-8859-1 was worked for a testcase for line in io.TextIOWrapper(rc.stdout, encoding="ISO-8859-1"): print_to_file(line.strip()) log += line for crash_text in crash_texts: if crash_text in log: break is_execution_finshed = True t = threading.Thread(target=start_tc_execution) t.start() cnt = 0 timeout = self.timeout_seconds / 10 while t.is_alive() and cnt < timeout: print_runner_output('Observe Session No: {}'.format(cnt)) t.join(10) cnt += 1 if is_execution_finshed: break for crash_text in crash_texts: if crash_text in log: failure_msg_list.append("crashed") status = GT_ATT_STATUS[GT_LOG.CRASHED] result = 3 break if result == 0 and not is_execution_finshed: failure_msg_list.append("hang") status = GT_ATT_STATUS[GT_LOG.HANG] result = 2 if result == 0: text_found = False if search_file_type == TestRunOption.XML_PASS_CRITERIA: dynamic_runner.download_fw_output_file(fw_output_file) if os.path.exists(fw_output_file): contents = open(fw_output_file, 'r').read() text_found = True else: print_runner_output('No output file found') else: contents = log text_found = True if text_found and ((expected and contents.find(search_text) == -1) or (not expected and contents.find(search_text) >= 0)): failure_msg_list.append(dynamic_runner.get_failure_msg(log)) result = 1 if not text_found: failure_msg_list.append("unexpected") result = 4 except subprocess.CalledProcessError: show_exeception() failure_msg_list.append("crashed") result = 3 status = GT_ATT_STATUS[GT_LOG.CRASHED] end_time = delta = end_time - start_time #function_name = '{}_{}_tc_post_action'.format(module, platform_type) #if hasattr(TcUtilityAction, function_name) and callable(getattr(TcUtilityAction, function_name)): # getattr(tc_utility_action, function_name)(log_file) #else: # print_runner_output('no {} function found'.format(function_name)) print_runner_output('executing {} complete'.format(command)) print_runner_output('current_path {}'.format(os.getcwd())) dynamic_runner.change_back_to_runner_path() if result == 0: break if dynamic_runner.check_connectivity(): break else: failure_msg_list.append("low network quality") xml_output = '<testsuites>\n' xml_output += '\t<testsuite name="{}">\n'.format(suite_name) xml_output += '\t\t<testcase name="{}" status="{}" time="{}">\n'.format(tc_name, status, int(delta.total_seconds() * 1000)) for failure_msg in failure_msg_list: xml_output += ('\t\t\t<failure message="{}"> </failure>\n'.format(failure_msg)) xml_output += '\t\t</testcase>\n' xml_output += '\t</testsuite>\n' xml_output += '</testsuites>\n' timestring ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.%f") process_id = binary_name if not process_id: process_id = package_name file_name = "{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}" .format(platform_type, target, build_type, transport, network, timestring, process_id.replace('.', '_')) log_file_path = os.path.join(self.test_result_dir, file_name + '.log') xml_file_path = os.path.join(self.test_result_dir, file_name + '.xml') if os.path.isfile(log_file_path) or os.path.isfile(xml_file_path): print_runner_output('', Colors.FAIL, 'File name exist !!!\nRunner Internal Error', Colors.ENDC) return command, 4 dynamic_runner.append_device_log(log_file_path) if not os.path.exists(self.test_result_dir): print_runner_output('{} path not found'.format(self.test_result_dir)) result_path_parent = self.test_result_dir result_path_count = 0 while result_path_parent: pos = result_path_parent.rfind(os.sep) if pos == -1: break result_path_parent = result_path_parent[:pos] if os.path.exists(result_path_parent): print_runner_output('{} path found'.format(result_path_parent)) file_list = os.listdir(result_path_parent) print_runner_output('printing file list ...') for f in file_list: print_runner_output(f) print_runner_output('file list printed') break else: print_runner_output('{} path not found'.format(result_path_parent)) result_path_count += 1 if result_path_count > 20: break return command, 4 if not os.path.isdir(self.test_result_dir): print_runner_output('{} directory not found'.format(self.test_result_dir)) return command, 4 if not os.path.isfile(log_file_path): print_runner_output('No log file {} found'.format(log_file_path)) log_file = open(log_file_path, 'a') log_file.write('\n' + log) xml_file = open(xml_file_path, 'w') xml_file.write(xml_output) return command, result
def run_selected_testcases(self, dynamic_runner, verdict_file_path, save_verdict): verdict_types = ['pass', 'fail', 'timeout', 'crash', 'unexpected'] color_types = [Colors.OKGREEN, Colors.FAIL, Colors.FAIL, Colors.FAIL, Colors.FAIL] list_of_testcase = dynamic_runner.get_tc_list() if not list_of_testcase: print_runner_output(Colors.FAIL + 'No testcase Found !!!\nPlease, Check command parameter(s)' + Colors.ENDC) return if save_verdict: list_of_testcase = self.remove_pass_tc(list_of_testcase, verdict_file_path) fp = None if save_verdict: fp = open(verdict_file_path, 'a') for testcase in list_of_testcase: if fp: text = 'verdict | ' text += testcase.binary_name + ' |' text += testcase.suite_name + ' |' text += testcase.tc_name + ' |' text += testcase.package_name + ' |' text += 'in_queue' fp.write(text + '\n') fp.flush() tc_utility_action = TcUtilityAction(dynamic_runner) while list_of_testcase: print_runner_output('{} testcase(s) needed to be run'.format(len(list_of_testcase))) for testcase in list_of_testcase: result = 1 print_runner_output('Executing ' + testcase.binary_name + ' ' + testcase.package_name + '.' + testcase.suite_name + '.' + testcase.tc_name) try: command, result = self.run_selected_testcase (testcase.binary_name, testcase.suite_name, testcase.tc_name, testcase.package_name, dynamic_runner, tc_utility_action) print_runner_output('result: {}'.format(result)) if result == 0: testcase.increase_pass_count() elif result == 2: testcase.increase_timeout_count() testcase.increase_fail_count() else: testcase.increase_fail_count() testcase.increase_total_count() print_runner_output('increase tc verdict count') except: show_exeception() break print_runner_output(color_types[result] + '[ ' + 'Result of ' + testcase.suite_name + '.' + testcase.tc_name + ': ' + verdict_types[result] + ' ]' + Colors.ENDC) if fp: text = 'verdict | ' text += testcase.binary_name + ' |' text += testcase.suite_name + ' |' text += testcase.tc_name + ' |' text += testcase.package_name + ' |' text += verdict_types[result] fp.write(text + '\n') fp.flush() if result == 4: return list_of_testcase[:] = [x for x in list_of_testcase if not x.is_execution_complete()] if fp: fp.close() print_runner_output("### Test Is Done!!")
def download_fw_output_file(self, output_file): pull_command = self.get_platform_command_prefix( ) + ' pull ' + self.app_path + '/' + output_file + ' .' print_runner_output(pull_command) os.system(pull_command)