class ItemSacCSV(): def __init__(self): self.item_data = ItemData() def write_to_file(self): data = [] # header h = 'Name,,Limited,Sac' data.append(h.split(',')) # data for item in sorted(list( {v['name']: v for v in self.item_data.load_items()}.values()), key=lambda i: i['sac'], reverse=True): row = [] # name row.append(item['name']) row.append('') # limited found = False for tag in item['tags']: if ItemTag(tag) == ItemTag.LIMITED: row.append('X') found = True break if not found: row.append('') # sac sac = item['sac'] row.append(sac) row.append('') # cr if sac > 0: data.append(row) with open('data/item-sac.csv', mode='w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for row in data: writer.writerow(row)
def __init__(self): self.item_data = ItemData()
class ItemWearableCSV(): def __init__(self): self.item_data = ItemData() def write_to_file(self): data = [] # header h = 'Name,,Slot,Hold,,Min,Max,,G,N,E,,m,c,t,w,p,a,n,j,s,r,b,,STR,INT,WIS,DEX,CON,CHA,,DAMR,HITR,HP,HP_R,MN,MN_R,MV,MV_R,AC' data.append(h.split(',')) # data for item in sorted(list( {v['name']: v for v in self.item_data.load_items()}.values()), key=lambda i: i['name']): if item['slots'].__len__() < 1: continue row = [] # name row.append(item['name']) row.append('') # slots slot_found = False slot_hold = False for slot in item['slots']: if ItemSlot(slot) != ItemSlot.HOLD: if slot_hold == True: raise Exception row.append(slot) slot_found = True else: slot_hold = True if not slot_found: row.append('') if slot_hold: row.append(ItemSlot.HOLD) else: row.append('') row.append('') # min/max level row.append(item['min_level']) row.append(item['max_level']) row.append('') # align align_good = True align_neutral = True align_evil = True for align in item['align']: a = ItemAlign(align) if a == ItemAlign.NO_EVIL: align_evil = False elif a == ItemAlign.NO_NEUTRAL: align_neutral = False elif a == ItemAlign.NO_GOOD: align_good = False row.append('X' if align_good else '') row.append('X' if align_neutral else '') row.append('X' if align_evil else '') row.append('') # class for cl in ItemClass: for _cl in item['class']: if cl == ItemClass(_cl): row.append('') break else: row.append('X') row.append('') # affects affect_found = False for aff in [ ItemAffect.STR, ItemAffect.INT, ItemAffect.WIS, ItemAffect.DEX, ItemAffect.CON, ItemAffect.CHARISMA ]: matched = False for _aff in item['affects']: for key in _aff: if aff == ItemAffect(key): row.append(_aff[key]) affect_found = True matched = True if not matched: row.append('') row.append('') for aff in [ ItemAffect.DAMROLL, ItemAffect.HITROLL, ItemAffect.HIT, ItemAffect.HIT_REGEN, ItemAffect.MANA, ItemAffect.MANA_REGEN, ItemAffect.MOVE, ItemAffect.MOVE_REGEN ]: matched = False for _aff in item['affects']: for key in _aff: if aff == ItemAffect(key): row.append(_aff[key]) affect_found = True matched = True if not matched: row.append('') if item['ac'] != None and int(item['ac']) > 0: row.append(item['ac']) affect_found = True else: row.append('') # cr if affect_found: data.append(row) with open('data/item-wearables.csv', mode='w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for row in data: writer.writerow(row)
def main(self): items = ItemData().load_items() self.write_brief(items)
class ItemParser(): def __init__(self): self.item_data = ItemData() def read_and_parse_file(self, fname): lines = [] try: lines = self.read_file(fname) except: pass if lines.__len__() > 0: items = self.parse_file(lines) self.item_data.write_item_json(items) def parse_file(self, lines): line_break = "-----" desc_break = "+++++" error_break = "ERROR - IGNORE THIS RECORD" sub_lines = [] items = [] is_desc = False for line in lines: if line.strip().__len__() == 0: pass elif error_break == line: is_desc = False sub_lines.clear() elif line_break == line: if (sub_lines.__len__() > 0): item = self.parse_lines(sub_lines) items.append(item) sub_lines.clear() is_desc = False elif desc_break == line: is_desc = True elif not is_desc: sub_lines.append(line) if (sub_lines.__len__() > 0): item = self.parse_lines(sub_lines) items.append(item) return items def parse_lines(self, lines): item = Item() for line in lines: self.parse_line(line, item) self.validate(item) self.update_sac(item) return item def parse_line(self, line, item): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("Object '"): self.parse_name_type(line, item) elif line.startswith("Item will give you following abilities:"): self.parse_ability(line, item) elif line.startswith("Item is: "): self.parse_tags(line, item) elif line.startswith("Weight: "): self.parse_meta(line, item) elif line.startswith("Can affect you as :"): pass elif line.startswith("Affects: "): self.parse_affects(line, item) elif line.startswith("Item slot: "): self.parse_slot(line, item) elif line.startswith("Damage Dice is '") and line.endswith( " charges."): self.parse_spell_damage_dice(line, item) elif line.startswith("Damage Dice is '"): self.parse_damage_dice(line, item) elif line.startswith("AC-apply is "): self.parse_ac_apply(line, item) elif line.startswith("This STAFF casts: "): self.parse_weapon_cast(line, item) elif line.startswith("This WAND casts: "): self.parse_weapon_cast(line, item) elif line.startswith("This SCROLL casts: "): self.parse_item_cast(line, item) elif line.startswith("This POTION casts: "): self.parse_item_cast(line, item) elif line.startswith("It has ") and line.endswith(" remaining."): self.parse_charge(line, item) elif line.startswith("This item has a maximum level of "): self.parse_max_level(line, item) elif line.startswith("It can hold approximately ") and line.endswith( "units of liquid."): self.parse_liq_container(line, item) elif line.startswith("It can hold approximately "): self.parse_container(line, item) else: raise Exception("unknown line: " + line) def parse_name_type(self, line, item): """Object 'a Hover Board', Item type: AIRSHIP""" name = line[8:] i = name.rfind("'") name = name[:i] = name i = line.find("', Item type:") + 14 item.type = ItemType(line[i:]) parsed = "Object '" + + "', Item type: " + item.type.value assert line == parsed, "[" + line + "] != [" + parsed + "]" def parse_ability(self, line, item): """Item will give you following abilities: NOBITS""" item.ability = ItemAbility(line[41:]) parsed = "Item will give you following abilities: " + item.ability.value assert line == parsed, "[" + line + "] != [" + parsed + "]" def parse_tags(self, line, item): """Item is: GLOW HUM INVIS MAG !DONATE !JUNK UNIQUE INSURED""" tokens = line[9:].split(' ') item.tags.clear for token in tokens: found = False try: tag = ItemTag(token) item.tags.append(tag) found = True except: pass try: tag = ItemClass(token) item.tags.append(tag) found = True except: pass try: tag = ItemRace(token) item.tags.append(tag) found = True except: pass try: tag = ItemAlign(token) item.tags.append(tag) found = True except: pass if not found: raise Exception("unknown tag: " + token) parsed = "Item is:" for tag in item.tags: parsed = parsed + " " + tag.value assert line == parsed, "[" + line + "] != [" + parsed + "]" def parse_meta(self, line, item): """Weight: 5, Value: 10000, Rent: 1000, Min. level: 0""" weight = line[8:] i = weight.find(",") item.weight = int(weight[0:i]) i = line.find(", Value:") + 9 value = line[i:] i = value.find(",") item.value = int(value[:i]) i = line.find(", Rent: ") + 8 rent = line[i:] i = rent.find(",") = int(rent[:i]) i = line.find(", Min. level: ") + 14 item.min_level = int(line[i:]) parsed = "Weight: " + str(item.weight) + ", Value: " + \ str(item.value) + ", Rent: " + str( + \ ", Min. level: " + str(item.min_level) assert line == parsed, "[" + line + "] != [" + parsed + "]" def parse_affects(self, line, item): """Affects: CON By 2""" i = line.find("Affects: ") + 9 tokens = line[i:].split(" ") affect = ItemAffect(tokens[0]) item.affects[affect] = int(tokens[2]) affect = list(item.affects.items())[-1] parsed = "Affects: " + affect[0].value + " By " + str(affect[1]) assert line == parsed, "[" + line + "] != [" + parsed + "]" def parse_slot(self, line, item): """Item slot: Feet""" slot = ItemSlot(line[11:]) if not item.slots.__contains__(slot): item.slots.append(slot) else: raise Exception parsed = "Item slot: " + item.slots[-1].value assert line == parsed, "[" + line + "] != [" + parsed + "]" def parse_damage_dice(self, line, item): """Damage Dice is '6D6' for an average per-round damage of 21.0.""" count = line[16:] i = count.find("D") item.dice_count = int(count[:i]) face = line[16:] i = face.find("D") + 1 face = face[i:] i = face.find("'") item.dice_face = int(face[:i]) i = line.find("damage of ") + 10 avg = line[i:] i = avg.rfind(".") item.average_dmg = float(avg[:i]) parsed = "Damage Dice is '" + str(item.dice_count) + \ "D" + str(item.dice_face) + "' for an average per-round damage of " + \ str(item.average_dmg) + "." assert line == parsed, "[" + line + "] != [" + parsed + "]" def parse_spell_damage_dice(self, line, item): """Damage Dice is '3D5' This weapon currently has 15 of a maximum 6 charges.""" count = line[16:] i = count.find("D") item.dice_count = int(count[:i]) face = line[16:] i = face.find("D") + 1 face = face[i:] i = face.find("'") item.dice_face = int(face[:i]) i = line.find(" maximum ") + 9 max = line[i:] i = max.find(" charges.") item.charge_max = int(max[:i]) i = line.find(" currently has ") + 15 remain = line[i:] i = remain.find(" of a ") item.charge_remain = int(remain[:i]) parsed = "Damage Dice is '" + str(item.dice_count) + "D" + str(item.dice_face) + \ "' This weapon currently has " + str(item.charge_remain) + \ " of a maximum " + str(item.charge_max) + " charges." assert line == parsed, "[" + line + "] != [" + parsed + "]" def parse_ac_apply(self, line, item): """AC-apply is 3""" = int(line[12:]) parsed = "AC-apply is " + str( assert line == parsed, "[" + line + "] != [" + parsed + "]" def parse_weapon_cast(self, line, item): """This STAFF casts: call lightning of level 20""" i = line.find("casts: ") + 7 spell = line[i:] i = spell.find(" of level ") spell = spell[:i] item.spells.append(ItemSpell(spell)) i = line.find(" of level ") + 10 item.spell_level = int(line[i:]) parsed = "This " + item.type.value + " casts: " + \ item.spells[-1].value + " of level " + str(item.spell_level) assert line == parsed, "[" + line + "] != [" + parsed + "]" def parse_item_cast(self, line, item): """This SCROLL casts: Level 12 of word of recall control weather control weather""" i = line.find("casts: Level ") + 14 level = line[i:] i = level.find(" of ") item.spell_level = int(level[:i]) i = line.find("casts: Level ") + 14 spells = line[i:] i = spells.find(" of ") + 4 spells = spells[i:] while spells.__len__() > 0: found = False for sp in list(ItemSpell): if (spells.startswith(sp.value)): item.spells.append(sp) i = sp.value.__len__() spells = spells[i:].strip() found = True continue if not found: raise Exception("unknown spell " + spells) parsed = "This " + item.type.value + \ " casts: Level " + str(item.spell_level) + " of" for sp in item.spells: parsed = parsed + " " + sp.value assert line == parsed, "[" + line + "] != [" + parsed + "]" def parse_charge(self, line, item): """It has 3 maximum charges and 3 remaining.""" """It has 1 maximum charge and 1 remaining.""" """It has 1 maximum charges and 1 remaining.""" max = line[7:] i = max.find(" maximum") item.charge_max = int(max[:i]) i = line.find(" and ") + 5 remain = line[i:] i = remain.find(" remaining") item.charge_remain = int(remain[:i]) parsed = "It has " + str(item.charge_max) + \ " maximum charge" + ("s" if item.type == ItemType.STAFF or item.charge_remain > 1 else "") + " and " + str(item.charge_remain) + " remaining." assert line == parsed, "[" + line + "] != [" + parsed + "]" def parse_max_level(self, line, item): """This item has a maximum level of 20.""" i = line.find("level of ") + 9 max = line[i:] i = max.find(".") item.max_level = int(max[:i]) parsed = "This item has a maximum level of " + \ str(item.max_level) + "." assert line == parsed, "[" + line + "] != [" + parsed + "]" def parse_container(self, line, item): """It can hold approximately 200 units.""" i = line.find("approximately ") + 14 units = line[i:] i = units.find(" units.") item.units = int(units[:i]) parsed = "It can hold approximately " + str(item.units) + " units." assert line == parsed, "[" + line + "] != [" + parsed + "]" def parse_liq_container(self, line, item): """It can hold approximately 8 units of liquid.""" i = line.find("approximately ") + 14 units = line[i:] i = units.find(" units") item.liq_units = int(units[:i]) parsed = "It can hold approximately " + \ str(item.liq_units) + " units of liquid." assert line == parsed, "[" + line + "] != [" + parsed + "]" def validate(self, item): assert != "" assert item.type != "" def update_sac(self, item): for aff in list(item.affects.items()): if ItemAffect(aff[0]).sac: item.sac = item.sac + int(aff[1]) def read_file(self, fname): with open(fname) as f: lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f] f.close() return lines def archive_data(self, fname, lines): with open(fname + ".arc", "a") as f: for line in lines: f.write(line) f.write("\r") f.close() os.remove(fname) def load_items(self): try: with open("data/items.json", "r") as f: data = json.load(f) f.close() return [] if data == None else data except: return []