def post(self): try: BaseHandler.initFromRequest(self, self.request)'email %s', self.getParam('email')) item = model.Item() item.publisherUrl = self.getParam('publisherUrl') item.url = self.getParam('url') item.thumbnailUrl = self.getParam('thumbnailUrl') item.title = self.getParam('title').replace('%u', '\\u').decode('unicode-escape') item.description = self.getParam('description').replace('%u', '\\u').decode('unicode-escape') item.price = 0 = self.getParam('email') item.put() itemList.refreshCacheForDefaultOrderedItems(item.publisherUrl) self.common_response.setItems([item], response.ItemInfo.SHORT) except Exception: BaseHandler.logException(self) BaseHandler.writeResponse(self)
def post(self): try: BaseHandler.initFromRequest(self, self.request) # TODO: assert https item = BaseHandler.getItem(self, self.getParam('itemId')) paymentConfig = model.getPaymentConfig() if item and self._verifyTransaction(item, paymentConfig.test_mode): price = int(self.getParam('price')) item.updatePrice(price, self.getParam('email')) item.put() publisherSite = model.getPublisherSite(item.publisherUrl) db.run_in_transaction(updatePublisherPrice_, publisherSite.key(), price) itemList.refreshCacheForDefaultOrderedItems(item.publisherUrl)'Number of price updates : %d' % len(item.payments))'Last price update : %s' % str(item.payments[len(item.payments)-1])) if paymentConfig.send_email: BaseHandler.sendConfirmationEmail(self, self.getParam('email'), self.getParam('price'), item) self.common_response.setItems([item], response.ItemInfo.WITH_PRICE) except Exception: BaseHandler.logException(self) BaseHandler.writeResponse(self)
def copyWikiLinks(self, url_title): self.publisherUrl = + "/wiki/" + url_title if self.publisherUrl[-1] != "/": self.publisherUrl += "/" self.publisherUrl = self.publisherUrl.lower() self.url_list = [] self.errors = 0 self.successes = 0 self.exceptions = 0 config = model.getLigerpediaConfig() config_timeout = config.embedly_request_timeout config_ellimit = str(config.embedly_request_links_total) #capitalize first letter for wiki #url_title = string.capwords(url_title.lower(), '_') self.links_map.clear() attempt = 0 while attempt < 2 and len(self.links_map) < 1: #querying for external links for url_title in XML format #wikipedia ellimit can go up to 500. There are 10 parallel embedly requests of maximum 20 links (200 total) url = '' + config_ellimit + '&format=xml&titles=' + url_title data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() dom = minidom.parseString(data) for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('el'): #if link is within wiki, ignore extlink = if (extlink.lower().startswith("http") != True): continue self.links_map[extlink] = None attempt = attempt + 1 if len(self.links_map) < 1 and attempt < 2: #casing possibly incorrect, will attempt to search for the right term url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(url_title) search_results = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(url).read()) search_list = search_results[1] if len(search_list) > 0: url_title = search_list[0].replace(' ','_') else: #search did not return anything -- will not try any more break if len(self.links_map) < 1: return api_url = '' #sending requests every 2 seconds up until config_timeout will cache requests from the earlier searches so that we can retrieve them later if needed attempt = 0 while ((attempt * 2) <= config_timeout and self.successes < config_ellimit and self.successes < 20): unretrieved_links = self.getUnretreivedUrls()'requesting %d links from embedly' % (len(unretrieved_links))) urls_per_request = math.ceil(len(unretrieved_links) / 10.0) rpcs = [] links_it = iter(unretrieved_links) iteration_stopped = False for asynch_request in range(10): rpc = urlfetch.create_rpc(deadline=2) rpc.callback = self.create_callback(rpc) url_list = "" j = 0 try: while not(j == urls_per_request and asynch_request < 9): link = str( if len(url_list) > 0: url_list += "," url_list += urllib.quote_plus(link) j = j + 1 except StopIteration: iteration_stopped = True urlfetch.make_fetch_call(rpc, api_url + "key=863cd350298b11e091d0404058088959&urls=" + url_list)'ASYNCH REQUEST %d, requesting %d links' % (asynch_request, j))'ASYNCH REQUEST: %s ' % api_url + "key=863cd350298b11e091d0404058088959&urls=" + url_list) rpcs.append(rpc) if iteration_stopped: break # Finish all RPCs, and let callbacks process the results. for rpc in rpcs: rpc.wait() attempt = attempt + 1'successes / errors / exceptions: %d %d %d' % (self.successes, self.errors, self.exceptions)) if (self.successes > 0): itemList.refreshCacheForDefaultOrderedItems(self.publisherUrl)