def __init__(self, ID, *url, **kw): """ Instantiates me with an item store keyed to the supplied hashable I{ID}. Ensures that I have access to a class-wide instance of a L{Search} object so that I can update the database's full-text index when writing values containing text content. In addition to any engine-specifying keywords supplied, the following are particular to this constructor: @param ID: A hashable object that is used as my unique identifier. @keyword search: Set C{True} if text indexing is to be updated when items are added, updated, or deleted. @keyword search: Option, default is for no indexing of items' text content. """ try: self.ID = hash(ID) except: raise TypeError("Item IDs must be hashable") # In-memory Caches, self.keyCache = {}, {} # For tracking lazy writes self.writeTracker = util.DeferredTracker() self.deferToWrites = self.writeTracker.deferToAll # My very own persistent items store if url: self.i = items.Items(self.ID, url[0], **kw) else: self.i = items.Items(self.ID)
def doEverything(samdb, dbnam, title, subtitle, date): print 'ENTERED DOEVERYTHING' try: ''' Now create the database. ''' samdb.createDatabase(dbnam) print 'Database ' + dbnam + ' created.' dd = donors.Donors() dd.createDonorsTable(samdb) print "Donors table created." db = buyers.Buyers() db.createBuyersTable(samdb) print "Buyers table created." di = items.Items() di.createItemsTable(samdb) print "Items table created." ''' The Auction table is special because the data in it are entered by the auction manager, rather than by other users of the system. Data for the table will come eventually from a GUI. For the moment, default data are entered into the table. ''' da = auction.Auction() da.createAuctionTable(samdb) print "Auction table created." print 'ENTERING AUCTION DATA' da.addAuctionTitle(samdb, title) da.addAuctionSubtitle(samdb, subtitle) da.addAuctionDate(samdb, date) print 'ADDED AUCTION DATA' except MySQLdb.Error, e: print "createAuction.doEverything: Error %d: %s" % \ (e.args[0], e.args[1]) sys.exit(1)
def __init__(self, samdb): self.samdb = samdb = auction.Auction() self.buyers = buyers.Buyers() self.donors = donors.Donors() self.items = items.Items() self.fname = self.rand_fname('xxx', 8) lines = []
def set_all_items(self): itm = items.Items() list_items = itm.get_all_items() oper = classes.operations() n = oper.check_item_base(len(list_items)) for x in range(0, n): self.main_widget.ids.itembase.add_widget(list_items[x]) for x in range(n + 1, len(list_items)): self.main_widget.ids.itemgrid.add_widget(list_items[x])
def update(self): if interface_state.PetChoice == 0: self.frame = (self.frame + STAR_FLOWER_FRAMES_PER_ACTION * ACTION_PER_TIME * game_framework.frame_time) % 4 if get_time() - self.Pet_Time > 5: for i in range(0, 10): item = items.Items(random.randint(0, 2), random.randint(100, 700)) game_world.add_object(item, 1) self.Pet_Time = get_time() elif interface_state.PetChoice == 1: self.frame = (self.frame + STAR_FLOWER_FRAMES_PER_ACTION * ACTION_PER_TIME * game_framework.frame_time) % 4 elif interface_state.PetChoice == 2: self.frame = (self.frame + STAR_FLOWER_FRAMES_PER_ACTION * ACTION_PER_TIME * game_framework.frame_time) % 4 if get_time() - self.Pet_Time > 15: item = items.Items(random.randint(3, 4), 400) game_world.add_object(item, 1) self.Pet_Time = get_time() elif interface_state.PetChoice == 3: self.frame = (self.frame + GHOST_FRAMES_PER_ACTION * ACTION_PER_TIME * game_framework.frame_time) % 3 self.y = main_state.cookie.y + 15
def testConnectAndPopulate(): profile = profileservices.getProfile() samdb = dbservices.Samdb(profile['dbName'], profile['hostName'], int(profile['portNumber']), profile['userName'], profile['password']) samdb.useDatabase(profile['dbName']) ## Create objects for Auction, Donors, Buyers, Items, and Purchases da = auction.Auction() dd = donors.Donors() db = buyers.Buyers() di = items.Items() dp = purchases.Purchases() populate(samdb, da, dd, db, di, dp)
def loadItems(): print "--------------------------" print "--- LOADING ITEMS ---" print "--------------------------" tempItems = sql.getItems() for i in tempItems: item.itemStore[i["id"]] = item.Items() item.itemStore[i["id"]].id = i["id"] item.itemStore[i["id"]].name = i["name"] item.itemStore[i["id"]].desc = i["description"] item.itemStore[i["id"]].type = i["type"] item.itemStore[i["id"]].damage = i["damage"] item.itemStore[i["id"]].armor = i["armor"] item.itemStore[i["id"]].str = i["str"] item.itemStore[i["id"]].vit = i["vit"] item.itemStore[i["id"]].wis = i["wis"] item.itemStore[i["id"]].trade_value = i["trade_value"] print "--- LOADED ITEM: " + item.itemStore[i["id"]].name
def __init__(self, parent, samdb): super(ItemDeleteForm, self).__init__(parent) self.samdb = samdb self.parent = parent self.items = items.Items() self.chooserLists = chooserlists.ChooserLists() self.con = console.Console() mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.chooserPanel = wx.Panel(self, -1) self.BuildChooser(samdb) mainSizer.Add(self.chooserPanel) self.SetSizer(mainSizer) mainSizer.Fit(parent) mainSizer.SetSizeHints(parent)
def add_to_multi(self, id_item): mutli_object = mul.Items() mutli_object.id_items = id_item return mutli_object
def items(self): import items if self._item_obj is None: self._item_obj = items.Items(libdfhack.Context_getItems(self._c_ptr)) return self._item_obj
GAMESIZE = (screenlength,screenlength) fullscreen = True pixelperfect = True screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screenlength,screenlength),pygame.RESIZABLE) fullscreensize = pygame.display.list_modes()[0] background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_rect().size) ROOMNUM = 12 tree = m.generatetree(ROOMNUM) #starts the player at spawn, with no explored rooms currentroom = "A" previousroom = currentroom exploredlist = [] unlocks = Unlocks() items = i.Items(unlocks) itemui = i.Itemview() #items.add("A",(90,90)) roomdict,specialdict,items = treestorooms(tree,items,True) coins = i.Coins() keys = [] clock = pygame.time.Clock() transition = Roomtransition() player = platformer.Player() gun = platformer.Gun(player.pos)
def __init__(self, parent, samdb, function): super(PurchaseEntryForm, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent self.samdb = samdb self.function = function self.items = items.Items() self.buyers = buyers.Buyers() self.purchases = purchases.Purchases() self.con = console.Console() # First create the controls itemNumberLabel = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Item #:") self.itemNumberTC = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", size=(40, -1), \ style=wx.TE_RIGHT) buyerNumberLabel = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Buyer #:") self.buyerNumberTC = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", size=(40, -1), \ style=wx.TE_RIGHT) winningBidLabel = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Winning Bid:") self.winningBidTC = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", size=(50, -1), \ style=wx.TE_RIGHT) cancelButton = wx.Button(self, -1, "Cancel") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onCancelButton, cancelButton) saveButton = wx.Button(self, -1, "Save") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onSaveButton, saveButton) # Now do the layout. # mainSizer is the top-level one that manages everything mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # addrSizer is a grid that holds all of the item info addrSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(5, 5) #addrSizer.AddGrowableCol(1) addrSizer.Add(itemNumberLabel, (0, 0), (1, 1), wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) addrSizer.Add(self.itemNumberTC, (0, 1), (1, 1)) addrSizer.Add(buyerNumberLabel, (1, 0), (1, 1), wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) addrSizer.Add(self.buyerNumberTC, (1, 1), (1, 1)) addrSizer.Add(winningBidLabel, (2, 0), (1, 1), wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) addrSizer.Add(self.winningBidTC, (2, 1), (1, 1)) mainSizer.Add(addrSizer, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10) # Now a buttonSizer for the two buttons. buttonSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) buttonSizer.Add((20, 20), 1) buttonSizer.Add(cancelButton) buttonSizer.Add((20, 20), 1) buttonSizer.Add(saveButton) buttonSizer.Add((20, 20), 1) # Now add the addrSizer to the mainSizer mainSizer.Add(buttonSizer, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.BOTTOM, 10) self.SetSizer(mainSizer) # Fit the frame to the needs of the sizer. The frame will # automatically resize the panel as needed. Also prevent the # frame from getting smaller than this size. mainSizer.Fit(parent) mainSizer.SetSizeHints(parent)
def update(self): if self.operation: if self.Bx1_1 <= -400: self.Bx1_1 = 1200 self.Bx1_1 -= 10 * game_framework.frame_time * ( main_state.cookie.pace + else: self.Bx1_1 -= 10 * game_framework.frame_time * ( main_state.cookie.pace + if self.Bx1_2 <= -400: self.Bx1_2 = 1200 self.Bx1_2 -= 10 * game_framework.frame_time * ( main_state.cookie.pace + else: self.Bx1_2 -= 10 * game_framework.frame_time * ( main_state.cookie.pace + if self.Fx1_1 <= -700: self.Fx1_1 = self.Fx1_2 + 1400 self.Fx1_1 -= 350 * game_framework.frame_time * ( main_state.cookie.pace + else: self.Fx1_1 -= 350 * game_framework.frame_time * ( main_state.cookie.pace + if self.Fx1_2 <= -700: self.Fx1_2 = self.Fx1_1 + 1400 self.Fx1_2 -= 350 * game_framework.frame_time * ( main_state.cookie.pace + else: self.Fx1_2 -= 350 * game_framework.frame_time * ( main_state.cookie.pace + if self.Bottomx1_1 <= -400: self.Bottomx1_1 = 1200 self.Bottomx1_1 -= 250 * game_framework.frame_time * ( main_state.cookie.pace + else: self.Bottomx1_1 -= 250 * game_framework.frame_time * ( main_state.cookie.pace + if self.Bottomx1_2 <= -400: self.Bottomx1_2 = 1200 self.Bottomx1_2 -= 250 * game_framework.frame_time * ( main_state.cookie.pace + else: self.Bottomx1_2 -= 250 * game_framework.frame_time * ( main_state.cookie.pace + if get_time() - self.Effect_item_Time > 0.2: item = items.Items(random.randint(0, 2), 800) game_world.add_object(item, 1) self.Effect_item_Time = get_time() if get_time() - self.Score_item_Time > random.randint(8, 20): item = items.Items(random.randint(3, 4), 800) game_world.add_object(item, 1) self.Score_item_Time = get_time() if get_time() - self.Obstacle_Time > random.randint(5, 10): obstacle = obstacles.Obstacles(random.randint(0, 4)) game_world.add_object(obstacle, 1) self.Obstacle_Time = get_time()
def __init__(self, parent, samdb, function): super(itementryform, self).__init__(parent) self.samdb = samdb self.function = function self.items = items.Items() self.donors = donors.Donors() self.con = console.Console() # First create the controls itemNumberLabel = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Item #:") if function == 'add': self.itemNumberTC = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", size=(40, -1), \ style = wx.TE_RIGHT) else: self.itemNumberTC = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", size=(40, -1), \ style = wx.TE_RIGHT | wx.TE_READONLY) itemDescriptionLabel = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Description:") #self.itemDescriptionTC = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", size=(200, -1)) self.itemDescriptionTC = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "") donorNumberLabel = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Donor #:") self.donorNumberTC = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", size=(40,-1), \ style = wx.TE_RIGHT) retailPriceLabel = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Retail Price:") self.retailPriceTC = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", size=(50, -1), \ style = wx.TE_RIGHT) minimumBidLabel = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Minimum Bid:") self.minimumBidTC = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", size=(50, -1), \ style = wx.TE_RIGHT) incrementLabel = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Increment:") self.incrementTC = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", size=(50, -1), \ style = wx.TE_RIGHT) cancelButton = wx.Button(self, -1, "Cancel") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onCancelButton, cancelButton) saveButton = wx.Button(self, -1, "Save") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onSaveButton, saveButton) # Now do the layout. # mainSizer is the top-level one that manages everything mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # addrSizer is a grid that holds all of the item info addrSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(5, 5) #addrSizer.AddGrowableCol(1) addrSizer.Add(itemNumberLabel, (0, 0), (1, 1), wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) addrSizer.Add(self.itemNumberTC, (0, 1), (1, 1)) addrSizer.Add(itemDescriptionLabel, (1, 0), (1, 1), wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) addrSizer.Add(self.itemDescriptionTC, (1, 1), (1, 5), wx.EXPAND) addrSizer.Add(donorNumberLabel, (2, 0), (1, 1), wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) addrSizer.Add(self.donorNumberTC, (2, 1), (1, 1)) addrSizer.Add(retailPriceLabel, (3, 0), (1, 1), wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) addrSizer.Add(self.retailPriceTC, (3, 1), (1, 1)) addrSizer.Add(minimumBidLabel, (3, 2), (1, 1), wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) addrSizer.Add(self.minimumBidTC, (3, 3), (1, 1)) addrSizer.Add(incrementLabel, (3, 4), (1, 1), wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) addrSizer.Add(self.incrementTC, (3, 5), (1, 1)) mainSizer.Add(addrSizer, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10) # Now a buttonSizer for the two buttons. buttonSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) buttonSizer.Add((20, 20), 1) buttonSizer.Add(cancelButton) buttonSizer.Add((20, 20), 1) buttonSizer.Add(saveButton) buttonSizer.Add((20, 20), 1) # Now add the addrSizer to the mainSizer mainSizer.Add(buttonSizer, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.BOTTOM, 10) self.SetSizer(mainSizer) # Fit the frame to the needs of the sizer. The frame will # automatically resize the panel as needed. Also prevent the # frame from getting smaller than this size. mainSizer.Fit(parent) mainSizer.SetSizeHints(parent)
def main(): #database record_switch = False text_rank = [] textpos_rank = [] #start music'./media/background.wav') #initialize objects. clock = pygame.time.Clock() running = True font = pygame.font.Font(None, 32) car = player.Player() cam = camera.Camera() target = gamemode.Finish() item = [] traffics = [] bound_alert = bounds.Alert() time_alert = timeout.Alert() info = menu.Alert() pointer = direction.Tracker(int(CENTER_W * 2), int(CENTER_H * 2)) #create sprite groups. map_s = pygame.sprite.Group() player_s = pygame.sprite.Group() traffic_s = pygame.sprite.Group() tracks_s = pygame.sprite.Group() target_s = pygame.sprite.Group() item_s = pygame.sprite.Group() pointer_s = pygame.sprite.Group() timer_alert_s = pygame.sprite.Group() bound_alert_s = pygame.sprite.Group() menu_alert_s = pygame.sprite.Group() #generate tiles 기본 맵 초원 for tile_num in range(0, len(maps.map_tile[0])): maps.map_files.append(load_image(maps.map_tile[0][tile_num], False)) for x in range(0, 10): for y in range(0, 10): map_s.add( maps.Map(maps.map_1[x][y], x * 1000, y * 1000, maps.map_1_rot[x][y])) #load tracks tracks.initialize() #load finish target_s.add(target) #load items items.initialize() for count in range(0, ITEM_COUNT): item.append(items.Items()) item_s.add(item[count]) #load direction pointer_s.add(pointer) #load alerts timer_alert_s.add(time_alert) bound_alert_s.add(bound_alert) menu_alert_s.add(info) #load traffic traffic.initialize(CENTER_W, CENTER_H) for count in range(0, TRAFFIC_COUNT): traffics.append(traffic.Traffic()) traffic_s.add(traffics[count]) player_s.add(car) cam.set_pos(car.x, car.y) while running: #Render loop. #Check for menu/reset, (keyup event - trigger ONCE) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if keys[K_m]: if (info.visibility == True): info.visibility = False else: info.visibility = True if info.visibility == True: if (keys[K_p]): car.reset() target.reset() for i in range(0, ITEM_COUNT): item[i].reset record_switch = False if (keys[K_q]): pygame.quit() sys.exit(0) if (keys[K_1]): change_map(map_s, maps, 0) car.reset() target.reset() for i in range(0, ITEM_COUNT): item[i].reset if (keys[K_2]): change_map(map_s, maps, 1) car.reset() target.reset() for i in range(0, ITEM_COUNT): item[i].reset if (keys[K_3]): change_map(map_s, maps, 2) car.reset() target.reset() for i in range(0, ITEM_COUNT): item[i].reset if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: running = False break #Check for key input. (KEYDOWN, trigger often) keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if (target.timeleft > 0): if keys[K_LEFT]: car.steerleft() if keys[K_RIGHT]: car.steerright() if keys[K_UP]: car.accelerate() else: car.soften() if keys[K_DOWN]: car.deaccelerate() cam.set_pos(car.x, car.y) #Show text data. text_fps = font.render('FPS: ' + str(int(clock.get_fps())), 1, (224, 16, 16)) textpos_fps = text_fps.get_rect(centery=175, centerx=260) text_score = font.render('Score: ' + str(target.score), 1, (224, 16, 16)) textpos_score = text_fps.get_rect(centery=205, centerx=260) text_timer = font.render( 'Timer: ' + str(int((target.timeleft / 60) / 60)) + ":" + str(int((target.timeleft / 60) % 60)), 1, (224, 16, 16)) textpos_timer = text_fps.get_rect(centery=235, centerx=260) text_red_ball = font.render( 'Red Ball: ' + str(int(car.red_timer / 64)), 1, (224, 16, 16)) textpos_red_ball = text_fps.get_rect(centery=265, centerx=260) text_blue_ball = font.render( 'Blue Ball: ' + str(int(car.blue_timer / 64)), 1, (224, 16, 16)) textpos_blue_ball = text_fps.get_rect(centery=295, centerx=260) text_green_ball = font.render( 'Green Ball: ' + str(int(car.green_timer / 64)), 1, (224, 16, 16)) textpos_green_ball = text_fps.get_rect(centery=325, centerx=260) text_ranking = font.render('TOP 5 Ranking', 1, (16, 224, 16)) textpos_ranking = text_fps.get_rect(centery=CENTER_H, centerx=CENTER_W - 20) text_boundtimer = font.render( 'Game over After ' + str(int(bound_alert.timeleft / 64)) + ' Second.', 1, (224, 16, 16)) textpos_boundtimer = text_fps.get_rect(centery=CENTER_H + 30, centerx=CENTER_W - 100) #Render Scene. screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) #cam.set_pos(car.x, car.y) map_s.update(cam.x, cam.y) map_s.draw(screen) #Conditional renders/effects car.grass(screen.get_at(((int(CENTER_W - 5), int(CENTER_H - 5)))).g) if (car.tracks): tracks_s.add( tracks.Track(cam.x + CENTER_W, cam.y + CENTER_H, car.dir)) #Just render.. tracks_s.update(cam.x, cam.y) tracks_s.draw(screen) player_s.update(cam.x, cam.y) player_s.draw(screen) traffic_s.update(cam.x, cam.y) traffic_s.draw(screen) target_s.update(cam.x, cam.y) target_s.draw(screen) item_s.update(cam.x, cam.y) item_s.draw(screen) pointer_s.update(car.x + CENTER_W, car.y + CENTER_H, target.x, target.y) pointer_s.draw(screen) #Conditional renders. if (bounds.breaking(car.x + CENTER_W, car.y + CENTER_H) == True): bound_alert_s.update() bound_alert_s.draw(screen) bound_alert.update() screen.blit(text_boundtimer, textpos_boundtimer) if (bound_alert.timeleft == 0): target.timeleft = 0 else: bound_alert.timeleft = 640 if (target.timeleft == 0): timer_alert_s.draw(screen) car.speed = 0 text_score = font.render('Your Score: ' + str(target.score), 1, (224, 16, 16)) textpos_score = text_fps.get_rect(centery=CENTER_H - 56, centerx=CENTER_W - 20) if record_switch == False: cur.execute("SELECT * From rank ORDER BY Point DESC") dataList = [] dataList = cur.fetchall() rank = 0 if len(dataList) == 0: cur.execute("INSERT INTO rank VALUES(?,?)", (1, target.score)) elif len(dataList) < 5: for i in dataList: if i[1] < target.score: rank = i[0] break if rank != 0: cur.execute( "UPDATE rank SET Rank=Rank+1 WHERE Point < %d" % (target.score)) cur.execute("INSERT INTO rank VALUES(?,?)", (rank, target.score)) else: cur.execute("INSERT INTO rank VALUES(?,?)", (len(dataList) + 1, target.score)) elif len(dataList) >= 5: for i in dataList: if i[1] < target.score: rank = i[0] break if rank != 0: cur.execute( "UPDATE rank SET Rank=Rank+1 WHERE Point<%d" % (target.score)) cur.execute("INSERT INTO rank VALUES(?,?)", (rank, target.score)) cur.execute("DELETE FROM rank WHERE Rank > 5") con.commit() cur.execute("SELECT * From rank ORDER BY Rank ASC") dataList = cur.fetchall() cnt = 0 text_rank.clear() textpos_rank.clear() for i in dataList: cnt = cnt + 1 text_rank.append( font.render( str(i[0]) + '. ' + str(i[1]), 1, (16, 224, 16))) textpos_rank.append( text_fps.get_rect(centery=CENTER_H + 25 + cnt * 25, centerx=CENTER_W - 20)) record_switch = True if (info.visibility == True): menu_alert_s.draw(screen) #Blit Blit.. screen.blit(text_fps, textpos_fps) screen.blit(text_score, textpos_score) screen.blit(text_timer, textpos_timer) screen.blit(text_red_ball, textpos_red_ball) screen.blit(text_blue_ball, textpos_blue_ball) screen.blit(text_green_ball, textpos_green_ball) if record_switch == True: screen.blit(text_ranking, textpos_ranking) for i in range(0, cnt): screen.blit(text_rank[i], textpos_rank[i]) pygame.display.flip() #Check collision!!! #traffic 과의 충돌 확인. 블루볼 먹었을 시에는 충돌 없음 for i in range(0, TRAFFIC_COUNT): if traffics[i].collision_check(car) == True: if car.blue_ball == True: traffics[i].respawn() else: car.impact() target.car_crash() if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(car, target_s, True): target.claim_flag() target.generate_finish() target_s.add(target) for i in range(0, ITEM_COUNT): if item[i].collision_check(car) == True: car.get_item(item[i].color) item[i].generate_items() item_s.add(item[i]) clock.tick(64)
and toppos > tale[tales].botpos + 2) and tales > 2 and not (tales == items.itemattributes_current['tales'] - 1): stopplay = 1 for tales in range(items.itemattributes_current['tales']): tale[items.itemattributes_current['tales'] - 1 - tales].drawtale(tale[items.itemattributes_current['tales'] - 1 - tales].midtpos) character.drawplayer(norm.pos()) # ##########Items########## # # Lager item if item_create: itemattributes_previous = items.itemattributes_current.copy() while True: item_create = 0 pen5.clear() items.att1 = itemattributes_previous.copy() items.att2 = itemattributes_previous.copy() item = items.Items(border, 1) item2 = items.Items(border, 2) if (item.itemname == item2.itemname) \ or (leftpos - 10 <= item.area[0][1] and rightpos + 10 >= item.area[0][0] and botpos - 10 <= item.area[1][1] and toppos - 10 >= item.area[1][0]) \ or (leftpos - 10 <= item2.area[0][1] and rightpos + 10 >= item2.area[0][0] and botpos - 10 <= item2.area[1][1] and toppos + 10 >= item2.area[1][0]): continue else: break # Hendelse ved kollisjon mellom character og item if leftpos <= item.area[0][1] and rightpos >= item.area[0][0] and botpos <= item.area[1][1] and toppos >= \ item.area[1][0] and not item_create: items.itemattributes_current = items.att1.copy() item_create = 1