def test_roundrobin_pickle2(protocol):
    rr2 = roundrobin([T(1)], [T(1), T(2), T(3)])
    assert next(rr2) == T(1)
    assert next(rr2) == T(1)
    assert next(rr2) == T(2)
    x = pickle.dumps(rr2, protocol=protocol)
    assert list(pickle.loads(x)) == [T(3)]
예제 #2
def test_traverse():
    """To test the traverse implementation we call gc.collect() while instances
    of all the C objects are still valid."""
    acc = iteration_utilities.accumulate([])
    app = iteration_utilities.applyfunc(lambda x: x, 1)
    cha = iteration_utilities.chained(int, float)
    cla = iteration_utilities.clamp([], 0, 1)
    com = iteration_utilities.complement(int)
    con = iteration_utilities.constant(1)
    dee = iteration_utilities.deepflatten([])
    dup = iteration_utilities.duplicates([])
    fli = iteration_utilities.flip(int)
    gro = iteration_utilities.grouper([], 2)
    ine = iteration_utilities.intersperse([], 1)
    iik = iteration_utilities.ItemIdxKey(10, 2)
    ite = iteration_utilities.iter_except(int, TypeError)
    mer = iteration_utilities.merge([])
    nth = iteration_utilities.nth(1)
    pac = iteration_utilities.packed(int)
    par = iteration_utilities.partial(int, 10)
    rep = iteration_utilities.replicate([], 3)
    rou = iteration_utilities.roundrobin([])
    see = iteration_utilities.Seen()
    sid = iteration_utilities.sideeffects([], lambda x: x)
    spl = iteration_utilities.split([], lambda x: True)
    sta = iteration_utilities.starfilter(lambda x: True, [])
    suc = iteration_utilities.successive([])
    tab = iteration_utilities.tabulate(int)
    une = iteration_utilities.unique_everseen([])
    unj = iteration_utilities.unique_justseen([])
def test_roundrobin_failure5():
    # Test that a failing iterator doesn't raise a SystemError
    rr = roundrobin(_hf.FailNext(offset=1, repeats=10),
                    [T(1), T(2), T(3), T(4)])
    assert next(rr) == T(1)
    assert next(rr) == T(1)
    with pytest.raises(_hf.FailNext.EXC_TYP, match=_hf.FailNext.EXC_MSG):
def test_roundrobin_failure_lengthhint2():
    # This only checks for overflow if the length_hint is above PY_SSIZE_T_MAX
    of_it = _hf.OverflowLengthHint(toT([1, 2, 3]), sys.maxsize + 1)
    it = roundrobin(of_it)
    with pytest.raises(OverflowError):

    with pytest.raises(OverflowError):
def test_roundrobin_failure_lengthhint1():
    f_it = _hf.FailLengthHint(toT([1, 2, 3]))
    it = roundrobin(f_it)
    with pytest.raises(_hf.FailLengthHint.EXC_TYP,

    with pytest.raises(_hf.FailLengthHint.EXC_TYP,
def test_roundrobin_failure_lengthhint3():
    # Check if by adding the different lengths it could lead to overflow.
    # We use two iterables both with sys.maxsize length.
    it1 = _hf.OverflowLengthHint(toT([1, 2, 3]), sys.maxsize)
    it2 = _hf.OverflowLengthHint(toT([1, 2, 3]), sys.maxsize)
    it = roundrobin(it1, it2)
    with pytest.raises(OverflowError):

    with pytest.raises(OverflowError):
def test_roundrobin_failure_setstate5():
    # setstate numactive > len(iteratortuple)
    rr = roundrobin([T(1), T(2), T(3), T(4)])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        rr.__setstate__((2, 1))
def test_roundrobin_failure4():
    # Test that a failing iterator doesn't raise a SystemError
    with pytest.raises(_hf.FailNext.EXC_TYP, match=_hf.FailNext.EXC_MSG):
        list(roundrobin([T(1), T(2)], _hf.FailNext()))
def test_roundrobin_failure2():
    with pytest.raises(_hf.FailIter.EXC_TYP, match=_hf.FailIter.EXC_MSG):
        roundrobin([T(1)], _hf.FailIter())
def test_roundrobin_normal4():
    # generator
    assert list(
        roundrobin((i for i in [T(1), T(2), T(3)]), (i for i in [T(1)]),
                   (i for i in [T(1), T(2)]))) == toT([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3])
def test_roundrobin_normal3():
    assert list(roundrobin([T(1), T(2)], [T(1), T(2), T(3)],
                           [T(1)])) == toT([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3])
def test_roundrobin_empty3():
    assert list(roundrobin([], (), {})) == []
def test_roundrobin_pickle1(protocol):
    rr = roundrobin([T(1), T(2), T(3)], [T(1), T(2), T(3)])
    assert next(rr) == T(1)
    x = pickle.dumps(rr, protocol=protocol)
    assert list(pickle.loads(x)) == toT([1, 2, 2, 3, 3])
def test_roundrobin_failure_setstate4():
    # setstate numactive <= active (numactive = 0)
    rr = roundrobin()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        rr.__setstate__((0, 1))
def test_roundrobin_lengthhint1():
    it = roundrobin([0], [1, 2, 3], [1])
    _hf.check_lengthhint_iteration(it, 5)
def test_roundrobin_empty1():
    assert list(roundrobin()) == []
def test_roundrobin_failure_setstate6():
    # setstate numactive > len(iteratortuple) (after exhausting one iterable)
    rr = roundrobin([T(1)], [T(1), T(2), T(3), T(4)])
    assert [i for i in itertools.islice(rr, 3)] == toT([1, 1, 2])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        rr.__setstate__((2, 1))
def test_roundrobin_copy1():
    _hf.iterator_copy(roundrobin([T(1), T(2), T(3), T(4)]))
def test_roundrobin_empty2():
    assert list(roundrobin([])) == []
def test_roundrobin_failure_setstate3():
    # setstate numactive <= active
    rr = roundrobin([T(1), T(2), T(3), T(4)])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        rr.__setstate__((1, 1))
def test_roundrobin_failure_setstate8():
        roundrobin([T(1)], [T(1), T(2), T(3), T(4)]))