예제 #1
    def test_case5(self):
        """Test translation of an element content"""
        po = POFile(string='msgctxt "img[alt]"\n'
                    'msgid "The beach"\n'
                    'msgstr "La playa"')
        xhtml = XHTMLFile(string=self.template %
                          '<img alt="The beach" src="beach.jpg" />')

        html = xhtml.translate(po)
        xhtml = XHTMLFile(string=html)

        messages = [unit[0] for unit in xhtml.get_units()]
        self.assertEqual(messages, [((TEXT, u'La playa'), )])
예제 #2
    def test_case4(self):
        """Test translation of an element content"""
        string = ('msgctxt "paragraph"\n'
                  'msgid "hello world"\n'
                  'msgstr "hola mundo"\n')
        p = POFile(string=string)

        string = self.template % '<p>hello world</p>'
        source = XHTMLFile(string=string)

        string = source.translate(p)
        xhtml = XHTMLFile(string=string)

        messages = [unit[0] for unit in xhtml.get_units()]
        self.assertEqual(messages, [((TEXT, u'hola mundo'), )])
예제 #3
    def _make_file(self, name, filename, mimetype, body, default_language):
        from webpage import WebPage

        if type(name) is not str:
            raise TypeError, 'expected string, got %s' % repr(name)

        # Web Pages are first class citizens
        if mimetype == 'text/html':
            body = tidy_html(body)
            class_id = 'webpage'
        elif mimetype == 'application/xhtml+xml':
            class_id = 'webpage'
            class_id = mimetype
        cls = self.database.get_resource_class(class_id)

        # Special case: web pages
        kw = {'filename': filename, 'data': body}
        if issubclass(cls, WebPage):
            kk, kk, language = FileName.decode(filename)
            if language is None:
                text = XHTMLFile(string=body).to_text()
                language = guess_language(text) or default_language
            kw['data'] = {language: body}

        return self.make_resource(name, cls, **kw)
예제 #4
    def test_case2(self):
        """Test simple attribute."""
        data = self.template % '<img alt="The beach" src="beach.jpg" />'
        doc = XHTMLFile(string=data)

        messages = [unit[0] for unit in doc.get_units()]
        self.assertEqual(messages, [((TEXT, u'The beach'), )])
예제 #5
    def test_case1(self):
        """Test element content."""
        data = self.template % '<p>hello little world</p>'
        doc = XHTMLFile(string=data)

        messages = [unit[0] for unit in doc.get_units()]
        self.assertEqual(messages, [((TEXT, u'hello little world'), )])
예제 #6
    def test_case3(self):
        """Test complex attribute."""
        data = self.template % ('<input type="text" name="id" />\n'
                                '<input type="submit" value="Change" />')
        doc = XHTMLFile(string=data)

        messages = [unit[0] for unit in doc.get_units()]
        self.assertEqual(messages, [((TEXT, u'Change'), )])
예제 #7
    def test_inline(self):
        doc = XHTMLFile(string='<p xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">'
                        'Hi <b>everybody, </b><i>how are you ? </i>'

        messages = [unit[0] for unit in doc.get_units()]
        expected = [((TEXT, u'Hi '), (START_FORMAT, 1), (TEXT, u'everybody, '),
                     (END_FORMAT, 1), (START_FORMAT, 2),
                     (TEXT, u'how are you ? '), (END_FORMAT, 2))]
        self.assertEqual(messages, expected)
예제 #8
    def test_form(self):
        """Test complex attribute."""
        # The document
        doc = XHTMLFile(string='<form xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">\n'
                        '  <input type="text" name="id" />\n'
                        '  <input type="submit" value="Change" />\n'

        messages = [unit[0] for unit in doc.get_units()]
        self.assertEqual(messages, [((TEXT, u'Change'), )])
예제 #9
 def filter(path, mimetype, body):
     # HTML
     if mimetype == 'text/html':
         source = XHTMLFile(string=body)
         target = XHTMLFile()
         elem = get_element(source.events, 'div', **{'class': 'body'})
         if not elem:
             print 'E', path
             return None
         elements = elem.get_content_elements()
         elements = rewrite_uris(elements, rewrite)
         elements = list(elements)
         return target.to_str()
     # Skip
     elif mimetype in skip:
         return None
     # Keep
     elif mimetype in keep:
         return body
     # Unknown
         print 'X', path, mimetype
         return body
예제 #10
    def test_random(self):
        """Test element content."""
        # The document
        doc = XHTMLFile(string='<body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">\n'
                        '  <p>this <em>word</em> is nice</p>\n'
                        '  <a href="/"><img src="logo.png" /></a>\n'
                        '  <p><em>hello world</em></p><br/>'
                        '  bye <em>J. David Ibanez Palomar</em>\n'

        messages = [unit[0] for unit in doc.get_units()]
        expected = [((TEXT, u'this '), (START_FORMAT, 1), (TEXT, u'word'),
                     (END_FORMAT, 1), (TEXT, u' is nice')),
                    ((TEXT, u'hello world'), ),
                    ((TEXT, u'bye '), (START_FORMAT, 6),
                     (TEXT, u'J. David Ibanez Palomar'), (END_FORMAT, 6))]

        self.assertEqual(messages, expected)
예제 #11
    def test_paragraph(self):
        """Test formatted paragraph"""
        doc = XHTMLFile(
            string='<p xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">\n'
            'The Mozilla project maintains <em>choice</em> and\n'
            '<em>innovation</em> on the Internet. Developing the\n'
            'acclaimed, <em>open source</em>, <b>Mozilla 1.6</b>.\n'

        messages = [unit[0] for unit in doc.get_units()]
        expected = [
            ((TEXT, u'The Mozilla project maintains '), (START_FORMAT, 1),
             (TEXT, u'choice'), (END_FORMAT, 1), (TEXT, u' and '),
             (START_FORMAT, 2), (TEXT, u'innovation'), (END_FORMAT, 2),
             (TEXT, u' on the Internet.')),
            ((TEXT, u'Developing the acclaimed, '), (START_FORMAT, 3),
             (TEXT, u'open source'), (END_FORMAT, 3), (TEXT, u', '),
             (START_FORMAT, 4), (TEXT, u'Mozilla 1.6'), (END_FORMAT,
                                                         4), (TEXT, u'.'))
        self.assertEqual(messages, expected)
예제 #12
    def test_table(self):
        doc = XHTMLFile(string='<table xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">\n'
                        '  <tr>\n'
                        '    <th>Title</th>\n'
                        '    <th>Size</th>\n'
                        '  </tr>\n'
                        '  <tr>\n'
                        '    <td>The good, the bad and the ugly</td>\n'
                        '    <td>looong</td>\n'
                        '  </tr>\n'
                        '  <tr>\n'
                        '    <td>Love story</td>\n'
                        '    <td>even longer</td>\n'
                        '  </tr>\n'

        messages = [unit[0] for unit in doc.get_units()]
        expected = [((TEXT, u'Title'), ), ((TEXT, u'Size'), ),
                    ((TEXT, u'The good, the bad and the ugly'), ),
                    ((TEXT, u'looong'), ), ((TEXT, u'Love story'), ),
                    ((TEXT, u'even longer'), )]

        self.assertEqual(messages, expected)
예제 #13
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Import from Standard Library
from datetime import date, timedelta

# Import from itools
from itools.datatypes import Date
from itools.stl import stl
from itools.html import XHTMLFile

# Template to display full day events
default_template_fd = XHTMLFile(string="""
    <td class="color${event/cal}" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
      <a href="${event/url}" class="${event/STATUS}">${event/SUMMARY}</a>

# Template to display events with timetables
default_template = XHTMLFile(string="""
    <td xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
      colspan="${cell/colspan}" rowspan="${cell/rowspan}"
      valign="top" class="color${cell/content/cal}">
      <a stl:if="cell/newurl" class="add_event" href="${cell/newurl}">
        <img width="16" height="16" src="${add_icon}" />
      <a href="${cell/content/url}" class="${cell/content/STATUS}">
        <span class="summary">${cell/content/SUMMARY}</span>