예제 #1
    def test_map_africa(self):
        # Generate a regular grid of latitude and longitudes with 0.1
        # degree resolution for the region of interest.
        lat, lon = iturpropag.utils.regular_lat_lon_grid(lat_max=60,

        # Satellite coordinates (GEO, 4 E)
        lat_sat = 0
        lon_sat = 4
        h_sat = 35786 * u.km

        # Compute the elevation angle between satellite and ground stations
        el = iturpropag.utils.elevation_angle(h_sat, lat_sat, lon_sat, lat,

        # Set the link parameters
        f = 22.5 * u.GHz  # Link frequency
        D = 1.2 * u.m  # Antenna diameters
        p = 0.1  # Unavailability (Vals exceeded 0.1% of time)
        tau = 0  # polarization tilt angle
        eta = 0.5  # antenna efficiency

        # Compute the atmospheric attenuation
        Att = iturpropag.atmospheric_attenuation_slant_path(
            lat, lon, f, el, p, D, tau, eta)

        # Now we show the surface mean temperature distribution
        T = surface_mean_temperature(lat, lon)\
            .to(u.Celsius, equivalencies=iturpropag.u.temperature())

        # Plot the results
            m = iturpropag.utils.plot_in_map(
                cbar_text='Atmospheric attenuation [dB]',

            # Plot the satellite location
            m.scatter(lon_sat, lat_sat, c='white', s=20)
            # plt.show()
            m = iturpropag.utils.plot_in_map(
                cbar_text='Surface mean temperature [C]',
        except RuntimeError as e:
예제 #2
    def test_single_location_vs_p(self):
        # Ground station coordinates (Boston)
        lat_GS = 42.3601
        lon_GS = -71.0942

        # Satellite coordinates (GEO, 77 W)
        lat_sat = 0
        lon_sat = -77
        h_sat = 35786 * u.km

        # Compute the elevation angle between satellite and ground station
        el = iturpropag.utils.elevation_angle(h_sat, lat_sat, lon_sat, lat_GS,

        f = 22.5 * u.GHz  # Link frequency
        D = 1.2 * u.m  # Antenna diameters
        tau = 0  # polarization tilt angle
        eta = 0.5  # antenna efficiency

        # Define unavailabilities vector in logarithmic scale
        # p = np.logspace(-1.5, 1.5, 100)
        p = np.logspace(0.05, 0.695, 100)

        A_g, A_c, A_r, A_s, A_t = \
                    lat_GS, lon_GS, f, el, p, D, tau, eta, return_contributions=True)

        # Plot the results using matplotlib
        f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        ax.semilogx(p, A_g.value, label='Gaseous attenuation')
        ax.semilogx(p, A_c.value, label='Cloud attenuation')
        ax.semilogx(p, A_r.value, label='Rain attenuation')
        ax.semilogx(p, A_s.value, label='Scintillation attenuation')
        ax.semilogx(p, A_t.value, label='Total atmospheric attenuation')

        ax.set_xlabel('Percentage of time attenuation value is exceeded [%]')
        ax.set_ylabel('Attenuation [dB]')
        ax.grid(which='both', linestyle=':')
예제 #3
    def test_single_location(self):

        # Location of the receiver ground stations (Boston, MA)
        lat = 42.31
        lon = -70.91
            '\nThe ITU recommendations predict the following values\nfor the Rx ground station coordinates (Boston, MA)'
        print('Lat = 42.31, Lon = -70.91')

        # Link parameters
        el = 60  # Elevation angle equal to 60 degrees
        f = 22.5 * u.GHz  # Frequency equal to 22.5 GHz
        D = 1 * u.m  # Receiver antenna diameter of 1 m
        p = 0.1  # We compute values exceeded during 0.1 % of
        # the average year
        eta = 0.6  # Antenna efficiency
        tau = 45  # Polarization tilt
        print('Elevation angle:\t\t', el, '°')
        print('Frequency:\t\t\t', f)
        print('Rx antenna diameter:\t\t', D)
        print('Values exceeded during 0.1 percent of the year')
        print('Antenna efficiency:\t\t', eta)
        print('Polarization tilt:\t\t', tau, '°')

        # Compute atmospheric parameters
        hs = topographic_altitude(lat, lon)
        print('Topographic altitude                  [ITU-R P.1511]:\t', hs)
        T = surface_mean_temperature(lat, lon)
        print('Surface mean temperature              [ITU-R P.1510]:\t', T,
              '=', T.value - 273.15, '°C')
        P = pressure(lat, hs)
        print('Surface pressure                      [ITU-R P.835]:\t', P)
        T_sa = temperature(lat, hs)
        print('Standard surface temperature          [ITU-R P.835]:\t', T_sa,
              '=', T_sa.value - 273.15, '°C')
        rho_sa = water_vapour_density(lat, hs)
        print('Standard water vapour density         [ITU-R P.835]:\t', rho_sa)
        rho_p = surface_water_vapour_density(lat, lon, p, hs)
        print('Surface water vapour density (p=0.1%) [ITU-R P.836]:\t', rho_p)
        V = total_water_vapour_content(lat, lon, p, hs)
        print('Total water vapour content   (p=0.1%) [ITU-R P.836]:\t', V)

        # Compute rain and cloud-related parameters
        R_prob = rain_attenuation_probability(lat, lon, el, hs)
        print('Rain attenuation probability          [ITU-R P.618]:\t', R_prob)
        R_pct_prob = rainfall_probability(lat, lon)
        print('Rainfall probability                  [ITU-R P.837]:\t',
        R001 = rainfall_rate(lat, lon, p)
        print('Rainfall rate exceeded for p=0.1%     [ITU-R P.836]:\tt', R001)
        h_0 = isotherm_0(lat, lon)
        print('0°C Isotherm height                   [ITU-R P.839]:\t', h_0)
        h_rain = rain_height(lat, lon)
        print('Rain height                           [ITU-R P.839]:\t', h_rain)
        L_red = columnar_content_reduced_liquid(lat, lon, p)
        print('Reduced liquid columnar content (p=0.1%)    [P.836]:\t', L_red)
        A_w = zenith_water_vapour_attenuation(lat, lon, p, f, h=hs)
        print('Zenith water vapour attenuation:      [ITU-R P.676]:\t', A_w)

        # Compute attenuation values
        A_g = gaseous_attenuation_slant_path(f, el, rho_p, P, T)
        print('Gaseous attenuation slant path        [ITU-R P.676]:\t', A_g)
        A_r = rain_attenuation(lat, lon, f, el, p, tau, hs=hs)
        print('Rain attenuation                      [ITU-R P.618]:\t', A_r)
        A_c = cloud_attenuation(lat, lon, el, f, p)
        print('Cloud attenuation                     [ITU-R P.840]:\t', A_c)
        A_s = scintillation_attenuation(lat, lon, f, el, p, D, eta)
        print('Scintillation attenuation             [ITU-R P.618]:\t', A_s)
        A_t = iturpropag.atmospheric_attenuation_slant_path(
            lat, lon, f, el, p, D, tau, eta)
        print('Atmospheric attenuation slant path    [ITU-R P.618]:\t', A_t)
예제 #4
    def test_single_location_vs_f(self):
        # Ground station coordinates (Boston)
        lat_GS = 42.3601
        lon_GS = -71.0942

        # First case: Attenuation vs. frequency        #

        # Satellite coordinates (GEO, 77 W)
        lat_sat = 0
        lon_sat = -77
        h_sat = 35786 * u.km

        # Compute the elevation angle between satellite and ground station
        el = iturpropag.utils.elevation_angle(h_sat, lat_sat, lon_sat, lat_GS,

        f = 22.5 * u.GHz  # Link frequency
        D = 1.2 * u.m  # Antenna diameters
        p = 1
        tau = 0  # polarization tilt angle
        eta = 0.5  # antenna efficiency

        f = np.logspace(-0.2, 2, 100) * u.GHz

        Ag, Ac, Ar, As, A =\
            iturpropag.atmospheric_attenuation_slant_path(lat_GS, lon_GS, f,
                                                    el, p, D, tau, eta,

        # Plot the results
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        ax.loglog(f, Ag, label='Gaseous attenuation')
        ax.loglog(f, Ac, label='Cloud attenuation')
        ax.loglog(f, Ar, label='Rain attenuation')
        ax.loglog(f, As, label='Scintillation attenuation')
        ax.loglog(f, A, label='Total atmospheric attenuation')

        ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [GHz]')
        ax.set_ylabel('Atmospheric attenuation [dB]')
        ax.grid(which='both', linestyle=':')
        plt.legend(loc='upper left')

        # Second case: Attenuation vs. elevation angle #

        f = 22.5 * u.GHz
        el = np.linspace(5, 90, 100)

        Ag, Ac, Ar, As, A =\
            iturpropag.atmospheric_attenuation_slant_path(lat_GS, lon_GS,
                                                    f, el, p, D, tau, eta,

        # Plot the results
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        ax.plot(el, Ag, label='Gaseous attenuation')
        ax.plot(el, Ac, label='Cloud attenuation')
        ax.plot(el, Ar, label='Rain attenuation')
        ax.plot(el, As, label='Scintillation attenuation')
        ax.plot(el, A, label='Total atmospheric attenuation')

        ax.set_xlabel('Elevation angle [deg]')
        ax.set_ylabel('Atmospheric attenuation [dB]')
        ax.grid(which='both', linestyle=':')
예제 #5
    def test_multiple_locations(self):
        # Obtain the coordinates of the different cities
        # cities = {'Boston': (42.36, -71.06),
        #           'New York': (40.71, -74.01),
        #           'Los Angeles': (34.05, -118.24),
        #           'Denver': (39.74, -104.99),
        #           'Las Vegas': (36.20, -115.14),
        #           'Seattle': (47.61, -122.33),
        #           'Washington DC': (38.91, -77.04)}
        cities = {  #'Geneva': (46.20, 6.15),
            'New York': (40.71, -74.01),
            'Nairobi': (-1.28, 36.82),
            'Beijing': (39.93, 116.38),
            'Moskwa': (55.75, 37.62),
            'Buenos Aires': (-34.60, -58.38),
            'Sidney': (-33.85, 151.20),
            'Cherrapunji': (25.30, 91.70)

        lat = [coords[0] for coords in cities.values()]
        lon = [coords[1] for coords in cities.values()]

        # Satellite coordinates (GEO, 4 E)
        lat_sat = 0
        lon_sat = -77
        h_sat = 35786 * u.km

        # Compute the elevation angle between satellite and ground stations
        el = iturpropag.utils.elevation_angle(h_sat, lat_sat, lon_sat, lat,

        # Set the link parameters
        f = 22.5 * u.GHz  # Link frequency
        D = 1.2 * u.m  # Antenna diameters
        p = 0.1  # Unavailability (Vals exceeded 0.1% of time)
        tau = 0  # polarization tilt angle
        eta = 0.5  # antenna efficiency

        # Compute the atmospheric attenuation
        Ag, Ac, Ar, As, Att = iturpropag.atmospheric_attenuation_slant_path(
            lat, lon, f, el, p, D, tau, eta, return_contributions=True)

        # Plot the results
        city_idx = np.arange(len(cities))
        width = 0.15

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
               label='Total atmospheric Attenuation')
        ax.bar(city_idx - 1.5 * width,
               label='Rain attenuation')
        ax.bar(city_idx - 0.5 * width,
               label='Gaseous attenuation')
        ax.bar(city_idx + 0.5 * width,
               label='Clouds attenuation')
        ax.bar(city_idx + 1.5 * width,
               label='Scintillation attenuation')

        # Set the labels
        ticks = ax.set_xticklabels([''] + list(cities.keys()))
        for t in ticks:
        ax.set_ylabel('Atmospheric attenuation exceeded for 0.1% [dB]')

        # Format image
        ax.yaxis.grid(which='both', linestyle=':')
        ax.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.3), ncol=2)
        plt.tight_layout(rect=(0, 0, 1, 0.85))